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人本主义心理学提出了不同于行为主义心理学和认知心理学的学习理论,尤以罗杰斯的学习观为代表。文章在阐释此学习观的基础上论述了其现实意义,即作为移动学习的理论指导。通过对已经成功的移动学习研究项目的列举,论述二者的切合性,并且提出了建议。  相似文献   

人本主义心理学是在西方传统文化内部生发起来的一种思潮。罗杰斯作为人本主义心理学的创始人之一,其理论的核心自我观与佛教的自我观具有共通之处。佛教心理特别是禅宗与罗杰斯心理治疗思想的多角度对比分析发现,两者存在一定的相似性,具有迷——悟,虚假——真实的相似的思维方式,也存在一定的不同之处。两者的比较研究表明了佛教心理与心理学之间的互相沟通和互惠的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   

马斯洛的人本主义心理学被称为是心理学的第三种势力,“似本能”概念是其理论中的重要概念。“似本能”在某种程度上是遗传的,但它是一种潜在的能量,它的表现和发展需要后天的社会环境及教育,由“似本能”需要”出发,马斯洛建构了自己的“需要理论”、“自我实现理论”和“高峰体验理论”,从而强调了人的潜能、价值和社会价值的统一,有助于我们用人的自然因素和社会因素统一的观点来考察人的心理和行为。  相似文献   

罗杰斯的人本主义教育思想对思想政治教育的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗杰斯的人本主义教育思想主要包括培养"自我实现"的人的教育目的观,自由学习和意义学习的学习观",以学生为中心"的非指导性教学观和真诚交往的师生观。罗杰斯的人本主义教育思想和思想政治教育教育的本质有许多契合的地方,研究和借鉴罗杰斯的人本主义教育思想,对于发展和完善思想政治教育有一定的启示。  相似文献   

人本主义学习理论是在人本主义心理学基础上发展起来的,它将挖掘人的潜能、促进人的"自我实现"作为自己研究的最根本目的。其代表人物罗杰斯积极提倡在教育实际中以学生经验为中心的"有意义的自由学习"。其学习理论给我们以教学智慧的启迪:口语交际教学应以情感作为基本动力,促进儿童自我实现;注重激发儿童内需,使口语交际具有个人意义;遵循口语交际学习本体方式,构建真实的口语交际情境。  相似文献   

本文对当代新员工职业价值观特点进行分析,新员工期待在职业活动中同时满足各种需要,只是重要性不一,重要性从高到低的排序为自我实现需要、社交需要、安全需要、尊重需要和生理需要。这与马斯洛需要层次理论并不完全符合。本文还分析了新员工职业价值需要的影响因素,提出了企业从员工招聘、培训开发、绩效管理、创新管理等方面满足新员工职业价值需要的对策。  相似文献   

A total of 80 students aged seventeen and eighteen (40 in each group) selected from several secondary schools took part in the study. It was assumed that the intensity of self‐acceptance among gifted young people is positively influenced by intellectual success, as well as by the following personality traits: internal locus of control, average or low level of anxiety, strong sensation seeking. There was a trend towards higher self‐actualization among gifted students (although statistically insignificant), while self‐actualizing students had an internal locus of control and a need for stimulation and varied experience. The assumption that lower anxiety and higher self‐acceptance are characteristic of young people with higher self‐actualization was not confirmed, which suggests that there is a need to intensify parents' and teachers' support for students coping with difficulties.  相似文献   

人本主义心理学和现象学心理学是20世纪中叶以来西方心理学中的两种重要人文取向,它们在心理学的终 极理念、学术对立面(反对行为主义与精神分析)和人性观(心理学研究中对“人的形象”的理解)等方面存在共 性,但同时在心理学理智背景、心理学方法论、学术重心以及解决核心问题等方面又有着较大的差异。  相似文献   

人本主义教学观是罗杰斯提出来的"以学生为中心"的教学观,与浙江师范大学外国语学院十多年来所进行的外语教学改革理念是一致的。本文以该校亲历RICH改革的一位老师的某堂课为研究对象,通过个案分析,说明RICH教学真正体现了罗杰斯的人本主义教学观。  相似文献   

美国心理学家亚伯拉罕.马斯洛将人类需要从总体上分成基本需要和成长性需要两大类,其下面根据对人直接生存意义及生活意义的大小按层次排列为生理、安全、爱和归属、尊重、认知、审美、自我实现七种需要,即"需要层次"理论,它是解释人类个体行为的良好工具。丹尼尔.笛福的代表作品《鲁宾孙漂流记》记叙了主人公鲁宾孙的传奇经历。笔者认为,鲁宾孙人生的每一阶段无不对应着马斯洛对于人类需要的理解。借需要层次理论,对鲁宾孙的行为与形象进行全新的解读,提出鲁宾孙是资产阶级自我实现个人主义"本性"的典型代表。  相似文献   

玛斯洛把人的需求分为五个层次,即生理需求、安全需求、社交需求、尊重需求和自我实现的需求等。这种需求中的某些因素对外语学习动机有一定参考价值,也就是说,外语学习中的主要影响因素是情感需求和认知需求。在外语学习环境下,英语的应用相当有限,无法满足低层次的工具性需求。因此,学生学习的主要驱动力量足由内在兴趣带动的多层次求知需求,即审美需求和自我实现需求。  相似文献   

创造性的培养是教育领域的重要论题。人本主义心理学家马斯洛对人的创造性从心理学的角度进行了深入分析,可以概括为创造性的分类、心理实质、心理条件几个方面。根据马斯洛的理论,若要在教育实践中培养人的创造性,需要肯定人的创造性的普遍性和多样性,注重人格的培育,提供安全自由的环境等,方可取得预期的效果。  相似文献   

