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数字地下地球的提出有其深刻的时代背景、经济背景和技术背景。因此,如何适应数字地球发展的需要,尽快改革地球科学的教学,是培养高素质数字地球人才的关键所在,是促进数字地球快速发展的重要保证。为此,本文从数字地球的内涵与本质、特点及作用、背景与战略意义以及应采取的对待等几方面进行了初步研究,旨在抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

1988年,美国副总统戈尔在加利福尼亚科学中心提出“数字地球”的概念,认为数字地球是一种能嵌入海量地理数据、多分辨率和三维的地球描述方式。“数字地球”概念的提出,旨在以遥感卫星图像为主要的技术分析手段,在可持续发展、农  相似文献   

数字地球就是应用3S技术对地球信息的全方位、多维的、多分辨率的描述与表达.更新及时,获取方便.面对数字地球的发展,我国应抓住机遇,积极应对挑战,通过数字地球战略的实施,推动中国经济的跨世纪发展,保障国家安全与国际和平,促进信息科学技术、环境科学技术和地球科学的发展。  相似文献   

近来媒体的有关报道引起了人们对“数字地球”这一概念的兴趣,那么究竟什么是数字地球呢?为有效研究和解决有关地球的重大问题,目前世界上许多国家都在积极发展和运用先进的科学技术,如以遥感、地理信息系统、全球定位系统为代表的地球信息技术,以数字的方式获取、处理和应用关于地球自然和人文因素的空间数据,并以此为基础提出解决资源环境问题的科学方案和有力措施.增强对重大自然灾害的快速反应能力。与此同时,信息技术革命席卷全球,使人类对地球空间数据进行处理、分析的技术手段和观念发生了翻天覆地的变化。在这种情况下.近…  相似文献   

数字地球是地球科学、空间科学与信息技术交融的前沿,用新生研讨课的形式开设这门课程,通过小班化的学生自主学习和师生互动研讨,有助于学生在互联网技术高速发展的背景下对地球科学前沿知识的了解和掌握,也有助于学生批判性思维的培养,同时还可以帮助刚入学的新生尽快适应大学的课程学习。本文介绍了数字地球新生研讨课的开设背景、教学目标与内容体系,8个研讨的热点主题、教学效果以及存在的问题和未来课程改进的方向。  相似文献   

一、何为数字地球数字地球也就是信息化的地球。因为在使用计算机时,信息最终都要用0和1这两个数字表示,所以在许多情况下“数字”和“信息”可以互相通用。信息化的地球是一种地球信息模型,它把地球上每一角落的各种信息都收集起来,按照地球上的地理坐标对它们进行加工整理,建成一个完整的信息模型。这样,我们就可以快速、完整、形象地了解地球上每一角落的宏观和微观的情况。二、数字地球的提出数字地球是美国副总统戈尔于1998年1月31日在加利福尼亚科学中心做的“数字地球——21世纪我们这颗星球”讲演中提出的新概念。…  相似文献   

去年6月1日,江泽民主席在接见两院院士的讲话中,提到了“数字地球”这一新概念。“数字地球”是美国副总统戈尔于1998年1月31日在加利福尼亚科学中心所作的“数字地球─—认识21世纪我们这颗星球”的演讲中提出的新概念。数字地球指的是地球信息模型。在这里,“数字”是“信息”的同义语。数字地球则是把地球上每一角落的信息都收集起来,按照地球上的地理坐标建立起完整的信息模型。这样,我们就可以快速地、完整地、形象地了解地球上各种宏观的和微观的情况,并充分发挥这些数据的作用。至于什么是数字地球,有的专家形象地说,数宇地…  相似文献   

(一) 数字地球近来媒体的有关报道引起了人们对“数字地球”这一概念的兴趣,那么究竟什么是数字地球呢? 为有效研究和解决有关地球的重大问题,目前世界上许多国家都在积极发展和运用先进的科学技术,如以遥感、地理信息系统、全球定位系统为代表的地球信息技术,以数字的方式获取、处理和应用关  相似文献   

数字地球就是应用3S技术对地球信息的全方位、多维的、多分辨率的描述与表达,更新及时,获取方便.面对数字地球的发展,我国应抓住机遇,积极应对挑战,通过数字地球战略的实施,推动中国经济的跨世纪发展,保障国家安全与国际和平,促进信息科学技术、环境科学技术和地球科学的发展.  相似文献   

丁宁 《班主任》2000,(8):26-26
所谓“数字地球”可以理解为对真实地球及其相关现象统一的数字化重现和认识。其核心思想是用数字化的手段来处理整个地球的自然和社会活动诸方面的问题,最大限度地利用资源,并使普通百姓能够通过一定方式方便地获得他们想要了解的有关地球的信息。通俗地说就是虚拟地球。  相似文献   

