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冯·赖特运用条件分析法对契合法、差异法、契合差异并用法做了全新的阐释和处理,但在国内尚未见到有人对其作深入系统的介绍和评价。为了改变国内的这种研究现状,我们将评介和阐释冯·赖特的条件分析法归纳其逻辑理论,目的在于发掘其科学知识的创新意义。 相似文献
归纳法在描述逻辑中关于定义、证明和算法三个方面都有应用,在这些应用中归纳法中的基始部分和归纳部分被着重注明. 相似文献
归纳法不等于归纳推理 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
郭芙蓉 《赣南师范学院学报》2001,(5):30-32
在归纳逻辑中归纳法和归纳推理始终没有明确的界限 ,有人把两者看成是同一关系的概念 ,有人把两者看成是包含关系的概念。本文的观点是归纳法不等于归纳推理 相似文献
经验归纳法和数学归纳法是数学发现与证明的2个重要方法,正确应用这2种归纳法,在数学教学和与自然数有关的证明中有着重要的意义. 相似文献
冯·赖特是现代西方第一位对“行为”进行较为系统的逻辑研究的逻辑学家。他的行为逻辑思想主要包括:通过对行为的理由的分析来解释人的行为;通过对行为语句的逻辑分析来建构行为逻辑系统。本文对冯·赖特的行为逻辑思想进行了介绍与评论。 相似文献
陈波 《湘潭师范学院学报(社会科学版)》2001,(3)
冯·赖特的学术研究范围十分宽广,具体涉及归纳逻辑、哲学逻辑、伦理学和行动理论、心智哲学、文化哲学和维特根斯坦研究等众多领域,并且大都卓有建树。其学术研究的特点是融通分析哲学和欧洲大陆哲学,是当今世界上处于分析传统和诠释学传统之间的杰出哲学家。 相似文献
王家林 《深圳信息职业技术学院学报》1998,(2)
本文将数学归纳法与多米诺骨牌游戏类比,形象地解释了数学归纳法的原理,达到了化难为易的目的;将运用数学归纳法的技巧归纳为一个“凑”字,使数学归纳法的证题思路具体化。 相似文献
介绍数学归纳法证题过程中常见的几种逻辑错误:忽视对起始命题的验算,曲解归纳定义,对归纳步骤形式的套用,循环论证以及用不完全归纳法代替数学归纳法,对出现错误的成困进行分析。 相似文献
在英语教学中,归纳法和演绎法是最常用的两种方法。然而课堂上只是单一的选用其中一种,教学效果不能达到最好,本文作者通过分析课堂上对这两种方法的实际运用,指出其存在的问题,得出合理的教学方法是将这两种方法有机德结合起来。 相似文献
新西兰被认为是拥有世界上最好教育体制的国家之一,特别是在教师教育制度方面另有一套完全独立的教育体系。"入职指导计划"是新西兰教师委员会为新教师的专业学习提供实践支持的一项教育指导计划,旨在提高教师专业发展能力,促进新西兰教师教育职前培养、入职指导和在职专业发展的一体化进程,以推动教师终身教育体系的形成与完善。 相似文献
Ro AitkenJudith Harford 《Teaching and Teacher Education》2011,27(2):350-356
This study examines the induction needs of a group of teachers at different career stages working in a socially disadvantaged secondary school in the Republic of Ireland. 44 teachers participated in the study, 11 of whom were student teachers, 11 of whom were newly qualified teachers and 22 of whom were experienced teachers returning to the school after an extended career break (4) or new to the school having previously worked in a different school (18). Through the use of both quantitative and qualitative techniques, including 44 questionnaires and nine semi-structured interviews, this study examines how a school-based induction programme can best accommodate the needs of a diverse group of teachers at different career stages. 相似文献
周玉 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2009,(4):123-127
《国家与革命》具有逻辑和历史相统一的时代特色,其中每一个原理和观点都是从已有的历史事实和发展过程中得出的确切结论,因而它能够从历史的逻辑中揭示历史的规律并预见历史的未来,在历史的发展中发挥着不可抗拒的逻辑力量:它不仅为20世纪社会主义国家的创建发挥了巨大的先导作用,而且为当前批判各种恶毒攻击暴力革命的错误思潮提供了强大理论武器,同时对我国在构建和谐社会的过程中长期坚持人民民主专政具有现实的指导意义。 相似文献
辨证地理解G .H .哈代的数学观 ,对当代数学教育和修订我国的《国家数学课程标准》极具启发意义。关于数学对象 ,哈代持极端的实在论观点 ,它有利于理解数学“主观的”客观实在性 ;关于数学本质 ,哈代持极端的完美主义 ,它有利于理解“为数学而数学”的理性追求和理性批判精神 ;关于数学证明 ,哈代持“内部的”和“外部的”两种证明的观点 ,它有利于理解数学的“整体观”和“文化功能”。 相似文献
劳伦斯一生热爱自然,憎恶丑恶的工业社会机制,正如他的作品。他的独到之处在于想通过正常的性来解决世界问题。肉体上的分离必然导致精神上的分歧,而这种婚姻的不幸必然导致新生的婚姻即阳物的婚姻的再生。那么查特莱夫人离开冷漠无情的丈夫,投入性器温柔的梅勒斯的怀抱就是注定的了。 相似文献
崔学新 《湖州师范学院学报》2003,25(5):48-51
Grice会话含意理论对外语教学具有实践指导意义,语言教师应引导学生运用已有信息,根据“合作原则”中的各项准则并结合语境对新信息进行语用推理,解读语篇中有意超越字面意义的隐含意义,强调含意论和语境论在外语教学中的作用。 相似文献
劳伦斯的短篇小说《母与女》讲述的是一对被称为女巫的母女反目成仇的故事。母亲老女巫的原型是邀请劳伦斯到陶斯的女巫梅布尔,劳伦斯在给他岳母的信里对梅布尔的描述,与在《母与女》对控制欲极强的老女巫母亲的描写几乎相同。女儿小女巫的原型是曼斯菲尔德,她们的人生结局基本一致。了解故事里的人物原型对于更好地理解《母与女》大有助益。 相似文献
Jānis T. Ozoli?? 《Educational Philosophy and Theory》2013,45(2):153-170