人本主义是在对人性异化的反思中产生。它内涵的追求个性与创新的全人理想、能动地自我实现道路以及面向全体的人文关怀,对教育而言是有益的。当前的教师教育正在发生新的变革,我们可以吸取人本主义的合理思想,用以思考教师教育的价值取向并以此视点来重构教师教育。  相似文献   

在不同的心理治疗理论中,自我概念具有各自特殊的含义和意义。弗洛伊德将自我视作人格中唯一能行使认识功能的部分,也是心理问题的主要责任者;伯恩将自我视作人格的主体,并将其分为父母自我、成人自我、儿童自我三部分,提出三者关系状况决定了心理健康的状况;罗杰斯将自我放在人的主观经验世界的核心地位,提出自发、自由的自我是健康的自我;皮尔斯提出了心理界限和自我觉察力概念,为健康自我增加了自觉之内涵。  相似文献   

The women's colleges in eastern America from their inception required calisthenics and later gymnastics as part of the curriculum. The teachers for these programs came from the schools of Dio Lewis, Dudley Sargent, and Amy Morris Homans. The Eastern Legacy is the early history of physical education for women filled with remarkable people, both women and men. Their philosophy was reflected in the type of programs established at each institution. By the early 1900s, the Eastern Legacy passed to other sections of the country as graduates of the professional schools in Boston left the area. Furthermore, professional curriculums were being established in other institutions, and consequently, new philosophies and programs emerged. From Mary Lyon to Amy Morris Homans, change and progress took place. Programs developed from calisthenics to the new gymnastics of Dio Lewis to the Sargent system and Swedish gymnastics to sports and games. Facilities expanded from small halls to magnificent gymnasiums and even dress changed from full bulky outfits to more scanty, freeflowing costumes. The groundwork had been established and over the years, many changes occurred in physical education. The leaders who followed built on the foundation of programs established at the early women's colleges and the early professional schools.  相似文献   

培养创新人才是时代的热情呼唤也是现实的迫切要求,我们借鉴人本主义心理学创造观的有关理论,在构建机电类创新实验室方面作出了大胆的探索和实践,把机电类创新实验室建设成为有效激发学生创造潜能的科技创新教育平台。  相似文献   

论马斯洛"自我实现论”的性质   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文针对学术界对马斯洛"自我实现论”的曲解,从马斯洛萌发研究自我实现者的动机、对自我实现概念的阐释以及对自我实现者人格特征的描述三个方面讨论了"自我实现论”的性质,认为自我实现是指人的潜能的充分发挥,它强调的是个人对社会的奉献精神,而不是所谓个人主义价值观或自私自利的代名词;自我实现论是关于人类潜能的本性及其发挥条件和规律的理论,是一种肯定人的积极向上、进取有为精神的人格学说.文章分析了自我实现论的积极意义和局限.  相似文献   


In 1992, I conducted a study in two schools, the Scarsdale High Alternative School (SAS) in New York, a Kohlbergian Just Community Program for 16 years, headed by Tony Arenella; and Public School No. 825, a kindergarten to senior high school on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia, an experimental school in Developmental Education following the ideas of Lev Vygotsky, headed by Vladimir Karakovsky. This article presents a narrative comparison of the philosophies and practices of the secondary teachers in each school. The teachers’ philosophies seemed to be like Janus, facing in two directions‐‐outward toward the school culture, reflecting each school's shared norms and values, and inward, expressing each person's own values and ways of thinking. It was the influence of each school's culture that created the most striking philosophical differences. Teachers from Russia and the US held only one value in common: community. Other particular norms and values differed almost completely and seem to reflect the larger cultures of the US and Russia: affection and harmony rooted in love of Motherland for the Russians, and for the Americans, a sense of self and responsibility expressing the value of individualism. The paper first focuses on how teachers in each school conceived of the morality of teaching and of the moral authority of teachers. The focus then moves to a discussion of both the common and unique norms and values the teachers desired to transmit to their students, the practices they use and the moral conflicts they face. The article concludes with remarks about what we can learn from these schools for moral education.  相似文献   

张欣的《夜凉如水》透视了都市人人性中常态背后的病态。从弗洛伊德精神分析学角度来讲,都市人欲望的压抑导致了个体心理的变异,从马斯洛人本主义心理学角度来说,人性的自我成长受挫,也促生了都市人病态的人性,从最新的超个人心理学的原理来说,都市人的素质、涵养又使得他们可以超越自我、超越现实,在终极的精神世界中实现自己的价值。张欣对都市人人性的发掘达到更深的层面,在其都市小说中有着独特的意义和价值。  相似文献   

During the last two decades the concept of Teachers' Resource Centres (TRCs) has become widely accepted across Southern Africa as an essential ingredient of a professional support structure for teachers and schools. This paper demonstrates that the present general consensus conceals a history of conflicting interpretations regarding the structure and functioning of this provision in relation to educational change. Tracing the ups and downs of TRCs and their related structures of school clusters in Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe it shows that their fate has been closely associated with changing philosophies and concomitant policies on school development and the roles of teachers in educational development. Earlier official encouragement towards local pedagogical autonomy, emphasizing teachers' creative contributions to educational renewal through professional self-development, is contrasted against more recent pressures towards centralised control over strategies for school improvement combined with decentralised delivery of support services. Changes are analysed within the larger context of the political and socio-economic climate in the sub-region and the intervention of external agencies. A case is made for the reversal of these trends, in particular so as to create space for indigenous approaches to educational development.  相似文献   

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