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Many of the current approaches used in teaching and learning in engineering education are not the most appropriate to prepare students for the challenges they will face in their professional careers. The active involvement of students in their learning process facilitates the development of the technical and professional competencies they need as professionals. This article describes the organisation and impact of a mini-conference and project work – the creation of a software product and its introduction in the market – aimed at the development of professional competencies in general and writing skills in particular. The course was evaluated by assessing the students’ perception of the development of a number of professional competencies through a questionnaire completed by 125 students from two consecutive year groups. The results indicate that the project work and the mini-conference had a positive impact on students’ perceptions of the development of professional competencies.  相似文献   

学生核心素养的发展需要转变传统的教师知识结构,需要构建可引领学生的深度学习与合作学习的新教师素养。欧盟、美国以及新加坡等国际组织和国家的教师核心素养内涵和框架的比较研究可为我国教师的专业发展提供有益启示。促进学生核心素养发展的教师核心素养是知识、技能与价值的复杂融合,其核心是教师需要成为反思性实践者,其构建是一个终身学习的过程。  相似文献   

对400多名骨干教师的调查表明:一线教师对师范阶段教师专业素养的达成度具有很高的预期;一线教师对各子成分的预期达成度存在一定的差异,达成度从高到低排序依次是专业品德、职业技能、专业情感、通用能力、专业知识、专业理念、专业能力;一线教师注重专业素养达成方式的实践性,对于7个一级指标,选择了"理论学习+实践感悟"这一方式的被调查者比例最高。为此,建议:提高认识,重视专业素养的达成度;坚持素养发展导向,进行课程的统整设计;鼓励参与,加强教学活动的实践性;注重整合,提升学习任务的综合性;循序渐进,关注目标达成的渐进性。当然,高等院校也应注意适度的平衡,并加强与中小学校的沟通,寻求实践者的理解。  相似文献   

毕业生特质和职业能力框架是在华盛顿协议、悉尼协议和都柏林协议中逐渐形成的,工程流动论坛和工程大会中完善并提出。在介绍毕业生特质和职业能力框架形成的基础上,重点对协议规定为工程师、工程技术专家、工程技师三种职业发展做准备的毕业生特质和职业能力框架的具体内容进行介绍和分析,以为我国的高等工程教育和认证工作与国际接轨提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,用人单位对大学生就业能力的需求越来越高,提高大学生的职业核心能力显得尤其重要;结合本校市场营销学课程教学的现状和存在的问题,提出了以培养大学生职业核心能力为目标,基于职业核心能力培养的市场营销学课程教学改革。  相似文献   

An Australian study of generic competencies required by engineers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Engineering curricula have expanded in recent decades. In addition to science and technical engineering, they now include several non-technical competencies. This is a trend reinforced by programme accreditation. The authors take the viewpoint that it is important to ensure that graduates have the competencies they will require for their work. The following question is addressed: What are the generic competencies that engineers graduating in Australia require for their work as engineers?

Competencies were identified from a broad range of literature and then rated by 300 established engineers for importance to their jobs. The results indicated that non-technical, attitudinal and technical competencies were perceived to be important. Eleven competency factors were revealed empirically. Profiles of these competency factors among graduates would assist evaluation and improvement of engineering programmes. This is the first quantitative study conducted in Australia that encompassed all engineering disciplines and focused on established engineers rather than recent graduates.  相似文献   

在成人教育专业化发展趋势下,美国将成人教育教师资格作为促进教师有效教学、提高成人教育绩效的手段。本文分析了美国联邦教育部的指导性文件《成人教育教师资格及绩效指示》及其实施情况,对美国成人教育教师资格的指导理念、内涵特征、实施环境、使用途径及其意义和作用进行了评析。  相似文献   

This article analyses the effect of the teaching-learning methods used in Spanish universities on three measures of educational output: average mark, graduates’ assessment of their professional performance in different dimensions, and their assessment of the acquisition of professional competencies and skills. Multi-level models were used in which graduates (first level) are grouped by field of study (second level). The Class attendance and Written work methods have the most influence on the average mark but influence the graduates’ working future the least, as measured with assessments of professional aspects or competencies. In contrast, Problem-based learning, In-company internships and Practical and methodological knowledge are the methods that bear the most influence on the graduates’ professional careers and their development of specific professional competencies.  相似文献   

Only a low percent of women follow studies and develop careers in the field of engineering and computer technologies (E/CT). An initiative for motivating and supporting young women towards future educational paths and careers in this field was undertaken in the framework of a European thematic network with the involvement of universities from almost all European countries. Mentoring was one of the most significant considerations during the first stage of the project. Twenty-six partners contributed with their views, suggestions and answers to a specific questionnaire on identifying the various qualifications building the profile of a prospective mentor. The paper discusses the important elements of mentoring schemes addressed to women deciding engineering education and career and analyses the proper mentor’s competencies. The study reveals that mentors should have a wide range of qualifications apart from their technical background, such as good professional level and training experience, as well as willingness, communication skills and other individual characteristics related to their personality.  相似文献   

以辅导员核心素养的内涵界定为逻辑起点,构建分析框架,运用Nvivo11质性分析软件分析国家政策对辅导员核心素养在不同发展阶段的不同要求,同时从辅导员道德素养、能力素养、知识素养上提出建议:注重突显辅导员职业特点的“道德素养”的政策制定理念、建立辅导员能力素养评价机制、构建以“知识素养”为基础的培养体系。  相似文献   