Abstract R. S. Peters never explicitly talks about wisdom as being an aim of education. He does, however, in numerous places, emphasize that education is of the whole person and that, whatever else it might be about, it involves the development of knowledge and understanding. Being educated, he claims, is incompatible with being narrowly specialized. Moreover, he argues, education enables a person to have a different perspective on things, ‘to travel with a different view’ [Peters, R. S. (1967). What is an educational process? In R. S. Peters (Ed.), The concept of education (pp. 1–23). Routledge and Kegan Paul]. In asserting this about education, Peters has more in common with another great English educator, John Henry, Cardinal Newman, than one might expect, given they are separated by about a century and start from different philosophical perspectives, namely Kant to a significant degree in the former and Aristotle in the latter. Both nevertheless acknowledge the importance of reason and its development in any education worthy of the name. I will argue that in describing the ‘educated person’ Peters is not far from the view of Newman, who saw education as being about the ‘enlargement of mind’. Although Newman hesitates to call ‘enlargement of mind’ wisdom, and Peters does not use either term, there are good grounds for proposing that in distinguishing between education and training, and in asserting education is moral education because it is concerned to improve persons, Peters acknowledges the higher purposes of education and hence, we can add, its connection with wisdom. Significantly, what such a reading of Peters emphasizes is his insistence on the intrinsic value of education, a view seemingly lost in modern market-driven conceptions of education. 相似文献
高万隆 《临沂师范学院学报》2007,29(1):62-66
劳伦斯笔下的厄秀拉是一位现代恋爱与婚姻关系的探索者。她的思想随探索而演变。恋爱和婚姻是厄秀拉生活的中心。她的性爱观点表现了劳伦斯所说的人类感情现实,是劳伦斯性爱理论的诠释者。在恋爱婚姻方面,厄秀拉的斗争不是为争取支配权,而是为了寻求一位能引导她走向创造性生活的男人。她与两个男人有过恋爱和婚姻关系,与前者由于彼此个性和思想的差异而分手,与后者虽然彼此也有分歧和斗争,但经过磨合,最终实现了尊重彼此个性,实现了一种“行星式均衡”的婚姻关系。劳伦斯这一解决方案是否有效值得探讨。 相似文献
ABSTRACT In response to a perceived reluctance to engage with poetry on the part of teachers and trainee teachers, a questionnaire was administered to a group of 48 trainees in their second year of training, before they undertook the part of their course dealing with the teaching of poetry. Their responses indicated that they had had a positive experience of poetry during their own primary education but had ceased to enjoy or understand poetry at secondary level. In discussing the responses, attention is drawn to the importance of understanding the difference between poetry as a specialist subject and as a vehicle for teaching other things. The difference between ‘enjoyment’ and ‘appreciation’, as outlined by Wittgenstein, is defined and applied to the study of poetry. Ways of extending trainees’ understanding and ability to teach poetry are explored. It is concluded that in order to get ‘on the inside of the subject they should (a) be allowed to respond freely to poetry at their own level and (b) be initiated into the kind of skills and knowledge which will enable them to identify the progressive features of poetry itself as well as the instrumental aspects of poetry teaching in the primary school. 相似文献