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Bishop Museum has been the focus of attention in Hawaiì and the mainland for its changes in direction from a traditional natural history museum to an entrepreneurial science learning center. Attention has focused on how well the museum, in changing its direction, serves its communities, especially its the Native Hawaiian community, and whether it should be undertaking contract research projects and contract public programs in partnership with hotels and other commercial businesses. The author, involved in a key role in several projects representing this change in direction, discusses controversial projects associated with repatriation, contract archaeology, and exhibits. The projects are described within the context of the museum's history as a Hawaiian institution. The controversies are then examined in terms of how the museum managed them and in so doing, how it met its mission of education and service. As we enter the twenty-first century, our ability to work with the community, especially the Native Hawaiian community, and remain financially viable will determine how we fare.  相似文献   

大学博物馆的过去、现在和未来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本通过对大学博物馆历史的简要回溯,概述了大学博物馆的发展概貌,现状及面临的挑战:结合欧美等国家大学博物馆的实践,为今后我国大学博物馆的发展探索一些可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

This article presents a theoretical framework for those who facilitate engagements with works of art. The aim is to help facilitators negotiate potential differences between the original meaning(s) of an artwork and the fresh interpretations spectators articulate. The author applies Umberto Eco's ideas about literary texts to instances of interpretation in the visual arts. Eco suggests that the implications of unexpected readings change in different situations. Therefore, the facilitators' challenge is in discovering how to handle each individual encounter. To this end, facilitators may wish to ponder: What meaning does the new interpretation conflict with? And what is the distance between the cultural conventions of spectators and the conventions that framed the creation of the work? Real world examples are used to shed light on these questions and their significance.  相似文献   

场馆教育是近年来受到持续关注的热点领域。本研究采用文献计量法,用CiteSpace软件对中国知网中2007—2022年场馆教育核心期刊文献进行可视化分析。研究结果显示:从文献数量分布来看,场馆教育研究数量在15年间持续上升,研究者主要分布在博物馆学与教育学领域,其中教育学研究视角偏少;从研究热点来看,研究重点关注场馆中的学习行为以及场馆与学校教育的结合;从研究现状来看,我国场馆教育研究目前缺少有推广价值的实践案例。  相似文献   

孙淼 《中国博物馆》2010,(1):114-119
<正>一从伦敦坐火车约两个小时就可以到牛津。我们已经和阿什莫林博物馆(Ashmolean Museum)东方部的Shelagh女士约好十点钟见面。六月的天气温暖、湿润、阳光明媚,在博物馆一层大厅,Shelagh女士略带歉意地告诉我们中国展厅正在装修,两年后  相似文献   

论博物馆的行业优势与博物馆的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
所谓行业优势,说到底就是行业的特质、特色。抓住本行业的特质、特色善加发挥,你无我有,你有我优,你优我巧,这就是竞争。从行业竞争的角度上看,博物馆至少有以下七大优势。  相似文献   

一、博物馆是一种多元化的理念与实践 西方主要语言中的“博物馆”一词(如英文Museum)均来源于希腊语“缪斯神庙”(mouseion)一词。在古希腊神话中,缪斯(希腊语Mousa,即英文muses)是众神之王宙斯与记忆女神莫涅摩西涅(Mnemosyne)所生的九位女儿,她们作为艺术与科学的保护神,各有专司。  相似文献   

Speculation about the character and purposes of American art museums has occasioned intense debate since their inception—never more so than today. Whether to be elitist or populist, object‐based or audience‐based forms the crux of many heated arguments. This article asserts that, in the midst of competing philosophies, the successful American art museum has in reality grown from an amalgam of ideas that form a via media or middle path, far more inclusive and pragmatic than is usually noted. This comprehensive philosophy is most effectively demonstrated in the work of Henry Watson Kent at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York during the first decades of the twentieth century. The work of Kent and his colleagues at the Metropolitan Museum is here examined as a paradigm for the via media museum practice that speaks to the aspirations of America's current art museum leadership.  相似文献   

包容性是博物馆的基本特质之一,尽管博物馆对外也存在排斥行为,其包容性仍在博物馆的发展中不断展现和加强。发挥博物馆的包容性特质,应做到在坚持本馆藏品政策的前提下,做到在藏品的选择上更加多样化,扩大观众服务的受众范围,确定展览主题时更积极地介入社会重要议题,在不断变化的社会背景中发挥其自身功能,以推动社会包容的实现,促进社会公平。  相似文献   

This research examines dramatic old-time radio programs produced by the networks to identify prime-time shows that focused regularly and principally on ecclesiastics- people in service to the institutional church. Although many such programs appeared on prime-time broad- cast television, this study reveals that only one such program aired in the history of prime-time radio. The article draws a profile of this program, The Bishop and the Gargoyle, looking at how it represents ecclesiastics. The aim is to contribute to an understanding of how popular culture represents the institutional church and its leaders, here adding a review of radio to the existing literature that looks at the church's representation in television and movies. The study also considers why church-set network-produced prime-time programs were so scarce in old-time radio.  相似文献   

“一切都在变,不变的唯有变化。”为在不断变迁的世界中生存和发展,美国博物馆协会特成立博物馆未来中心,研究并预测未来发展趋势,帮助博物馆创新思维,突破传统束缚,为更好地服务社会谋求新方式,制定新战略。《趋势观察2012:把握博物馆未来脉搏》报告即是未来博物馆中心在过去一年对博物馆重大变化观察和总结的基础上,对博物馆未来发展趋势做出的预测和应对建议。  相似文献   

美国儿童博物馆协会编著的论文集《儿童博物馆建设运营之道》,既是一部启发思路的成果汇编,又堪称是一本指导实践的实用手册。该书不仅专注于显性意义上形而下的器,还重视隐性意义上形而上的道。本文对该论文集中各位学者的真知灼见和核心观点进行归纳和述评,并在此基础上反思该书在当代博物馆儿童研究中的地位和价值。同时主张在面对与日俱增的儿童现象及材料时,不应仅止步于追求“求实”“致用”的经验,还要探寻隐匿于经验之中的本质及其关联,以“求真”实现“道器并重”。  相似文献   

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