Taking as reference the proposals of the European Higher Education Area, the aim of this study is to identify the competencies which a wide sample of teachers in Spanish primary schools (6–12 age group) consider to be important for their professional performance and which they use in their everyday teaching, and to what extent their university training prepared them for their practising professional development. To do this, an ad hoc instrument was devised and applied to experienced practising teachers and to teacher trainees who were on teacher training placements during the last semester of their course. The results of the study show that initial teacher training should deal in depth with the competencies related to the organisation and management of teaching–learning, the use of new technologies in the primary classroom, the involvement of the families, education in values, social skills and skills for working in professional groups. Finally, proposals are made for training based on the articulation between theory and practice, to allow the professional competencies mentioned to be developed and used in practice, as well as encouraging close collaboration between teacher trainers and experienced practising teachers.  相似文献   

当前高职教育重视技能培训,专业细分,而相对较少研究学生的素养培养,创新能力,管理能力等软能力的培养。职业核心能力是除专业岗位能力之外取得成功所必需的基本能力,从专业岗位出发,立足岗位对人的要求,以人为本,从人出发,提出高职院校职业核心能力嵌入式教学模式,教学过程与效果取得显著效果。  相似文献   

The Adolescent Sexual Health Work Group commissioned the development of core competencies that define the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for all providers of adolescent sexual and reproductive health. This article describes the background and rationale for this set of competencies, the history and use of competencies, and the process involved in creating the core competencies. It explores the ways that educators can use them to strengthen classroom instruction and improve outcomes for adolescents in the area of reproductive health. Several additional tools that guide the application of the competencies to human resources, self-assessment, performance assessment, professional development, and program evaluation are described.  相似文献   

One of the goals of higher professional education is to develop generic student competencies across a variety of disciplines that play a crucial role in education and that provide wider opportunities for graduates in finding good jobs and more chance of promotion. In this article a list of generic competencies developed in Russian universities is compared with a similar list developed by a consortium of Russian and European universities (project TUNING-RUSSIA). Then there is a second comparison with a list of competencies taken from the CDIO Syllabus. This comparison indicates the degree of similarity among the lists and the possible convergence among universities all over the world. The results are taken from a survey carried out among Russian employers, academics, and graduates. The survey asked to rate each listed competence by its importance and the degree of achieving goals in the process of the education.  相似文献   

关键能力指独立于具体的专业能力以外的能力.工作领域对从业人员关键能力的一致性要求已成为中高职一体化教育关注的目标.结合区域经济特点,基于数据挖掘技术中的AHP层次分析法,探索对中高职衔接中学生的"关键能力"各权重值进行剖析的一种方法,为中高职一体化衔接及制定中高职衔接一体化人才培养模式提供科学参考.  相似文献   

Historically, addiction has been an area in which Canadian social workers have received limited formal education. This reality led to the development of 18 core technical competencies through the auspices of the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse in 2006. A survey of Canadian schools and faculties of social work found that social work students might obtain a grounding in many of these competencies, however, there was no certainty of this. An option now for those interested in becoming more proficient in this field of addiction is a specialized distance education program developed by McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Along with meeting the majority of the core competencies, there are several other attributes that make this program unique. It offers 27 distinct addiction-specific course options at both an introductory and an advanced level; has continuous enrollment allowing students to begin a course at the beginning of any month; has no minimum course load requirement; and meets the academic requirements for optional certification through the Canadian Addiction Counselors Certification Federation. In a nation like Canada, with a small population spread across a large geographic area, the Addiction Studies Program may serve as a template for offering specialized distance education to enhance professional competencies and thus better prepare social workers to serve community needs.  相似文献   

探寻幼教机构管理者的核心素养,有助于幼儿园园长专业发展目标的聚焦。美国《德克萨斯州幼教实践者与管理者的核心素养》参考多个州幼教管理者核心素养的框架标准,定义不同等级幼教机构管理者的核心素养,明确核心素养领域的核心概念与可观察技能,为每一个可观察的素养提供可操作的评价。借鉴德克萨斯州幼教管理者核心素养方面的有益经验,有助于更好地开展我国幼儿园园长核心素养的研究及其核心素养的培养。  相似文献   

新建本科院校的定位是关系到学校发展是否具有特色的关键,论文介绍了我校提出的"应用型本科教育就是就业教育,其培养模式是职场教育模式"办学特色;分析了土木工程专业的核心能力及职场教育培养核心能力的必要性和重要性;并结合我系实际情况提出了建设职场的方案,为我系的土木工程专业办出特色寻找理论层面的支撑体系。  相似文献   

The authors used the Delphi method to identify counselor education teaching competencies. There were 3 phases of data collection, resulting in 152 teaching competencies within 4 domains: knowledge, skills, professional behaviors, and dispositions. Counselor educators and counselor education doctoral students might use these competencies to promote counselor educator training and teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

为了更好地理解中国三维课程目标和学科核心素养之间的关系,以加拿大BC省11和12年级的"计算机数学"为个案,解析了学生核心素养和学科核心素养如何体现在具体的学科课程中.BC省新课程框架合理处理了学生核心素养和学科核心素养的关系,落实了"培养有教养的公民"的教育目标.这可以为中国基础教育学科核心素养课程的开发与落实提供帮助,加强学科核心素养与学生核心素养培养的融合.  相似文献   

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