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Children learning English as an additional language (EAL) often experience lower academic attainment than monolingual peers. In this study, teachers provided ratings of English language proficiency and social, emotional, and behavioral functioning for 782 children with EAL and 6,485 monolingual children in reception year (ages 4–5). Academic attainment was assessed in reception and Year 2 (ages 6–7). Relative to monolingual peers with comparable English language proficiency, children with EAL displayed fewer social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties in reception, were equally likely to meet curriculum targets in reception, and were more likely to meet targets in Year 2. Academic attainment and social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in children with EAL are associated with English language proficiency at school entry.  相似文献   

This study utilized a large sample of two-parent families from low-income rural communities to examine the contributions of father education and vocabulary, during picture book interactions with their infants at 6 months of age, to children's subsequent communication development at 15 months and expressive language development at 36 months. After controlling for family demographics, child characteristics, as well as mother education and vocabulary, father education and father vocabulary during the picture-book task were related to more advanced language development at both 15 and 36 months of age. Only mother education, but not vocabulary during book-reading was related to children's later language. These findings support the growing evidence on the importance of fathers in understanding children's early communication and language development.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study, auditory and visual temporal order thresholds (TOTs) were investigated in primary school children (N = 236; mean age at first data point = 6;7) at the beginning of Grade 1 and the end of Grade 2 to test whether rapid temporal processing abilities predict reading and spelling at the end of Grades 1 and 2. Auditory and visual TOTs differed but showed comparable developmental trajectories over 20 months. Visual TOTs were not predictive of literacy measures; auditory TOTs in Grade 1 were the best predictor. Interestingly, they were related to spelling in Grade 2 while auditory TOTs in Grade 2 were not, suggesting that rapid auditory processing abilities have a causal influence on literacy development.  相似文献   

A study amongst 150 preschool children assigned to experimental and control groups indicates that an intervention program supported by systematic teachers' mediation can enhance preschoolers interpretive skills of television material, such as the ability to identify elements of fantasy in a television presentation in relation to special effects, the ability to bridge temporal and logical gaps, the ability to identify elements of camera work and their visual implications and the ability to make intelligent predictions based on inference from visual cues.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study investigated the relationships between behavior and attention problems and early language and literacy outcomes for 4-year-olds who experienced varied early home literacy environments. Participants were 1,364 children enrolled in the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. Attention problems and early home literacy exposure both significantly predicted language and literacy outcomes when relevant covariates were controlled. There was also a significant interaction between behavior and attention problems and early home literacy exposure in predicting expressive language abilities. Specifically, early home literacy exposure was related to more advanced expressive language achievement for children with behavior problems. In contrast, children with attention problems performed below their peers on expressive language measures even when they received comparable early home literacy exposure. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest the need for further research on the differential role of early home literacy exposure on the development of early language and literacy skills in children with behavior and attention problems.  相似文献   

Self-reported maternal literacy beliefs and home literacy practices were compared for families of children with typicially developing language skills (TL, n = 52) and specific language impairment (SLI, n = 56). Additionally, the present work examined whether maternal beliefs and practices predicted children's print-related knowledge. Mothers filled out 2 questionnaires asking about their literacy beliefs and practices while children's print-related knowledge was assessed directly. Results indicated that mothers of children with SLI held somewhat less positive beliefs about literacy and reported engaging in fewer literacy practices compared to mothers of children with TL. For the entire sample, maternal literacy practices and beliefs predicted children's print-related knowledge, although much of this association was accounted for by maternal education. Subgroup analyses focused specifically on children with SLI showed there to be no relation between maternal literacy beliefs and practices and children's print-related knowledge. The present findings suggest that the home literacy experiences of children with SLI, and the way that these experiences impact print-related knowledge, may differ in important ways from typical peers.  相似文献   

Immigrants from the Comoros Islands constitute a closely-knit community in Marseille, where they interact in the Quartiers Nord with the North African community, which is larger in number, which arrived generally a generation earlier, and whose children continue to underachieve at school. It is commonly expected that the Comorians will adjust better to school because of their tight communal organization and because of their specific needs for educational achievement. These needs are thought to relate to the money needed to return to the Comoros and to finance their children's marriage ceremonies there. In our study, pupils of Comorian origin in the senior primary school years displayed more positive attitudes toward the academic aspects of schooling than did pupils of North African origin. For both Algerians and Comorians, positive aspects of friendship quality were associated with better attitudes toward school. In-group friendships were more common than friendships with members of other ethnic groups. In-group friendships were of higher quality than friendships between members of different groups. Comorian children whose best friends were from outside their ethnic group were those with more negative attitudes toward school; the reverse applied to Algerians.  相似文献   

