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在学校改进中,校长的领导力起着关键作用,其中,浇铸理念、创建愿景、凝练信任、分享权力是学校改进取得成功的重要领导力。这些领导力使校长能倾听自己的声音,给团队成员以动力,促进团队成员精诚合作,为团队成员提供发展的机会。学校改进是内生式的发展,大学研究者是校长及其学校团队的合作伙伴。学校始终处于变革之中,改进没有起点和终点,每一个针对学校问题的思考与行动都是学校改进的生长点。因此,校长的领导力提升是学校改进的重要内容。  相似文献   

学校效能与学校改进皆为提高学校教育质量的两类研究,但是它们的认识论起源以及所秉持的研究传统却各有不同。到了20世纪80年代末至90年代初,来自这两个领域的研究者开始尝试将二者加以联系,由此两个领域的研究出现了结合的趋势。学校效能和学校改进产生分歧在本质上是由于二者在认识论以及理性基础上的不同倾向。而二者进一步走向结合也是源于两个领域的研究者在认识以及行动上对学校的一些共同理解。  相似文献   

“分布式领导“这一术语产生于2泄纪90年代中后期,它突破了单向的、静态的、线性的领导观念,从多向的、动态的、流动的角度再造了学校领导.从分布式领导实践的视角考察学校有效领导力,可以理解为在领导中采用一种针对行为的方法,在结构、状态和设计方面,将校长、教师和他们的状态互动的个体领导行为进行集合,以促进组织目标的实现.  相似文献   

It is suggested widely that the use of computer technology holds great promise for school science education. Such a suggestion is congruent with broader beliefs that implementation of new technology is a key to improving education. However, little is known still about computer use in science classrooms and its effects on students' learning. This paper draws on major findings from recent research, integrates these with theoretical perspectives from associated education literature, and proposes guidelines for orienting computer use in high school science classrooms. It is proposed that (a) pedagogy should be strongly informed by appropriate theoretical orientations, (b) the importance of models in science should be acknowledged in pedagogy and in software development, (c) developing students' metacognition during instruction involving computers should be focussed upon, and (d) teachers' and students' beliefs and epistemologies should be recognised as key factors in educational change involving computer implementation and use.  相似文献   

有效的学校领导是学校质量和学校变革的关键因素。学校领导者是学校组织变革和发展的中心。发达国家在学校组织变革过程中越来越强调学校领导者的作用,强调学校领导者应该成为教育性领导。发达国家的研究者们揭示了教育性领导的内涵,从三个维度解释了教育性领导的职能及其相互关系,包括教学领导、课程领导和学习领导,同时还指出了教育性领导的建构策略。  相似文献   

在构建学习型学校过程中教育领导角色与策略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张兆芹 《外国教育研究》2005,32(11):20-24,32
文章通过对学习型学校特征以及教育领导概念和角色的分析,认为构建学习型学校的首要策略是树立学习型教育领导,如此可以使学校每个人在承担学校的责任上分享领导权力,实现对学校共同利益意识的承诺与尽责,唤起高绩效学校的共同愿景,充分发挥学校组织创新能力。同时探讨了在构建学习型学校过程中教育领导策略:1)建立延伸的领导概念,建构多水平的教育领导;2)教育领导者要确立角色意识,领导学校发展;3)教育领导者要建立清晰的共同愿景;4)建立分享反思的学校学习文化;5)构建高效能的团队学习,促进专业发展;6)建立学习机制,使教育领导产生巨大的创造力。  相似文献   

评析美国的教育券政策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔敏 《外国教育研究》2005,32(11):29-32
教育券是20世纪90年代以来美国公共教育改革实现私有化与市场化过程中流行起来的一种新的教育资助方式。美国政府资助的教育券实验最早出现在20世纪60年代末,到90年代,教育券开始付诸实践。文章试图对美国教育券政策的实施背景、具体实施政策、关于教育券争论的一些分析以及关于教育券提议的未来思考等方面作一系统的分析与研究。  相似文献   

有效学校校长领导力是校长创造一种以学生高效学习、教师高效工作、有创新精神为特征的学校氛围的能力。在日益强调学校有效发展的今天,有效学校校长领导力对学校绩效的作用已逐渐引发了理论研究者和教育实践者的关注。本文对有效学校及相关概念的研究、有效学校校长领导力的研究、有效学校校长领导力与学校效能关系的研究进行了综述,并从研究理论、研究方法和研究内容三个方面对校长领导力的现有研究进行了反思和展望。  相似文献   

追求"公平而卓越"已经成为当今世界教育新的发展趋势.在教育研究领域中,与教育质量以及学校绩效息息相关的是学校效能和学校改进的研究.在这方面国际学校效能与学校改进学会发挥了先锋和带动作用,其研究得到了各国政府的重视,在追求公平而卓越的教育中做出了突出贡献.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the school effectiveness/school improvement movement has provided an antidote to the pessimism and fatalism of the 1970s. However, it is deficient in four important respects: (1) it places too much emphasis on the notion of progressive school management as the dynamic of change; (2) it fails to take full account of the characteristics of the education system as a whole; (3) it shows little regard for issues of social class; (4) it has little to say about issues of curriculum content and pedagogy.  相似文献   

