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<正>全面推行国家通用语言文字教育,是增强“五个认同”,促进各民族交往、交流、深度交融的基础,是全面贯彻党的教育方针、坚定社会主义办学方向的重要要求。加强南疆农村少数民族大学生国家通用语言文字教育教学,进一步提高其国家通用语言文字运用能力,帮助南疆农村少数民族大学生弥补就业短板,让南疆农村少数民族大学生快速融入社会,增强其参与社会市场就业竞争力,有利于夯实中华民族共同体思想基础,进一步促进民族团结。  相似文献   

语文教学需要有“闲适性”追求,以平衡其“功利性”倾向。“闲适性”语文教学更能够彰显语言文字的“真性情”,在实践层面具体可以突出五“性”,即:认同并善待语文教学目标的不确定性;推崇并运用语文教学资源的可选择性;尊重和促进学习方法选择的自主性;重视和营造语文教学过程的场域性;追求和实现语文教学评价的增值性。  相似文献   

曾婉居  萧爱玲 《辅导员》2014,(14):96-98
为贯彻落实《国家通用语言文字法》,推动学校语言文字规范化工作的开展和提高师生的语言文字能力,从2008年起,广东省广州市番禺区石岗小学就积极响应教育部的要求,在全校一到六年级开展规范汉字书写教育,把汉字书写教育工作与学校的特色建设相结合,与新课程实施相结合,让规范汉字教育“走进课程,走进课堂,走进教育的全过程”,努力构建“书法教育”特色学校,经过全校师生不断努力,至今学校的书法教育取得良好的效果,得到了广大师生、家长和社会的广泛认同。  相似文献   

众所周知,语文教学的根本目的是理解和运用祖国的语言文字。但这种理念层面上的认同和共识,并没有转化为实实在在的教学行为。在阅读教学实践中,不少教师更多地把目光投射在课文内容上,把精力花在“理解”上。于是,“得意忘言”成了阅读教学普遍存在的问题。  相似文献   

开讲一、语文综合性学习认识的定位1.语文综合性学习首先姓“语”。语文综合性学习必须以语言文字为载体,以语文综合实践活动为中心,以语文知识、技能及其学习兴趣、习惯、方法的培养、习得为落脚,借助于综合性学习活动,营造学语文的“场”,培育综合学语文的“场效应”。(1)从语言文字的吟诵出发,文言性的通过文白对译、成语典故、警言睿语等语言精华的玩味和记诵竞比活动,引导学生从中感受祖国语言文字的魅力,积淀传统文化的思想精髓,渐成对传统文化的认同,由此激发他们学习母语的兴趣与激情,生发承传民族文化的责任使命。(2)从文本附着的…  相似文献   

<正>《义务教育语文课程标准(2022年版)》提出:“通过语文学习,热爱国家通用语言文字,热爱中华文化,继承和弘扬中华优秀传统文化、革命文化、社会主义先进文化,关注和参与当代文化生活,初步了解和借鉴人类文明优秀成果,具有比较开阔的文化视野和一定的文化底蕴。”这对教育教学中,引导学生认同中华文化、感受语言文字的独特价值提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

2011年版《语文课程标准》指出,“语文课程是一门学习语言文字运用的综合性、实践性课程”,“应使学生初步学会运用祖国语言文字进行交流沟通”。那么,如何引导学生“学习语言文字运用”,切实提高学生语言文字运用能力呢?  相似文献   

国家印发关于《国家通用语言文字普及提升工程和推普助力乡村振兴计划实施方案》的通知指出推进学前儿童学会普通话。实施“童语同音”计划,为学前儿童进入义务教育阶段学习奠定良好语言基础。国家通用语的学习对幼儿来说是文化认同的过程,是铸牢中华民族共同体意识的体现。实施“童语同音”计划也有助于培养锻炼师资队伍,促进学前教育基础条件提升。  相似文献   

