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The advantages of training children in social skills is now being recognised but time for carrying out such programmes during school hours is often limited. One alternative is to organise a summer school. Alun Flynn, educational psychologist, Kent School Psychological Service, describes the programme for primary school pupils with social and behavioural difficulties which he organised during the summer holidays.  相似文献   

学习障碍学生社会技能迁移及其干预   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习障碍学生的社会技能缺失主要表现在社会认知、判断力、情感识别能力、社会成熟、社会交往活动频率、人际排斥及社会技能迁移等方面,这些社会技能缺乏的表现可归为四种基本类型.学习障碍学生的社会技能干预模式主要包括直接教学形式和策略教学模式.教育者可根据社会技能缺失的类型和特点设计社会技能训练过程,并采取不同的干预方法对学习障碍学生进行干预.  相似文献   

通过对460名小学生的调查,可以发现:1.校园集体舞是团体辅导的一种形式,2.校园集体舞能改善同学间的人际交往,3.校园集体舞有助于小学生友谊的建立。因此,校园集体舞不仅是一新的校园活动内容,而且对小学生在身心方面以及建立同学间良好的、正常的交往方面都能起到积极的作用和意义。  相似文献   

The School Watch initiative is centred in South Wales and involves police liaison officers, primary schools and their pupils. In each interested school, the scheme is explained and the pupils then decide if they want to take part. A pupils' committee is elected which is given support and guidance by the liaison officer. A key element of the scheme is the involvement of the pupils themselves and the way the pupils' committee plays a major part in the choice and running of activities. The scheme benefits pupils both in terms of their personal and social development and in their attitudes to the police. The paper ends with a number of examples of the type of work that schools have undertaken within this scheme.  相似文献   

本研究采用单一被试研究设计,对五名小学学业不良儿童进行生活技能教育.结果表明:生活技能教育能够有效提升学业不良儿童课堂积极参与行为,降低学业不良儿童课堂消极参与行为,提升学业不良儿童课堂被动参与行为.  相似文献   

运用修订的儿童社会期望量表(CSD),采用多因素实验设计,测查了1-5年级高、中、低三类社会赞许性水平的197名小学生在积极、消极、中立三种教育情境下诚实性行为的差异.结果表明:(1)社会赞许性的高低会对被试的诚实性行为造成显著影响.社会赞许性越高,儿童发生不诚实行为的可能性就越大.(2)教育情境与年级因素存在交互作用.在积极的教育情境下,年级因素对诚实行为的作用显著.随着年级升高,儿童出现不诚实行为的概率增加.在消极与中立的教育情境下,年级因素的作用不显著.(3)教育情境与社会赞许性存在交互作用.在消极情境下,社会赞许性的高低会对儿童的诚实性行为造成显著影响,儿童的社会赞许性越高,其发生不诚实行为的概率越大.在积极和中立的教育情境下,社会赞许性的高低对诚实性行为不会造成显著影响.(4)社会赞许性与年级存在交互作用.高社会赞许性儿童中,儿童的不诚实行为随着年级的增高而变大.中等和低社会赞许性儿童的诚实性行为不会随年级发生显著变化.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代中期以来,我国的一些师范院校将“微格教学”引入了教师教育领域,主要用于研究教师教学技能。由于小学英语教育是学生学习英语的启蒙阶段,对教师的要求往往高于初中、高中、甚至高于大学教师。为此,探索新形势下能促进学生发展的未来小学英语教师教学技能是新时期又一项重要任务。每位高校教师教育工作者只有通过对微格教学和不同层面上的未来小学英语教师教学技能的理性认识,了解微格教学与未来小学英语教师教学技能发展的关系,才能探究出微格教学在未来小学英语教师教学技能发展中的训练系统。  相似文献   

新疆少数民族中小学双语教师教学能力发展特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语教师作为双语课堂教学任务的主要承担者与实施者,其教学能力对双语教育的质量具有决定性作用.双语教师的教学能力是双语教师专业素养在双语课堂教学中的具体体现,有着与常规任课教师不同的能力要求.双语教师教学能力的发展是一个动态的过程,可以分为三个阶段,每一个发展阶段都有自己独特的特征.并呈逐步完善成熟的趋势.  相似文献   

培养学生的计算能力是我国小学数学教学中的一项重要任务.四川省小学生的基本计算技能总体达到了数学要求;农村小学生的数学计算技能水平明显低于城镇小学生,而且农村小学生间差异水平大于城市小学生;小学生数学计算知识和技能在民族间总体水平没有显著差异;影响小学生数学计算知识和技能的典型问题有:数学计算概念不清,计算性质、法则等规律性知识掌握不好,思维能力比较弱等.  相似文献   

校园欺凌的发生与学生的社会情感学习能力有关。对西部五省的4744名学生进行追踪调查,发现学生的社会情感学习能力越高,校园欺凌行为越少;社会情感学习能力能够增加学生的正向学校归属感,减少负向学校归属感,进而对校园欺凌行为产生影响。因此,通过实施社会情感学习校本课程,发展学生的社会情感学习能力,创建关心的学校氛围,增强学生正向学校归属感,减少校园欺凌行为。  相似文献   

