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The effects of self-regulated strategy development revising instruction for college students that targeted the use of argumentation schemes and critical questions were assessed in three conditions. In the first condition, students were taught to revise their essays by asking and answering critical questions about the argument from consequences and argument from example schemes while writing about controversial topics. In the second condition, students were taught to revise their essays by using argumentation schemes to justify their standpoint, but did not learn the critical questions. In the third condition, students received no instruction about either the argumentation schemes or the critical questions. Compared to students in the contrasting conditions, those who were taught to ask and answer critical questions wrote essays that were of higher quality, and included more counterarguments, alternative standpoints, and rebuttals. These findings indicate that strategy instruction that includes critical standards for argumentation increases college students’ sensitivity to alternative perspectives.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of self-pacing in a course based on behavioral instruction. The effects of using study guide questions were also studied. Surveys of the behavioral instruction (BI) literature indicated that pacing was not creating differences in performance. The question of study guide effectiveness has not been explored. The results of the study indicated that pacing interacted with prior achievement as measured by grade point average. Those students who entered the course with high GPAs performed better under self-pacing conditions. However, over and above the prior achievement variable (GPA), the different pacing styles did not create differential course achievement. The use of study guide questions did not create significant differences in the criterion performance.  相似文献   

The effects of instruction and achievement on science question level for high and low science topic interests were investigated. Eight seventh‐grade classes were randomly assigned to two treatments: instruction and no instruction on researchable questioning. Each student completed the Middle School Students' Science Topic Interest Rating Scale (test‐retest reliability, r = .84); selected two topics in which she or he was least interested and two topics in which she or he was most interested; wrote questions for each topic; and took the Stanford Achievement Tests in reading, mathematics, and science. The questions were rated using the four levels described by the Middle School Students' Science Question Rating Scale (interrater reliability, r = .96). The scores for each question were averaged for two raters, then summed for each interest level for each student. The data were analyzed for main and interaction effects using general linear modeling procedures. Question level was modeled with one within‐subjects factor (science topic interest) and four between‐subjects factors (instruction and three achievement scores). The results indicate that students who received instruction outperformed those students who were not instructed; and high achievers in mathematics, reading, or science outperformed low achievers. There were no interaction effects. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 210–224, 2000  相似文献   

This study supported two hypotheses. First, adjunct questions interacted with a science chart so powerfully that content established as difficult to learn in the pilot and in this study's control groups became easier to learn when charted. Second, students familiar with the chart test before instruction (test exposure) were better prepared to take this test after instruction. This adjunct-question study examined the generalizability of selective-attention and academic-studying hypotheses to a modified science chart medium. About 300 high school students were randomly assigned to four conditions each including a vitamin chart (chart only, test exposure, importance of questions emphasized to students by teachers, and combinational conditions—test exposure and question importance) across 16 biology classrooms. Then these same students were again randomly assigned within each classroom to a control and to four question treatments no questions, questions focusing on easy-to-learn charted content, questions focusing on difficult-to-learn charted content, and a combinational treatment.  相似文献   

This study supported two hypotheses. First, adjunct questions interacted with a science chart so powerfully that content established as difficult to learn in the pilot and in this study's control groups became easier to learn when charted. Second, students familiar with the chart test before instruction (test exposure) were better prepared to take this test after instruction. This adjunct-question study examined the generalizability of selective-attention and academic-studying hypotheses to a modified science chart medium. About 300 high school students were randomly assigned to four conditions each including a vitamin chart (chart only, test exposure, importance of questions emphasized to students by teachers, and combinational conditions–-test exposure and question importance) across 16 biology classrooms. Then these same students were again randomly assigned within each classroom to a control and to four question treatments (no questions, questions focusing on easy-to-learn charted content, questions focusing on difficult-to-learn charted content, and a combinational treatment).  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of strategy instruction on the reading literacy of students with mild and moderate intellectual disability. Students aged 15–21 with intellectual disability (n=35) participated in 24 sessions of literacy strategy instruction (experimental condition) or remedial literacy‐skill acquisition‐ lessons (control condition). The main objective of strategy instruction was to foster comprehension monitoring. Through shared dialogues, students were trained to generate questions about text, to summarise what was read, to clarify difficult words and to make predictions. The strategies were taught using the reciprocal teaching method developed by Palincsar and Brown. This method involves provision of support adjusted to students’ difficulties and peer teaching of strategies. Control subjects were exposed to direct instruction of basic reading skills that were presented sequentially and practiced solitarily by the students. Opportunities were given to respond to questions and to summarise but no strategy instruction was provided to foster comprehension monitoring. Two different measures of comprehension and a measure of strategy use were administered to test for variation across different methods of instruction. Findings on all measures provide support for the claim that strategy instruction is indeed superior to traditional remedial methods of skill acquisition in fostering reading literacy comprehension. These findings challenge the common perception that literacy is an organic impossibility for people defined as intellectually disabled. Moreover, the results add to recent research in sociocognitive instruction that supports the need to modify prevailing methods of reading curriculum and suggests a reconceptualisation of the comprehension process and its instruction to students with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

