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在学校改进中,校长的领导力起着关键作用,其中,浇铸理念、创建愿景、凝练信任、分享权力是学校改进取得成功的重要领导力。这些领导力使校长能倾听自己的声音,给团队成员以动力,促进团队成员精诚合作,为团队成员提供发展的机会。学校改进是内生式的发展,大学研究者是校长及其学校团队的合作伙伴。学校始终处于变革之中,改进没有起点和终点,每一个针对学校问题的思考与行动都是学校改进的生长点。因此,校长的领导力提升是学校改进的重要内容。  相似文献   

Research on restructuring in education has focused mainly on the early stages of organizational and curriculum change. Whether the changes introduced through restructuring endure, and whether they result in long‐term benefits for students and teachers remains in question. This paper argues that the dynamics of ‘institutionalization’ and ‘renewal’ drawn from prior research on the implementation of educational innovations applies to changes wrought through restructuring, as well. The argument is presented in light of past research on institutionalization and a longitudinal case study of a restructured high school.  相似文献   


The paper brings together for the first time a sequence of six studies, from the one university faculty, on middle leaders from Australia, Chile and Singapore. All studies followed a consistent approach using multiple-perspective interviews. Middle leaders were seen to be key personnel in improving teaching and learning, and when they have well-defined roles and sufficient expectation and support were seen to be impacting on student outcomes. Yet too often they had limited impact, did not receive sufficient support from senior leaders, and worked in school structures that hindered their work.  相似文献   

学校改进中的校长领导力提升是当前学校变革与发展的诉求。要落实"教育规划纲要"成功实现学校改进,就要在校长领导力开发过程中,主动寻求新的领导理论支撑,架构一种分布式领导模式,将校长培养成一名分布式领导者,这可为解决教育管理实践中存在的问题开拓一个新视角。  相似文献   

This article uses the lens of self-leadership to understand the leadership practice of school principals in the Kavango region of Namibia. Self-leadership emphasises the focus on leading the self to enhance one's leadership in the organisation. Self-leadership will always function with other leadership styles; hence, the article uses instructional and distributed leadership styles to understand the possibility of principals having an influence on the improvement of academic quality in schools. This article explores how six secondary school principals in the Kavango region have employed self-leadership styles to improve and sustain the performance of learners. The study adopted a qualitative method that examined the selfleadership of the six school principals in the Kavango region. The data were collected from the six principals and two teachers of each school by using semi-structured interviews. The findings showed that school principals unknowingly employ self-leadership in their schools and in the process use distributed leadership together with instructional leadership to collaborate and share their leadership with teachers.  相似文献   

浅析村中、小学校的独立法人地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
村中、小学校是我国农村实施九年制义务教育的重要力量。村中、小学校的数量已达70多万所。依照我国相关政策、法律规定,每一所村中、小学校都属于独立的事业法人单位。然而,笔者通过调查了解到,村中、小学校普遍不具备独立法人应当具备的法定条件,没有独立承担民事责任的能力。本文运用民法学的相关理论,联系实际,对存在的问题进行分析后,阐明了个人的观点,并就如何改善村中、小学校的独立法人地位提出了建议。  相似文献   

State and federal policy constitutes a significant component of the educational environment. School leaders stand at the intersection of policy and practice in attempting to implement systemic school reform. This report begins with a brief overview of (1) recent federal policy alignment initiatives, (2) the Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration (CSRD) grants program, and (3) the general policy environment in North Carolina. We then draw on evaluation data from North Carolina schools receiving CSRD grants to suggest that initial school efforts are marked by two significant absences, chiefly, the absence of comprehensive design perspectives to guide improvement efforts and the absence of critical analysis during application of improvement models. We close by offering suggestions for school leaders engaged in systemic reform efforts.  相似文献   

The article relates the experiences of one large comprehensive school in its first year as a member of a pilot Local Resource Management (LRM) scheme. It considers some of the difficulties, the training implications and some of the advantages and disadvantages which have already come to light. Some advice is also given to other schools which are likely to be involved in such schemes as soon as the ‘Baker Bill’ becomes law.  相似文献   


This article reports on an investigation into the influence stemming from school leadership as an important consideration in relation to school improvement. School readiness, based on [Schiemann, W. A. 2014. “From Talent Management to Talent Optimization.” Journal of World Business 49 (2): 281–288. doi:10.1016/j.jwb.2013.11.012]. Accountability, Capability and Engagement (ACE) leadership model, was assessed through self-reported school leader behaviours, attitudes, perceptions, and school improvement attributes. To clarify, school readiness refers to how a school principal optimises staff and other school resources to best achieve school improvement agendas. School readiness survey results and student achievement outcomes for one entire school district were analysed, indicating that school readiness did indeed impact student achievement. Findings reveal a need for school leaders to focus more clearly on overall school alignment and optimisation behaviours, and these are discussed in relation to specific leadership recommendations and how leadership can better support and encourage school improvement in terms of educational accountability.  相似文献   

公民社会理念下的学校治理与校长权力   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会结构变迁促使公民社会成为社会主义和谐社会的重要组成部分。本土化的公民社会理念为学校变革提供了背景因素和理念支持。学校变革不仅要适应这种外部环境的变化,也要主动开辟一种治理的路径。这种路径分为对学校的治理和学校共同体内的道德领导。在此二重作用下,校长权力在本义、来源和运行上都将发生深刻的变化。  相似文献   

