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当孤独的人生之旅走过生命的正午,如火的太阳灸烤着青春的脊背,向前眺望,那梦幻的巅峰仍遥遥无期,空蒙的远方一片迷茫,严寒酷暑,年复一年,那追梦的脚步疲惫了,奔放的热血平静了。蓦然回首,人生的四十年过去了。岁月的沟回,年轮般刻上青春的额角,那飘飞的黑发,让片片初霜飞落鬓角。哦,是谁,站在四十岁的伤感之野,面对苍穹点燃一支心香,遥记那掀去的四十年。那是诗与梦,笑与泪的四十年。梦幻的花朵缤纷绽放,青春的脚步步步生莲。回忆的宫殿里,到处是红帆船,蓝仙子和芝麻开门。在尘世的众生中,青春的头颅高高昂起;在岁月的激流里,年轻的臂膀逆流而上。未来的君主,梦幻的帝王,以青春为骄傲,把明天当作希望。在那流光溢彩的年华里,是谁,忘了把心中回荡的旋律谱成美丽的青春之歌,是谁啊,站在红烟绿雾的岁月河畔,却没有留下一幅人生的画图。回首青春,渺如蔚蓝的天空,美丽,而一无所有。岁月,象蛀虫一样噬咬着人的奋斗意志,泯灭着理想的火焰,偶然一天,当你走进从未去过的医院,竟一住就是四十天。你才知道,生命是如此脆弱。当你在牌桌上耗费一个又一个通宵而不能罢时,你才知道,生命的惰性是如此深重。当青云直上的童年好友面对你急切的请求冷冷一笑,你才知道,什么是世态炎凉。青春的明天就是这些吗?怎能料到,爱情的挫折,疾病的纠缠,生活的变故,人世的暗箭,更有生命的惰性和生活的负担。这一切,如一把把锋利的刀刃,削去青春  相似文献   

18 4 3年上海开埠以后 ,成为“中国的大熔炉”、“远东的门户”,到上海去 !来自世界各地的淘金者 ,来自内地农村的大量劳动力 ,一步步把上海变成了“冒险家的乐园”,“富人的天堂 ,穷人的地狱”,一边是穷奢极欲 ,纸醉金迷 ,一边是贫困潦倒 ,无以为生。五方杂处的各色人等 ,十里洋场的花花世界 ,造就了上海独特的娱乐环境 ,有最高的餐饮大楼——国际饭店 ,有最开放的娱乐场所——大世界 ,有最洋派的爵士乐队和赛马 ,有最时髦的化妆舞会和选美 ,当然也有最大的红灯区 ,最多的赌场 ,如万花集锦 ,渲染着上海的热闹繁华 ,又好似海市蜃楼 ,演绎着…  相似文献   

人类的阅读方式,是阅读介质的结果,是生产能力的折射,甲骨到纸张,莫不如此,书写到印刷,概莫能外.遥想当年,洛阳纸贵,凿壁借光,寄托着科举功名,囊萤照书,背负着锦绣前程.掩卷沉思,那是修身的历练,拥书入梦,那是远行的驿站.爱书痴书,那是华夏儿女内心的神圣,敬书畏书,那是中华民族价值的认同.  相似文献   

<正>滇省云南,尽管地处边陲,土瘠民贫,交通梗阻,开化较晚,然而,滇人忧患意识、当担精神由来已久,志士仁人辈出,匡正之声不绝。在岁月的长河中不断涌现出叱咤风云的政界先驱,奋勇争先的名将壮士,著述颇丰的文坛巨匠,名噪一时的科学泰斗,诲人不倦的治学师长,实业报国的名商巨贾,独当一面的名门大家。他们中既有慷慨大义,叛逆旧道,捍卫共和的一代先驱,也有御辱救国,抗击倭寇,浴血疆场的铁血硬汉;既有忠  相似文献   

作者对乔布斯的敬仰很深,对乔布斯的辱骂看做是工作经验的提携。乔布斯在作者眼里,是完美主义的代表作,乔布斯的回归,使苹果起死回生,名声大噪,而且苹果重新回到卓越的轨道上。疯狂的乔布斯,简洁的苹果理念,处处流露出管理的艺术与企业价值的关系。开会的时候,你不需要板板整整的坐在那里,听领导训话,挺领导比比划划的指导,不需要什么冗长的开场白和策划介绍,只需要,简单的再简单,言简意赅的表达立场,佐证说话的重点,哦了,你的工作完成了。与乔布斯对话,就这么爽快、简单。作者提到精英小团队,对精英小团队意味着,工作责任的明确化、清晰化。没有太多人掺杂进取,不需要太多人的讨论和参考。只需要作出你认为可行的决定,就是精英小团队应该干的事情。乔布斯的工作态度,简洁明朗,不会让细节纰漏,留给对方,成为笑柄。  相似文献   

