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The purpose of this paper is to show that the structure of a formal organization has implications for staffing, communicating and performing in order to achieve organizational goals. Drawing specific instances from the case of the Bendel State Board of Education Headquarters as at June, 1980, it was evident that for a proper staff positioning, communicating and performing in an organization, managers have to (a) constantly review the structure of their organizations (b) define precisely the various functions (c) use as a guide the organizational structure in staff positioning (d) define clear lines of authority in the organization and (e) recognize damaging structural situations and prevent them.  相似文献   

The importance of strategic planning in education has been increasingly recognised but observations of school principals have shown that little time is apparently devoted to reflective planning. This case study of a secondary college principal, aimed to discover if the reflective practitioner exists by extending non‐participant observation to include the content and timing of a principal's thinking periods. The evidence from observation was also used to find out if planned strategies were translated into actions.  相似文献   

In 1988 academic unions were signatories to the first industrial award ever negotiated concerning academic salaries in Australia. In return for the 4% Second Tier increase, academics became subject to mandatory supervision and performance assessment. The wording of the award allowed a wide diversity of ways in which institutions could interpret and implement these requirements. One University's response to the award is examined.

In 1991 a subsequent award restructuring decision imposed the trial requirement of routine appraisal of academic staff for development only. This paper discusses the issues arising for academic staff as a result of these requirements, particularly the difficulty for an appraiser of separating the purpose of judgement from that of development, and it analyses the nature of the training needed for developmental appraisers.

It is concluded that as a result of the 1991 decision there is now a chance that academic staff development will be taken seriously if the funding implications of these requirements are honoured.  相似文献   

员工的绩效考核一直是困扰企业的一个重要问题,在绩效考核的实践中,国内企业经常陷入一些常见的误区,解决这些问题必须从战略的高度和人力资源管理的视角,夯实企业基础管理,紧密结合企业自身实际,打破文化惯性,强化管理执行力,才能推进真正有效的考核,为企业的持续发展服务。  相似文献   

In the hit BBC TV drama Life on Mars Sam Tyler had an accident and woke up in 1973. Is he mad, in a coma or actually back in time? As the drama unfolds he experiences a world without performance audits but also one without the safeguards for arrest, detention and the interviewing of suspects mandated by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984). The acclaimed series has led to flights of nostalgia, not least for a world in which police could get on with ‘real policing’ without ‘unnecessary’ paperwork. In this article, we will metaphorically go back in time to contemporary and historical practices of headship in English schools. If a headteacher from 2009 were to wake up in 1973 what would they understand about their work, what would be the same, what would be different? What taken‐for‐granted current practices might get them into trouble, what might frustrate them – and what might delight them that they would bring back to the current job if they could? Mobilising Bourdieu’s thinking tools, we will examine these questions through an analysis of published and unpublished texts produced by heads about their work.  相似文献   

教育评价是教育科学研究的重要内容,对教学有着深远重大的影响。传统的终结性评价方式很难反应学生个体在学习过程中非认知因素的应用情况,更是无法检测学生的英语综合能力。本文立足"元认知"相关理论基础,从理论和实践两方面出发,研究、探索形成性评价在英语教学中的应用与实践,在教学过程中激发学生在英语学习中的主体性、能动性和创造性,促进大学英语教学评价方式的改革。  相似文献   


The field of educational leadership, management and administration (ELMA) uses methods drawn primarily from cognate educational disciplines. But does this matter? This paper explores the methods used in recently published papers through a snapshot of six issues of six ELMA journals. The analysis showed a preponderance of survey, interview and case study methods, with one journal, JEAH, also publishing papers using methods drawn from history, philosophy and sociology. The snapshot also revealed the methods that were rarely used – for example, ethnography, visual and on-line methods. Through a Bourdieusian lens, the paper argues that the ELMA field appears to be somewhat removed from methods developments and debates in the wider educational and social science fields. There may thus be mileage in the ELMA field considering the use of additional methods, including the ‘wilder’ ones. The field might also benefit from understanding methods as more than tools and as practices possessed of a social life.  相似文献   

Conversational competence is a process, not a state. Ithaca does not exist, only the voyage to Ithaca. Vibrant campuses are a series of productive conversations. At its core, communicative competence in academic settings mirrors a collective search for meaning regarding the purpose and direction of a campus community. Communicative competence requires a cogent answer to the question: “Do we each organize our work from the same shared sense of what is significant?” Research suggests that as much as 90 percent of the time spent in effective faculty conversations is devoted to creating clarity regarding what colleagues desire to achieve. Conversationally adept leaders and followers can consciously design their own conversations to set the tone and direction of collegial conversation and create a shift in thinking and action for everyone in a meeting room.  相似文献   

Principal’s hands-on strategies reflecting their theories of changing have a substantial effect on the development of their schools and on how the large-scale reform takes root. The study explores five comprehensive school principals’ leadership strategies during a large-scale school reform in Finland. The principals’ strategies in the middle of reform acknowledged the process nature of leading and involved coherence-making. The inclusive and learning-oriented strategies were applied quite consistently in terms of the horizontal, but not so much in the vertical coherence-making. Exclusive strategies we used to decrease teachers’ workload. Principals’ theories of changing seem to focus on creating and protecting teachers’ opportunities for meaningful learning.  相似文献   