科幻电影从诞生之日起就以新奇大胆的创意、绚丽夺目的视觉效果以及人类对未来或未知的孜孜探索精神,创造出崭新的电影空间,留给观众无尽的思考。中国科幻电影《流浪地球》和美国科幻电影《2001太空漫游》,是两部有着特殊意义的科幻作品,通过对这两部代表性的科幻电影进行比较,可以发现中国科幻电影和美国科幻电影在立意和价值取向的一些异同。深入思考二者之间的内在联系与区别,既可以更好地认识中国科幻电影发展的现实基础与创作特点,又可以找到中国科幻电影的未来发展空间。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to study the question of whether a phenomenological view of the Earth could be empirically endorsed. The phenomenological way of thinking considers the Earth as a material entity, but not as an object as viewed in science. In the learning science tradition, tracking the process of the conceptual change of the shape of the Earth, science’s view of the Earth as an object—a celestial body—has been applied. I reanalysed data published in Vosniadou and Brewer’s (Cognit psychol 24:535–585, 1992) seminal paper. According to my reanalysis of their interview material, it is plausible to conclude that the Earth as an infinite surface is the way to experience the Earth. Further, the ‘dual Earth model’ is the first model of the Earth as an object. I conclude that experiences in the lifeworld need to be taken into consideration more seriously in science education research.  相似文献   

The educational policy in Morocco is aimed at promoting the wide use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education and the adoption of interactive and autonomous digital resources for distance teaching and self-learning. The objective of this research is to evaluate the suitability of the existing digital educational resources for distance learning purposes by analysing their interactivity and autonomy. The study of the contents of 190 existing products for teaching and learning Life and Earth Sciences in high schools has revealed the existence of weaknesses related to interactivity and autonomy. The results have been used to set down guidelines for designers of future interactive and autonomous digital educational resources for distance learning use.  相似文献   

Earth at Rest     
Focus of this article is the current situation characterized by students’ de-rootedness and possible measures to improve the situation within the frame of education for sustainable development. My main line of argument is that science teachers can practice teaching in such a way that students are brought in deeper contact to the environment. I discuss efforts to promote aesthetic experience in science class and in science teacher education. Within a wide range of definitions, my main understanding of aesthetic experience is that of pre-conceptual experience, relational to the environment and incorporated in students’ embodied knowledge. I ground the idea of Earth at rest in Husserl’s phenomenological philosophy and Heidegger’s notion of science’ deprivation of the world. A critique of the ontological reversal leads to an ontological re-reversal that implies giving lifeworld experience back its value and rooting scientific concepts in students’ everyday lives. Six aspects of facilitating grounding in sustainability-oriented science teaching and teacher education are highlighted and discussed: students’ everyday knowledge and experience, aesthetic experience and grounding, fostering aesthetic sensibility, cross-curricular integration with art, ontological and epistemological aspects, and belongingness and (re-)connection to Earth. I conclude that both science students and student-teachers need to practice their sense of caring and belonging, as well as refining their sensibility towards the world. With an intension of educating for a sustainable development, there is an urgent need for a critical discussion in science education when it comes to engaging learners for a sustainable future.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的进步,人类进入了数字时代。数字时代的到来给影像艺术的创作增添了活力。面对这一形势,高校的影像艺术专业在学科发展规划、课程体系、实践教学等方面都应做出相应的调整与改革。  相似文献   

The generation and processing of data through digital technologies is an integral element of contemporary society, as reflected in recent debates over online data privacy, ‘Big Data’ and the rise of data mining and analytics in business, science and government. This paper outlines the significance of digital data within education, arguing for increased interest in the topic from educational researchers. Building on themes from the emerging sub-field of ‘digital sociology’, the paper outlines a number of ways in which digital data in education could be questioned along social lines. These include issues of data inequalities, the role of data in managerialist modes of organisation and control, the rise of so-called ‘dataveillance' and the reductionist nature of data-based representation. The paper concludes with a set of suggestions for future research and discussion, thus outlining the beginnings of a framework for the future critical study of digital data and education.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine self‐efficacy and other motivation variables among high school science students (n = 502); to determine the degree to which each of the four hypothesized sources of self‐efficacy makes an independent contribution to students' science self‐efficacy beliefs; to examine possible differences between life, physical, and Earth science classes; and to investigate patterns of gender differences that may vary among the fields of science. In Earth science classes, girls earned higher grades and reported stronger science self‐efficacy. In life science classes, girls earned higher grades but did not report stronger self‐efficacy, and did report higher science anxiety. In physical science, there were no gender differences in grades or self‐efficacy, but girls again reported higher levels of science anxiety. For boys across science fields, science self‐efficacy significantly predicted course grades and mastery experiences was the only significant predictor of self‐efficacy. For girls, self‐efficacy was also the strongest predictor of science grade across fields. Mastery experiences significantly predicted self‐efficacy in Earth science for girls, but social persuasions, vicarious experiences, and physiological states were better predictors of science self‐efficacy in life and physical science classes. Results support (Bandura, A., 1997) hypothesized sources of self‐efficacy, previous research findings on self‐efficacy in the domain of science, and validate the suggestion made by Lau and Roeser (2002) to disaggregate data by science field. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 955–970, 2008  相似文献   

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