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This study aimed to investigate farmers’ attitudes and skills of farm management. Two scales were constructed as an instrument for data collection, based on a sample of 100 farm units. Cronbach's alpha coefficients were .84 or higher, which indicated that the instrument scales were internally consistent. Non-parametric tests were used to analyze the data. Operators appeared to be largely commercial, but they did not highly rate the significance of farming as a business, or their level of management skills. Two-thirds of respondents perceived technical skills as the key to success. Poor management skills limit the operators’ ability in making informed decisions, planning and analyzing the financial performance of their operations. Farm management extension enhances farmers’ willingness and ability to make successful changes to their management practice. Improvement programs have to be targeted to the groups of operators who are more favorable to management extension, that is, full-time farmers, renters, the more experienced, the educated and the more dependent on farm income.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of information about the death penalty on the attitudes of university students. Using an experimental design and a stratified cluster sampling procedure, this study addresses some of the limitations of previous research. Changes in death penalty attitudes at post-test were modest; however, it was also found that the degree of attitude change at post-test did not differ significantly between the experimental and control groups. The results of this study, in conjunction with the findings of previous studies of this nature, indicate that, while students tend to have limited knowledge of the death penalty, exposure to new information about it may not be sufficient to elicit change in their attitudes about the punishment.  相似文献   

How do you get information from an article as much and fast as possible while you are reading? It is a very important thing for us——Chinese readers. Reading is an important element in our English study. Mastering reading skills will help increase our reading speed and comprehend what we read. Now several reading skills are to be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

足球,正在成为越来越多男孩子和女孩子喜爱的运动。很多读者对贝克汉姆、劳尔、罗纳尔多、齐达内、菲戈等足球巨星的名字如数家珍。让我们都来了解足球吧!  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - This paper describes the findings of a pilot study that used robotics and game design to develop middle school students’ computational thinking...  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Employers lament that science graduates, particularly engineering students, lack professional skills, despite increasing emphasis on teaching professional skills in...  相似文献   


Research Findings: Adults’ attitudes about attachment relationships are central to how they perceive and respond to children. However, little is known about how attachment styles are related to teachers’ attitudes toward and interactions with infants and toddlers. From a survey of 207 students taking early childhood (EC) courses at 4 U.S. universities, we report relations among students’ attachment styles and their (a) career goals, (b) attitudes about caring for and educating infants and young children, and (c) interaction skills for responding in developmentally supportive ways. Overall, attachment security was positively associated with career goals focused on working with younger children, knowledge about infant/toddler development, attitudes that acknowledge the importance of adult support in children’s development, and developmentally supportive interaction skills. Students who scored high on attachment fearfulness minimized the importance of adults in children’s lives, minimized the importance of the early years for later learning, and endorsed strict and controlling forms of child guidance. Practice or Policy: A conceptual mediation model linking a path from attachment to caregiving skill through knowledge and attitudes is articulated. We propose a person-centered pedagogy for infant/toddler professional preparation that provides opportunities for reflection on one’s own attachment and its effects on work with young children.  相似文献   

怎样在跳槽时做常胜将军?本文会让你“山重水尽疑无路”时,“柳暗花明又一村”的。  相似文献   

一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《新生》(The New Arrival)节选自美国少年文学作家苏珊·施里夫(Susan Shreve)的代表作《布利斯特》(Blister)。小主人公阿丽萨的生活因为一场家庭悲剧而陷入了一团乱麻:小妹妹出生时就已不幸夭折,妈妈整日以泪洗面,爸爸离开了她们开始新的生活,而即将升入五年级的她也不得不转学到市区里一所新的学校。面对种种生活困境,阿丽萨没有消沉,  相似文献   

We have all been waiting for Beyonce's new album and it has finally come out. It was worth the wait. This album is great for dancing or just a night out. She has changed from when she was with Destiny's Child, and it's all for the better! The album includes songs with Sean Paul, Missy Elliott and even Luther Vandross. It also shows that she can sing and make it solo! Songs like "Be With You" and "Yes" show how great her voice really is.  相似文献   

In my project,I am going to deal with teachingmethodology and skills.I would like to explore somemethods in teaching English as a foreign language inChina,because teaching methods are very importantin my view.In my English classes,I think differentmethods are better for different students.Aims of My ProjectThe aims of my project will be to find someefficient ways to make the students interested inlearning the language,to make them keep up theinterest and master effective ways of learningEn…  相似文献   

Using Gagne’s information processing theory to analyze the listening process so as to provide a pedagogical model for L2 learners to solve listening problems as well as to cast some lights on listening teaching.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - This study investigated the relationship between middle school students’ computational thinking skills and their STEM career interest and...  相似文献   

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