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对于规则遵守的悖论讨论由来已久,不同的学者有着不同的观点和研究进路。克里普克对规则遵守悖论进行了激进的怀疑式解读,而布鲁尔批判地继承了克里普克的观点。同时,C.麦金对于规则遵守悖论提出个体主义的挑战。对于规则遵守悖论的讨论,孰是孰非,有待进一步分析与探讨。  相似文献   


In the absence of a randomized control trial, regression discontinuity (RD) designs can produce plausible estimates of the treatment effect on an outcome for individuals near a cutoff score. In the standard RD design, individuals with rating scores higher than some exogenously determined cutoff score are assigned to one treatment condition; those with rating scores below the cutoff score are assigned to an alternate treatment condition. Many education policies, however, assign treatment status on the basis of more than one rating-score dimension. We refer to this class of RD designs as “multiple rating score regression discontinuity” (MRSRD) designs. In this paper, we discuss five different approaches to estimating treatment effects using MRSRD designs (response surface RD; frontier RD; fuzzy frontier RD; distance-based RD; and binding-score RD). We discuss differences among them in terms of their estimands, applications, statistical power, and potential extensions for studying heterogeneity of treatment effects.  相似文献   

通过从质量与成本悖论的角度进行研究,针对性地提出传统质量成本模型改进的范例,引导企业树立成本分层以及换思路降低成本的理念,打造企业全员质量文化,创造富有竞争力的质量,有效引导消费者五个对策。  相似文献   

论“道德悖论”作为一种悖论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于道义悖论与"道德悖论"的比较分析,论证后者不能归于严格的逻辑悖论,而应视作一种"类悖论道德困境";结合逻辑悖论社会文化功能的探讨,指明开展类悖论道德困境研究的重要价值.  相似文献   

This essay studies how tragedy works in William Shakespeare'sKing Lear.It presents the argnments througt,the illustration of a paradox of the play.It concludes that,it is the powerful presentation of the worst side of human nature thatachieves the play's greatness.  相似文献   

Multiple tensions exist as part of the coaching process. How a coach responds to these tensions is a fundamental determinant of an athlete or team’s fate. In today’s highly competitive, socially demanding, and ever-changing sports environment, and as the expectations on coaches become more complex, the paradox becomes a critical lens to understand and assist contemporary coaches. This article defines the paradox based on a synthesis of existing literature and proposes an organizing framework for categorizing tensions relevant to coaching. This review draws distinctions between the paradox and other similar constructs, such as dilemmas and dialectics. In doing so, it is suggested that tensions are inherent and persistent to the coaching process and that purposeful management of paradoxical forces over time can lead to a tradition of success. Together, the review of literature and frameworks provide the foundations of a paradoxical perspective of coaching, offer clarity, provoke discussion, and fuel future research.  相似文献   

无意识是精神分析的基本临床概念,由于其独有的理论特色,诸多现象学家试图对其合理性进行辩护或提出质疑。结果表明,无意识概念在哲学现象学中是无法直接自洽的。现象学精神病理学的发展为精神分析和现象学的沟通提供了契机,由于现象精神病学家对精神病的现象学反思是基于具体的临床分析经验而非抽象的先天逻辑结构,其对现象学的期待也停留在形式上的借鉴和启发上,而从未试图越界以某个现象学概念去直接取代无意识概念的临床地位,因此只有当精神分析和现象学被共同置于精神病理学的框架中,才有可能打破二者之间的天然隔阂。通过将对无意识概念的科学性反思转变为无意识在临床中的合理性问题,现象学精神病理学能够找到突破无意识困境的可能性。  相似文献   

从教学设计的角度出发,以建构主义学习理论为指导,在建构主义学习环境下对机电类专业毕业设计的教学设计.在毕业设计中以"学"为中心进行教学设计,使学生在毕业设计中更多的得到适应市场经济的能力和动手能力.  相似文献   

In this article, the author follows genealogical lines of analysis in an attempt to map the different discourses and practices that interweave women's position in education today. Education is theorised as a nexus of created paradoxical spaces, where the female self has attempted to surpass closed boundaries and to question the dichotomy of the feminised private and/or the masculine public. The author also considers the importance of time restrictions upon women's lives and pays attention to the multifarious ways these lives are highly structured by specific space/time regulations. The genealogical mapthat is drawn depicts various positions, where the female self has created parodic unities and temporary coalitions. Finally, in tracing exit points that education has offered women, the author considers some of the implications of feminist theories for the subversion of the various dilemmas and dichotomies the female subject has lived through.  相似文献   

