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创意式教学是根据现代教学论的一般发展原理构建的旨在唤醒学生创新意识、开发学生创造潜能、塑造创新品格的一种教学思想,它既是改革教学方法的指导思想,又是一种具体的教学方法。   创意式教学实际上就是对人类创造的其他教学方法的扬弃、融合、发展和创新。从教学过程的总体思路讲,创意式教学是指教师在教学内容、教学方法、教学手段等方面的改革、创新;学生在学习方法、思维方式、试验实习诸方面的改进、创新。其立足点是对传统方式的扬弃和突破,核心是培养创新意识和创新能力。其基本要求是教给学生提取知识的方法、形成加工信…  相似文献   

张云 《地理教育》2001,(6):18-18
一、教材分析: 陆地环境是陆地表面形成的地理环境,它由地壳、大气、水、生物和土壤共同构成,几大地理要素相互作用、相互联系,构成一个有机整体.土壤是陆地环境的一个组成要素,是由其它要素相互作用下派生出来的,但陆地又对地理环境有很大的影响.自然土壤使得绿色植物得以生长发育;农业土壤保证了农作物的生长和形成.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学中的情景教学探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘红 《中国成人教育》2006,(10):157-157
对外汉语教学是对母语不是汉语的人进行汉语教学,或者说是汉语作为第二语言教学。情景教学就是要求教师在教学过程中借助图片、录音、电视、投影、实物以及其它教学用具把教学内容以生动、直观的形式呈现在学生眼前,通过词汇、句型语言表达,把枯燥乏味的知识,变为生动的活的语言,使学生对教学内容理解得更快捷,更透彻。采用“情境教学”,一般说来,可以通过“感知——理解——深化”三个教学阶段进行。一、感知阶段——展现实物与场景人们学习任何一种语言都是从感知开始的,感知包涵着感官知觉和直觉,是人脑对直接作用于感觉器官的客观事物的…  相似文献   

主体性教学及其策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
所谓主体性教学,是指以充分发挥学生的积极性、主动性和创造性为前提,以创设民主、宽松、和谐的教学氛围为条件,以教师激励和指导学生自主学习为手段,以精心设计的多种学生主体活动为形式,以促进学生主体性发展为目的的一种新型的教学观。一、主体性教学是一种激励性教学?..  相似文献   

语教学过程最优化,首要的是优化教学目的。因为教学目标决定和影响着教学内容的选择取舍、教学对象的培养规格、教学手段的科学运用、教学过程的组织安排、目标教学以教学目标为导向,为灵魂,教学活动和师生双紧紧围绕目标进行,教学目标的最优设计,可实现目标教学的最优控制和科学的教育评价。  相似文献   

曾丽 《地理教育》2001,(4):41-41
教学目的: 1.了解识记:①学生了解我国在全的经纬度位置和海陆位置.②知道我领土的范围、面积、四至点及我国的海、内海、半岛、岛屿的分布情况.了解我国的陆界长度及我国的邻国名、位置.  相似文献   

教学内容 :《化学反应中的能量变化》教学思想 :教师创造性地教学 ,学生研究性地学习。教学目标 :1、知识目标 使学生认识化学反应中的能量变化 ,了解吸热反应和放热反应。2、技能目标  (1)通过对能源的学习 ,培养学生辨证、全面地认识问题的科学态度。(2 )在研究性作业的分析、设计中 ,初步认识一些研究问题的思维角度和方法。3、情感目标 培养学生开发能源、有效利用能源和环境保护的意识。教学重点 :1、化学反应过程中 ,能量的转换。2、加深对化学反应的认识。教学难点 :1、化学反应中能量变化观点的建立。2、研究性学习思维习惯的培…  相似文献   

教学案例是教师在教学过程中,对教学的重点、难点、偶发事件、有意义的、典型的教学事例处理的过程、方法和具体的教学行为与艺术的记叙,以及对该个案记录的剖析、反思、总结。案例不仅记叙教学行为,还记录伴随行为而产生的思想、情感及灵感,反映教师在教学活动中遇到的问题、矛盾、困惑,以及由此而产生的想法、思路、对策等。它既有具体的情节、过程、真实感人,又从教育理论、教学方法、教学艺术的高度进行归纳、总结,悟出其中的育人真谛,予人以启迪。[编者按]  相似文献   

教学是一种特殊形式的交往   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学的本质问题是教学论中一个极其重要的问题。从其独特的交往目的、主体、信息、介质、关系来说,教学是一种特殊形式的交往。研究教学交往本质对于教学论学科的发展、教师和学生的成长以及教学质量的提高有着深层的意义。  相似文献   

袁建 《师道》2003,(10):16-17
教学模式的定义有多种版本,其中乔伊斯和威尔的概括十分简练:“教学模式是构成课程和课业、选择教材、提示教师活动的一种范型或计划。”它昭示了教学模式作为教学理论应用于教学实践的中介环节的本质特点。纵观世界教育史,无疑是教学模式百花齐放且不断推陈出新的历史:夸美纽斯的教学进程、凯洛夫的教学结构、布鲁姆的概念获得教学模式、加涅的累积性教学模式、奥苏伯尔的先行组织者教学模式、杜威的“从做中学”范例教学、邱学华的尝试教学、李吉林的情境教学等曾经或正在广泛而深入的影响着我们的教学实践,这些模式掀起了一轮又一轮教改…  相似文献   

