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从已经出版的穿越小说看,“穿越”已不仅是这类小说的构成要素,而且已具有较为显著的文体意义,尤其在故事的编排上,具有某些可以辨认的统一性,构成穿越文的文体标识.穿越文生成于互动的网络语境中,凝聚着网络大众的经历、体验、认知与思考,反映着网络大众尤其是青少年的心情、意绪与需要,这是它的阅读趣味之所在.作为一种网络现象和文学现象,穿越热不客漠视,然而也不能给予无条件支持.  相似文献   

汤亭亭的代表作《女勇士》的文类一直是评论界争论的焦点之一。有人认为它是虚构故事,有人认为是自传或他传。汤亭亭将自传、他传与虚构融为一体,革新了传统自传的写作艺术。  相似文献   

This article reviews a number of works of fiction about the Holocaust intended for children and young adult readers and discusses the strategies used by their authors to educate their readers without overwhelming them with highly emotional information. Several popular and effective strategies are highlighted, along with examples of works of literature in this genre employing such strategies. The use of sensitive and age-appropriate literature as an important component in educating children about the Holocaust is emphasized.  相似文献   

This study investigated Korean and U.S. preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives, their classroom book environments, and their teachers’ attitudes about reading aloud. The participants were 70 Korean and American 3- and 4-year-olds enrolled in 2 university lab preschools and their 4 teachers. The structures and content of the preschoolers’ personal and fictional narratives were analyzed. The teachers’ attitudes and practices about their language and literacy curriculum, including books provided in the classroom and selected for reading aloud, were examined for associations with preschoolers’ narrative productions. Research Findings: The content of preschoolers’ personal narratives and the structural levels of their fictional narratives differed between the 2 Korean and 2 U.S. classrooms. The classroom book environments in the Korean and U.S. classrooms also differed, with more fictional books displayed in the 2 U.S. classrooms than in the 2 Korean classrooms. The 2 Korean and 2 U.S. preschool teachers also held different attitudes about the use of fiction and nonfiction for read-aloud story sessions, and U.S. teachers allocated more time in their school day for reading aloud than did Korean teachers. Practice or Policy: U.S. preschoolers may profit from a greater balance between fiction and nonfiction books in the classroom. Korean children might benefit from more exposure to fiction and fantasy along with more practice in creating fictional narratives.  相似文献   

Vivienne Smith 《Literacy》2003,37(3):116-122
Books with flaps comprise a small, but recognisable sub‐genre of non‐fiction texts for children. Whilst they are popular with young readers, they sit unhappily within an educational discourse of non‐fiction that is dominated by notions of information retrieval and genre theory. This article considers the purpose and function of flaps in a number of texts and proposes that the best of these books provide pertinent lessons for readers about the nature of ‘information’, and about the playful nature of reading itself.  相似文献   

Reading and writing book reviews play an important part in academic life, but little is known about how academics carry out these tasks. The aim of this research was to explore these issues with members of the editorial panels of the British Journal of Educational Technology. A questionnaire was used to determine: (1) how often these people read and wrote book reviews in general; (2) how useful they found them; and (3) what features they thought were important in book reviews. Thirty sets of responses were obtained (15 from each sex). Most respondents reported reading between one and five book reviews a month and writing between three and four a year. Overall, there was high agreement in what they thought were the important features of book reviews, but there were also wide individual differences. Men reported that book reviews were more useful than did women. The agreement obtained among the respondents supports the notion that book reviews can be viewed as an academic genre with measurable contents. This has implications for how they are written and how people might be taught to write them better.  相似文献   

近十几年来,北欧的小说家们推动的犯罪小说的复兴引起了文学界的普遍关注。对于犯罪文学中是否存在科学因素以及具体表现的研究,引起了学者们的重视。犯罪文学的文类属于文学,其下又可细分为侦探小说、悬疑小说、硬汉小说、警察程序小说、犯罪惊悚小说、历史性侦探小说等。从对典型的三种犯罪文学样式中科学因素的具体表现考察分析后得出结论:犯罪文学中科学的因素贯穿始终,但原因和目的并非为了科学本身,而主要在于文学自身:增强艺术感染力,提升作者在文学界的地位等。  相似文献   