这是2005年11月桂林全国辩证逻辑讨论会会议论文的后两部分(共四部分);前两部分以“悖论与自指”为题发表于《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2007年第2期。悖论及悖论性错误的直接原因是认为语句可以自我指称,而语句自指是不可能的。我们之所以认为语句自指可能,就是因为我们对语言的“当下、即时”这一重要性质缺乏理解所导致的某种混淆;这才是悖论及悖论性错误的根源所在。  相似文献   

在当下中国,各地都在掀起文明排队活动。文明排队对于建设文明社会的积极意义是不言而喻的。但在提倡文明排队的同时也暴露了一些问题:它颠倒了责任主体,它本意节约成本却浪费了社会资源,它以文明为目标本身却隐含着落后的观念、制度等。因此,对于提倡文明排队应慎重。  相似文献   

本文立足于康德物自体理论中一个悖论的解决,分别从思维和存在两个维度探析了物自体在思维内展开以及自身存在的方式。从对悖论前一种形式的解决可知,物自体的存在只是不可验证,但足以说明;其存在具有不可证性和目标性。从对悖论后一种形式的解决可知,物自体作为康德设定的存在就在思维之内,只是不能经验,即不是知识的对象,而是信仰的对象;物自体在思维之内具有不可知性和悬念性。总之,物自体以预设方式被思维,以超在方式存在。最终,将康德简单归结为不可知论者的传统看法得以纠正。  相似文献   

以女子标枪6 个变量因素为例, 对三组不同样本含量和F 的取值进行了多元回归分析, 结果表明: 在样本的成绩范围内, 样本n = 10 建立的“最优”回归方程与样本n = 60 , n = 30 的结论基本相同. 认为用样本n = 10建立“最优”回归方程既方便又省力. 强调在作逐步回归分析时, F 的检验临界值要取低些, 并指出: 在指标因素过多时, 应先聚类, 然后分别选出影响最大的指标建立“最优”方程.  相似文献   

论文从人道主义所含蕴的基本范畴、近代平等与自由等观念及人道主义诞生地--商品经济出发,深刻剖析了人道主义包含的七对悖论,揭示了人道主义的相对性与历史性.  相似文献   

To some, the fact of engineering education in industry may represent a paradox. It has been introduced in order to make it practical for the engineer to find a satisfying division of effort between pursuing immediate job goals and longer-term knowledge objectives. When one considers the economic objectives of industry, the objectives and responsibilities of engineers, and the effects of scientific and technological progress, the continued broad education of engineers seems a necessity. The discussion is intended to be helpful to individual engineers in determining their own knowledge objectives in connection with "engineering" their own personal development.  相似文献   

9.11事件以来,在美国的学术界和政界出现了一股令人关注的思潮,那就是“新帝国论”。“新帝国论”的基本内容是:(1)过分推崇美国的超强国力,(2)重新审视美国所面临的安全局势和潜在威胁,(3)强调实行“新帝国主义”政策来保护美国安全,强调实现美国霸权下的稳定的必要性和可行性。从某种意义上说,“新帝国论”的悖论是它看到了存在的问题,但是却给出了不恰当的答案。  相似文献   

蕴涵怪论是指在二值逻辑的蕴涵理论中,对蕴涵关系真的所有可能情况作某种解释而产生的怪异现象。蕴涵怪论的产生并非来自蕴涵关系本身。当人们把实质蕴涵的真用某一语句进行解释,或者由重言蕴涵式的必然性得到某种可能性,或者将某种实际的推论看作蕴涵关系时,怪论就可能会产生。蕴涵怪论的存在是实实在在的,试图消除蕴涵怪论的努力促进了蕴涵理论的发展。  相似文献   

Edgar Allen Poe had written a lot of excellent short stories during his lifetime and had a strong influence on American Litera ture.His famous masterpiece,The Fall of the House of Usher,shares a lot of features that other short stories of Poe have possessed,and is also an excellent collection and conveyance of the art of paradox.This article will provide a rough analysis on the paradoxical art by careful reading and comparing details in the short story.  相似文献   

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