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公民教育已成为世界各国教育中基础和核心的组成部分,中小学生的公民素质是公民教育的摇篮,学校中的公民教育是培养合格公民的主要渠道,它贯穿于公民教育、教学活动的始终,是促进公民素质提高、培育公民意识的重要根源。文章运用比较研究视角,对中小学公民教育现状存在的问题:公民教育观念转型不完善、公民教育研究薄弱、缺乏"本土化"研究视域,实证研究匮乏、研究视角比较单一,没有形成正确的归因模式等进行细致的梳理与探析,进而提出全面解决问题的对策:顺应时势,增强公民教育意识观念、切实提升元公民教育理论研究、重视中小学公民教育"本土化"问题研究、深刻把握全球化、终身教育层面的研究视角。  相似文献   

Although much research exists on adolescent marijuana use, few studies have examined marijuana use in school settings. Students experiencing academic and social difficulties at school, such as those receiving special education services, may be more at risk for school-related substance use. Nevertheless, virtually no research has examined this problem. This study assessed the prevalence of marijuana use at school and the perceived availability and consequences of using marijuana in school among students with learning disabilities. The results showed that 15 percent of students reported using marijuana at school, and that marijuana was easily obtained. Most students perceived marijuana to be harmful to their schoolwork, and many non-users felt unsafe and angry when drugs were present at school.  相似文献   

核心价值观教育是凝魂聚气强基固本的基础工程。中小学生正处于价值观形成的关键时期。中小学培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,必须符合中小学生身心特点和成长规律,积极探索有效途径,把社会主义核心价值观融入课堂教学、文化建设、道德实践、管理服务之中,在认知认同和践行上下功夫,凝聚合力增强实效。  相似文献   

In countries that embraced democracy after the fall of communism, education became a particular focus for policy change, particularly within their citizenship programmes. Schools that had been used to inculcate obedience to and unfailing support for authoritarian regimes were now being required to adopt citizenship programmes incorporating democratic values. This paper reports a study in Malawi that explored the school as a location where democratic citizenship is practiced. Using a multiple case study approach in three different kinds of secondary schools to explore students’ participation in school affairs, the study found that different forms of participation were being encouraged, with each school apparently socialising students to distinctive kinds of citizenship roles. The paper highlights a conflict between democratic values and traditional roles of schools leading to new and hybrid school cultures. Providing scope for student voice to be heard can lead to tensions and paradoxical practices.  相似文献   

审美教育是国家推行素质教育、实现学生全面发展的重要环节。当前中小学审美教育普遍存在认知偏误、情感虚空、行为失范等现象,致使中小学生身心发展处于失衡状态。究其原因与中小学教师审美能力分裂片面、中小学校审美教育实践应付、中小学生家庭审美教育环境薄弱无力等有着重要关系。为提升中小学审美教育质量,培养拥有美好心灵和丰富精神世界的学生对象,需要:中小学校突显美育地位,加强美育师资素质培训;中小学教师转变教育观念,重视教育过程人本化;家庭和社区加强美育资源开发利用,构建合力互助的美育机制。  相似文献   

The Search for Effective Schools   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
In the light of external reform pressures, many schools have found it difficult to implement medium‐to‐long‐term plans. Development planning was supposed to be a means of refining both the planning and the implementation of strategic priorities. Some recent writers are now casting doubts on planning and development planning and they are using chaos theory to justify this sceptical stance. This article is, in turn, sceptical about the application of chaos theory to school planning and instead suggests that control theory clarifies important differences between short‐term and long‐term planning and provides positive and practical insights into how development planning can be used by self‐managing schools as part of school improvement.  相似文献   

Until recently the dominant critique of ‘student participation’ projects was one based on the theoretical assumptions of critical theory in the form of critical pedagogy. Over the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of a critical education discourse that theorises and critically analyses such projects using Foucault's notion of ‘governmentality’. In this paper, I argue that while these governmentality studies challenge some of the key theoretical and taken for granted assumptions upon which such initiatives rest, they neglect to challenge the central assumption that such initiatives represent a historical break with traditional schooling practices. The importance of accounting for and critically analysing these projects within a historical framework will be argued through a discussion of Foucault's notion of genealogy as a particular conception and method of critique. It will also be demonstrated using an example, which shows an unacknowledged nineteenth century history of the current discourse and practice of student participation.  相似文献   

中小学校长课程领导研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着课程改革和课程问题研究的逐步深入,原来隐藏在课程背后的各种深层次问题逐渐浮现出来,对课程领导的研究也从课程管理的研究中分离出来,成为课程理论研究的一个新兴领域。课程领导对中小学校长提出了更高的要求。因此,对校长课程领导进行研究已成为推进课程改革与课程发展得以顺利进行的需要。  相似文献   

在经历了从“非纳粹化”阶段到“全面反思纳粹本质”阶段的历史转变之后,联邦德国中小学纳粹历史教育呈现出坚持以基本法价值观为根本导向、广泛吸收跨文化教育思想、反对灌输式教法等特点。战后西德之所以会在中小学历史—政治教育中全面反思纳粹罪行,是与其全社会一直以来对战争罪责的正确认识密切相关的。  相似文献   