Self-narration has been discussed as a process of identity construction where a person, while telling her or his story and presenting herself/himself in relation to important people, creates a self-identity, in fact a version of self. This article is based on a study where pupils, aged 13-14, were asked to write and make drawings on the theme 'My future family'. The boys' stories are focused on here and the narratives are seen as reflecting the boys' ways of exploring a male identity through their main character. A group of the boys did write about odd or egocentric persons and used absurd ingredients and elements of the science fiction genre. These narratives are analysed in more detail and it is argued that the detached and humorous style opens up for writing about maleness without entering into familiarity.  相似文献   

从晚明开始,由于文人介入小说创作,融入了文章的理念和写法,带来了通俗小说的文章化发展趋势,在清前中期形成了一族具有文章写作技巧和寄托言志功能且适合案头阅读的小说群落,我们姑且称之为“文章体”小说。“文章体”与“说书体”小说相颉颃,成为清代小说的重要一翼。“文章体”小说的产生印证了文体发展的规律:每种文体在低级发展阶段都会努力融合借鉴其他成熟文体;“文章体”的产生也表明通俗小说立场和核心价值的雅化转变,昭示着与传统“说书体”迥异的文章化小说美学范式的崛起。  相似文献   


Rigoberta Menchú has become an icon for the struggles of oppressed peoples for justice and self-determination. For many academics and activists around the world, the accusations of lying made against Ms. Menchú by David Stoll brought into sharp focus the politics of "truthmaking" and the absolutist categories of fact and fiction. In this attempt to discredit Ms. Menchú, and through her, the Mayan experience of genocide by the Guatemalan military and its U.S. sponsors, important questions have been raised about how and when Third World women can speak, the conditions under which they will be heard, and the strategies used to silence them. In this paper, the author draws upon some of the lessons of the Rigoberta Menchú case to examine the politics of truth making in Canada in a recent controversy regarding a speech she made criticizing American foreign policy and urging the women's movement to mobilize against America's War on Terrorism. The highly personalized nature of the attacks on the author by political and media elites sought to accomplish a closing down of public space for informed debate about the realities of U.S. foreign policy and to silence dissent. Repeatedly emphasizing her status as an immigrant outsider, this controversy also contributed to the (ongoing) racialization of people of color as a treacherous "enemy" within the nation's geographical borders, against whom "Canadians" had to be mobilized.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen a great development in fiction written for the adolescent market‐teenage fiction. This article seeks to explore the notion of quality in teenage fiction building on earlier research by Whitehead (1977), Hall and Coles (1999), and Benton (1995a) and using findings from interviews with teachers in secondary schools in the South West of England in 2003 and 2004, the first phase in a study into perceptions of quality in teenage fiction. Questions are raised about whether English teachers have sufficient knowledge of this genre of literature to support pleasure and progress in reading for adolescents and also whether teenage fiction should be more directly addressed in the curriculum perhaps through a school canon, which may apply educational criteria to define a body of literature that begins where the child is, but allows for clear progression in reading.  相似文献   

This study examined families’ choices of children’s literature books for joint story reading. Teachers, parents, and their children from five kindergarten classrooms participated in the study. Over a 4 months period, family members joined other parents twice a week to learn and practice story reading techniques. They selected children’s literature books that were of interest to both of them and their children and were developmentally appropriate. Family members were interviewed and responded to a questionnaire before the intervention. The results provided insight in relation to the parents’ perceptions about literacy, reading with families, and story reading. All members of the families read to their children frequently or daily and engaged the children in conversations about the books read. The books chosen to be read to the children were categorized by genre, with modern fiction being the most popular genre.  相似文献   

The 1920s and 1930s were a period which saw great popular interest in radiation and radioactivity in America, and the establishment of a new genre of pulp literature, science fiction. Radiation was prevalent in American popular culture at the time, and sf stories were dependent upon radiation for much of their color and excitement. In this case study of stories in Amazing Stories and Astounding Stories, two of the leading sf pulps, the connections between actual scientific ideas and discoveries and sf plots and imagery are analyzed, demonstrating the general optimistic belief in the possibilities of scientifically-controlled radiation.  相似文献   