Immigrants from the Comoros Islands constitute a closely-knit community in Marseille, where they interact in the Quartiers Nord with the North African community, which is larger in number, which arrived generally a generation earlier, and whose children continue to underachieve at school. It is commonly expected that the Comorians will adjust better to school because of their tight communal organization and because of their specific needs for educational achievement. These needs are thought to relate to the money needed to return to the Comoros and to finance their children's marriage ceremonies there. In our study, pupils of Comorian origin in the senior primary school years displayed more positive attitudes toward the academic aspects of schooling than did pupils of North African origin. For both Algerians and Comorians, positive aspects of friendship quality were associated with better attitudes toward school. In-group friendships were more common than friendships with members of other ethnic groups. In-group friendships were of higher quality than friendships between members of different groups. Comorian children whose best friends were from outside their ethnic group were those with more negative attitudes toward school; the reverse applied to Algerians.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review published studies of the English literacy of children in Canada who are English language learners (ELLs) with the goal of understanding the reading development of ELLs and characteristics of reading disabilities (RD) in this population. Phonological processing, syntactic awareness, and working memory of ELLs with and without RD were compared to that of native English‐speaking (L1) students with and without RD. Our review found that ELLs with RD experienced reading difficulties similar to those of L1 students with RD. On the basis of the evidence, ELLs are not at greater risk for RD than their native English‐speaking peers. We propose that the diagnosis of a reading disability can be made in a similar manner in both ELL and L1 students.  相似文献   

在对国内外学者自主学习研究相关文献进行回顾的基础上,通过对非英语专业一年级66名学生进行了为期一年的教学实验,对面授教学与网络自主学习相结合的模式和传统课堂模式下的大学英语教学的效果进行对比研究.实验运用语言技能测试、问卷调查和访谈等研究工具进行定量及定性分析.结果表明面授与网络自主学习相结合的模式的教学效果明显优于传统课堂教学模式,尤其在提高学生听说能力上具有独特的积极作用.同时,实验研究发现了网络自主学习模式存在的一些问题,并提出教师要明确自身的角色、加强课型整合、学生要提高自主学习意识与能力、学校要加强自主学习管理等建议.  相似文献   

This mixed methods study reports on the perspectives of 143 preservice early childhood educators (ECE) and 208 elementary teacher candidates (TC) on teaching children with developmental disabilities and delays (DDD) in inclusive classrooms. A questionnaire was administered which included items on demographic characteristics, experience, knowledge, and feelings of competence when collaborating with colleagues and meeting the needs of students with DDD. Included was the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale short form (Tschannen-Moran &; Woolfolk Hoy, 2001). Qualitative data were collected through open-ended questions about successes and challenges in including children with DDD. Whenever applicable, items asked respondents to respond based on their most recent practicum in a child care or school setting. Similar findings were reported by both preservice ECE and elementary teacher candidates. TCs reported significantly greater experience, knowledge, and sense of efficacy in their teaching compared to ECEs, but no differences in feelings of competence. Analyses of open-ended questions about successes and challenges experienced by ECEs and TCs yielded similar themes related to differentiating teaching, enhancing participation for children, and collaborating, with TCs also expressing concerns about differentiating curriculum. Implications for early childhood and elementary teacher preparation programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - This systematic review investigated how successful children/adolescents with poor literacy skills learn a foreign language compared with their peers with typical...  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among oral language, decoding, and reading comprehension for children with autism. Participants included 13 English-speaking children with a diagnosis of high-functioning autism (IQ > 70) who were included in a typical classroom, and who had parents who spoke English. Parts of the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, OWLS: Listening Comprehension, and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test were administered to measure oral language abilities, and parts of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Test and Test of Word Reading Efficiency were given to assess decoding and reading comprehension. Results indicated there was no significant relationship between phonology and decoding, but there was a significant relationship between semantics and decoding. There were also significant relationships between semantics and comprehension and syntax and comprehension.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether a diagnostic testing condition leads to stereotype threat effects for African American children (n = 198) at an urban elementary school. Results indicated that presenting a reading test as diagnostic of abilities hindered the performance of African American children aware of racial stereotypes but not of those unaware of such stereotypes. For stereotype-aware children, the effect of stereotype threat on performance was moderated by level of domain identification such that the effects were most pronounced among children placing greater value on achievement. In addition, domain identification contributed to greater anxiety and lower self-efficacy, suggesting that it is a primary vulnerability factor for stereotype threat effects. Implications for educational equity are discussed, as well as suggestions for developing interventions capable of attenuating stereotype threat effects among children.  相似文献   

Policy-makers, administrators, researchers, and teachers are increasingly vested in ensuring the quality of preschool instruction, particularly in the areas of language and literacy. This research was conducted to characterize the quality of language and literacy instruction in 135 publicly-funded preschool classrooms serving at-risk pupils. As all teachers in these classrooms were implementing the same language and literacy curriculum, we also studied the interrelationships among procedural fidelity to a prescribed curriculum and the quality of language and literacy instruction, determining whether procedural fidelity is associated or disassociated with quality instruction. Results showed that the quality of language and literacy instruction in classrooms was low, with few teachers delivering high quality instruction. Although teachers were able to implement a prescribed language and literacy curriculum with a high degree of procedural fidelity, this was not associated with quality instruction. Few structural characteristics of classrooms of teachers were systematically associated with quality of instruction. Findings have important implications for professional development of teachers by suggesting a need for a sustained and coherent focus on the process of instruction to elevate instructional quality in language and literacy.  相似文献   

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