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试论客户服务体系的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立和完善客户服务体系是e时代企业取得长久竞争优势的法宝。客户服务体系应从以下几方面来建立:全面的产品服务系统;完善的技术服务系统;有效的成本管理系统和客户资本管理系统以及卓越的员工服务系统。。  相似文献   

One hundred and four Chinese secondary school teachers in Hong Kong were assessed on their conceptions of counselling using a 30-item self-report checklist. Based on these teachers’ highest ratings on the three positions of each of the ten issues, it could be inferred that these teachers believe most strongly that a healthy personality is an important predictor of good counselling, that counsellors should integrate theories in their work, and that counselling should focus on the present. While there were few teacher subgroup differences, it was noteworthy that teachers involved in guidance work endorsed a humanistic orientation when compared with teachers with no such involvement. Implications of the findings for improved counselling training for teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

和谐的师生关系对提高教育质量和促进师生身心健康有重要的作用。高中新教师由于年龄、经验等因素,与学生相处有他们自身的特点。影响高中新教师建立和谐师生关系的因素有教师、学生自身的因素,也有职前培训、学校等外在因素。高中新教师与学生建立和谐的师生关系需要师生共同努力、共同配合,同时新教师需要学校、家长的支持和理解,以及师范教育有针对性的培养。  相似文献   

The increasing importance of constructivism in higher education has brought about a shift in pedagogy from a focus on the teacher to a focus on the student. This has important implications for teaching and assessment. A student-centred pedagogy implies a different role for the teacher. What exactly does student-centred teaching require from teachers’ actual teaching practice? What is expected from them in order to teach in a student-centred way? It is in order to respond to these questions that this research project has been carried out establishing a core competence profile of student-centred teachers in higher education. Qualitative data were collected by means of semi-structured in-depth interviews with teachers from different institutions for higher education in Belgium, known for their student-centred way of teaching. This research method is innovative compared to the methods used for existing competence lists in the literature, which were usually developed on the basis of conversations with pedagogical experts. By exploring practice and having teachers participate in the development of a competence list, the acceptance of a competence profile is much higher. The result of the project is a validated competence profile which takes into account the critiques on existing competence lists. The competence profile provides a further insight in the functioning of teachers within a student-centred pedagogy and can be used as a starting point for the educational development of teachers within this pedagogy.  相似文献   

中学阶段的师生关系贯穿于教学过程的各个环节,是学校教育中最基本的人际关系。中学阶段和谐师生关系的构建,不仅关系到教学活动的效果,而且对学生的身心发展都有深远的影响。因此,构建和谐的师生关系.优化教育教学的环境已经成为当下中学教育的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

建立完善的电子阅览室读者服务体系,是电子阅览室面临的首要工作,通过分析电子阅览室的服务特点和服务功能,提出了电子阅览室服务体系建设中相关问题的解决思路。  相似文献   

专家型教师的个人品牌是由新见、特长和风格等主要构件组成的,它不同于普通教师和一般意义上的优秀教师的个人特点,具有其自身的独特性。树立个人品牌,是中小学专家型教师培养对象教书育人、专业发展、自我实现和发挥作用的需要,应成为培养的目标取向。高校承担中小学专家型教师的培养,可通过导师制、完善知识结构、开展专题研究、发挥主体能动性等培养途径,以促进培养对象个人品牌的树立。  相似文献   

Flemish post-secondary students(N = 2,880) were profiled for favouring orrejecting three new work arrangements. Threestepwise discriminant function analyses wereperformed to separate the groups that were forand against telehomework, agency work, andfreelance work. Predictors were demographicvariables (anticipated graduation year,academic area), attributes (willingness toengage in new careers, proactive personalityand work values), and expectations aboutemployers. The classification results werecross-validated. Findings indicated thattomorrow's workforce wanted to meet therequirements of new careers (mobility, lifelongretooling, work-family balance). Four groups ofwork values differentiated thosefavouring/rejecting telehomework, agency work,and freelance work. Anticipated graduationyear, academic area and proactive personality,characterised further respondents for andagainst agency work and freelance work.Expectations about employers did not split thegroups with respect to their preference for thethree new work arrangements. Implications forcontemporary and future roles for careercounsellors were discussed.  相似文献   

确立现代教师专业的理念,是教师专业发展前提。师范生的道德陶冶和专业精神培养是确立教师专业理念的开端;通过加强教师培训,增强教师的专业精神;重新确立教师形象,实现教师角色的转换。  相似文献   

近年来,职业教育不断改革发展,这对职业教育教师的素质也提出更高要求。面对职业教育教师的来源渠道及培训现状,为提高职业教育教师的教学能力,必须探索创新职业教育新任教师的培训模式,而构建岗位任务导向的课程体系是职业教育内涵发展的关键。这种课程体系满足教师教育的内在需求,符合成人学习心理,并且可以快速丰富新任教师的教学模式。  相似文献   

农村中小学骨干教师培训后跟踪服务的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教师培训后跟踪服务是促进培训成果转化、提高培训效果的有效途径。农村中小学骨干教师培训后续跟踪服务过程是由"计划、实施、评价与诊断、改进"四个阶段组成的循环系统。在这一服务过程中,培训机构及相关机构应该遵循以"服务"为核心的4S准则。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to merge the dialectical perspective within the framework of counselling psychology. Both objective and subjective approaches to counselling are reviewed and a synthetical solution is proposed which falls within the all-encompassing dialectical perspective. Dialectical psychology's emphasis on process, change and values is seen as having implications for research (e.g., biographical or historical) and practice (e.g., eclectic counselling).  相似文献   

The present paper outlines the process through which a local authority Psychological Service developed a team of educational psychologists able to provide intensive, short-term counselling to children and their families. The rationale, the operational procedures and current evaluations are provided. It is hoped that this article will inform and assist other Psychological Services to develop similar approaches.  相似文献   

Dominant psychological theories receive ongoing criticism for their reliance on deficit-based models of human being and an adherence to individualistic notions of social action. Recent offerings from the fields of discursive psychology and community psychology provide counsellors with alternative conceptual and practical resources for strategic engagement. This paper briefly introduces both areas and suggests how they may contribute to counselling in educational settings. An example is given showing how discourse works through language to construct and inform accounts of school exclusion. The primary question for each of us, counsellors and community members alike, is whether prevailing constructions promote (or discourage) the mental health of school communities.  相似文献   

由于城乡二元发展模式的长期影响,我国城乡间经济与社会发展差距巨大,城乡发展不均衡,教育发展也不均衡。随着和谐社会理念的深入人心和社会主义新农村建设的大力开展,如何切实保障和全面提高农村教育质量,使农村儿童逐步享有与城市儿童同等的受教育机会和教育条件,成为当前亟待解决的教育问题。建设一支高素质的扎根农村的标准化教师队伍,是提高农村教育质量的关键。  相似文献   

课程的改革与实施有许多保障条件,单从课堂教学这一层面来讲,构建民主、平等、和谐的新型师生关系至关重要。因为只有以此为前提,师生之间才有可能展开互动,师生才能分享对方的思考、经验或知识,才能交流情感,丰富教学内容,求得新的发展。  相似文献   

高职学生管理服务工作的有效性取决于学校学生服务平台的有效性。构建有效的学生服务平台,要考虑学校职责要求与学生需求的平衡,理清专兼职的职责,把握点与面的关系,还要讲究方式方法;必须遵循系统化、精细化和便捷化三个原则。可以从课堂学习、社会实践、文化活动、职业生涯和综合服务等方面入手,构建系统高效的服务平台。  相似文献   

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