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MBA教育自1908于美国诞生到现在,已经走过了上百年的历史。中国与日本作为MBA教育中相对"年轻"的国家,有很多的异同之处。本文首先介绍了MBA教育的相关理论,接着分别阐述了日本及我国MBA教育的发展概况;然后结合中日MBA教育差异进行对比,最后通过上述对MBA教育的阐述与分析,提出对于完善我国MBA教育的对策和建议。  相似文献   

MBA教育创新研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了我国MBA教育的现状以及存在的主要问题。提出了应该进行入学资格、学习模式、课程设计、师资结构、合作培养、差异化发展、信息技术应用等关键方面的创新,才能使MBA教育质量不断提高,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

本文介绍了远程MBA教育在美洲、欧洲及亚太地区的发展过程及经验,及其带给我们的启示与思考。  相似文献   

章对英国的MBA教学及其发展过程进行了系统的研究,并对英美两国的MBA教学思想,课程设置和教学方法进行了比较,为在我国施行MBA教学提供了借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

A recent trend among universities shifts from traditional MBA programs to specialized MBA offerings. Specialized programs are believed to cultivate stronger relationships with students, which lead to stronger alumni relationships and increased donations. This research tests this empirically by examining relationship perceptions and donation behavior among alumni of both traditional and specialized MBA programs from a university. The findings suggest that graduates of specialized programs are more likely to perceive relationships with their MBA programs than their traditional program counterparts. These graduates are also more likely to donate to their universities and to direct their donations toward their specialized MBA programs.  相似文献   

As the popularity and importance of project management increase, so does the need for well‐prepared project managers. This article discusses our experiences using a project management simulation in undergraduate and MBA classes to help students better grasp the complexity of project management. This approach gives students hands‐on experience with many facets in the project management life cycle and provides them with feedback on their performance as project managers. This article provides an overview of the simulation exercises, guidance for classroom integration, and evidence of effectiveness.  相似文献   

MBA alumni are exceptionally well placed to evaluate management education in terms of its real impacts on students against current, and expected, needs. This paper reports the results of a survey of graduates of one MBA course to identify which aspects of the course its graduates valued highly and the extent of the contribution of their MBA to career changes that have followed their completion of the course. The benefits of the program to graduates, in terms of relevance, knowledge gained, behaviour changed and outcomes achieved were judged to be substantial. The MBA is seen as a significant factor in career change and development.  相似文献   

An earlier paper in this journal has discussed segmentation of the MBA student market, according to demographic criteria, based upon experience at the University of Western Australia. This follow-up paper uses the Western Australia market and particularly the University of Western Australia as a case example of the Australian MBA market. The paper provides an overview of current Australian MBA market conditions and discusses the history, competitive environment, structure, admission policy, tuition and financial aid of the University of Western Australia's MBA program.  相似文献   

对MBA教学的目标、理念和方法进行了分析研究,提出了MBA教学对于工商管理专业教学突出教学目标的明确性和具体性、融合“理论结合实践”的核心教学理念、将CLSP循环启发式教学法作为基本的教学法等方面的启示。  相似文献   

随着新军事变革的不断深入,军队建设需要大批适应市场经济环境、掌握国防资源规划与计划、装备采办管理、后勤管理等知识和技术的高级管理人才,以提高国防资源利用效率.在分析外军MBA人才培养现状的基础上,结合我军人才需要的实际,提出了国防MBA的培养目标、培养对象以及应当把握的原则,提出了MBA人才培养和科学研究的重点领域,为实施国防MBA教育提供思路.  相似文献   

Higher order thinking skills are important for managers. Systems thinking is an important type of higher order thinking in business education. This article investigates a soft Operations Research approach to teaching and learning systems thinking. It outlines the integrative use of Strategic Options Development and Analysis maps for visualizing and assessing systems thinking and the joint analytical process for systems thinking development. This approach has been applied in an MBA course, and has demonstrated its usefulness for students in developing systems thinking skills.  相似文献   