本文通过对高校精品课程建设和课程改革进行比较研究,指出了两者在目标指向与依赖主体方面的一致性,在涉及范围与内容上的差异。  相似文献   

基于MATLAB的信号与系统的教学实践研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前信号与系统课程和MATLAB课程单独开课,学时紧,应用脱节等问题,提出将两门课程进行整合教学的实践思路。文中详细介绍了整合教学中理论知识讲授环节、实验环节的内容安排及学时分配,以及两门课程的考核方式等。教学实践表明此教学改革能有效提高学生学习的积极性,激发学生的学习兴趣,减少总学时,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

Before the Open University opened in 1971, an ambitious multi‐media pilot course was mounted by the BBC in collaboration with the National Extension College, including a preparatory course in social sciences, Man in Society. A group of students who enrolled for this course in 1970 were contacted by their tutor ten years later and asked to complete a questionnaire about their lives since 1970 and their views on the course. This article outlines their responses and discusses their relatively high level of educational qualifications, their ambitions in 1970 and the extent to which these have been realised, and their views of the various elements of the course. Radio and television were found to be the least useful components of the package and reasons are suggested for this. NEC's 1981 course, Preparing for Social Science, is discussed and differences from its predecessor described.  相似文献   

The life course perspective is a dynamic framework that attends to individual and family lives within historical, geographical, and cultural contexts. Students of the life course are increasingly interested in how such a perspective can be used to understand family lives. Opportunities for students to examine the utility of the life course perspective to family gerontology may enhance their understanding of the perspective's content and application with older family relationships. Students in a graduate course with a focus on life course and family gerontology completed a project in which they identified life course concepts and developed a model that could be used to explain relationship interactions between immigrant mothers and their adult daughters. Student feedback indicated that the assignment sharpened their knowledge of life course concepts, made the concepts more "real," and increased their understanding of the connections between life course concepts. Suggestions for incorporating this project in another graduate course and using a similar project in an undergraduate course are provided.  相似文献   

老子哲学最简要有力的人生哲理就是“无为”“,无为”虽然也是一种处事的方法,但在很大程度是针对“君人”而言。试结合老子的整体哲学理论体系,从老子“无为”思想产生的原因、内涵、意义以及与孔子的“无为而治”的比较中,解析老子“无为”思想的真正含义。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课教学是一门艺术,更是一门科学。从某种意义上讲,思想政治理论课教师的人格魅力是通过语言魅力来体现的。语言艺术的高低,直接影响着教学氛围和效果。因此,思想政治理论课教师必须努力练就语言基本功,形成语言风格,塑造语言形象,锤炼语言修养,彰显教学的语言艺术魅力。  相似文献   

We surveyed students (N = 152) in several sections of an undergraduate educational psychology course to determine what course factors would most motivate them to submit course evaluations. The survey directed students to choose among several pairs of course characteristics as to their relative impact on their decision to submit a course evaluation. After tabulating their choices, we ranked the course characteristics for the total sample and then for various demographic and performance subgroups. In general, students indicated that positive aspects of a course would motivate them to submit course evaluations more than would negative aspects.  相似文献   

素质选修课能够扩大高校学生知识面,激发大学生学习新知识的热情,提高大学生的综合素质,为大学生个性的发展提供广阔的空间。文章主要以内蒙古财经大学素质选修课“花卉植物欣赏”为例,对高校素质选修课线上教学进行探讨。  相似文献   

This study explored changes in preservice teachers’ (PSTs) nature of science pedagogical (NOSP) views and nature of science (NOS) rationales using pre- and post-course written responses as well as interview data. Through systematic analysis, themes were generated and compared to the NOS literature. Comparisons between pre- and post-course data demonstrate improved and deepened NOS views, NOSP views that are more aligned with NOS literature, and a greater number of rationales for including NOS. All participants were enrolled in the “Inquiry and Natures of Science, Technology, and Engineering” (INSTE) course. However, six participants were enrolled in INSTE as their first course in which NOS and NOSP were addressed. The other six participants were enrolled in INSTE as their second course in which NOS and NOSP were addressed, with science methods as their first course in which NOS and NOSP were addressed. By comparing participants enrolled in INSTE as their first course to those enrolled in INSTE as their second course, we observed that NOS understanding seemed to develop in a first experience alongside some NOS rationales, but NOSP views lagged for participants in INSTE as their first course. Participants enrolled in INSTE as their second course developed more robust and literature-aligned NOSP views and more multifaceted NOS rationales. Therefore, this study bolsters arguments that teachers need to receive extended NOS and NOSP instruction.  相似文献   

浅谈“高职”选修课   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选修课在培养学生的专业知识能力和学生的实践动手能力方面起着非常重要的做用,选修课的设置要有利于引导学生发展个性,发挥特长和优势,适应学生不同的兴趣与业余爱好,选修课的设置要根据学校和学生的实际,广选题目,精选内容,通过选修课来增强学生的自主意识和实践动手能力,增强学生的就业和创业能力。  相似文献   

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