‘School Innovation in Science’ represents a model, developed through working with more than 200 Victorian schools, to improve science teaching and learning. SIS works at the level of the science team and the teacher, providing resources to challenge and support the change process. Its emphasis is on strategic planning supported by a framework for describing effective teaching, materials for auditing practice and planning initiatives, and a networked support structure. Experience and results from the project, concerning the nature and extent of change, will be used to provide insight into the multidimensional nature of the change process and to suggest a number of principles concerning support for change. Arising out of this, the major elements of a School Innovation Model are identified, that supports a transformative agenda for schools more generally.  相似文献   

学校改进中的校长领导力提升是当前学校变革与发展的诉求。要落实"教育规划纲要"成功实现学校改进,就要在校长领导力开发过程中,主动寻求新的领导理论支撑,架构一种分布式领导模式,将校长培养成一名分布式领导者,这可为解决教育管理实践中存在的问题开拓一个新视角。  相似文献   

School leaders in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) now have the important responsibility of initiating and implementing school improvement. This raises the question of their leadership capacity and the competencies that are required for school leaders to fulfil this new role. This article focuses on school leadership in T&T. The study presented in this article utilised a qualitative interpretive research design employing a range of data collection methods, including questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study confirm a need for developing a new type of school leader who is: better trained, more research oriented, more of a risk taker and autonomous.  相似文献   

包容型教育领导是当代成人教育和成人学校的发展所需要的一种特殊风格的领导方式,它是一种兼容并蓄、和谐有序的学校领导方式,有利于促进成人教育机构发展。包容型教育领导文化的构建是成人教育管理理论中领导方式转变的依据和促进成人学校发展的重要思路,把包容型教育领导作为成人学校文化构建的重要内容对成人教育和成人学校的发展具有重要价值。  相似文献   

In urban school districts across the USA there are mandates to implement zero tolerance policies. As this occurs, there is an increasing number of students, specifically students of colour, who are being jettisoned out of the educative process. When school principals have little autonomy regarding how they handle disciplinary infractions within their schools, it becomes relatively easy for them to opt out of making tough decision. The authors assert that Culturally Relevant Leadership is a framework that, if applied correctly, can help school leaders reduce the multiple school suspensions and expulsions that are occurring among students of colour.  相似文献   

Leadership Succession   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
One of the most significant events in the life of a school is a change in its leadership. Yet few things in education succeed less than leadership succession. Failure to care for leadership succession is sometimes a result of manipulation or self-centeredness; but more often it is oversight, neglect, or the pressures of crisis management that are to blame.  相似文献   

学校领导质量评价是学校办学水平评估的重要组成部分,也是诊断学校教育发展状况的关键指标.城市学校领导质量评价需要在吸收传统体制思维中“绩效性评价”优点的基础上,形成促进学校改进的“发展性评价”取向,从领导文化、领导能力、领导机制三个维度进一步改进评价体系,增强学校发展的“造血”功能,进而为义务教育办学水平评估提供有益支撑.  相似文献   

学校发展的现实困境与可持续学校领导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中小学的发展已经陷入可持续性不足的困境中,主要表现为学生的浅表性学习与厌学情绪弥散,校长、教师的应付性工作与教育热情隐退,学校之间的过度竞争与发展能量消耗,标准化要求与学校种群单一。突破这一困境需要我们确立一种可持续学校领导观。可持续学校领导观强调学习的深入性,追求领导的广泛性,关注领导的延续性,坚持领导的正义性,珍视教育生态的多样性。要将可持续领导从观念落到实践,需要我们构建起可持续学校领导系统,形成学校领导共同体,做好学校领导更替工作,并关注学校领导在纵向时间上的关联。  相似文献   

School effectiveness research has made a number of valuable contributions to educational research over the past three decades. However, its validity is threatened by a number of evolutions that question the continuing centrality of its basic research object, the public school. Moves towards more flexible school organization such as networks of schools, a broader role for schools reconceptualized as community centers, the emergence of new providers outwith the public sector, the increasingly internationalised nature of research and moves towards greater use of distance learning and home schooling all mean that this focus may rapidly become outdated, potentially making school effectiveness research irrelevant.In this paper we will discuss the consequences of these evolutions for school effectiveness research and argue that, rather than lessening the need for effectiveness research, they increase the imperative for this type of research, as long as it is broadened to educational effectiveness in its broadest sense whether it takes place in the traditional public school or not, and is conducted in an empirical and open-minded way.  相似文献   

Building on evolving conceptions of teacher leadership in the literature, this article argues that an integration of both positional and empowering elements of teacher leadership are the seeds of an evolved approach to teacher leadership for instructional improvement. Using data from a study of quasi-formal teacher leadership, the research examines how teacher leaders play a positive role in schools and fulfil a series of needs of teachers. However, the constraints of teacher leaders’ instructional authority limits their ability to influence the instructional practices of their peers. The findings clarify the distinction between school-level and individual-level teacher leadership.  相似文献   

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