针对中专生思想道德水平和感恩教育的现状,通过家庭、学校、社会等方面共同教育,拓宽教育途径,改进教育方法,丰富教育内容,形成教育合力,唤醒学生的感恩意识,激发他们的责任心,提高他们的思想道德品质,将感恩教育活动切实落到实处。  相似文献   

试论中学与大学德育的有效对接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马凤强  石新荣 《中国德育》2006,1(8):57-59,73
“大一新生综合症”出现的深层次原因是大学与中学德育的脱节,为此,要从教育观念、教育管理、教育目标、教育内容、培养途径等方面实现中学与大学德育的有效对接,以提高我国人才培养质量。  相似文献   

The idea of students participating in decisions that affect them as individuals, organisations and/or communities is recent and urgent. The participation of students in decision making has gained global support, yet it does not seem to be regarded as a main vehicle for promoting democracy in educational institutions. This conceptual paper aims at demonstrating the difficulties perceived to hinder student participation in educational institutions. It further proposes strategies that may favour the increased and improved involvement of students in decision making processes. The reviewed literature on student participation informing this article highlights positive outcomes from engaging students as decision makers in education.  相似文献   

作为支撑中国特色基础教育教学研究制度的专门人员——教研员,在基础教育发展中发挥了不可替代的作用,承担着“教学研究、指导、服务”的重任,对于我国课程改革理念的落实、基础教育质量的提升、中小学教师的专业发展等发挥着举足轻重的作用。通过研究发现,我国30多年来关于教研员方面的研究呈现出以下态势:研究内容围绕教研员的内涵与素质、角色与职能等五个方面展开,成果丰硕,若干理论问题应深入探讨;研究主体以教研员为主,有待多元化;研究方法以经验总结、理论思辨为主,亟须加强实证研究。  相似文献   

为促进中小学美术教育质量的提升,作者以《浅谈提高中小学美术教育质量的有效措施》为课题,从中小学美术教育现状入手,对其进行了全方位、深层次地剖析,并在此基础上全面而深入地探究了提高中小学美术教育质量的有效措施,给出了具有代表性的个人建议。  相似文献   

中小学体育教育教学中实施心理健康教育模式的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会的不断发展和进步,人们对心理健康的要求也在不断提高,据现有相关调查,我国中小学学生的心理健康水平反而在逐年下降,成为学校教育的一大障碍,要想改变这一状况,学校管理部门和学校体育工作者正在作出积极探索,从不同的教育教学模式进行有效探讨,但还没有进行深入的调查研究,本文试图从学校心理健康教育模式进行进一步探讨,以求获得心理健康教育的有效途径,也为学校体育教育发展以及学生心理健康水平提高作一有效积极探索与研究.  相似文献   

音乐教育是中等职业学校实施美育、培养高素质劳动者和技术技能人才的重要途径,是素质教育不可或缺的重要内容,是中等职业学校学生必修的一门公共基础课。中职音乐教学应结合现今课堂教学实际情况,大胆突破传统的言传身教的教学实施,让学生在体验的过程中,能够充分发挥自己的主观能动性,动手、动眼、动嘴、动脑、动心、动情,主动去获得知识、技能、获得积极的情感体验,带来美的享受。  相似文献   

双主体的教育思想,对我国各类教育,尤其是对基础教育产生了重大影响,引发了令人注目的教学改革,促进了不少带有探索性的、新的教育模式的产生。双主体教育思想正在渗透并且悄悄改变着中小学教育。  相似文献   

特殊教育学校的教育科研工作越来越受到关注,目前面临的主要问题是普及问题。特教学校一线教师参与教育科研面临实际困难,认识上和操作上存在误区。特殊教育学校教育科研工作的重要作用在于更有效地解决实际问题,调动教师工作积极性,提高教师专业能力。普及特教学校教育科研工作的策略是:转变教育观念,掌握科研方法,重视过程管理。  相似文献   

中职学生基础知识薄弱,应充分发挥学长的榜样作用,改善中职生的学习情况。学生管理工作由学生处主导,但缺乏朋辈间的关怀和引导。对比大学和中小学,结合学生管理和学习管理两方面的异同点,中职学校应扬长避短,开展学长制,将学长作为学校联系学生的桥梁和纽带,让学校的学生教育管理工作更加顺利、安全开展。  相似文献   

This article highlights important and enduring contributions of the text to the development of action research, while also pointing to the need for attention to theories informed by a politics of difference. The re-examination of Becoming Critical (Carr & Kemmis, 1983) is set against the backdrop of rereading Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook (1962). Rereading works after a lengthy period of time highlights issues of identity and context for the writer and (re)reader. While the silence of the text over issues of identity is an important omission, the article emphasizes the importance of the text to issues of teacher professionalism in a contemporary context of worsening social inequality and regulation of research.  相似文献   

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