This article relays results of a study focused on questions invoked to correct declarative knowledge deficits while readers process science texts explaining natural phenomena. Firstly, the authors focused on finding out what kind of questions are asked by students who read these texts and, secondly how task demand influences quantity and quality of formulated questions. Two hundred and eighty nine Portuguese students from 8th, 10th, and 12th grade participated in the study. The students were instructed to ask questions on two short science paragraphs that explained natural phenomena. Three task conditions were chosen. Thus, in the “Class” condition, the task was introduced as an activity aimed at developing the capacity to ask questions. In the “Examination” condition, the task was presented as a test on question generation. Finally, in the “Extra‐academic” condition the questioning task was camouflaged as a participation in a research project sponsored by the Ministry of Education and geared at the improvement of science textbooks. The results have shown that students are able to ask many questions when given an opportunity to do so. The study has also proven that students are capable of generating a large volume of causal‐antecedent questions relative to this kind of texts. Finally, no clear effects were found between grade level and/or task demand as defined in the conducted study. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 602–614, 2000  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to examine two fundamental questions related to the use of graphic organizer instruction with fifth-grade, normal-achieving students: (a) Does graphic organizer instruction facilitate comprehension, recall, and transfer of information contained in an expository textbook? and (b) To what degree is explicit instruction necessary for independent generation and use of graphic organizers by students? In four experimental conditions, participants read social studies information with or without the graphic organizer. The conditions were further separated by the presence or absence of explicit instruction. Participants in the control condition received traditional basal instruction, as prescribed by the teacher's manual of the district-adopted textbook. Participants in all groups performed comparably on acquisition and retention measures. However, when required to read and recall novel social studies content, participants receiving the graphic organizer and explicit instruction performed better on the measure of transfer than students who received traditional basal instruction did.  相似文献   

The effects of both computer animations of microscopic chemical processes occurring in a galvanic cell and conceptual change instruction based on chemical demonstrations on students' conceptions of current flow in electrolyte solutions were investigated. Preliminary results for verbal conceptual questions suggest that conceptual change instruction was effective at dispelling student misconceptions that electrons flow in aqueous solutions of electrochemical cells. Computer animations did not appear to have an effect on students' responses to visual or verbal conceptual questions. An animation/conceptual change interaction for verbal conceptual questions suggests that animations may prove distacting when the questions do not require students to visualize. Data from this study also suggests that lecture attendance and recitation participations helped students answer visual questions.  相似文献   

Ten inclusive middle school social studies classes, including 133 general education students, and 24 students with mild disabilities (21 with learning disabilities and 3 with emotional disabilities), were assigned at random to a traditional instruction condition, or an experimental condition involving classwide peer tutoring with specialized materials and parent training. After 18 weeks of instruction, posttest data revealed that students in the experimental condition gained significantly more than students in the traditional instruction condition. These effects were observed on content included in the tutoring intervention, as well as on related content that was taught but not included in the tutoring intervention. Results are discussed within the context of recent research on inclusive secondary content area instruction.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of distributed questioning on learning and retention in a college lecture course. A total of 48 question pairs were presented over four exams. The 16 question pairs associated with each of the three blocks of the course appeared on the block exams, and all 48 appeared on the final exam. The two questions in each pair were related to each other, so that knowing the answer to one question usually implied knowing the answer to the other. One question in each pair was included in an experimental condition, in which questions were presented online, in class, or both online and in class, before appearing in exams. These conditions were counter‐balanced across the sample. The control questions appeared only in exams. Providing a question online in advance of class, as well as in class, had a significant long‐term effect on the probability of knowing the answers to both experimental and control questions when they appeared in exams. These results demonstrate that coordinated online and in‐class instruction can significantly improve exam performance. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that distributed instruction creates more robust memory traces, rather than the hypothesis that it creates additional memory traces.  相似文献   

In this paper, we question how we might disrupt positivist research paradigms that preclude students from engaging and experiencing ownership in the research process. We question what we, as professors, could do to facilitate the transition from traditional research reporting to a disposition of inquiry that allows for ambiguity and discovery in the research process.

Evidence presented was gathered over the course of a two-year qualitative research project completed in a capstone education course. Like most capstone courses, we required a summative research paper, but student work suggested they had minimal interest or enthusiasm for the project. However, by redirecting our students' research interest from traditional research reporting to the generation of authentic research questions drawn from their student teaching experience, a solution emerged. The students' questions provided the basis for the ensuing qualitative inquiry project that afforded them a new and authentic type of inquiry.