流不尽是那山头的白云,来也悠悠,去也悠悠.曾伴我掬起瑞雪桥下的清泉,只照见往昔的苦闷,徒然漏过指缝的,是那时的年月,纵放声呼唤,却早已一去不回,也不必唤回.错爱过多少次冷酷的月亮,萧疏的秋林,半夏的黄昏.人生不是一杯酒,醉了的,不是好汉;没醉的,不是英雄.曾目睹多少豪杰浴血沙场,杀死的全是自己的弟兄,到头来,谁也算不上输赢,那时候普天下只有一个颜色,一个声音.人们告诫我,在此岸,一切都是永恒;不是千秋、就是万代,永远,永远……那时候,我还年轻.  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者“,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。有一种职业,叫“记者“,天塌地陷时,向前,向前,记录灾难降临的真实场景,守望生命消逝的苦痛悲伤,陪伴在历经劫难的废墟孤儿身边,传递着人间的温暖。  相似文献   

我们要经常刊登什么样的文章?它们应该是创新的,有特色的,戏剧性的,浪漫的,引人入胜的,无与伦比的,稀奇古怪的,高雅的,幽默的,俏皮的,既无损高雅又不降低格调的。而更  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,中西部经济欠发达地区的报纸如何做到以报养报,不断发展壮大报业的经营主体,提高规模效益,几年来,我们结合工作实际,进行了一些探讨.一、发挥优势,办好报纸,是增强报社经济实力和扩大规模效益的基本前提地方党报,是地方党委的喉舌和工具.围绕党的工作中心做好宣传,用正确的舆论引导人,增强报纸的吸引力和辐射力,实现社会效益和经济效益双丰收,既是办报的首要任务,也是报纸经营管理的首要任务.当前,报社的主体经营,因条件限制,主要有广告经营和发行经营.围绕党报姓“党”做好报纸主体经营这篇大文章,显得尤为重要.充分发挥党报的政治优势,按照党的要求,办好报纸,扩大发行,发挥其在新闻舆论宣传中的主导作用,就是最好的无形资产,我们做经济工作就有了广阔的市场.充分利用这个权威性强,影响力大,覆盖面广的无形资产,利用这种政治优势,开展经营活动就游刃有余了.所以说,报纸办好了,就是最大的政治优势,有了这个优势,读者就信任你,报纸的发行工作、广告工作也就好做了;反之,失去这种优势,报杜的经济发展就无处可言.二、抓住机遇,壮大块头.是发展报社经济的基本条件近几年来,全国的报业发展呈突飞猛进之势,这是各地抓住机遇,发展自己的结果.而这种机遇,在各地也都不同程度地存在  相似文献   

主攻消息,强化报纸的新闻主体,以主带副,全面提高,是人民铁道报近几年来进行报纸改革的一大举动。目前,人民铁道报上的消息,不仅短了,而且开始“精”了,老的写作模式正在被打破,套话、空话明显减少,在此期间按消息攻关要求组织实施的人大、政协“两会”报道,从内容、写作形式到版面安排,都有新的突破,受到人大新闻局的表扬。回顾这几年来改革消息的实践,我们体会到,要强化繁荣消息,不能只在写作方法上下功夫,必须从思想观念、思维方式的转变入手,实行综合治理,走出认识上的误区,冲破僵化的模式,强化薄弱的基础,消息才能真正多起来,活起来,强起来。  相似文献   

An e-mail survey of online journalists reveals that online journalists' emotional responses to their competitors' coverage are significantly correlated with their job satisfaction, workload, and the perceived quality of their news website. The more negatively online journalists feel when they get scooped by their competitors, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more negatively the journalists feel about getting scooped, the more the workload the journalists feel that they have. The more positively online journalists feel when they scoop their competitors, the more positively they perceive the quality of their news website. In addition, the greater the workload the journalists consider that they have, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more positively the journalists perceive the quality of their news organization, the more satisfied they are with their jobs.  相似文献   

