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史学、史才、史识,是唐代著名的史学家刘知几提出的治史三长,是作为一名史学家必须具备的三种基本的要素。把它移到当今的历史教学中非常契合,符合素质教育对课堂改革的要求,也可以解决目前历史课堂教学中所存在的诸多问题。  相似文献   

Tesconi-Warren collaborations began 50 years ago at the University of Illinois-Chicago, then abbreviated fondly as “Chicago Circle,” perhaps the only American institution of higher learning named for a traffic-control installation. We offered Foundations courses in teacher preparation programs of the College of Education, occasionally as a team. Our wives and children became friends. Van Cleve Morris was our dean and president of the American Educational Studies Association (AESA) around the time Tesconi brought Warren into the young association early in the 1970s. We jointly designed a PhD specialization in education policy studies and secured grants to support multicultural curriculum development and recruitment of American Indian students from Chicago's Native community. Later, we went separate ways. Our work became more administrative, Tesconi as dean of education and social services at the University of Vermont and American University and Warren in a similar capacity at Indiana University.

?This article relies extensively on personal memories, refreshed and fact-checked through AESA archives. Readers may find it fantastical and on some points mistaken. But the want of a history of AESA makes searching its past for coherence a stagger through patchy recollections. Believing is seeing.

?Although our association experiences have extended across 5 decades, the ones we emphasize here occurred in the 1970s and 1980s. All had rippling effects. Specifically, we cite Pride and Promise, an AESA-sponsored publication in 1984; enactment of standards for assessing Foundations courses and sequences in professional education programs; and the AESA campaign to establish what was originally called the Council of Learned Societies in Education, a bonding of Foundations-related associations subsequently renamed the Council for Social Foundations of Education (American Educational Studies Association, 2017 American Educational Studies Association. (2017, May 6). Weekly Roundup. Retrieved from http://www.educationalstudies.org/executivecouncilstatementofconcern [Google Scholar], sec. 1978; Tozer, Gallegos, Henry, Greiner, & Price, 2011 Tozer, S., Gallegos, B. P., Henry, A., Greiner, M. B., & Price, P. G. (Eds.). (2011). Handbook of research on the social foundations of education. New York, NY: Routledge. [Google Scholar]).

An AESA narrative should be constructed as multiple stories with shifting centers of gravity, a design permitting transdisciplinary understanding of how diversity can grow as one without compromising unique traits and histories. Sturdy purposes, reinterpreted and reaffirmed, injected the powerful secret ingredients. The association has always been hydra-headed, but united nonetheless. Membership analyses would confirm whether the guesses have merit. AESA has changed without coherently pinpointing when, how, and why. It devised long-range plans but did not follow them religiously. The flexibility may well have proved to be an asset.  相似文献   

历史与怀旧小说是20世纪90年代流行小说的一个重要分支,它大致可以分为三个类别:一是重述的历史,以二月河、唐明浩和以《还珠格格》等为代表的戏说历史;二是以上海怀旧类小说,使小资情调渐成时代风尚;三是知青怀旧类小说,使曾经被叙述为苦难的历史成为审美对象。历史小说的流行,是90年代多元文化语境的结果,也是市场经济体制的一个文化显现。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,世界已更加紧密地连结成一个整体,或者形象地说,世界成为一个“地球村”。随着加入世界贸易组织、国民经济的蓬勃增长和国际地位的不断提高,中国作为世界的一个有机部分,将更加面向世界,参与国际事务,并做出更大的贡献。因此,中国人民首先必须更清楚、全面和深刻地认识世界。然而,今日的世界是由过去的世界发展而来,所以必须学习和了解世界的历史。  相似文献   

历史学家、历史主义者、新历史主义者分别把“历史”作为研究对象时有各自不同的侧重点和各自不同的理论基础。后者的研究方法与前两者的也大不相同,更能体现出新历史主义的阐释策略。  相似文献   

将理论经济学包括的二级学科归纳为思想范畴和实践范畴两个部分,经济史属于历史的实践,经济理论属于“历史+今天”的学说。经济史教学主要针对本科生层次,经济理论研究主要针对研究生层次。经济史教学设计的特点是,在经济理论引导下构建以共性成分为内容的主体框架,同时借助经济史研究成果把个性成分准确地显现出来。经济理论研究与经济史研究有密切关系,后者是前者能否产出产品的重要前提条件。借助统计资料探索经济理论,实际上就属于由经济史研究角度切入研究经济理论的内容之一。  相似文献   

学术界对文学史的界定众说纷纭,以至于这一概念被使用时出现了含混模糊。事实上,从有文学史之实但无文学史之名,到有文学史之名且包含有多重内涵,文学史的内涵经历了漫长的流变过程。文学史主要包含文学史事实、文学史书写和文学史哲学三个构成层面。与之对应,文学史的意义也是多重的:其一,传播知识、传承文学技法和弘扬文学经典;其二,让后学了解文学发展的脉络与趋势,并将其纳入到民族新文化的建构当中,彰显其时代价值;其三,建构特色的文学史理论体系,以更好地指导文学史研究。  相似文献   

本文重新检讨了学术界对野史、杂史和别史的定义,清理了笔记或小说的源流和分类、著录时之部类归并情况,认为野史、杂史和别史其实皆可纳入传统"笔记"或"小说"的范畴.其次,认为这些非正史类文献具有不可忽视的史料价值,但也存在一定局限,使用时需要细加择别.再次,从行卷风气、史馆制度等方面,分析了唐五代笔记小说的特点,驳正了对唐五代小说或笔记文学性强、真实强弱的宠统指责,认为其史料价值迥剔于明清以后几全属虚构之小说.并指出应该在宗教研究等方面,充分加以利用.  相似文献   

In this article, the author discusses the pedagogical value of teaching a criminal justice history course through the use of major motion pictures. He examines the past use of film in academia, specifically the criminal justice academy, and highlights the gap in the literature associating historical films with criminal justice history. The article then proceeds to discuss the manner in which Hollywood often portrays history and include criminal justice history, and presents an example through the Steven Spielberg movie Amistad. The article also describes the author’s experience in creating and teaching a criminal justice history films course.  相似文献   

汉语修辞学史的研究是汉语修辞学中的热点,成果很多。汉语修辞学史研究想更上一层楼,是不容易的。对汉语修辞学研究现状进行评论,是汉语修辞学前进所必须的。这种评论应当建立在“诚”字之上,端正学风。研究汉语修辞学史,进行汉语修辞学评论,目的是要推动汉语修辞学研究,促进修辞学的繁荣。  相似文献   

作为教育性质的自然科学史学科,是以提高学生的科学素养为核心,科学素养、人文素养、哲学素养三者相得益彰、相互促进的课程。自然科学史教学的基本内容应当包括:基础知识理论的教育,科学思想的教育,科学方法的教育,科学精神的教育,人文精神的教育,哲学思想的教育。在讲述内容和教学活动中,要注意处理好若干关系。  相似文献   

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