This paper describes the process our students engaged in to complete this qualitative inquiry, including the identification of the research question and analysis of field notes and documents. It concludes by sharing samples of the students' research questions and findings that illustrate the authentic inquiry and ownership they experienced as a result of the project.  相似文献   

Geoscience instructors depend upon photos, diagrams, and other visualizations to depict geologic structures and processes that occur over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. This proof-of-concept study tests click-on-diagram (COD) questions, administered using a classroom response system (CRS), as a research tool for identifying spatial misconceptions. First, we propose a categorization of spatial conceptions associated with geoscience concepts. Second, we implemented the COD questions in an undergraduate introductory geology course. Each question was implemented three times: pre-instruction, post-instruction, and at the end of the course to evaluate the stability of students’ conceptual understanding. We classified each instance as (1) a false belief that was easily remediated, (2) a flawed mental model that was not fully transformed, or (3) a robust misconception that persisted despite targeted instruction. Geographic Information System (GIS) software facilitated spatial analysis of students’ answers. The COD data confirmed known misconceptions about Earth’s structure, geologic time, and base level and revealed a novel robust misconception about hot spot formation. Questions with complex spatial attributes were less likely to change following instruction and more likely to be classified as a robust misconception. COD questions provided efficient access to students’ conceptual understanding. CRS-administered COD questions present an opportunity to gather spatial conceptions with large groups of students, immediately, building the knowledge base about students’ misconceptions and providing feedback to guide instruction.  相似文献   

The effects of level of adjunct question (factual, application) and type of feedback (no feedback, correct answer feedback, self-correction feedback) on learning concepts from prose were examined. Feedback influenced performance on the questions asked during instruction, but did not facilitate concept learning. Adjunct application questions produced better concept learning when there was a 1-day interval between study and test (Experiment 1), but not when the test was immediate (Experiment 2). The results suggest that, contrary to widely held views, feedback does not necessarily facilitate concept learning and that adjunct application questions do not always facilitate the learning of concepts through reading.  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to isolate the preparatory effects of problem-generation from solution generation in problem-posing contexts, and their underlying mechanisms on learning from instruction. Using a randomized-controlled design, students were assigned to one of two conditions: (a) problem-posing with solution generation, where they generated problems and solutions to a novel situation, or (b) problem-posing without solution generation, where they generated only problems. All students then received instruction on a novel math concept. Findings revealed that problem-posing with solution generation prior to instruction resulted in significantly better conceptual knowledge, without any significant difference in procedural knowledge and transfer. Although solution generation prior to instruction plays a critical role in the development of conceptual understanding, which is necessary for transfer, generating problems plays an equally critical role in transfer. Implications for learning and instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

培养学生的问题意识--研究性学习的切入点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问题意识的缺乏严重制约着研究性学习的实施,导致研究性学习学科化和学习功能的过分窄化。学生问题意识缺乏的原因是:教师观念陈旧普遍进行“去问题教学”;课堂教学重传授轻探索,重结论轻过程,重教法轻学法;学校课程、学校活动的内容及范围的局限。实施研究性学习必须转变观念,培养学生的问题意识;实行以问题为纽带的教学;转变“师道尊严”的教师权威观念,建立民主平等的师生关系,营造宽松的质疑气氛;积极进行课程改革,使教学内容紧密联系学生的实际。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of the context-aware ubiquitous learning (u-learning) approach versus traditional instruction on students' ability to answer questions that required different cognitive skills, using the framework of Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives, including knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis. In this study, 230 third- and fourth-grade students in 8 classes were counterbalanced and assigned to the u-learning approach and traditional instruction for learning different topics in two separate plant-observing activities. The results showed that the students who learned with traditional instruction performed better than those who used the u-learning approach in terms of answering questions that required their cognitive abilities of knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, and synthesis. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the students' learning behaviors in the u-learning context revealed that most of their learning behaviors recorded in the u-learning system were not significantly related to their cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Multiple studies have shown benefits of problem-solving prior to instruction (cf. Productive Failure, Invention) in comparison to direct instruction. However, students’ solutions prior to instruction are usually erroneous or incomplete. In analogy to guided discovery learning, it might therefore be fruitful to lead students towards the discovery of the canonical solution. In two quasi-experimental studies with 104 students and 175 students, respectively, we compared three conditions: problem-solving prior to instruction, guided problem-solving prior to instruction in which students were led towards the discovery of relevant solution components, and direct instruction. We replicated the beneficial effects of problem-solving prior to instruction in comparison to direct instruction on posttest items testing for conceptual knowledge. Our process analysis further revealed that guidance helped students to invent better solutions. However, the solution quality did not correlate with the posttest results in the guided condition, indicating that leading students towards the solution does not additionally promote learning. This interpretation is supported by the finding that the two conditions with problem-solving prior to instruction did not differ significantly at posttest. The second study replicated these findings with a greater sample size. The results indicate that different mechanisms underlie guided discovery learning and problem-solving prior to instruction: In guided discovery learning, the discovery of an underlying model is inherent to the method. In contrast, the effectiveness of problem-solving prior to instruction does not depend on students’ discovery of the canonical solution, but on the cognitive processes related to problem-solving, which prepare students for a deeper understanding during subsequent instruction.  相似文献   

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