小说《钟形罩》是美国女作家西尔维亚.普拉斯唯一的一部小说。这部带有强烈自传体色彩的小说讲述了一个有天分的年轻女孩在拒绝尊重女性抱负的社会中走向精神崩溃的故事。对叛逆女性灵魂深处痛楚与迷惘的勇敢而真诚的剖白使《钟形罩》受到了世界各地女性读者的推崇与喜爱,而普拉斯也以她独特的文风和对女性精神世界的大胆探索为世人所称颂。  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》在中国小说史上的意义,不仅在于其自身的成就奠定了它作为一个经典文本的地位,更在于它是子部小说这样一种文类的标本。在史、子、集三种叙事传统中,纪昀明确地以子部为归属,着眼于三者的异同来确立和完善子部小说的特点,在题旨上注重事理的揭示,在叙事准则上反对过度虚构,风格简淡,回避现场感,其文类特征是鲜明而系统的。面对《阅微草堂笔记》,应当采用子部小说的原理来阐发文本及其小说史地位,否则牛头不对马嘴,只能徒滋纷扰。  相似文献   

Like other professions and vocations, correspondence study has provided the inspiration and setting for works of fiction. Novelists and short story writers have used correspondence study to convey broad humour, satire, and tragedy. They have also used it for such genre writings as murder mysteries and science fiction. For the most part, fictional portrayals are negative and exaggerated, with many characters drawn from stereotypes. In spite of this, correspondence study and distance education instructors and administrators should find these portrayals of themselves and their work enjoyable, and perhaps even useful.  相似文献   

20世纪中国报告学成为坛主流体的辉煌,与报告学作家奉行的体意识密切相关。在本书写与叙说的对象上,坚持以非虚构性为核心的体规范的本位坚守;在探讨写作方式上,不拘一格地进行叙说方式的刨新实验。在这样既矛盾又统一的体意识主导下,一个坚守体本位与锻造体活力的互动之路就生动地呈现在近百年报告学创造的宏伟时空之中。  相似文献   

中国现代小说史的书写,从第一部到新近的一部,其间的影响与反叛之源流关系,可通过对以下议题的探讨得以呈现:1,作为体裁史的"小说"史,如何区别于普通的文学史书写?2,作为文学史之一部门的"小说史",如何处理"文学性"与"历史性"的关系?3,中国现代小说史的"现代性"有哪些理解和叙述的途径?在对夏志清、王德威、陈平原、杨联芬等学者书写实践的比较分析中,可以看出,中国现代小说史的撰写是由一系列具有鲜明时代学术问题意识串联起来的链条,在部分地、相对地解决某一时代特有的问题之时,其写作本身又衍生出了新的、为后来者所接续的新问题.  相似文献   

莫多克的歌特式小说是在传统歌特式小说基础上,把故事的背景放置于法律与秩序象征的现代城市,深入到人的内心深处,细致剖析了人的心理活动。她揭示出,在传统道德观念与宗教精神不再发挥作用的情况下,人们普遍感到迷失了方向,丧失了自我存在的意义和价值,难以与他人沟通与交流,只能按照自我为中心的意志、意愿和行为标准体系行事,难免会造成冲突,并导致悲剧性的结果。这既是在形式上对传统歌特式小说的继承,也是在主题上对这种小说模式的发展与颠覆。  相似文献   

This study assessed the ability of history students to choose the essay topic on which they can get the highest score. A second, equally important question was whether the score on the chosen topic was more highly related to other indicators of proficiency in history than the score on the unchosen topic. Overall, for both U.S. and European history, scores were about one third of a standard deviation higher for the preferred topic than for the other topic. For U.S. history, about 32% of the students made the wrong choice; that is, 32% got a higher score on the other topic than on the preferred topic. In European history, 29% made the wrong choice. In the U.S. history sample, the preferred essay correlated .40 with an external criterion score, compared to .34 for the other essay; in the European history sample, the preferred essay correlated .52 with the external criterion, compared to .44 for the other topic.  相似文献   

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