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国际趋势表明自闭症谱系障碍儿童干预方法的有效性需循证实践来检验。美国自闭症干预方法的循证实践过程经历了研究文献筛选、建立证据强度分类系统、干预次级分类系统三个阶段,循证实践结果将当前的自闭症干预方法划分为已经证实有效的方法、正在形成有效的方法、尚未证实的方法。我国自闭症教育研究者及临床工作者应遵循循证实践,科学选择干预方法。  相似文献   

Research Findings: To date, studies comparing the mathematical abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing children are scarce, and results remain inconclusive. In general, studies on this topic focus on mathematical abilities learned from elementary school onward, with little attention for possible precursors at younger ages. The current exploratory study focused on the important developmental period of preschool age, investigating 5 early numerical competencies in 30 high-functioning children with ASD and 30 age-matched control children: verbal subitizing, counting, magnitude comparison, estimation, and arithmetic operations. Children were examined at 5 or 6 years of age, attending the 3rd and final year of preschool. Overall, rather similar early number processing was found in children with and without ASD, although marginally significant results indicated a weaker performance of children with ASD on verbal subitizing and conceptual counting. Practice or Policy: Given the pervasiveness and impact of ASD on other domains of functioning, it is important to know that no general deficits in early numerical competencies were found in this study. However, some downward trends in mathematics performance were identified in children with ASD, which can serve as the basis for additional research in this field.  相似文献   

A preliminary study was conducted to investigate the physical activity status of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related demographic characteristics. Thirty-four parents completed the IPAQ-S and demographic survey. Mean metabolic equivalent-minutes per week (MET-min/week) across participants was 3371. Significant correlations were found between parent’s age and moderate (τ = .287, p = .034) and vigorous (τ = .318, p = .020) physical activity minutes as well as vigorous (τ = .308, p = .021) and total (τ = .366, p = .005) MET-min/week. Similarly, significant correlations were found between child’s age and walking minutes (τ = .412, p = .002), walking MET-min/week (τ = .380, p = .005) and total MET-min/week (τ = .342, p = .010). This study provides current evidence about the physical activity participation of parents of children with ASD, and demonstrates a need for further research exploring barriers and facilitators towards physical activity for this population.  相似文献   

We examined explicit and implicit processes in response to third-party moral transgressions in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Twenty 4- to 7-year-old children with ASD and 19 typically developing controls evaluated dynamic visual stimuli depicting intentional or accidental harm to persons or damage to objects. Moral evaluations, eye fixations, and pupil dilations toward the stimuli were collected. Results indicate a preserved capacity to understand the mental states of perpetrators and an implicit moral sensitivity to the third-party harms in children with ASD. Nonetheless, children with ASD showed specific sensitivity and emotional arousal when viewing damage to objects. These findings contribute to the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of moral reasoning in ASD and its possible association with the autistic symptoms.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系儿童的典型特点之一是社会性发展障碍,目前国外有许多针对孤独症谱系儿童的社会交往干预方式,近几年也出现了视觉文本干预方式的研究,因此,需要对视觉文本干预方式的有效性进行分析。通过对国外文献的查询、整理和分析,发现各研究结果均显示出视觉文本干预能够增加儿童积极的沟通行为,社会交往也能够泛化到新的同伴、新的环境以及新的刺激当中。  相似文献   

自我刺激行为是自闭症的常见行为之一,虽然它不一定是挑战性行为,但是严重的自我刺激行为会损害自闭症的身体,阻碍自闭症的社会性发展.通过对文献的梳理,分析自我刺激行为与挑战性行为、重复刻板行为的关系、自我刺激行为的表现形式及形成原因等,重点探讨自闭症自我刺激行为的干预策略,为今后的研究和干预提供参考.  相似文献   

自闭谱系障碍儿童被称为"特殊儿童之王",基于自闭症谱系障碍儿童的核心缺陷是"社会性"发展的缺陷,融合教育对儿童的发展有积极的意义。我国现在也有越来越多的自闭谱系障碍儿童进入普通学校普通班级就读,但近年很多新闻报道这些儿童在随班就读过程中遭遇到困难,甚至被普通家长联名劝退。因为实现真正的融合,并不是简单地将特殊儿童安置在普通教育环境,还需要同时提供系统性的综合的持续的支持和相关服务。本文运用综述研究、实地观察等方法,对美国小学阶段自闭谱系障碍儿童融合教育支持体系的构成和运作机制进行综合分析,以期为我国建设自闭谱系障碍儿童融合教育支持体系提供参考和建议,来提升自闭谱系障碍儿童随班就读的有效性。  相似文献   

In this case study, a co-operative inquiry process was used to facilitate the expansion of inclusive early childhood education and care practices in a rural community in the Midwest. A university and a community researcher first engaged in interviews and site visits, during which they learned how a three-member inclusion team of early care and education professionals initiated changes in practice from self-contained to inclusive special education and therapy. Key practices included responding to families’ priorities, changing roles, and providing integrated services and support for children’s successful transitions into Kindergarten. The second part of the research consisted of action planning during focus groups and community meetings, which resulted in social recognition from the school district, technical assistance through state improvement grant funding, and better preschool options for young children with disabilities. *We gratefully acknowledge partial funding of this research by the Dean's Office at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and State Improvement Grant funding by the Department of Public Instruction.  相似文献   


