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The current supervisory system in Pakistan obviously does not contribute to teachers' professional development. An alternative model which combines supervisory pressure and support; where professional development is linked to school performance; and supervisory responsibilities are shared among external supervisors, heads and supervisory teachers in a network of schools is proposed. It is claimed that this model has the potential to create additional, more appropriate and more accessible resources for supervision. However, efforts to implement it will be met with some resistance. The sources of and reasons for this resistance are identified for further study.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和教育国际化的迅速发展,探索国际化背景下中外合作办学培养人才的办学模式和人才培养模式,成为人们关注的热点。基于阿特巴赫高等教育国际化思想,分析爱恩国际学院引进国外优质教育资源,与境外合作方在课程体系设置、教学模式、教学管理等方面交流与合作等情况,得出结论认为,爱恩国际学院形成了具有其自身特色的中外合作办学模式、人才培养模式以及教学考评体系,以期给予国际化背景下中外合作办学培养人才的教学改革以点滴启示。  相似文献   

学校欺侮现象是近几十年以来心理学研究的一个比较活跃的领域,具有重要的实践意义。文章介绍了美国在欺侮研究方面的主要结论和最新动态,包括欺侮的定义及产生的原因、欺侮的行为模式及美国教育部为解决欺侮问题所采取的对策。  相似文献   

孙刚成教授新著《乡村学校的困境与突围》以乡村学校的存在现状为中心,针对当下乡村教育的功利化、乡村文明的凋零化、乡村学校的消逝,经由实证调查和数据分析逐步展开,提出了具有开创性、生态性、可持续发展的乡村学校发展模式。该书强调以乡土文明、乡土资源和本土化变革来重建乡村学校,最终回到乡村学生本身,回到“人的发展”这一主体性,以此为发展旨归探寻乡村学校及其教学内容和教学方式的发展与变革。即从乡村学生和学校的本体价值探寻出发,以乡村学校存在的价值和乡土文明、乡土资源的重要意义为着力点,探寻乡村学校的突围之道。提出让乡村学校的教育回归教育主体,充分发展学生的精神生命,促进学生核心素养的生成等符合乡村学校发展本体性规律的观点,为乡村学校发展和乡村振兴提供了有价值的借鉴道路。  相似文献   

实验学校是教育实验的基地,应该依靠扎实的实验,成为教育改革先行者、示范者。通过调研发现,大多实验学校或缺乏实验的内在动力,或开展得不规范。实验学校要名副其实,成为真正实施素质教育,办优质学校的领头羊、排头兵,需要教育行政管理制度的创新,需要社会教育资源的智力支持,更需要学校、教师成为实验的主体。  相似文献   

While the notion of “quality systems” is firmly established in many public and private sectors, this approach to quality management is only beginning to emerge in schools. After an initial discussion of the notion “systems thinking” and “quality systems,” this article suggests a model for the essential criteria for quality systems in schools. This model is then utilised to evaluate 3 widely accepted approaches to quality management within Australia for their applicability to the school situation – ISO 9001/4 2000, Investors in People and the Australian Business Excellence Framework. While it is suggested that all 3 approaches could have some relevance to quality systems development in schools, the unique culture of schools would present significant challenges to their utilisation.  相似文献   

王森 《比较教育研究》2018,40(2):61-67,88
俄罗斯社区学校模式立足于基础教育学校的创新,致力于学校与社区互动,是一种旨在有效解决学校教育和社区社会问题的新型学校发展模式.俄罗斯社区学校模式由学校教育民主化、学校与社区关系伙伴化、学校和社区服务志愿化三个基本模块构成.基础教育学校可以根据各自的具体情况,围绕三个基本模块进行主题活动设计,开展多样化的活动.基础教育学校与社区的融合发展是俄罗斯社会和教育现代化的迫切要求.经过近20年的探索与发展,俄罗斯社区学校模式解决了一些基础教育学校中长期存在的问题,正逐渐趋向成熟.尽管俄罗斯社区学校模式的实施面临不少难题,但它很可能成为俄罗斯基础教育学校改革的主要模式,影响俄罗斯基础教育的未来发展.  相似文献   

大学与中小学合作是教师教育改革的一项重要任务,是转变以大学为本的教师培养方式和以中小学岗位为本的教师培训方式,提高教师培养质量,促进中小学教师持续发展,实现大学与中小学共同发展的必由之路。目前,地方大学与中小学虽然建立了一些合作关系,但大多数的合作还处在"协同合伙"的低层面上,合作对于大学教师教育和中小学的发展并没有发挥出实质的推动作用。地方大学与中小学要从"协同合伙"走向"共同发展",必须从以下几方面努力:达成思想共识,健全组织机构,拓展合作领域,建设共同的组织文化和加大地方大学与中小学共同发展的经费支持力度。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper explores the effects of enacting a collaborative and enquiry based model of teacher professionalism in the UK. Based on work with Chartered Teachers in Scotland, it indicates that the barriers to changing the basis of teacher professionalism are complex and multi-faceted because of the contested nature of teachers' work identities. Chartered Teacher status is achieved by qualification against an occupational standard which positions those who attain it as leading teachers, exerting a significant influence with their colleagues to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. This paper looks at some of the conceptual and practical difficulties faced by Chartered Teachers as they try to enact what this new 'status' means. It argues that those with an interest in the professional development of teachers need to position themselves as knowing agents in the complex systemic and political aspects of changing practice in schools.  相似文献   

