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Academic cheating is a worldwide problem, which is exacerbated by perceived peer cheating. The present review of the literature quantitatively examined this perceived peer cheating effect. This meta-analysis included studies reporting correlations between students' own cheating and their perception of cheating in peers. The sample consisted of 43 effect sizes (38 studies) based on a total sample size of 24,181 demographically diverse participants from multiple countries (65% female) from papers published from 1941 to 2021. Results showed a perceived peer cheating effect of intermediate effect size (r = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.35 to 0.39), and that perceived peer cheating is among one of the strongest factors known to be associated with students' academic cheating. Moderator analyses using country level measures revealed this effect to be stronger in cultures that are high in power distance, collectivism, long-term orientation, restraint, and low in uncertainty avoidance and religiosity. The present findings indicate that the behavior of peers plays an important role in students’ academic cheating, suggesting that effective strategies to promote academic integrity will need to consider peer influences as well as the culture in which students are socialized.  相似文献   

通过对山西省高职学生道德行为状况的调查研究,发现高职学生的思想道德行为状况是积极向上的,但仍有一部分学生不同程度地存在着政治信仰迷茫、感恩行动不足、个性心理品质差、社会定位和择业观易陷误区、物质生活奢侈、法纪观念淡薄等问题。因此,我们要积极采取措施,提高高职学生的道德水平。  相似文献   

这项研究选取陕西省、甘肃省、宁夏回族自治区、新疆维吾尔自治区4地中的774名初中生进行了测量.以西北初中生自我概念、西北初中生学业求助态度、西北初中生学业求助行为的各个子维度为因变量。进行4(地区)×3(年级)×2(性别)的方差分析,并且做了西北初中生自我概念对学业求助的路径分析.结果显示。自我概念通过学业求助态度影响学业求助行为。  相似文献   

文章采用《青少年行为问卷》和《学生学校情景量表》对450名藏族大学生进行调查,探讨学校环境对藏族大学生问题行为的影响。结果发现:学校环境的课业与自我适应维度对学业适应不良有显著影响,常规和自我适应维度对攻击行为有显著影响,常规维度对违纪有显著影响,常规、同学关系和自我适应维度对退缩、神经质和问题行为总分都有显著影响,课业、同学关系和自我适应维度对考试焦虑有显著影响。表明学校环境对藏族大学生问题行为具有显著的影响。  相似文献   

为考察军队院校大学生的心理适应状况,以404名军队院校大学生为对象,采用《大学生行为问题量表》在半年时间内进行两次测量。结果显示,大学生行为问题的前、后测之间存在显著相关。军队院校大学生在量表总分上与地方院校大学生无显著差异,但在恋爱与性烦恼维度上的得分显著高于普通院校学生,在社会适应问题维度上的得分差异低于普通院校学生,量表总分上存在显著性别差异。军校大学生的学习问题与学习成绩之间存在显著的负相关。  相似文献   

对深圳市12岁至24岁青少年在校学生调查结果表明,青少年学生应急自救常识严重缺乏,应急自救现状令人担忧。建议加强青少年应急自救教育,提高青少年规避风险、防范侵害的自我保护能力。  相似文献   

简论高校考试作弊成因及考风建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过广泛调查,分析了大学生作弊的原因及考试作弊的危害,有针对性地提出了遏制大学生考试作弊的基本构想和部分对策,以帮助高校加强考纪和考风建设,实现学校的办学目标。  相似文献   


A concern that has been raised with the transition from pen and paper examinations to electronic examinations is whether this will make cheating easier. This article investigates how teachers and students perceive the differences in ease of cheating during three types of written examination: paper exams, bring your own device e-exams and e-exams using university-owned devices. It also investigates perceptions about the effectiveness of some typical countermeasures towards cheating across these examination types. A mixed-method approach was used, combining questionnaires and interviews with students and teachers in the authors’ own university. A total of 212 students and 162 teachers participated in the questionnaire survey, and then, a more limited number were interviewed to get a deeper understanding of the results. Six-different cheating practices were considered – impersonation, forbidden aids, peeking, peer collaboration, outside assistance and student–staff collusion and seven different countermeasures were considered – proctors, biometry, mingling, shuffling, random drawing, sequencing and broadcasting. Both students and teachers perceived cheating as easier with e-exams, and especially with bring your own device. They also thought some countermeasures would be easier to implement with e-exams.  相似文献   

分析高中生数学焦虑的现状,探究数学焦虑对高中生数学成绩的影响,为缓解高中生数学焦虑的心理辅导提供实证依据.采用自编的《高中生数学焦虑问卷》评估了207名高中生的数学焦虑水平,运用相关分析和回归分析探究高中生数学焦虑与学业成绩的关系.结果显示:高中生数学焦虑的平均得分为2.65;高中生的数学焦虑总体得分与其数学成绩呈显著性负相关(r=-0.322,P<0.01);高中生数学焦虑中的课堂学习过程焦虑和应考情景焦虑对其数学成绩具有显著的预测作用.  相似文献   

