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一个人的发展离不开教育,教育的本质目的是促进人的全面综合发展,适应社会的发展需求,由于每一个学生都是独立的个体,所以其个性、性格、心理及思想等都不完全相同,并且学生之间的差异非常大,并不是每一个学生都是理论意义上的好学生,在实际教育过程中有很多学生属于"问题学生",这里的问题学生也包括很多种类型,有纪律方面存在问题的学生,也有学习方面存在问题的学生,还有心理方面存在问题的学生,这些学生需要外界的正确引导才能促进问题的解决,所以在实际教育过程中,教师需要给予问题学生更多的爱心和关注,让其认识到自身存在的不足,并且促进其不断进步和发展。本研究重点针对小学阶段的问题学生展开一系列的探究,首先分析了问题学生的基本类型,然后有针对性地提出相应的改进策略。  相似文献   

英语专业学生的作文中存在一些共性的问题。英语写作课教师在进行课堂教学和批改学生作文时,要注意发现学生在学习态度、写作技巧、写作实践中的问题,设法提高其写作水平。本文以吉林大学英语专业二年级学生作文为例,从分析其英语作文中存在的问题入手,寻找产生上述问题的原因,并提出解决办法。  相似文献   

本研究目的在于研究2004级学生中存在心理卫生问题的学生其人格结构及心理健康状况。第一阶段:利用UPI量表对青岛某大学4050名2004级新生进行心理普查,筛选出415名A类学生(即存在心理卫生问题)。第二阶段测评采用卡特尔16种人格特质测量量表。结果表明A类学生其心理健康水平显著低于全国常模,而且某些人格因素存在性别差异。  相似文献   

阅读是学生习得语文知识、领悟思想情感的重要方式,学生阅读能力的高低直接影响其语文学习效率。在初中语文教学中,教师发现学生在阅读中存在一系列的问题,这些问题不仅存在于学生的日常阅读活动中,也存在于语文课堂的阅读训练中。针对学生在阅读中存在的短板,教师针对阅读课堂的开展进行了策略研究。  相似文献   

本文着眼于对高职学生创业能力培养问题的研究,通过查阅文献资料,比较国内外高校创业教育模式与对策,对其经验进行归纳总结,找出中国高职学生创业能力培养存在的问题与困难,分析其存在原因,并针对中国国情与高职学生的特点,探索新模式,提出新对策,切实建立一个适合中国国情的高职学生创业能力培养新模式。  相似文献   

一,高职"平面设计"专业学生能力培养上存在的问题及原因从教学工作中发现,学生作品模仿痕迹明显,设计风格拘谨;布局、结构、色彩存在这样那样的问题,在理解上存在困难,明显感受到学生在基本设计知识上存在缺陷,分析其原因可能  相似文献   

课堂教学质量监控与学生评教问题研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
探讨学生评教的重要性及其存在的问题,并对学生评教工作提出建议。  相似文献   

高校问题学生是高校教育管理中的特殊群体。公正总结高校问题学生的客观表现,深度剖析高校问题学生产生的原因,重新唤起问题学生的自信,引导问题学生积极解决自身存在的问题,明确学生在社会生活中的定位,帮助学生树立应有的社会责任感,促使其回归健康成长之路,是解决高校问题学生的基本策略。  相似文献   

<正>数学作为一门应用学科,培养学生解决问题的能力,是其义不容辞的责任。在数学教学中培养学生解决问题的能力,应从以下几方面入手。一、设计问题,增强学生的问题意识1".问题"要源于学生的生活实际生活中处处存在数学问题,但很多实际存在的问题不仅仅是简单的数学问题。教学时,如何使具体问  相似文献   

在小学语文教学中,学生阅读能力培养非常重要,阅读的进行能够帮助学生丰富其视野,切实提高学生认知和理解能力,并且,还能够利用阅读来进行正确价值观的树立,也能够帮助学生提高其阅读兴趣,从而给学生将来的学习奠定基础。但是就当前而言,小学语文阅读教学中存在的问题比较多。笔者主要分析了小学语文教学中学生阅读能力培养的重要性和存在的问题,希望能够帮助小学生提高其阅读能力,给其语文学习和综合素质的提高奠定基础。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the most significant events occurring in Brazil’s educational, social and political areas over the last half century, viewed against a background of relevant worldwide events. The hypothesis presented here is that the relations between the country’s educational policies, the demands of the various segments of academia, and the public school system have always been strained. This strain has contributed positively to the evolution of academic knowledge and production, to the design of more modern curricular projects by institutional authorities, and to the initial recognition of the specific construction of school knowledge by the school system itself. However, the interaction of these major institutions lacks a crucial element—one that would lead to an effective change in the education of science teachers and produce a positive impact on Brazil’s schools—namely, the wholehearted participation of science teachers themselves. With this analysis, we intend to contribute by offering some perspectives and proposals for science teacher education in Brazil.  相似文献   

基于2005—2018年全国时序数据和省级面板数据,以普通高中生均教育事业费为指标,采用Dagum基尼系数和Kernel密度估计方法,实证考察我国普通高中教育经费投入的地区差异及分布动态演进。研究发现,我国普通高中生均教育事业费的空间分布呈现出显著的“东西高,中部低”的空间非均衡特征;普通高中生均教育事业费空间分布的总体差异呈下降趋势,地区间差异是总体差异的主要来源;全国及各地区普通高中生均教育事业费的绝对差异均表现为明显扩大,呈现出两极或多极分化特征。当务之急必须落实普通高中教育生均拨款制度,建立拨款标准动态调整机制;构建符合地区实际的政府分担机制,强化省级财政对普通高中教育的统筹;完善普通高中教育财政转移支付制度,加强全过程动态监管,以促进普通高中教育的优质均衡发展。  相似文献   

