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网络对未成年人的影响有利有弊,要趋利避害,让网络在未成年人的成长中发挥有益作用。实现这一目的的途径是对未成年人进行网络素养教育。通过社会机构与学校及家庭实施网络素养教育。正确认识网络的功能,利用网络发展自我;提高对网络负面信息的免疫力;提高网络安全意;认清网络世界与现实世界的距离;利用网络开展健康有益的活动,培养未成年人健全的人格。  相似文献   

老子在对天道的领悟中建立了他的自然哲学,并以之论证人事,从而转化为实用的政治哲学。其核心是“君王南面之术”。包括处尊保位之法和治国之术两大内容。以贱得贵、以卑处尊、以退为进是人主独尊之法;以安民为上,无为而治、愚智强身、损赋减税、去刑止杀、反对战争是他的治国安民之术。老子的哲学是一种辨证的哲学,其治国之术既有历史的进步意义,又有时代的局限性。  相似文献   

Epistemology, or ways of knowing, can be used (a) to show that kinesiology employs different but complementary methods for gaining knowledge and that each method has a role to play in kinesiology, and (b) to show how epistemology can be used to organize an introductory kinesiology course or textbook. The epistemologies used to organize the subdisciplines are rationalism, empiricism, science, and subjectivism. An epistemic approach to a foundations course or textbook allows one to answer questions in the subdisciplines regarding how knowledge is evaluated, how knowledge develops, what method should be used to develop knowledge, and how knowledge can best be taught. The goal is to enable students to understand an increasingly diverse field by literally charting how methods of knowledge creation relate to the subdisciplines that compose kinesiology.  相似文献   

建国50多年来,经济学界关于劳动价值理论的讨论主要围绕五个方面展开:一、如何界定生产劳动与非生产劳动;二、价值源泉问题上的劳动价值一元论与价值多元论之争;三、价值决定同题上是“实现论”、“决定论”还是“共同决定论”;四、在价值分配问题上价值创造与价值分配的关系如何?现阶段分配制度的理论依据何在?五、对劳动价值论的评价。  相似文献   

作文教学不应束缚学生手脚,而应从激发学生写作兴趣出发,让学生想写什么就写什么,想怎么写就怎么写,想写什么体裁就写什么体裁,想写多少字就写多少字。学生的主体作用在作文教学中应得到充分发挥。  相似文献   

针对音乐欣赏中的神秘感,阐述如何在欣赏中感悟、体验、联想、理解音乐形象。从而寻找一条音乐欣赏的审美途径。  相似文献   

许多大学生在写作时中心不明确或思路不清晰,给人一种词汇堆砌的感觉。其原因主要是许多学生在写作时不会拟定主题句。而主题句的制定是写好文章的关键。本文就如何构思、如何拟定及如何完善主题句提出一系列建议,希望和同仁及对英文写作感兴趣的师生交流、磋商。  相似文献   

现代社会中决定人生成败的另一种智商——情感智商,引起教育界的重视。作者选择把幼儿最喜爱最易接受的诗歌活动作为情商培养的突破口,强调在文学活动中调动幼儿情商的内驱力,从内部激励情商的潜能的释放和发展,为幼儿将来如何适应社会、如何做人、如何生存和发展奠定了扎实的情商基础。  相似文献   

"四环教学法"以"导———学———议———结"为四个教学轮环为某堂课教学的基本构选。体现为:教学生学会学习,让学生学会合作,促学生主动发展,从而优化了教学形式,促成了课堂教学结构化,有利于培养学生解决数学问题的能力,有效地提高初中数学教学质量。  相似文献   

教师在传道、授业、解惑的同时,还应培养学生的自学能力,让他们养成良好的自学习惯,掌握良好的自学方法.怎样更好地培养中学生的地理自学能力,更好地适应现代地理教学的需要,已成为摆在广大教师面前的重要问题.  相似文献   