绿色教育是在全球可持续发展背景下教育领域的一种回应。商业教育中绿色意识的持续增长使得美国绿色MBA项目得到繁荣发展,并主要形成四种教育类型,分别是全绿色MBA、含绿色领域的传统MBA、双学位绿色MBA和提供绿色选修课的MBA,它们各具特色,有自己的适用条件。这为我国高校非环境类专业开展绿色教育提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

MBA教育在我国经过30年的发展,已经成为培养中高层企业管理人才的重要途径,文章对2010年以来MBA的报考人数、报录比、地区间招生差异等指标进行了统计分析,指出当前我国MBA招生存在报名数量持续增长,报录比趋于稳定,地域间在招生数量、项目招生规模、学费水平等方面差异显著等特征。  相似文献   

This article illustrates the application of a pairwise comparison methodology to the doctoral program selection process. The first section includes a brief discussion of the pairwise comparison methodology better known in the literature as Saaty's Analytic Hierarchy Process. In the next section, a hierarchy for structuring and facilitating the doctoral program selection decision is described. This section is followed by an illustration of the methodology using the hierarchy for which four MBA students contemplating a doctoral program provided pairwise comparisons. Next, the results obtained above are discussed, and followed by our summary and conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between tuition fees charged by MBA programmes and the number of applications to these programmes, using a panel dataset comprising universities from countries across the world. Using Three-Stage-Least-Squares methods for simultaneous equations, we find a two-way relationship between tuition fees and applications: higher application numbers encourage universities to charge higher fees in the future, but higher fees in turn curtail application numbers. We find evidence that higher GMAT scores of existing students increase applications, as do higher post MBA salaries. Meanwhile, university and programme professional accreditations do not impact on student application choices, nor do alumni ratings of programme quality. Published MBA programme rankings appear to have little impact on applications, and where an effect can be identified, it appears that a better ranking discourages applications. Only US News rankings have a significant effect on applicants to US MBA programmes.  相似文献   

This article demonsrrares how management development activities are evolving under the dual influences of the changing nature of business itself and new developments in learning theory. At first degree MBA and executive levels there is an increasing tendency towards a combination of theory and practice which demands a greater parmership between buciness and educational institutions to achieve successful learning. Examples are quoted at each level of the management development process and the author argues that this represents a genuinely European approach to management education and training.  相似文献   

中国MBA教育存在的问题及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The way of recruiting of MBA should be reformed; While strengthening case teaching, invitee xcellent teacher; Strengthen the alliance of China and foreign countries to run a school, join international MBA evaluate and confirmation; The combination Chinese active MBA teaching material of authorized strength lets more university open MBA education.  相似文献   

MBA教育在我国已经发展了20多年,为我国培养了一大批高级管理人才。然而,当前国内的MBA教育教学还存着师资力量不足、教学形式单一、教学内容匮乏等相对滞后的现象。如果能在MBA教育中发挥朋辈教育的作用,可以在一定程度上去弥补这些不足,从而促进国内MBA教育教育教学水平快速提升。当然,要使朋辈教育在MBA教育中能够真正发挥作用,还得注意遵守朋辈教育的“朋辈性”、榜样性和奉献精神等基本规律。  相似文献   

Full-time MBA students amount to about one-third of the 26,000 students enrolled on MBA programmes at UK universities. The programmes have become increasingly international in student composition and concerns have been expressed about performance, quality and comparability between programmes. Research into predictors of MBA success has been equivocal with few clear indicators. This paper presents two case studies at two post-1992 universities of full-time MBA programmes and the relationship between entry qualifications – interpreted widely – and graduation success. Full-time programmes inevitably attract overseas students from outside Europe and this creates differences, not only in culture and ethos, but also in content, teaching methods, assessment and attitudes to assessment. The discussion includes the competing perspectives of financial performance and education and the changing face of MBA programmes due to internationalisation. It concludes that there are broad similarities between the two institutions which has wider application and offers an approach that may enhance performance through improved application processes and the management of staff and student expectations.  相似文献   

专业学位扩招给MBA教育发展带来新的机遇和挑战。本文通过对MBA项目外部环境的显著变化进行分析,依据心理学关于情境认知的相关理论,提出MBA教学改革模型,并据此预测MBA教学方法改革的趋势,提出我国现阶段MBA教学方法改革的对策。  相似文献   

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