课件制作的评比应立足于教师信息素养的评比,减少对课件制作中艺术性、技术性的评比权重。在具体的评比实施中,可充分开放网络出口,让参赛教师自主地获取所需的素材资源,制作相应的课件,也可让教师构建一个学习网站的方式进行评比考查。此外,在课件制作评比的同时,还应加强实际实验操作技能的考查。  相似文献   

Randomized controlled trial evidence shows that interventions before age 5 can improve skills necessary for educational success; the effect of these interventions on socioeconomic inequalities is unknown. Using trial effect estimates, and marginal structural models with data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (= 11,764, imputed), simulated effects of plausible interventions to improve school entry academic skills on socioeconomic inequality in educational achievement at age 16 were examined. Progressive universal interventions (i.e., more intense intervention for those with greater need) to improve school entry academic skills could raise population levels of educational achievement by 5% and reduce absolute socioeconomic inequality in poor educational achievement by 15%.  相似文献   

学生课堂问题行为是教师职业压力的主要来源.近年来课堂问题行为的干预研究取得了新进展,在干预理念和干预方法方面发生了诸多变革.从注重课堂问题行为出现后的干预转向问题行为出现前的预防;从注重提升教师解决课堂问题行为的能力转向指导学生开展自我管理;从针对学生或教师个体的干预转向多元化、综合性的干预.本文对当前国外广泛应用的干预方法进行了梳理,并提出了对我国课堂问题行为干预研究的启示.  相似文献   

小学儿童社会创造性倾向与人格倾向的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随机选取410名3-6年级小学儿童,以<小学生社会创造性倾向问卷>和<艾森克个性问卷(EPQ)>(幼年版),考察了儿童社会创造性倾向与一般人格倾向的关系.结果表明:1.社会创造性倾向与神经质呈显著负相关,而与外向水平呈显著正相关,外向水平可正向预测、精神质可负向预测儿童的社会创造性倾向;2.低社会创造性的儿童精神质倾向较高,更内向,高社会创造性儿童相反.培养儿童的社会创造性,需要降低其精神质倾向,提高外向性.  相似文献   

Phonemic awareness is beginning to become rather a buzz term in discussions about methods of teaching reading and there is widespread agreement that children need to develop this awareness in order to read effectively. It is not yet clear exactly how they should be taught this awareness and Rhona Johnston and Joyce Watson here describe their research into this issue.  相似文献   

"小学科学教学技能"是小学教师的必修教法课程之一。通过本课程教学,使学生具备基本的小学科学教育理论和从事小学科学课程教学的能力,促使学生形成现代儿童观和教育观。但据调研,本课程的教学现状和教学目标达成度并不乐观。结合创新创业教育理念和教学实际,提出基于从业技能培养为导向的"小学科学教学技能"课程改革策略。  相似文献   

Research on the nature of and support for systemic sustainable innovation with ICT is converging with research on policy implementation and studies of school change and improvement to highlight the complex interplay of personal and contextual factors that enable and constrain innovation. In each of these fields, leadership has been found to play a crucial role in initiating and sustaining change and innovation. This leadership is not however the prerogative of any one individual but rather it is distributed over people at all levels of the system and across policies, practices and material resources. Leadership for innovation around and with ICT technologies is also distributed across time because of its substantial financial and knowledge implications. In this article, we illustrate the distributed nature of the leadership that supported teachers and schools to make use of teacher personal laptops accessed through the New Zealand government Laptops for Teachers scheme.  相似文献   

Two hundred and five 14-16 year olds from two Anglophone Canadian schools (99 females and 106 males) were given the Canadian Test of Cognitive Skills (an intelligence-type test) and the Cognitive Styles Analysis and their grade 9 scores in the subjects of French, English, mathematics, geography and science were obtained. The study first looked at the relationship between cognitive skills and cognitive style. The correlation between cognitive skills and cognitive style approached zero suggesting their independence. Having confirmed the independence of cognitive skills and cognitive style, their interactive effect, including gender, on subject performance was investigated by means of analysis of variance. There was a significant interaction between sex and subject; females were superior to males in all five subjects, but particularly so in French and English. There was also a significant interaction between skill, style and subject in their effect on performance. This was discussed in terms of the role of style in learning and the effect of skill/intelligence on strategy development.  相似文献   

以辽宁省2所小学的137名六年级儿童为被试,采用实验法探究儿童社会排斥对亲社会行为的影响以及自尊的调节与中介效应。结果发现:(1)社会接纳和不明确社会排斥能够提高儿童的亲社会行为,明确排斥降低儿童的亲社会行为;(2)特质自尊在儿童社会排斥对亲社会行为的影响关系中起调节作用,高特质自尊对其关系影响不显著,低特质自尊儿童的亲社会行为更容易受到排斥的影响;(3)在低特质自尊的儿童中,状态自尊在社会排斥对其亲社会行为的影响起中介作用。  相似文献   

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