Antje Barabasch 《Compare》2013,43(2):155-183
Germany's vocational education and training (VET) and corresponding teacher-education programmes are known worldwide for their integrated framework. Government legislation unifies companies, unions and vocational schools, and specifies the education and training required for students as well as vocational teachers. Changing from the Diplom programme model to the Anglophone Bachelor and Masters degree model has raised concerns for VET teacher preparation. It is within this context that we explore Germany's VET teacher-education system and current academic debates. We further investigate challenges in the development of Canada's VET teacher-education programmes and suggest some policy borrowing from the German model.  相似文献   

Parent and School Partnerships in Supporting Literacy and Numeracy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examined home literacy and numeracy practices. It also focused on the roles of home and school in fostering Year 3 children's literacy and numeracy development in Australian schools. A parent survey of 95 parents from four schools, and focus interviews of parents, teachers and a school administrator within one school, provided the data for this study. Results showed that parents helped their children with literacy and numeracy at home. Most of this assistance is given with reading, some with writing and some with routine mathematics. Both parents and school personnel held the children's learning interests at heart and advocated for the formation of parent/school partnerships. Yet the discourses relating to school and home roles for assisting children's literacy and numeracy development provided contrasting views. Implications for school personnel are drawn from the results of this study.  相似文献   

This paper reflects upon the recent wave of integrated curriculum programmes which have been introduced into a number of Sheffield secondary schools with the support of the Curriculum Development Initiative (CDI) and the School‐Focussed Secondment (SFS) Programmes. It compares the initial expansionist phase of implementation (1987–88) with the present move towards confinement, and explains this change with reference to external and internal factors. It argues that as a result of these factors, the central justifying principle for curriculum integration is gradually shifting within Sheffield schools, with transition issues replacing radical educational change as the primary public focus. The final part of the paper considers internal organisation and management issues and offers some practical advice for those with curriculum development responsibilities in schools.  相似文献   

多校区校园网建设中利用无线组网技术的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,由于教育体制的改革和发展的需要 ,许多学校进行了实质性的重组合并以及学校建设规模的扩大 ,使得越来越多的学校成立了地理位置上不为一体的分校区 ,有的甚至跨了地区。同时 ,由于信息技术的发展又要求学校这个学术中心必须建立信息资源共享的教学教育科研平台 ,在这种历史背景下 ,利用传统的有线LAN方式组建校园网络 ,出现了许多建设困难 ,本文是讨论利用当今先进、成熟的无线局域网技术 ,来解决这些问题  相似文献   

我国农村中小学教师信息技术教学能力与城市教师相比呈现出较大的差别,教师不仅在信息技术技能掌握上相对滞后,其教学行为和观念发展间有一定的不同步性。调研数据显示这些差别与农村中小学管理制度建设滞后、信息技术应用模式单一以及某些信息技术产品门槛设置较高,普及性差等原因有关。为了促进农村中小学教师教育技术能力跨越式发展,弥合城乡差异,研究认为完善与信息化革新配套的制度建设、改进教学信息化产品的针对性、降低使用技术门槛和成本是可以尝试的改进策略。  相似文献   

在我国大力发展高中阶段教育的过程中,以示范高中和优质高中为基础发展起来的超大规模学校在扩大高中教育规模并使更多的学生享受到优质高中教育资源方面发挥了积极作用,但也引发了一系列内部管理问题及社会问题.本文通过对比国内外高中学校的规模,认为通过组织变革和管理创新可以解决这些学校存在的内部管理问题,而对普通高中适度规模的研究和重新规划,有助于超大规模学校乃至整个高中阶段教育的健康发展.  相似文献   

埃里克森创建了以自我同一性为核心的人格发展渐成说。他认为自我同一性的形成是一个终生的过程,但由于生理、心理、社会等方面的原因,青年面临同一性危机,处于同一性形成的关键时期。中等职业教育的教育对象正处于同一性危机期,埃里克森的理论对中等职业教育在课程内容、专业设置、教育方式等方面有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

入世后,我们面临全球经济一体化,教育国际化新趋势。在新趋势面前,高职院校如何走出一条适合经济发展需要的中外合作办学的路子,是亟待认真探讨的新课题。在21世纪国际职教大背景下,从理论层面对高职教育中外合作办学新模式的特征、构筑途径及现实意义作详细阐述,提出“开放性”是高职教育中外合作办学新模式的本质特征,“企校合作”是其最佳模式,及学生就业充分是其办学成功关键等新观点,对高职院校如何走中外合作办学之路有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

The conservativeness of Georgian grammar schools used to be emphasised; however, as the case of geography teaching shows, this picture is complex with the growth of British trade and empire and the requirements of polite society and culture fostering a demand for ‘modern’ subjects. Drawing on work in the history of education, Georgian society and culture and the history of geography, this paper argues that there was considerable change and development in geographical teaching in some grammar schools stimulated by changes in the nature and perceptions of ‘classical’ education and increasing demands for ‘modern’ subjects. It contends that Robert Mayhew’s emphasis on the continuity of the early‐modern humanist textual geographical tradition within grammar schools does not sufficiently account for changes in teaching practices that occurred in these institutions. It explores how and why geographical subjects were introduced in grammar schools, including the role of teachers such as John Clarke and John Holmes, institutional government and external bodies, and assesses the importance of opposition to this process.  相似文献   

通过回顾和总结20多年来福建社会力量办学走过的历程、经验,指出福建省社会力量办学在获得重大发展的同时,还存在着许多困难和问题,提出要促进福建社会力量办学快速健康发展必须认识到位、加强领导、完善相关法规和管理体制的建设。  相似文献   

根据资料分析认为,近年来随着高校的快速扩张与高中教育发展较缓及人口等因素,导致高校生源急剧减少,地方一般本科院校面临着生源的潜在危机。进一步分析了生源危机的原因,提出一些有效的应对措施,希望有助于地方本科院校的生存和发展。  相似文献   

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