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中国故事是滋养青少年生命成长的阳光雨露,也是思想政治课落实立德树人根本任务的重要载体。道德与法治教师可以通过精选故事、巧讲故事、活用故事,引领学生成长方向,激发学生思维活力,培养学生学科素养,承担铸魂育人使命,满足学生成长发展的需要和期待,助力学生绽放生命精彩。  相似文献   

弘扬、彰显红色文化、红色精神,要求教师要引导学生用心讲好红色精神故事、传播红色精神故事、学习红色精神故事。在新时代,教师要充分应用网络、媒体,提炼红色文化、弘扬红色文化、彰显红色文化,从而建构、传播、学习“红色故事”有声课程。要让红色故事课程的有声开发与泛在实施,成为学生生命成长的营养动力,为学生的精神成长、生命成长铸魂补钙。  相似文献   

好的故事能给学生以启迪和深思,能让教师更好地走进学生心灵,唤醒学生成长的智慧,激发学生成长的潜能。讲充满人生智慧的哲理故事。充满哲理的故事,对学生是一种思想的点化。故事蕴涵的人生智慧,能触动心灵、引领航向。鼓励学生克服学习上的困难,可以讲邓亚萍刻苦锻炼的故事;  相似文献   

陈吉荣  李莉 《小学语文》2009,(7):111-112
《成长的故事》是人教版小学语文实验教科书四年级上册第七组的综合性学习,旨在引导学生了解伟人、名人、亲人以及小伙伴的成长故事,在感受他人成长经历的同时,汲取营养,获得启示,并主动思考自己成长中的问题。在此基础上进一步运用“回忆、阅读、访问、写信”等方式发展思维,培养搜集、整理资料的能力,从而全面提高学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

情景说明人教版第七册第七组为学生的口语交际和习作提出了如下建议:"我们了解了许多人的成长故事,也回顾了自己成长的经历,请写写自己或别人成长的故事,要写得清楚具体。写完以后,可以和同学交流,还可以编成短剧演一演。"根据这一建议,我们将本次习作训练的目标确定为:(1)指导学生按事物发展顺序把成长中的故事写得清楚具体。(2)在与同伴的习作交流中培养合作意识、交际能力及修改文章的能力。(3)通过写作,记录成长的足迹,感受成长中的丰富多彩。  相似文献   

学生是伴随着故事成长的,学生非常喜欢故事。在作文教学中巧妙地运用故事,就能消解学生对写作文的恐惧心理,就能迅速提升学生的写作水平。  相似文献   

陈映举 《班主任》2003,(10):11-12
怎样培养学生的爱国主义精神呢? 学生的年龄特点决定了他们对我国历史故事、名人成长的经历以及当前报纸杂志上正在讨论的热门话题特别感兴趣。鉴于此,我将班会课变为革命历史故事讲。  相似文献   

【设计理念】语文综合性学习主要表现为语文知识的综合运用,听说读写能力的整体发展,语文课程与其他课程的沟通,书本学习与实践活动的紧密结合。人教版小学语文课标实验教科书四年级上册第七单元安排了综合性学习《成长的故事》。在这一单元安排了四篇课文,它们从不同的角度讲述了别人的成长故事,给学生以启迪。通过开展综合性学习,学生体验成长的快乐,思考成长中的问题,留下成长的足迹。  相似文献   

故事是伴随儿童成长的重要部分,它对儿童的语言发展和身心健康成长有很重要的促进作用。对于小学英语课堂来说,故事教学能激发学生对学习内容本身产生兴趣,并能促使学生使这一兴趣长期保持,在有了兴趣这一基本因素之后,才能进一步开展英语教学。  相似文献   

故事是认识精彩世界的一扇窗口,是启迪智慧人生的一把钥匙。优美的故事浓缩人生哲理,汇聚智慧点滴。我们运用小故事大哲理的教育法,让故事成为德育的教材,让故事成为德育的载体,用故事规范学生的行为习惯,用故事陶冶学生的道德情操,促进了学生的成长和进步。一、依托课题研究,开发活动课程我们申报的"小故事大哲理教育法探究与实践"子课题经全国教育科学"十二五"规划课题《"成长为本——问题导引"教学模式实践研究》总课题组评审,列入规划内课题,并扎实有效地开始开展课题研究。依托课题研究,  相似文献   

This article examines the stories of 24 social sciences doctoral students in three universities, one in Canada and two in the UK, who experienced challenging roads to completion. While their stories confirm earlier findings, they also provide insight into how students' agency and personal networks of relationships may be critical, both as resources and constraints. We argue that these ‘untold stories’ of student agency coupled with supervisor narratives of students ‘not measuring up’ can contribute to a culture of institutional neglect. Pedagogies emphasizing an ethic of care and relational rather than regulatory practices are essential if these conditions are to change.  相似文献   

Storytelling has been shown to play a key role in transferring work experience from more experienced towards novices in a number of vocational educational practices, however previous studies have not to the same extent dealt with the role of students’ own storytelling practices for sensemaking of work experience. This study set out to examine police students’ storytelling of their first occupational experiences from a sensemaking perspective, with an analysis drawing on the concepts of enactment, selection, and retention. The study is based on participant observations of field training follow up sessions’ in the context of police education. Findings indicated that student storytelling of work experience tended to be geared towards action, extremeness and the telling of ‘war stories’. Furthermore, these type of stories functioned to enable student identification, self-enhancement and emotion management. These findings contribute to our current understanding of how students engage in sensemaking of work-based experiences and in extension how knowledge integration and learning from work placements can be structured pedagogically.  相似文献   