各州、市语委、教育局,省属各高校:为了贯彻实施《国家通用语言文字法》和《云南省国家通用语言文字条例》,进一步做好“十一五”期间的语言文字规范化工作,更好地为云南经济、社会发展服务,现将《云南省语言文字工作“十一五”规划》印发给你们。请参照此规划,从本地实际出发,贯彻落实。云南省语言文字工作“十一五”规划一“、十五”期间语言文字工作进展情况“十五”期间,语言文字工作在省委、省政府的领导和教育部、国家语委的指导下,紧紧围绕省委、省政府提出的把云南建成“绿色经济强省”、“民族文化大省”和“连接南亚、东南亚的国…  相似文献   

叶老曾指出:“一字未宜忽,语语悟其神。”作为教师要引导学生品味书本中的语言文字,让学生品出语言文字的“味道”,悟出语言文字在表达上的准确性、生动性和鲜明性。这样,语言文字不再是干瘪和枯燥的内容,而是生动活泼、富有情趣的形象,从而使学生加深对语言文字的理解,激发积累语言的兴趣,进而运用祖国的语言文字。那么,如何让学生“品”出语言文字的“味”来,真正使学生感到语言文字味道好极了呢?  相似文献   

西川满台湾民俗题材文学中的中华文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
台湾日据时期来台的日籍殖民作家西川满搜集、整理、创作了一些台湾民俗题材文学.其中的台湾民俗文化现象,大部分和闽南文化高度近似乃至完全一致,其实质是中国大陆文化向台湾的延伸与发展.西川满的台湾民俗题材文学恰恰成了台湾与中国大陆、台湾民俗与大陆民俗、台湾文化与炎黄文化血脉不断的反证.  相似文献   

This historical study reflects on history curriculum debates over the last 20 years in Taiwan. To open up possibilities for contemporary Taiwanese to rethink themselves in terms of national culture and subjectivity, this paper explores the construction of Taiwanese subjectivity in the past. It focuses on the history of Taiwan under Japanese occupation as a key issue in history curriculum debates. Particularly, it examines language issues in the 1920s, an important theme in the histories of the formation of Taiwanese consciousness, ideology, and cultural nationalism during the Japanese colonial period. Rather than addressing issues of identity (national or cultural), identifying who Taiwanese really were, or looking for Chinese or Taiwanese consciousness, this study explores how meanings of “Taiwanese” in the 1920s under Japanese occupation were constructed in the discourse of language reform for civilisation. The analysis of the New Culture Movement discourse suggests that the classical Chinese language of Hànwén as a valuable cultural resource and flexible linguistic instrument played an essential role in constituting Taiwanese subjectivities that shaped Taiwanese practices of the self for distinctive civilisation.  相似文献   

The article examines the complicated interplay of globalization, localization and sinophilia that, along with associated social changes, determines reforms in Taiwanese music education today. Students are expected not only to be tri-lingual, in so far as they are obliged to learn English, Mandarin and a local language, such as Southern Fujianese, Hakka or an aboriginal dialect, but they must also become tri-cultural with respect to western classical music, traditional Chinese music and indigenous Taiwanese music. The findings of our questionnaires suggest that the processes of globalization, localization and sinophilia are unequal determinants in the transformation of Taiwanese music education. The survey, which was conducted among 2596 primary and secondary school students (1309 from Tainan and 1287 from Taipei) between May and November 2000, shows that schools are less inclined than the Taiwanese government to promote local music. Students in the survey much prefer western classical and popular music to local Taiwanese and traditional Chinese styles. They show little interest in promoting Chinese culture or in singing Taiwan's national anthem. By examining the major concerns of music education from the perspective of the complex dynamics of globalization, this study illuminates the tensions and dilemmas facing the music curriculum of Taiwan today.  相似文献   