Objective . To explore whether maternal sensitivity is associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) severity in children with and without ASD. Design . The samples consisted of 25 Mexican dyads of children with ASD (aged 3.1-6.9 years) and their mothers (aged 20-47 years) and 24 Mexican dyads of children without ASD (aged 3.4-6.7 years) and their mothers (aged 24-45 years). Maternal sensitivity and ASD severity symptoms were scored from 2-h videos of mother-child daily interactions. Results . A between-group comparison showed a trend toward less severe ASD in children with highly sensitive mothers, specifically in the Nonverbal Communication subdomain. Conclusions . Greater maternal sensitivity is associated with improved social ability in children with ASD.  相似文献   

This study compared most-to-least prompting to flexible prompt fading for teaching four children with an autism spectrum disorder various expressive tasks. Using a parallel treatment design nested into a multiple probe design, researchers taught each participant how to expressively label six pictures with most-to-least prompting and six pictures with flexible prompt fading. The researchers evaluated effectiveness, maintenance, efficiency, and performance across both prompting conditions and across all participants. Results indicated that both prompting procedures were effective across all four participants. Results also indicated that flexible prompt fading led to a higher percentage of independent correct responding during teaching trials. For three of the participants, flexible prompt fading was also a more efficient procedure. Results were mixed in terms of maintenance across the four participants.  相似文献   

孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童是一群存在社交沟通障碍并且行为重复刻板的孩子,在症状和严重程度上存在着连续性特征,其中一部分ASD儿童具有接受普通教育的可能,将其与发育落后儿童一起进行小组教学,互相取长补短,对于两类孩子的生涯发展都大有裨益,这种联合教育的模式就是混合教育模式.另一部分ASD儿童或者属于中重度范畴,或者随着年龄的增长而出现能力的倒退和停滞,针对这些儿童,建议采用传统的教育康复模式.论文作者在证明教育康复对于孤独症谱系障碍儿童社会交往障碍具有明显效果的基础上,验证了教育实践中因材施教,区分使用混合教育和传统教育的必要性.  相似文献   


Little research examines the best ways to improve communication between parents and teachers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and its effect on child outcomes. The present study tests an innovative parent-teacher consultation model, entitled Partners in School. The goal of Partners in School is to improve parent-teacher communication about evidence-based practices (EBPs) and, subsequently, outcomes for children with ASD. Participants were 26 teachers and 49 parents of children with ASD from a large urban public school district. Parents and teachers completed measures of their communication and child outcomes prior to and after receiving consultation through Partners in School. Results indicated that parents and teachers perceived improvements in child outcomes after participation in Partners in School. Changes in parent-teacher communication also were associated with changes in some child outcomes. Discussion highlights the important role of communication in consultations targeting family–school partnerships for children with ASD.  相似文献   

Growing numbers of American children are being educated in inclusive settings. Legal mandates for inclusion cannot ensure that children will be accepted and treated equitably. Attitudinal barriers and discriminatory practices continue to prevent the full participation of students with disabilities in the United States. Understanding how children develop prejudice and the roles adults play in establishing equitable opportunities is critical to the inclusion of all minorities, including children with disabilities.  相似文献   

研究者选取上海市6所开展自闭谱系障碍儿童早期干预工作的专业教育机构,对其中的46位教师及69位儿童家长进行调查。结果表明,自闭谱系障碍儿童从早期发现到早期评估再到接受早期干预需要经历相当长的时间,仅有27.5%的儿童在3岁前接受了早期干预;教师队伍有待优化;家长虽然对早期干预态度积极,但参与程度有限;儿童每周接受有效干预的时间偏少,干预效果有进一步提高的空间。建议尽快建立并完善自闭谱系障碍儿童早期教育支持体系,配备足量教师并推动教师专业发展,延长儿童接受有效干预的时间,鼓励家长积极参与,以提高干预效果。  相似文献   

Early childhood programs have been in the forefront of implementing a multiracial curriculum. Early childhood educators need to extend these approaches to support and embrace multiracial and multiethnic children. These are children whose biological parents crossed traditional U.S. Census categories to have children. To meet the unique needs of these children and their families, early childhood educators need to engage in staff training, provide classroom materials, work closely with parents, and challenge the single race approach to multicultural education.  相似文献   

Practitioners in early childhood settings meet diverse families and children on a regular basis. Their relationships with these families vary in strength and quality. This article reports a research study using the theoretical concept of goodness-of-fit to examine teacher–child and teacher–parent relationships and their impact on child outcomes within a Head Start population. The child's goodness-of-fit with his or her teacher on temperament characteristics was positively correlated with child cognitive and social outcomes. Also, teachers' and parents' goodness-of-fit on parenting and child characteristics was positively correlated with child social competence. The results and theoretical background are discussed within the context of early childhood education settings.  相似文献   

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