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Most ethnographic fieldwork texts advise us to develop rapport with research participants. Fewer warn us of the problems that might ensue. This paper focuses on rapport's relationship to friendship in ethnographic work and discusses the instrumental role of rapport, the problematic role of friendship, and confusion in interpreting rapport‐building behavior. In traditional ethnographic research, rapport is a trust‐building mechanism that primarily serves the interests of the researcher. Friendship is different from rapport and can confound research objectivity. Yet the similarity of rapport‐building behavior to friendship‐developing behavior can cause misunderstandings and feelings of deception by the researcher and her#shhis others.  相似文献   

在技术作用于教学发展方面,当前有两种针锋相对的观点:教学技术化与教学去技术化。前者是一种技术自大,后者是一种技术封闭,二者指导下的教学实践显然都不利于教学发展。我们主张教学合理技术化观点。教学合理技术化认为,技术工具与教学工艺密不可分。从古代到现代,技术工具革新持续推动着教学工艺演化;教学工艺发挥出好的教学效能,是以技术工具的遮蔽为前提的。正是教学合理技术化的未完成状态,促使技术工具及工艺继承与发展,推动着教学系统的发展演进。教学合理技术化应注意技术工具选择的适效性、把握技术应用的阶段性、树立合目的性的教学技术观,从而更好地促进教学发展。  相似文献   

交谈的礼仪规范虽然列举了言语交际中的不礼貌现象,但许多真实话语交际的情形与之并不相符。理论研究对这种情况处理的方法多为一方面指出把不礼貌等同于不规范言行这种静态观点的缺陷,另一方面对规范的动态性进行说明。但这种理论解释应用于交际实践的分析时可操作性不强。Spencer-Oatey建立的和谐管理模式从人际和谐的角度分析话语(不)礼貌现象,突破了之前不礼貌研究单一维度着眼的思路。和谐管理模式不仅呼应了当前对不礼貌本质是一种评价的观点,包含了规范具有认知体验性的理念,而且提供了研究规范与不礼貌之间关系的新视界。通过结合实例分析交谈礼仪规范的人际和谐管理理据,综合考虑交际双方的面子、社交权和交际目标的权重,以及交际双方的平衡问题,应用该模式可为真实交际中的交谈的礼仪规范在人们将话语评价为不礼貌时的作用原理提供了一种具体而合理的诠释。  相似文献   

最近听了两位教师执教《普罗米修斯盗火》(苏教版)一课,两位教师教学设计不同,教学效果各异,给了我很大的启示。请看两个教学设计的主要环节:案例一:1.寻找特点:快速浏览课文,从文中找出普罗米修斯是一个怎样的神?(学生读后很快从文中找出关键词语“勇敢而极富同情心”)2.验证特点:哪些地方表现出他的勇敢?哪些地方表现出他富有同情心?找出相关的段落练习朗读。3.读出特点:你能把普罗米修斯的勇敢和富有同情心读出来吗?指名抓住关键词语读出普罗米修斯的勇敢和富有同情心。4.强化特点:教师强调,从“无火”可以看出他极富同情心,从“盗火”、…  相似文献   

Teaching and research: Establishing the vital link with learning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Much time and effort has gone into trying to demonstrate an empirical link between research activity and teaching performance. In general, the correlations between these factors have been shown to be low. This paper argues that the attempt to find such a link will always be confounded by different conceptions of the two enterprises. The debate about the relationships between teaching and research as presently conceived is not fruitful. It there is a link between the two it operates through that which teaching and research have in common; both are concerned with the act of learning, though in different contexts. Greater emphasis needs to be placed on the ways in which knowledge is generated and communicated. Those aspects of teaching which lead to learning and the learning which occurs through research provide the vital link. This is important if the debate is to progress beyond a political defence of the status quo and be of practical use to considerations of whether, in higher education, teaching without research is to be encouraged.  相似文献   

Two groups of eight and nine year old children were given spelling practice using 25 words. One group used computer assisted learning whilst the other was given small group tuition by a teacher. Both groups achieved signficantly better results than a third (control group). There was, however, no significant difference between the gains made by the two experimental groups.  相似文献   

尊学或崇术:高校办学理念的分野   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
19世纪以来,地方大学开始成为推动高等教育发展的重要力量,同时也因其简单模仿重点大学而陷入诸多误区。本文对两类大学在办学理念上“尊学”与“崇术”的分野进行了深入分析,指出重点大学应坚持“学术兼容,尊学为主”;地方大学应坚持“学术并举,崇术为主。”  相似文献   

随着技术的进步,网络视频教研越来越受人们的关注。本文对视频在网络教研中的作用、网络视频教研的活动方式以及网络视频教研的组织策略进行了探讨。  相似文献   

在交际中,人们的语言应用是一个不断选择的顺应过程,而语言顺应要受制于元语用意识。追求交际的和谐是一种无标记元语用意识,是多数场合下交际者追求的交际目标。成功的交际者会根据交际语境不断变换语言形式、交际策略及话语内容来达到交际和谐,从而实现交际过程中的语言的和谐顺应。  相似文献   

如何在有限的时间内把人长期积累的经验和智慧的结晶及最新文明成果传授给学生,如何针对信息社会的要求培养学生的学习能力和创造能力,如何针对改革和社会进步对学生成长环境带来的变化进行思想品德教育和信息教育、智育和环境教育、体育和生存教育,如何提高课堂教学效益和教育质量,这些都是教研必须面对的课题。在研究、解决这些课题的过程中,教研人员做出了很大的贡献。  相似文献   

杨启亮 《教育研究》2012,(7):98-103
从选拔与淘汰意义上说的教学评价是为评价的教学,它关注的重心是评价,这样的教学可能会失落教学的价值,这不是教学论意义上的教学评价。教学论中所说的教学评价是为教学的评价,它关注的重心是教学,是为调节、激励、促进教学而评价。为教学的评价不是教学的"指挥棒",而是教学的"服务器",它生成并守护教学的价值。为教学的评价旨在创造教学的可持续发展价值,教学应该从这里觉悟到良心的拷问与责任的鞭挞,评价应该从这里检省到自己是否漠视、异化、失落了教学的价值。基础教育生死攸关的使命就在于它必须百倍地关怀那些被放逐、被贬抑、被薄弱的学生所拥有的可持续发展的教学价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, I present a conceptual argument for ‘teaching-led research’ in which university lecturers construct courses that directly and positively influence their research, while at the same time, safeguard and enhance the student experience. A research-pedagogy for higher education considers the link between teaching and research, but rather than the more usual conception of research-led teaching, in which teaching is enhanced by research, it becomes teaching-led research in which research is enhanced by teaching. I argue that this idea is foundational to the modern research university, but also difficult to realize unless teaching and learning are designed for these ends. A potential model is teaching undergraduates as researchers with students learning by doing research and I present a case study from a science degree programme. I conclude by anticipating the likely cultural and political barriers to teaching-led research and suggest how tensions can be managed.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the findings of a study investigating students' perceptions of lectures, seminars and modules in a university school of sociology and social policy. An anonymous questionnaire was used which incorporated both closed and open-ended questions. Results show that students thought lectures were well structured and audible, the latter being linked to easy note-taking. Lecturers were also viewed as enthusiastic and available for discussion and a good student-teacher rapport was reported. On the other hand, students had difficulties with overhead transparencies and the speed at which some lectures were presented. Seminars were reported to be well organised and integrated with lectures but students were less enthusiastic about the modular system, although they felt that module objectives were clear. Students were most dissatisfied with availability of books in the library. The paper ends by presenting some suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   

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