Guided by control theory, this study examines memorable messages that women on probation and parole receive from their probation and parole agents. Women interviewed for the study were asked to report a memorable message they received from an agent, and to describe situations if/when the message came to mind in three contexts likely to emerge from a control theory perspective: when they did something of which they were proud, when they stopped themselves from doing something they would later regret, and when they did something of which they were not proud. The types of memorable messages and the reactions to these messages within the three contexts were coded, and differences between women on probation versus parole were examined. Overall, a greater proportion of women on parole recalled memorable messages, and the most frequently reported type of memorable message was behavioral advice. Women reported that the message helped them do things of which they were proud, such as engaging in routine activities and fulfilling goals; helped them to not give into urges that could lead to further negative sanctions or feelings of regret; and came to mind when they relapsed. Practical implications of the findings for training are presented.  相似文献   

首先,论述词干提取和语言形态学的关系。其次,对词干提取的主要算法和相关技术进行详细分类。而后,对词干提取方法的主要特点进行分析并对各类方法的优点、缺点和特点进行对比,并归纳实现词干提取功能的工具及其特点。最后,对词干提取研究的现有问题和未来发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):257-271
This study used a controlled experiment to examine the ethical decision-making of 99 professional journalists in the United States to see if they held different attitudes, made different decisions, and used different levels of moral judgment when stories involved children than when they involved adults. It found that these journalists were significantly more concerned with protecting children's privacy, keeping them from harm, and ensuring informed consent than they were for adults. But they did not use significantly higher levels of moral judgment for children than adults, nor did they withhold children's photographs significantly more often than adults'. The journalists in this study believed they were protecting children from harm but did not carry through with those beliefs. It is important that the news media treat children well because having children's voices in news stories is vital to understanding their worlds and reporting on injustices against them.  相似文献   

This study investigated gaps between the supportive communication people desire and receive in the context of infertility. Our findings advance the notion of support adequacy by positioning social support as a dynamic resource that is contributed to from a variety of sources in numerous ways. A community sample of 301 infertile women indicated that they experience discrepancies in the support they desire compared to what they receive from their spouses, friends and family, medical professionals, and online sources. Participants experienced the most discrepancies from medical professionals, and in almost all of these discrepancies people desired more support than they received. The magnitude of the gap between people's desires and what they receive corresponds with evaluations of support quality.  相似文献   

In this article, guest writers Sonya Lipczynska and Clare Crowley from King's College London discuss the learning that occurred when they undertook a Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education (PGCAPHE). In particular, they identify how their exploration of relevant learning and teaching theory on the course helped them to evaluate their library instruction teaching practice with medical and dental students. They highlight how they made changes and improvements to the delivery of these sessions based on greater consideration of inclusivity and the characteristics of both individuals and broader student groups. They also discuss the successes of new teaching practices that they experimented with, and reflect on how they have developed as educators as a result of this. H.S.  相似文献   

Verbal aggressiveness is the tendency to attack the self‐concept of another person with the intent to inflict psychological pain (Infante & Wigley, 1986). This study focused on how low and high verbally aggressives differ in the television sitcoms they watch and how enjoyable they find those shows. Participants (N = 555) first completed the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale. Then they were asked how often they watch particular television sitcoms and if they watched a given sitcom, how entertaining they found that show to be. The sitcoms included in this study were those that were televised in April 1996. Of the 33 shows included in the analyses, low verbal aggressives differed from high verbal aggressives on 8 shows for frequency of watching and on 11 shows for entertainment value.  相似文献   

学术期刊网络生存与编辑素质的提升   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
袁醉敏 《编辑学报》2006,18(5):389-391
在知识新经济时代,学术期刊的编辑比从事其他行业的人更直接地置身于网络世界中,网络迫使编辑在思维方式、工作方式和编辑技能上做出相应的调整:首先,编辑不仅应有开放的思维,而且应有国际化的视野,以搜索最新的科技资讯动态,确保学术期刊的新颖性;其次,学术期刊编辑的各项工作应尽可能地纳入到网络或互联网平台上有序地开展,让作者、读者和审稿专家以编辑部为纽带进行全方位的交流,以保证工作的高效;最后,应全方位提升编辑技能,除掌握传统意义上的编辑技能和专业知识外,编辑应更注重掌握计算机使用和网络应用方面的技能.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the presentations made at the “Academic Journal Publishing” session of the 2007 NASIG conference. The session was conducted by four publishers from a variety of academic publishing companies who made presentations (specifically tailored to a librarian audience) which provided a broad stroke overview of their industry and how they go about the process of publishing and distributing academic journals in the 21st century. Through each of their presentations they spoke to the questions of “what they do, how they do it, and why they do it.” Topics covered included the launch and acquisition of journals, the peer review process, the tools and services supplied to authors and editors, the production processes employed, special legal and copyright issues, marketing and distribution strategies, and usage.  相似文献   

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