This study examines the geopolitical knowledge and global awareness of American upper-level undergraduate university students in a large teacher education program. The context for the study involves the educational implications to which scholars and policy-makers increasingly call attention. Many of the perceived implications of globalization suggest a challenging and significant role for teachers in a time of change. On measures of geopolitical knowledge, awareness of prominent international leaders and organizations, and salient demographic characteristics of major countries this exploratory survey suggests a high degree of inattention, insularity, and lack of awareness among the prospective teachers. There is little evidence of widely shared geopolitical referents that would serve as the basis of informed discussion or teaching about the meaning and ramifications of the diverse tendencies of globalization.  相似文献   

The role of faith-based schools is increasingly debated within a context of school reform, rights and plurality in multi-ethnic societies. The Catholic schooling system in the Irish Republic (always referred to as Ireland in the text) represents an interesting case internationally because of the extent to which Catholic education is structurally embedded as normative across the education system. Yet, Ireland is in a process of detraditionalisation and wider societal change. Drawing on Bourdieu and Bernstein, and a mixed methodological study of Catholic secondary schools, the article presents a typology of Catholic schooling in transition. This identifies a continuum of Catholicity among the study schools that is mediated by dynamics of social class in an increasingly competitive and diverse system. It is argued this has implications for considering the role of a recontextualised model of Catholic faith schooling, underpinned by principles of social justice in a multicultural and more secularly oriented society.  相似文献   

The preparation of educational leaders is a global phenomenon. Education systems have developed numerous means by which current and aspiring leaders are prepared for the role. Through the example of a large public school system in Australia, this paper argues that the doxa of school leadership establishes a particular identity of the principalship. One which constructs the principal as the deliverer of state initiated reforms. Theoretically informed by Bourdieu, this paper argues for an alternate way of thinking about leadership preparation, one based on introducing participants to the conversation of the world.  相似文献   

以Guskey提出的教师专业发展评价模型为例,在分析其渊源、内容、特点的基础上,评价其优点与不足,并对完善该模型提出了若干设想。  相似文献   

教师课程领导是指教师在课程事务上通过相互影响来实现课程发展目标、促进教师专业成长、提升学生学习品质的过程。目前教师课程领导仍处于自发状态的因素主要在于:传统学校课程管理体制的影响、教师的课程意识淡薄、教师的课程参与意识不强、教师课程领导知能不足、教师文化的封闭与保守等方面。为使教师课程领导从自发走向自觉,应从赋予教师权限和建立对话平台,提高教师课程领导的专业知能,增强教师课程意识,建立合作开放的教师文化四方面努力,以促进教师课程领导。  相似文献   

分布式领导:缘起、概念与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分布式领导是近年来兴起的一个概念,自提出以来受到极大关注。分布式领导理论是组织思考的根本改变,它将领导定义为学校所有人的责任,而不仅仅是校长等少数人的行为。分布式领导致力于在组织成员中分享领导职能,建立清晰的愿景和目标,提升组织成员的领导能力,同时考虑到学校组织结构和管理体制、绩效责任制度以及学校文化等因素的配合。  相似文献   

本文回顾了1980~2010年美国教育领导力评价研究路向。研究显示,20世纪80年代早期美国兴起了以"校长教学管理评定量表"(PIMRS)为代表的教育领导力测评浪潮;到了90年代初,变革型领导成为美国教育领导力评价的另一风潮;而进入21世纪以来,以学生学习为中心而创建的"范德比尔特教育领导力评估"(VAL-ED)成为新的潮流。注重科学性、多样性和时代性已成为美国教育领导力评价的主要趋向。  相似文献   

小学二年级数学学优生与学困生应用题表征策略差异比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究运用实验法和临床访谈法对某普通小学的43名二年级学生进行了一致/不一致应用题测验(任务一)和条件多余/条件不足应用题测验(任务二),以考察数学学优生和学困生在解决这些应用题时表征策略的差异。结果表明:⑴在任务一中,学优生在一致题目和不一致题目上的反应时差异显著,而学困生在这两类题上的反应时差异不显著;学优生和学困生在一致题目和不一致题目上的正确率差异显著;口头报告显示,学优生较多使用问题模型策略对问题进行表征,学困生较多使用直接转换策略对问题进行表征;⑵在任务二中,学优生的成绩要好于学困生,口头报告分析证明了前面的结果,即学优生较多使用问题模型策略,学困生较多使用直接转换策略;⑶由于表征策略的使用差异,学生在条件充要应用题上的正确率高于非常规应用题。  相似文献   

校长领导力体现在教师发展引领力,学校效能提升力,多元关系构建力等方面.校长必须要提升办学理念,通过提高校长综合发展能力,完善绩效评估制度,创新培训方式等途径实现校长领导能力的提高和改进  相似文献   

波特认为差异化和成本领先这两个基本战略通常是不相容的,通常企业要在两者中做出选择,否则就会“夹在中间”。文章认为差异化和成本领先并不互相排斥,并讨论了差异化可以成为企业获得成本领先的可能性条件框架,以及在超竞争环境下差异化和成本领先的组合是获取持续的竞争优势的选择。  相似文献   

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