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以肯尼斯·伯克的"戏剧五位一体"修辞学理论分析贾玲相声《大话捧逗》,认为该相声符合伯克所论之典型五要素的定位和描述,其中含有主导关系比,贾玲相声艺术背后有着鲜明修辞动机。以伯克"认同"理论分析贾玲相声《芝麻开门》,认为贾玲在认同形式选择和内容认同两个方面运用了许多认同修辞策略。  相似文献   

以肯尼斯·伯克的“戏剧五位一体”修辞学理论分析贾玲相声《大话捧逗》,认为该相声符合伯克所论之典型五要素的定位和描述,其中含有主导关系比,贾玲相声艺术背后有着鲜明修辞动机.以伯克“认同”理论分析贾玲相声《芝麻开门》,认为贾玲在认同形式选择和内容认同两个方面运用了许多认同修辞策略.  相似文献   

本文运用肯尼斯·伯克的"戏剧主义"修辞理论,探讨分析了新闻语篇中的戏剧五要素及其关系比,揭示了新闻语篇话语构建的修辞动机,并在此基础上阐述了伯克"戏剧五位一体"理论与方法在语篇分析中的实用性和可操作性。  相似文献   

试以伯克的"戏剧五位一体"理论,分析罗素经典散文《论老之将至》,运用关系对子分析语篇主导因素,挖掘出罗素的修辞动机,即话语者希望老年人超越自我,心态永葆青春,旨在揭示作品中所蕴含的修辞艺术,并通过对戏剧五要素分析法的成功操作来展现其修辞批评的有效性。  相似文献   

肯尼斯·伯克是新修辞学的领袖人物,"戏剧五位一体"和"同一"理论是他的两个重要理论。文章综述了1986年到2015年间关于伯克新修辞学的研究,发现国外在此方面的研究已经非常丰富,而中国还有很大提升空间。同时这也启示大家伯克新修辞学可为语篇分析提供新视角。  相似文献   

戏剧主义修辞批评是西方20世纪最为流行的修辞批评范式之一,其中伯克的戏剧五要素分析法最具影响力。运用伯克的戏剧五要素分析法对米歇尔的助夫演讲进行分析,借此探讨米歇尔独特的演讲风格和修辞构思以及该演讲背后隐藏的动机。  相似文献   

伯克制度原是天山以南维吾尔族地区旧有的社会制度,在这种制度下,大小封建主就是等级不同的伯克,且均为世袭。清朝统一新疆后,遵循"因俗而治"的原则,对伯克制进行改造,废除世袭,将其纳入地方官制序列,但旧有的社会矛盾和阶级矛盾未从根本上改变。  相似文献   

项瑜 《文教资料》2011,(21):211-213
本文作者对本院"90后"大学生的入党动机进行了问卷调查,系统了解和分析了大学生的入党动机,分析了大学生的入党动机的现状和影响因素,提出了加强"90后"大学生入党动机教育的具体建议。  相似文献   

美国著名的约翰M.凯勒教授提出的"ARCS"动机模型可以从注意、相关、信心和满意四个方面来激发和维持学习者的动机。本文从心理学上的马斯洛"需求层次结构理论"和戴维.麦克利兰"成就需要理论"的视角,分析了ARCS动机模型与二语学习中"成就需要"动机的相关因素,并提出了激发二语学习者"成就需要"动机的一些有效策略。  相似文献   

戏剧主义修辞批评是当今西方修辞批评领域流行的范式之一。文章以伯克的戏剧五要素分析法为分析工具,借助伯克的"术语屏"、"同一"等重要修辞概念,分析美国《时代周刊》杂志对我国拉萨"3·14"打砸抢烧严重暴力犯罪事件的报道,解构其语篇构建的修辞方式,挖掘该报道背后隐藏的修辞动机。分析表明,《时代周刊》对此事件的报道充满偏见,严重偏离事实。  相似文献   

