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It has been several years since the concept of performance technology was introduced in the literature. This article describes how the Instructional Systems program at Florida State University has responded to the changes that are required to expand its orientation from instructional technology to performance technology. Gradual changes in several existing courses and the implementation of two new courses in performance systems analysis and electronic performance support systems are described. In the new courses, students interact with clients to determine needs, examine processes, design solutions, and determine returns on investments. Consideration is also given in the article to ways other universities might respond to the changes in the direction of the field.  相似文献   

With the advent of wireless technology, new tools are available that are intended to enhance students' learning and attitudes. To assess the effectiveness of wireless student response systems in the biology curriculum at New Mexico State University, a combined study of student attitudes and performance was undertaken. A survey of students in six biology courses showed that strong majorities of students had favorable overall impressions of the use of student response systems and also thought that the technology improved their interest in the course, attendance, and understanding of course content. Students in lower-division courses had more strongly positive overall impressions than did students in upper-division courses. To assess the effects of the response systems on student learning, the number of in-class questions was varied within each course throughout the semester. Students' performance was compared on exam questions derived from lectures with low, medium, or high numbers of in-class questions. Increased use of the response systems in lecture had a positive influence on students' performance on exam questions across all six biology courses. Students not only have favorable opinions about the use of student response systems, increased use of these systems increases student learning.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,新技术大大推动着建筑创作的变革,建筑美学越来越多地呈现出技术的发展趋向。通过对当前国内建筑学相关专业中建筑技术美学课程建设不足的原因进行分析,提出了三个方面的建设内容:即厘清建筑美学的基本问题、完善建筑审美文化课程建设、开展学科融合的"整合设计"。通过对该问题的思考,旨在引起建筑教育界对建筑技术美学问题的关注和重视。  相似文献   

The number of university undergraduate courses in the area of interactive media is increasing. Many of these courses are based in the schools of art and design that have traditionally valued and focused on developing the aesthetic and artistic design skills of their students. However, because of the rapid changes in new technology the relation between the technology and design has become complex. This poses new challenges for the educators in this field. The main challenge is defining the role of programming in the curriculum and the relationship between ‘coding’ skills and ‘design’ skills. The article examines different conceptual models of programming and suggests that the concept of programming as artistic and creative practice and ‘programming as design’ would be more suitable for the art and design curriculum.  相似文献   

Human performance technology (HPT) is an area of professional practice most often found in the business world rather than in education. As adjunct professors at several universities, we have incorporated the principles of HPT into our classes. This article describes some of the courses where we have used aspects and models of HPT to teach students about subject areas in business. In addition, an entire graduate program based on HPT has been started at ITSON University in Mexico.  相似文献   

黄松华 《天津教育》2021,(9):122-123
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,人们的学习、工作、生活出现了翻天覆地的变化,从而进入了信息时代,享受着信息技术带来的便利。在这一时代大背景下,具备信息素养成为社会评价人才的标准之一,为此学校特意开展了信息技术课程,旨在教授学生基础知识,建构其全新的知识体系,培育信息核心素养,适应时代发展需求。基于此,本文以小学信息技术为例,探究培养学生信息核心素养的具体途径。  相似文献   

本文对美国高校中与辅助技术关系最密切专业的课程设置情况进行了介绍和分析,指出美国高等辅助技术教育课程设置涉及多个专业领域,有各种不同的设置体系,课程品种繁多,多学科知识融合,高技术与低技术并用,有先进的课程设置理念,课程设置的目的明确到位,课程涉及多种教育层次,并得到广泛开设。该文认为关注美国高等辅助技术教育课程的设置情况将对我国开设辅助技术课程的理念、名称、内容、所要达到的目的与可以深入的程度,以及应该开展的研究等方面都会有很多启示。  相似文献   

略论信息技术对新课程改革的应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向素质教育的基础教育改革必须以信息技术为基础.本文立足于当前中小学信息技术的应用现状,分析了制约信息技术教育教学应用效益的若干因素,并指出信息技术应对新课程改革要在硬件环境、软件平台、教师的信息技术教育三大方面作出努力.  相似文献   

为了培养新型人才的需要,《计算机应用基础》作为一门基础课程,已列入各阶段的教育教学计划中。针对高职学生的现状,教师要把握课堂角色、实施“任务驱动”教学法,利用计算机网络及多媒体教学、加强师生交流,注重学生反馈。  相似文献   

EDA技术的发展与应用不仅使电子系统设计与制造发生了革命性的变化,也给电子技术课程教学带来了巨大的变化,改变了传统的电子技术课程教学模式。首先分析了传统的电子技术基础理论和实验教学中存在的问题,然后在阐述EDA基础知识、发展过程和典型应用的基础之上,提出了一种基于EDA技术的电子技术教学新方案,通过教学实践证明该方案能够在较大程度上提高学生对电子技术课程的学习兴趣,并能提升电子技术课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