教育公平是人类自古以来孜孜以求的美好理想。教育公平是社会公平在教育领域的延伸。基于教育公平的视野下,我国中等教育由于自身受到内外因素的影响,存在着入学机会、教育过程、教育结果的不平等问题。中等教育内部的初级中学、高级中学与职业学校,三者之间不协调,配合不默契,造成不公平现象。探讨解决中等教育不公平的途径与对策,以便为中等教育公平创造条件,达到中等教育公平与效益的目的,是教育工作者不可回避的课题。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the special educational resources in the Swedish upper secondary schools using a total population survey that covers all upper secondary schools. Special educators and special teachers together constitute the special educational resources at each school. With two types of regression models (logistic and linear regression), the study investigates which variables at school level determine the presence and availability rate of special educational resources. The main findings are that there is a great difference between public and independent schools in the presence and accessibility of special educational resources, where many independent schools do not offer special educational support for their students. It also shows that what kind of provider (public or independent school) and the size of the school are especially important variables for predicting presence of special educational resources. When analysing the variance of availability rate of special educational resources, student variables (grades from compulsory school and parental educational level) on the school level, together with school size, are especially important.  相似文献   

This paper provides findings of research on school effectiveness and discusses implications for evaluation in Brazil and Portugal. Most findings reported over the last decade have been published in Brazilian or Portuguese refereed journals. Thus, a brief literature review of such studies enables that knowledge to reach international scholars and researchers. The magnitude of school effects obtained from longitudinal and cross-sectional data modelling is presented and discussed. In particular, a value-added approach based on multilevel models is used to explore consistency across models with different controlling variables and across different curricular contents, and stability over time. The results show a great deal of regional disparities regarding educational outcomes that are related to pupils’ socioeconomic and prior achievement heterogeneity. In addition, evidence is given for stronger school effects in primary than in lower secondary education, larger amplitude of the variance partition coefficient in primary than in lower secondary education, stronger consistency of value-added estimates across models with different controlling variables and moderate consistency across different curricular contents. Weak-to-moderate stability of value-added estimates is also shown when yearly measured compared to when measured by cycles of education, and moderate-to-strong stability when measured in different curricular contents. Recommendations are outlined in terms of how the results could be used to mentoring evaluation in Portuguese speaking countries and enhance school improvement.  相似文献   

This paper provides a methodological framework to measure and analyze educational resource allocation within and across systems and ascertain potential equity implications. The proposed approach employs an outputs-driven method to provide a snapshot of the equitable distribution of key educational resources available in relation to student populations that are most in need. Our approach standardizes educational resources into three broad dimensions including teacher quality, school physical environment, and school instructional environment while contrasting the allocation of these resources between low- and high-needs schools. We implement this approach using real world data from Brazil to demonstrate its adaptability to the context and available data while still maintaining a consistent framework across applications.  相似文献   

本文用分类的方法,对新世纪国内以中小学教师教研素养为主题的研究进行了述评,发现这方面的研究主要从中小学教师教研素养现状及其产生的原因;教师从事教研的必要性及其原因;提高教师教研素养的方法、模式;研究型教师具有的特点及能力构成;适合教师的教研方法等角度进行。本文也讨论了教学反思与教研之间的关系,发现教学反思与教研之间关系密切。  相似文献   

The present study investigates the extent to which changing school forms in secondary school is dependent not only on a student’s school grades, but also on the migration status and educational aspirations of their parents. Based on a cohort (N?=?4219) of school students from one school year in Luxemburg, we were able to show that throughout the lower secondary school, the grade average played a decisive role in the move to a different school form. Furthermore, students with a migration background were shown to have similar chances as students from Luxemburg of moving upwards to a higher school form, yet were less likely to move downwards. However, this phenomenon could essentially be explained by the fact that students with a migration background are not as highly represented in the higher school forms as are students from Luxemburg. Independent of migration status and school grades, parental educational aspirations played a decisive role change between school forms. High educational aspirations facilitated the move to a higher school form, while low educational aspirations correlated with moving to a lower school form.  相似文献   

This paper compares educational decentralization policies implemented in Argentina and Brazil during the 1990s, focusing on the rationales and contexts of the policies, and through a review of secondary sources and some official documents. The paper argues that school decentralization, the movement toward transferring functions and responsibilities to schools, appears as a new and extended reform that was accompanied by more traditional forms of decentralization, but also by a process of centralization of planning and evaluation at the national level. This new form of centralization/decentralization is seen as linked to the neoliberal restructuring of the state, to pressures from globalization processes and forces, and to various internal demands for improving quality and efficiency in the delivery of education.  相似文献   

江西农村中小学教师教育技术能力的培训具有非持续性、去情境性、非个性化等特点.本研究采用模块化的设计思想,以学习者为中心,建构网络培训平台.在培训平台的支持下采用生成性培训方法,有效解决当前江西农村中小学教师教育技术能力培训中的问题.  相似文献   

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