Recognizing the centrality of motives in Burke's rhetorical theory, the authors suggest that the concept has so far not been adequately dealt with. The article begins with an explanation of the pentad, whose elements are “five motivational points of view.” The terms of the pentad can be assigned to the elements in a human event only after an examination of the event; nothing is to be assumed. The authors recognize that others—Holland, Nichols, Fisher, for example—have drawn various connections between the pentad and motives, but each has been too narrow in a different way. The first point to be made is that each element in the pentad is the locus or potential locus of motive forces. Then, acknowledging the suggestion by Ling that each man describes a human situation by featuring and ordering particular elements in the pentad, the authors argue that such featuring implicitly also features the motives associated with those elements. They then speculate about what featuring tells us of various periods in rhetorical history: the renaissance featuring of schemes and tropes, the elecutionary movement, etc., each one emphasizing a different element in the pentad. They conclude that Burke calls for a thorough investigation of all the elements as well as their interrelationships or, ratio, and a synthesis of the results. This advice is immediately taken up by the authors in a lengthy analysis of George Wallace's “stand in the school house door” at the University of Alabama in 1963.  相似文献   

Rhetorical scholars have taken Burke's discussions of the “representative anecdote” in A Grammar of Motives, and have devised from them a systematic procedure for use in criticism. However, I believe that we can read the representative anecdote in a different way‐by examining the work the term does for Burke himself. I suggest that Burke is not offering a method as much as justifying dramatism dramatistically. Ultimately, based upon my reading of the Grammar, I argue that the representative anecdote‐taken in conjunction with the pentad‐supports Burke's claim to provide the most adequate vocabulary for the study of motives.  相似文献   

肯尼斯·伯克是新修辞学的领袖人物,他的两个重要修辞理论分别是同一理论和戏剧主义五要素。这两个新修辞学的理论扩大了传统修辞学的研究范围,为修辞学的发展开辟了新的道路。在综述国内核心期刊以及万方硕士论文库对于伯克新修辞学的介绍与研究的基础上,总结其带给我们的启示。  相似文献   

由于不可避免的地缘政治和地缘经济利害关系,在跨文化交流中,交流者可能会通过修辞策略,有意影响受众对某一事件的解读,实现其预期的修辞效果。肯尼斯·伯克的戏剧五元理论致力于话语与动机之间关系的研究。本文介绍了源自该理论的修辞批评方法,结合话语案例分析,说明了如何应用这一理论对跨文化交流中交流者话语进行分析,从而看清其所要推进的利益、到达的目的,以提高中国受众在跨文化交流中的批判和应对能力。  相似文献   

This article answers Carl Hemdl's call for furthering critical approaches to research in professional communication by forwarding Kenneth Burke's concepts of symbolic action, dramatism, and the pentad. This article illustrates, through an analysis of data gathered in a case study of technical writers, how Burke provides us with tools that can produce more varied terministic screens for how critical researchers conceptualize, interpret, and analyze workplace communication.  相似文献   

When Kenneth Burke visited the Museum of Modern Art exhibition “Road to Victory: A Procession of Photographs of the Nation at War” in the summer of 1942, he most likely did not expect to leave with such intense and intensely contradictory impressions. His visit there offers rhetoric scholars an opportunity to examine the exhibition – important for museum rhetoric because of its propagandistic political message and its innovative visual and material design. Considering the exhibition on its own terms, and the way designers managed problems of circulation and implemented new methods of “extended vision” helps us to present Burke’s then-developing theories (placement, the pentad) as themselves decidedly visual – photographic, even – and concomitantly, for that moment at least, as decidedly war-directed.  相似文献   

多项针对英美儿童自语的研究发现了儿童自语具有特定的发展规律,以及影响自语发展的外部因素。这些研究也发现儿童自语具有行为调节作用。儿童自语研究可以对我们的教育实践产生积极作用。对于中国儿童的自语状况尚无系统研究。  相似文献   

奥巴马获胜演讲的语体特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奥巴马是美国历史上首位非裔总统。他在获胜演讲中,巧妙地运用语言的艺术,抒发了自己的获胜感言,征服了所有的听众。从语音、词汇和句法等角度系统分析奥巴马获胜演讲的语体特点,不仅能加深读者对奥巴马获胜演讲的理解,并从中找到其成功的原由,而且有助于读者对公众演讲语体特点的更清晰了解。  相似文献   

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