Math is a subject in which students are generally not very interested and are unsuccessful compared to other courses. It has been suggested that digital stories designed for educational purposes could be used to prevent students’ lack of interest and failure in this subject. However, designing stories that are fit for purpose is important if the use of digital stories is to be successful. The purpose of this study is to investigate pre-service teachers’ opinions about how they utilized the steps of Gagne’s model while designing digital stories for math lessons. The participants in the study were 49 pre-service teachers studying at a Math Department at a Turkish state university in the spring term of the 2014–2015 academic year. The Pre-service Teachers’ Opinion Form and a Personal Information Form, both developed by the researchers, were used as data collection tools in the study, in which the qualitative method was adopted. Content analysis was utilized to analyze the data collected through open-ended questions. When the findings were examined it was seen that pre-service teachers had designed digital stories in which they often chose to attract attention by creating interesting characters in the “gaining students’ attention” step of Gagne’s teaching model, that the main character stated the objectives/topic in the story precisely in the “informing students of the objectives” step, and that the characters created repeated the previous topic in the “stimulating recall of prior learning” step. In the current study, the integration of digital story design into lesson plans in accordance with Gagne’s model was carried out and pre-service teachers’ opinions about their experiences of this process were investigated.  相似文献   

出色的导入环节能够激起学生的学习兴趣和学习动机,引发学生思考。通过视频、故事或者震撼图片等,采用自上而下的方式,以实际应用为出发点引出课堂新知识,能够极大地调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性。通过在化学学科的教学实践,探讨并论证了BOPPPS教学模式的导入环节在课堂教学中的关键作用。  相似文献   

在就业指导课程教学中,为了让学生自觉地接受团队精神教育,我们从最富有寓意的几种动物入手采用了"动物隐喻法"。用狼的团队精神教育学生学会默契配合;用多种动物故事启迪学生;将有趣的动物特性故事融入到大学团队精神教育的实践活动之中。  相似文献   

This narrative study explores four Chinese students’ academic socialization experiences in one research-intensive public university in the US. By drawing upon Wenger’s (1998) communities of practice and Gee’s (2000) theorizing on identity as the synthesized theoretical framework, this research uncovers four Chinese students’ academic socialization stories nestled in the shifting cross-cultural landscape. Meanwhile, this study reveals that the Chinese students’ academic socialization intersects a matrix of factors, which can be categorized into “personal landscape” and “professional landscape.” Last, this narrative case study concluded that the Chinese students’ academic socialization involves the continuous negotiations of their multiple identities embedded in the cross-cultural contexts.  相似文献   

This article addresses emotions involved in encountering classroom diversity as appearing in beginning teachers’ stories. Previous research has pointed out that teachers’ emotions related to growing classroom diversity are seldom addressed, although increasing classroom diversity has been distinguished as a significant emotional challenge for teachers. In this article, teachers’ work is viewed as relational and moral work, in which emotions are inherently present. We conceptualise emotions as simultaneously social and individual. Instead of predefining the term ‘diversity’, we are interested in what kind of classroom diversity seems to become meaningful in teachers’ stories. The data consists of narrative interviews with seven Finnish beginning teachers. The findings illustrate how, in beginning teachers’ stories, students are both categorised and approached as unique individuals. Furthermore, the findings show diverse ways that emotions are present in teachers’ stories about classroom diversity, and how the working community also affects teachers’ emotions. We argue that teachers’ stories related to emotions and classroom diversity can be interpreted as moral negotiations, in which teachers’ own values and ideas of teaching are challenged. The findings of this article may add understanding of teacher–student relationships in diverse classrooms, and are also significant for teacher educators and teacher education programmes.  相似文献   

This article exposes the problem of using declarative rather than procedural knowledge to help K–12 students recognize irony in stories. It offers commonplace procedures drawn from students’ everyday language experience together with more abstract irony clues to help students recognize irony in stories and increase their story comprehension. Six irony-laden stories are briefly examined to underscore their basic ironic core and guide instruction of elementary, middle, and secondary students.  相似文献   

The study explores students’ production of interactive visualized stories with visual analytics (VA). The aim is to understand emerging interactions in classrooms of grades 7–9 students when visual storytelling methods are playing a part in producing social science content. The dual aspects of visual literacy, information retrievement paired with the creation of interactive visualized stories, are crucial. Video captures of students working in groups and of what happens on their screens are conducted. The results show that students can handle the technical aspects of a VA application, but interpretation of visualized statistics is challenging. The study suggests that VA has potential to strengthen students’ ability to handle huge amounts of data and increase the possibilities for young people to take part in society.(Keywords: digital technology, digital skills, democracy, civic knowledge, social science education, visual analytics, visual storytelling, visual literacy, digital literacy)  相似文献   

The present study used a new assessment technique, the story‐generation task, to examine students’ understanding of subtraction scenes. The students from four grade levels (110 first‐, 107 third‐, 110 fourth‐ and 119 sixth‐graders) generated stories under the constraints provided by a picture (representing Change, Combine or Compare scene) and a number sentence. The results showed that the Change scene was the most intuitive, and the students tended to reinterpret Combine and Compare scenes as a form of Change scene, even when they understood that the identity of the objects in the Combine and the Compare scenes was different. The number of students generating correct stories for the Combine scene increased through the elementary school grades while for the Compare scene the number of students generating correct stories remained fairly constant from Grade 3 to Grade 6. This study also examined students’ exposure to subtraction scenes in mathematics textbooks and discussed educational implications for supporting students’ understanding of subtraction scenes.  相似文献   

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