Courses of initial teacher training have recently undergone profound changes in England and France. In both countries, radical reform has swept away traditional models of practice, replacing them by systems in which schools play an increased role in the training and assessment of students and in which a new emphasis has been placed on the practicalities of teaching. In the turbulent aftermath of these reforms, how do trainees see the new programmes that aim to equip them with the necessary skills and attributes to become successful entrants to the teaching profession? This article compares and analyses the views of English and French trainees in the final months of their respective courses and identifies key areas of similarity and difference between the two systems.  相似文献   

高职化工专业课程设置改革的探讨与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前高职的课程设置改革既是热点也是难点问题。高职化工专业课程设置的依据有社会需求、学生个人发展、学科体系三个方面,要体现出活、宽、实的原则。结合实践对本院化工专业课程设置改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Recently a number of institutions have begun sponsoring nondeficit science and/or technology learning experiences for parents and their middle school-aged children which are intended to be enriching rather than remedial or compensatory in purpose. Very little research documenting the effects of parental involvement in the education of older children has been reported, however. The intent of this article was to present two studies designed to determine whether middle school-aged children's attitudes and content achievement are different when they take a technology course with their parents (parent-child treatment) or with their peers (child-child treatment). The first study focused on learning about communications technology (primarily telegraphs, telephones and radios); the second study focused on microcomputers. Results indicate that parents have little affect in helping their children learn the subject matter of technology courses. Likewise, parents do not affect children's attitudes toward computers. Both results were attenuated by the fact that the students in the studies were high achievers who were interested in and motivated to learn the subject matter, regardless of treatment. Significant differences were noted for computer literacy favoring the parent-child group, however. Parents also seemed to effect children's attitudes toward the subject matter of the courses. Further research needs to be done with less appealing course content or with less motivated students to fully determine the effect of parent-child and child groupings in science and technology courses.  相似文献   

面向培养卓越工程师,对测控技术与仪器专业的实践环节教学进行了改革。提出了对现有的实验设备进行基于LabVIEW的改革,包括液位测控系统和电加热炉温度测控系统。成果表明,对测控技术与仪器专业的卓越工程师培养,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

The development and use of assessment systems to measure the performance and progress of teacher candidates and inform the continuous improvement of teacher education programs has been a longstanding priority in teacher education for the past 30 years. Teacher educators in the School of Education at a small public midwestern university revised and improved their assessment system by developing seven Embedded Signature Assessments (ESAs). ESAs are formative performance assessments that are implemented in professional education courses to measure a teacher candidate’s performance prior to student teaching and readiness for student teaching. This article describes the development and implementation of ESAs at one university, with attention to the benefits and challenges.  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展和高等教育规模的迅速膨胀,教学手段信息化建设已经成为高等教育教学改革的一种不可阻挡的必然趋势。而高校公共课程本身的特点决定了它在整个教育信息化改革中的重要地位和作用,本文比较系统地论述了教育信息化的基本理论以及公共课程教学手段信息化改革的必要性、可行性和具体的实施对策。  相似文献   

分析了高职院校网络课程建设的现状,以及近几年全国多媒体教育软件大奖赛的获奖作品分布情况,探讨高职院校网络课程建设存在的问题.根据高职院校网络课程的特点,从平台选择、开发模式、资源建设、界面设计、栏目定制、新技术应用等方面分析如何建设优秀的网络课程.最后介绍笔者近几年在全国多媒体教育软件大奖赛上获得一等奖的3个课程案例.  相似文献   

计算机专业因为其特殊的教学方式和自身专业知识强的特点,以前经常采用闭卷的纸质考试,严重地脱离了计算机专业实践课程的初衷。教育考试改革实施后,该课程考试有了新的标准,平时考核包括上课出勤率和在课堂上的表现以及其他方面的考核;实践考核主要考量学生在上机实践时候的操作能力和思维创新能力;答辩时考察临场表达和对技术的理解能力。这样从根本上改变了"考试"模式的教学,对于高等院校的人才培养有很大的推进作用。  相似文献   

"地理信息系统"课程是遥感科学与技术和地理信息系统的核心基础课程,也是相关气象专业的重点课程之一。本文从教学团队建设、教材建设、课程体系建设和课程的网络化建设,探索了气象院校地理信息系统精品课程建设的思路与方法。  相似文献   


Privacy studies may be seen by some teacher educators as being ‘anti-technology’ in their character, with the potential to dim the enthusiasm of future teachers for new technological initiatives. However, privacy is taking on new significance in an age of the Internet and advanced information technologies, as the examples and sources outlined in this article demonstrate. Privacy issues have a strong influence on various pressing international political and economic concerns, and thus add important dimensions to curricula. Some technological developments (such as encryption) also provide hands-on dimensions to privacy topics that are likely to whet the interests of many students. Teacher educators can work to introduce privacy notions to future teachers in ways that will enhance both their information technology studies and their understanding of other curricular areas (including citizenship, business, and social studies). As described in this article, privacy exercises, scenarios, and hands-on laboratory sessions were provided in several teacher education courses in the United States. What teacher educators do in relation to privacy studies will help determine the future character of discourse and the direction of technological development pertaining to privacy.  相似文献   

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