This study explored the differences in high school students’ scientific epistemological beliefs (SEBs), motivation in learning science (MLS), and the different relationships between them in Taiwan and China. 310 Taiwanese and 302 Chinese high school students’ SEBs and MLS were assessed quantitatively. Taiwanese students generally were more prone to believe that scientific reality is invented, the development of scientific knowledge is culture-dependent, and scientific knowledge is always changing and its status is tentative than the Chinese students were. Yet, the Taiwanese students perceived higher test anxiety in science than the Chinese students did. Moreover, Chinese students who have a stronger belief that science knowledge is changing and tentative are more likely to perceive themselves as having higher test anxiety in science. The results suggest that the role of culture might have an impact on students’ SEBs and their MLS.  相似文献   

闽南文化是中华文化在历史传承过程中的延伸,其重商务实的生计传统,冒险开拓的进取精神,兼收并蓄的开放意识和历久不息的乡族观念等特性对福建企业的发展产生了深远影响,本文通过分析闽南传统文化的特性,由此探讨在新的社会历史条件下,受着深刻闽南文化影响的福建企业的发展和变化,针对这些影响做初步的探讨。  相似文献   

在明末以前,中华传统儒学一直未能在台湾地区形成影响。到了清代,台湾隶属于福建,闽都福州由于其特殊的政治、经济、文化地位,对台湾儒学的传承与发展产生了广泛而深入的影响。闽都文化对台湾儒学发展的影响,主要通过台湾的官学、书院、社会教育三方面得以表现。  相似文献   

This qualitative focus group study explored the meaning of Chinese and Taiwanese international students' lived experiences in social organizations. Participants were 9 Chinese and Taiwanese international college students in a midwestern U.S. university. The analyses uncovered 7 themes: social support, recreation, emotional support, practical benefits, contributions to the organizations, commitment toward organizations, and stressors associated with participation. Implications of the findings for college counseling professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

海峡两岸共同的文化使得两岸同胞都表现出共同的心理素质,体现为相互之间的族属亲近感、文化认同感。随着两岸关系的发展和教育合作交流的深入,台湾到大陆高校求学的学生日益增多,培养这类大学生的民族文化认同感是当前重要而紧迫的工作。以福建高校台湾学生为例,通过对台湾学生民族文化认同感的分析,提出了转变观念,创新举措,破解难题,加强对台湾学生的中华民族传统文化教育和近现代史教育,加强对台湾学生关注的社会热点问题的引导教育,优化台湾学生学习生活环境、解决学历互认、毕业就业等台湾学生切身利益问题,增进台湾学生对中华民族文化认同感的培养。  相似文献   

台湾现代派文学思潮的崛起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
台湾现代派文学思潮是西方的舶来品 ,分别于 1 935年和 1 94 9年从日本和祖国大陆两个渠道进入台湾。 1 94 9年 ,纪弦将 30年代大陆现代派的余绪带入台湾。 5 0年代台湾成立“现代”、“蓝星”、“创世纪”三大诗社 ,这是国民党高压下的早产胎儿。台湾现代派真正崛起于 6 0年代 ,其标志是以白先勇为代表的台湾大学“现代文学社”。后来他们都去了美国 ,台湾现代派式微 ,出现了“无根的一代”海外流学生文学 ,继则发展为海外华文文学。  相似文献   

This study examines localisation endeavours in contemporary Taiwan to explore the history of the Taiwanese localisation movement as a way of reimagining meanings of Taiwaneseness constructed under different historical circumstances. It focuses on the xiāngtǔ (nativist) literature movement in colonial Taiwan in the early 1930s that was initiated by Taiwanese intellectuals to create real Taiwanese literature on Taiwan and for the Taiwanese masses. Besides being a social education initiative to improve Taiwanese mass literacy, the xiāngtǔ literature movement was a localisation effort to reform Taiwanese language and preserve Taiwanese culture under Japanese occupation. The reform discourse made a turn towards specifically Taiwanese linguistic and cultural traditions, instead of pursuing modern Japanese and Chinese language and culture, which were the then available cultural impulses in colonial Taiwan. Local Taiwanese language and folk culture were essential curricular materials in the social education agenda that created particular meanings of Taiwaneseness for colonial Taiwan.  相似文献   

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