Significant life experience research suggests that the presence of role models, time outdoors, and nature-related media foster pro-environmental behavior, but most research is qualitative. Based on a random sample of middle school students in North Carolina, USA, we found limited positive associations between presence of a role model and time outdoors with behavior and a negative association between watching nature television and environmental knowledge. The strongest predictors of environmental knowledge and behavior were student/teacher ratio and county income levels, respectively. We also found that Native Americans engaged in environmental behaviors more than Caucasians, and that African American and Hispanic students had lower levels of environmental knowledge. Accordingly, life experiences appear less important than promoting small class sizes and addressing challenges associated with lower incomes in schools.  相似文献   

为了探讨初中生的拖延行为与社会适应能力之间的关系。研究发现:初中生总体的拖延程度处于中等偏下水平,在性别以及是否为独生子女上没有显著性差异、但年级上的差异显著;社会适应能力总体较差,性别上没有显著性差异、但在是否为独生子女和年级上存在显著性差异;拖延程度与社会适应能力呈显著负相关,高拖延组的社会适应能力显著低于低拖延组、低社会适应能力组的学生其拖延程度高。研究认为初中生的拖延行为与社会适应能力存在显著的负相关,拖延行为对社会适应能力有显著的负面影响。  相似文献   

运用修订的儿童社会期望量表(CSD),采用多因素实验设计,测查了1-5年级高、中、低三类社会赞许性水平的197名小学生在积极、消极、中立三种教育情境下诚实性行为的差异.结果表明:(1)社会赞许性的高低会对被试的诚实性行为造成显著影响.社会赞许性越高,儿童发生不诚实行为的可能性就越大.(2)教育情境与年级因素存在交互作用.在积极的教育情境下,年级因素对诚实行为的作用显著.随着年级升高,儿童出现不诚实行为的概率增加.在消极与中立的教育情境下,年级因素的作用不显著.(3)教育情境与社会赞许性存在交互作用.在消极情境下,社会赞许性的高低会对儿童的诚实性行为造成显著影响,儿童的社会赞许性越高,其发生不诚实行为的概率越大.在积极和中立的教育情境下,社会赞许性的高低对诚实性行为不会造成显著影响.(4)社会赞许性与年级存在交互作用.高社会赞许性儿童中,儿童的不诚实行为随着年级的增高而变大.中等和低社会赞许性儿童的诚实性行为不会随年级发生显著变化.  相似文献   

随着职业学校生源素质的下降,部分学生对专业课学习不适应,存在各种形式的学习障碍。本文结合学生的认知过程,提出解决学生专业课学习障碍的方法。  相似文献   

A considerable amount of research has investigated the separate roles of motivation and identity in language learning. This study aimed to examine these two important constructs jointly by exploring the relationship between motivation, identity processing styles, and English learning among high school students. The hypotheses were empirically tested using questionnaire data collected from 187 Macau high school students. Correlation analysis found that only self-determined motivation was significantly positively related to academic performance in English and that none of the five identity processing styles was relevant. Further hierarchical regression analysis revealed that after controlling for age and gender, identification with commitment and ruminative exploration both negatively predicted English performance. Significant interaction effects were found between exploration in depth and self-determination and between ruminative exploration and self-determined motivation. However, ruminative exploration was the only significant predictor of academic performance when the students had low levels of self-determined motivation.  相似文献   


Considerable research has investigated the link between academic achievement and social behavior. The authors set the context for their work by reviewing some of the research that has been done. To address similarities and limitations in previous research, they included concurrent ratings of behavior from teachers and children's performance on multiple measures of reading in their analyses. The authors provide an empirical analysis of the relationship between behavior and achievement using structural equation modeling that illustrated comparable outcomes to previous research and discuss their findings as a base for directing attention to the importance of teaching behavior as well as academic skills in efforts to prevent learning problems and failure in school.  相似文献   

当前,我国教育正在由应试教育向素质教育转轨,创新教育要求人的全面进步。然而,在我国庞大的学生当中,存在一部分弱势群体,他们被人们称为“差生”。差生问题的解决关系到我们国家教育的成败,关系到我们民族的长久发展,关系到中华民族人口的整体素质。“差生”行为又是我们急待研究的问题。  相似文献   

分析高校学生考试作弊的成因及产生的危害,提出预防和杜绝学生考试作弊的对策。  相似文献   

身体素质是指人的速度、力量、耐力、柔韧和灵敏五大素质.由于男女性别的差异,对身体素质的要求也不同.目前,在中学女生体育教学中,存在着一个最普遍、最突出的问题,即女生对体育运动有害羞、害怕的心理,以及由于受传统观念的影响,女生不愿接受激烈的运动.因此,体育教师在教学中,要运用适合于女生的教育教学方法,来培养女生的积极性并逐步引导她们练习.  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊是高等学校教学管理中经常面临的问题之一,其作弊原因主要有社会环境的因素,自身心理方面的因素和学校管理上的缺陷等。高校要改善这种状况,必须加强教学管理,端正学生的学习态度,激发学生的学习热情,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

中职学生心理行为问题的疏导与干预策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中职学生心理行为问题突出表现为缺乏学习动力,厌学情绪严重,人际关系紧张,自我意识过强,心理行为偏执,情绪起伏不定,极端心理严重等.对中职学生心理行为问题进行疏导与干预,最为有效的方法就是全方位开展心理健康教育,面向全体、重视个体,抓住心理健康课程这条主线,建立心理预防干预体系和学生自我教育体系.  相似文献   

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