为系统考察父母教育期望与留守儿童学习投入的关系,以及父母教育卷入和自我教育期望在其中的双重中介作用,采用父母教育期望问卷、自我教育期望问卷、父母教育卷入问卷以及学习投入问卷,对我国河南、四川、贵州、山西等地1535名留守儿童进行了调查研究。结果发现:(1)单亲外出和双亲外出留守儿童知觉到的父母教育期望、自我教育期望、父母教育卷入和学习投入得分均显著低于非留守儿童,而单亲外出和双亲外出留守儿童之间差异未达显著性水平;(2)父母教育期望和留守儿童学习投入呈显著正相关关系;(3)父母教育卷入与自我教育期望在父母教育期望和留守儿童学习投入之间起到双重中介作用。因此,父母教育期望既直接影响留守儿童的学习投入,又通过父母教育卷入和自我教育期望的中介作用影响留守儿童的学习投入。  相似文献   


This article presents findings of a qualitative study on school leadership and professional learning community in two high achieving senior high schools in Northeast China. The findings show that teachers participated in school-based communities of professional learning, such as Teaching and Research Groups, Lesson Preparation Groups, and Grade Groups. While the term professional learning community (PLC) was not commonplace, the actual practices of PLC characterized by collective enquiry and collaborative learning became the norm in the two schools. School leaders demonstrated strong instructional leadership and visionary stewardship for school continuous improvement. They played a critical role in developing and communicating a shared vision, shaping a culture of trust, supporting and monitoring collegial learning. Teacher leadership was evident in collaborative teams and expertise leadership was acknowledged. Emotional bonds and shared responsibility in these teams strengthened professionalism. Concerted efforts were made to create aligned structures and processes that support collective enquiry, and to develop a culture of collaborative learning that builds collective capacities. Developing and sustaining the embedded PLC process within a school seems to provide a promising infrastructure for supporting school improvement in the Chinese school context.  相似文献   

分布式领导概念辨析及对学校组织改善的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,分布式领导已成为学校组织改善的新视角和教育管理学界关注的焦点之一.随着分布式领导概念的普遍应用,往往容易与其它类似概念相混淆.同时,由于不同学者的研究角度不同,他们对分布式领导的理解也不尽相同,因此,有必要对分布式领导的概念进行辨别,并区分与其它类似概念的不同.  相似文献   

This study investigated the differences and similarities in the impact of school leadership on student mathematics achievement in different global regions using TIMSS international data. Three-level unconditional and conditional hierarchical models were fitted to the data in each country. The findings showed that the variables of teacher professional development and interactions with other teachers at the student level had inconsistent influence on student achievement outcomes across countries. In all but one of the countries in the sample, the proportion of economically disadvantaged students was related to student achievement. In England there were significant differences on several key variables.  相似文献   

分布式领导——西方学校领导再造探研   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分布式领导概念提出于20世纪90年代中后期,它基于对传统领导观念的突破,从领导方式、形态、范围等角度再造了学校领导。文章通过系统分析比较分布式领导定义,了解其研究状况和尚待研究的领域,阐述实施过程中的动力与阻力因素,从而反思国内学校领导实践和理论研究的现状及其发展。  相似文献   

有效学校校长领导力是校长创造一种以学生高效学习、教师高效工作、有创新精神为特征的学校氛围的能力。在日益强调学校有效发展的今天,有效学校校长领导力对学校绩效的作用已逐渐引发了理论研究者和教育实践者的关注。本文对有效学校及相关概念的研究、有效学校校长领导力的研究、有效学校校长领导力与学校效能关系的研究进行了综述,并从研究理论、研究方法和研究内容三个方面对校长领导力的现有研究进行了反思和展望。  相似文献   

Research on the nature of and support for systemic sustainable innovation with ICT is converging with research on policy implementation and studies of school change and improvement to highlight the complex interplay of personal and contextual factors that enable and constrain innovation. In each of these fields, leadership has been found to play a crucial role in initiating and sustaining change and innovation. This leadership is not however the prerogative of any one individual but rather it is distributed over people at all levels of the system and across policies, practices and material resources. Leadership for innovation around and with ICT technologies is also distributed across time because of its substantial financial and knowledge implications. In this article, we illustrate the distributed nature of the leadership that supported teachers and schools to make use of teacher personal laptops accessed through the New Zealand government Laptops for Teachers scheme.  相似文献   

Elsewhere, the authors have unpacked instructional leadership and have documented that such leadership is associated with more effective schools. Indeed, there has been for a considerable time nearly universal acceptance that learning-centered leadership should provide the central platform on which leadership is enacted. In this paper, a less sanguine narrative is provided on instructional management. Specifically, it documents that for all the evidence and recognition of importance, learning-focused leadership remains a small domain of action for leaders at the school and district levels. It then focuses on both the culture of the profession of school administration and the nature of schooling to explain why in the face of considerable energy and effort only marginal improvements have been realized in deepening instructional leadership. It closes with an analysis of possible paths going forward.  相似文献   

学校改进是促进教育变革,提升教育质量的重要手段之一。当前,我国正处在教育改革的重要时期,普遍开展的学校改进活动中,如何正确认识和理解校长领导力转型和教师专业转型的关系,并采取何种策略促进校长领导力转型和教师专业转型是一个具有现实意义的重要问题。分布式领导思想对于我们更好地认识这一问题提供了新的启示。  相似文献   

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