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This paper is intended for headteachers, prospective headteachers and others who supervise staff in schools. Drawing upon interviews and observations of executives over a number of years, the paper records a range of personnel management tactics which have proved effective in practice and which educational managers may find useful. Attention is given to the importance of and approaches to induction of new personnel, involvement of staff in managerial tasks, use of goals to focus the school's work, and techniques for communicating productively with staff. The paper also examines the importance and implications of managerial optimism and determination.  相似文献   

全面推进素质教育是我国教育工作的一场深刻变革,建设一支高质量教师和校长队伍是实施素质教育的保证。据我区干部培训部门统计,卢湾区中小学校长2005年退休校长占校长总人数65%,中小学校长年龄趋于老化,目前我区青年校长的比例约50%以  相似文献   

1994年静安、卢湾两区开展了中小学校长职级制试点工作,1996年我们在总结这两个区试点经验的基础上,对中小学校长职级制进行系统的研究,即实现中小学校及校长与行政级别脱钩,建立符合中小学教育特点和校长成长规律的管理体制,形成公开、平等、竞争、择优充满生机和活力的用人机制,加快培养和造就一支精通教育、善于治校的高素质学校领导干部队伍.为有序、规范、稳妥推进这项工作,我们在研究校长职级制的过程中,注重校长测评的研究,同时,在扩大试点区推行校长职级制工作中进行了实质性的操作运行,在此有必要对测评研究内容与测评结果进行分析与评价.  相似文献   

中小学校长凝聚力研究是一个新的研究领域,这一研究的展开需要解决一些诸如概念、本质及表现形式等基础性问题。校长凝聚力的基本涵义是校长因权力、领导方式和工作绩效对学校组织成员产生的吸引力和感召力,学校组织成员对校长的向心力和忠诚度。其本质是"学校组织成员对校长的接纳和认可",其主要表现形式是共同愿景和高效团队。  相似文献   

新世纪校长遴选模式的改革与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校长人选产生的适合性,对于校长自身的成长与学校的发展都是至关重要的前提条件。因此,全面研究校长产生的过程,如何增强其合理性、科学性,形成适合21世纪我国社会发展趋势和国情特点的,具有上海地区特色的校长产生过程的一整套操作系统,已成为校长培养整体工作和系统研究中的一项首当其冲的重要课题。  相似文献   

Presently, there are a growing number of students in the primary schools in northwest England who are living in broken communities, exacerbated by the most recent global recession. Through social justice theory, this paper examines the influence of head teachers as they look to balance administrative and pedagogical experiences in the schools. Using a qualitative methodology, including observation, in-depth interviews, and field notes this case study focused on head teachers, teachers, and parents from two primary schools in the northwest of England. Specifically, this study investigates the influence of the headteachers while identifying a social justice pedagogical epistemology and strategies being used by teachers and schools who work with students from communities typically identified as living in low socio-economic areas. Foundational to this research is the belief that headteachers, families and teachers need to make concerted, intentional efforts to engage in and acquire appropriate knowledge for building effective, communicative relationship in order to benefit student achievement. A social justice perspective therefore should provide an unequivocal commitment to acting in just ways related to concepts of fairness and equity.  相似文献   

英国国家校长标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪80年代以来,英国一直十分重视中小学校长专业发展,并逐步形成了系统的中小学校长专业标准和专业发展体系。本文主要介绍2004年英国师资教育署(TeacherTrainingAgency)颁布的《英国国家校长标准》(NationalStandardsfHeadteachers),主要从六大关键领域阐述校长所需具备的知识、专业品质及应有的行为标准。  相似文献   

在课堂教学的实施过程中,需要教师有较高水平的管理和调控教学活动有效展开的能力。该文在简介小学英语课堂调控的若干问题基础上,通过案例描述与分析探讨了小学英语课堂调控的基本策略。  相似文献   

一、中小学教师信息化管理中存在的问题 1.重视网络建设,忽视教师的实际应用 现在大多数学校都投入巨资建起了校园网,可是校园网上教育信息缺乏.网上教育资源匮乏已成为制约基于网络进行教育改革的瓶颈因素.出现这一现象的原因是:学校花几十万元购买硬件设备很容易审批,但花几十万元购买软件就有困难;花几万元购买软件可以批准,但花几万进行教师培训就觉得是浪费.  相似文献   

This is a study of 14 inspections of primary and secondary schools carried out by local inspectors in five widely separated areas during 1992 and 1993. The inspection approaches varied and in two cases followed the new OFSTED pattern. Reactions to inspection were gathered through interviews with headteachers and discussions with groups of teachers. Teachers’ reactions are described in relation to: the preparation for inspection; the inspectors as individuals; the inspection process; reporting and follow‐up. It is suggested that some of the concerns associated with these issues will be met by the new OFSTED arrangements. However, OFSTED practice may be less satisfactory in meeting other concerns such as the provision of adequate teacher feedback and the organisation of follow‐up advice and support  相似文献   

新的学习观认为,中小学教育的基本方向应该是培养学生具有社会生存所必须的能力,生存能力的教育已成为国际教育的一个重要组成部分,受到世界各国的普遍关注。从班主任在班级管理中应该关注培养学生的生存能力、班主任如何培养学生的生存能力等方面进行了分析研究,并结合实际对培养学生的生存能力进行了一些成功的探索。  相似文献   

教师的语言是其教学素养的集中体现,是教师借以传授知识的媒介,是向学生表达思想情感的重要手段。因此,本文通过调查研究对小学语文课堂新教师的语言水平与学生的课堂表现进行分析,发现许多语文新教师的语言缺乏情感,所以,本文从教师课堂语言的情感问题入手,从教师课堂语言对学生的情感影响出发,对语文课堂新教师的语言进行研究,提出教师语言情感的重要作用。  相似文献   

<语文课程标准>倡导的价值取向为作文教学指明了方向,以此为理论支撑,分析目前小学习作教学中存在的主要问题,并有的放矢地寻找切实可行的解决办法,提出"降低习作目标"、"在阅读和生活中积累素材"等策略.  相似文献   

Primary education in Russia has failed to adapt to the needs of post-Soviet society, and is still based on rote learning and memorization instead of learning through discovery and learning to use and apply what is learned.  相似文献   

从教24年,我一直在农村小学从事语文教学工作,时刻关注着小学语文教学的发展。新一轮课程改革在大城市里开展得如火如荼,农村小学近几年也相继使用了新教材。随着新教材的使用,新的课程标准在各方面也都倡导了新的理念,但农村小学教学大部分还是“穿新鞋走老路”,尤其是作文教学,教学效果令人担忧。研究当前农村小学作文教学现状,探索以后作文教学的出路是十分必要的。  相似文献   

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