论外语教学行动研究的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article mainly gives a brief introduction to the general idea of Action Research and the wayshow it can be applied in the foreign languages teaching. A very practical teaching approach can be derived fromthe study of Action Research,and so we can do something better to manage how to teach to learn and how tolearn to teach well in the real situation.  相似文献   

This paper will show how tools of statistical quality control were applied to a Summer Bridge Mathematics and Science programme at San Jose State University. These tools were used as assessment instruments to facilitate improvement in overall classroom performance. We shall show how quality control tools such as brainstorming, Pareto analysis and cause-and-effect analysis can be used to identify the ‘big’ problems and to analyze the cause(s) of the ‘big’ problems. Additionally, we shall show how control charts can be used effectively to monitor how the suggested corrective actions for causes of the ‘big’ problems are faring—or acting—on the outcomes-based process. Finally, we shall show how these control charts can be used to aid in monitoring and determining whether or not the ongoing outcomes-based process is stable. Once the ‘big’ problems have been eliminated and the ongoing process is in control, we shall further demonstrate how ‘monitored assessments’, cooperative learning activities and control charts can help to improve the overall process.  相似文献   

Improving Learning Without Improving Teaching   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
I have discovered that, by giving my students quizzes at the end of each class, I can noticeably improve their learning without having to improve my teaching. In this paper, I want to discuss how this “discovery” might be used by others, how it might be studied scientifically, and how it might be developed into a well engineered teaching tool. I want to suggest that developing simple, well engineered, educational tools might be a worthwhile goal for those who want to try to improve computer science education.  相似文献   


In this paper we examine digital literacy and explicate how it relates to the philosophical study of ignorance. Using data from a study which explores the knowledge producing work of undergraduate students as they wrote course assignments, we argue that a social practice approach to digital literacy can help explain how epistemologies of ignorance may be sustained. If students are restricted in what they can know because they are unaware of exogenous actors (e.g. algorithms), and how they guide choices and shape experiences online, then a key issue with which theorists of digital literacy should contend is how to educate students to be critically aware of how power operates in online spaces. The challenge for Higher Education is twofold: to understand how particular digital literacy practices pave the way for the construction of ignorance, and to develop approaches to counter it.  相似文献   

This paper compares and contrasts the program theory of the reenacted Supervision Act to the Supervision Act of 2003. We describe how the expectations about how schools should be inspected, the effect such inspections are expected to have, and how these effects should be realized have changed over the past years as a result of changing paradigms of governance and the supervision of schools. An ex ante evaluation of the program theory shows that the changed inspection methods are likely to be less effective compared to the previous paradigm.  相似文献   

元认知能力就是建立在一定的元认知知识和体验的基础上,对自身的认知活动进行调节和控制的能力,它对于大学生提高学习能力和保持心理健康等具有重大意义。本文旨在研究如何提高大学生英语阅读能力。笔者详述了元认知策略及其如何在教学中的使用。  相似文献   

Creative writing is difficult for students.There are some ways to improve it.How to choose suitable words,how to form a sentence,how to develop a paragraph and finally how to write a composition will be the key issues of improving writing ability.  相似文献   

人性假设理论是对人的心理行为偏好的分析和归类。引导人们树立正确价值观的思想政治工作应借鉴人性假设理论,从如何有效规制人们的思想、防止其变坏转变为如何有效实现激励兼容,即在承认人们合理的个人需求的条件下,实现个人追求的最大化以促进思想政治工作的开展。  相似文献   

本文以广西柳州市第一职业中等专业学校在运作CIS中塑造学校品牌的做法为实例,通过分析职业学校紧贴市场,紧靠企业,精心策划、运作CIS,整合管理理论、行为规范和视觉表达等方面的做法,探讨塑造职业学校品牌的一些方法与途径.  相似文献   

When playing card games, how many times should a deck be shuffled in order to achieve randomness? This article shows how card shuffling can be used as a classroom exercise to reinforce construction and interpretation of confidence intervals.  相似文献   

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