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通过对塔里木大学西域文献资源库馆藏数据及借阅状况进行数据分析,试图澄清西域文献馆藏流通率与利用率的差异,并在馆藏定位、文献结构、借阅制度及读者沟通等方面提出建设性的意见,旨在探讨馆藏高效利用与文献科学管理的对策. 相似文献
报刊是传播信息的最普遍的大众媒介,它反映的知识内容新、传递快,能及时报道国内外最新消息、最新科技成果及动态。如何使这一些有价值的报刊得到利用,必须开展各式各样的宣传介绍工作。 相似文献
复合图书馆时期,馆藏计量和评价的需要催生出数字馆藏如何折算成相应印刷馆藏的课题。文章分析了数字馆藏折算成印刷馆藏的前提条件,并对国内已有的折算方式进行了评述,指出复本存在形式的特殊性是数字馆藏难以按"册"折算成相应印刷馆藏的根源;在此基础上提出了增加以"种"为标准进行折算计量的观点。 相似文献
传统馆藏与数字馆藏发展政策浅议 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
章红 《图书馆研究与工作》2004,(1):15-16,41
馆藏发展政策一向是图书馆采访作业的准则,在数字馆藏日益增多之际,也应将数字馆藏一并纳入,以便建立一个完善的、结构合理的馆藏发展体系。 相似文献
馆藏纲要是进行馆藏分析、馆藏描述的工具。利用馆藏纲要开展合作馆藏评估工作应首先建立馆藏纲要评估数据库;其次,进行馆藏强度总体评估,包含现有馆藏强度评估、采访任务强度评估、收藏目标强度评估;再次,比较相同主题下不同图书馆馆藏强度及同一图书馆不同主题的馆藏强度。我国图书馆界应重视馆藏纲要在评估工作中的应用,并结合馆藏政策,对重点学科文献进行突破性尝试,同时选用高素质的评估人员。 相似文献
本文从和平统一祖国,促进民族大团结,加快经济建设步伐,以及图书馆如何适应改革形势的发展等方面入手,通过事例,阐述了图书馆开发利用馆藏族谱的现实意义与具体步骤,并说明要注意的问题。 相似文献
Visio在科技期刊插图制作中的应用 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
由于来稿的电子插图很不规范,难以直接利用,借助Visio制图软件可方便地实现对作者的电子原图的转换、修改和编辑。随着电子投稿的不断增加,编辑部应该对插图进行必要的规范,以便更好地利用电子稿件资源。 相似文献
Alexander Wolff 《Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung》2007,22(1):23-44
This paper deals with automating the drawing of subway maps. There are two features of schematic
subway maps that make them different from drawings of other networks such as flow charts or organigrams.
First, most schematic subway maps use not only horizontal and vertical lines, but also diagonals. This
gives more flexibility in the layout process, but it also makes the problem provably hard. Second, a subway
map represents a network whose components have geographic locations that are roughly known to the users
of such a map. This knowledge must be respected during the search for a clear layout of the network.
For the sake of visual clarity the underlying geography may be distorted, but it must not be given up, otherwise
map users will be hopelessly confused.
In this paper we first give a rather generally accepted list of rules that should be adhered
to by a good subway map. Next we survey three recent methods for drawing subway maps, analyze their
performance with respect to the above rules, and compare the resulting maps among each other and to official
subway maps drawn by graphic designers. We then focus on one of the methods, which is based on mixed-integer
linear programming, a widely-used global optimization technique. This method guarantees to find a drawing
that fulfills a subset of the above-mentioned rules (if such a drawing exists) and optimizes a weighted
sum of costs that correspond to the remaining rules. The method can draw even large subway networks such
as the London Underground in an aesthetically pleasing manner, similar to maps made by professional graphic
designers. If station labels are included in the optimization process, so far only medium-size networks
can be drawn. Finally we give evidence why drawing good subway maps is difficult (even without labels). 相似文献
Alexander Wolff 《Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung》2007,42(4):23-44
This paper deals with automating the drawing of subway maps. There are two features of schematic
subway maps that make them different from drawings of other networks such as flow charts or organigrams.
First, most schematic subway maps use not only horizontal and vertical lines, but also diagonals. This
gives more flexibility in the layout process, but it also makes the problem provably hard. Second, a subway
map represents a network whose components have geographic locations that are roughly known to the users
of such a map. This knowledge must be respected during the search for a clear layout of the network.
For the sake of visual clarity the underlying geography may be distorted, but it must not be given up, otherwise
map users will be hopelessly confused.
In this paper we first give a rather generally accepted list of rules that should be adhered
to by a good subway map. Next we survey three recent methods for drawing subway maps, analyze their
performance with respect to the above rules, and compare the resulting maps among each other and to official
subway maps drawn by graphic designers. We then focus on one of the methods, which is based on mixed-integer
linear programming, a widely-used global optimization technique. This method guarantees to find a drawing
that fulfills a subset of the above-mentioned rules (if such a drawing exists) and optimizes a weighted
sum of costs that correspond to the remaining rules. The method can draw even large subway networks such
as the London Underground in an aesthetically pleasing manner, similar to maps made by professional graphic
designers. If station labels are included in the optimization process, so far only medium-size networks
can be drawn. Finally we give evidence why drawing good subway maps is difficult (even without labels). 相似文献
图书馆自动化系统是实现图书馆现代化管理的关键,为了正确、高效地使用图书馆自动化系统解决实际工作问题,编制详细的工作规则是必要的.文章着重分析编制图书馆自动化系统本地使用细则的重要性,并对编制原则、形式等提出具体做法. 相似文献
图书馆风险管理是包含实体和虚拟层面的复杂系统问题。以往的研究局限于对个体风险影响因素的描述和罗列,忽视个体间的相关关系,导致风险预测和数据评估难以接近事实,风险管理和决策难以优化。运用多主体认知地图对图书馆风险管理影响主体进行建模,充分考虑主体间的关联对系统的影响,并结合群集技术模拟图书馆风险管理过程路径,使风险管理系统涌现出超越单一个体或原系统的群集智能,并使风险管理决策在大量的迭代中不断优化。 相似文献
为了提高视频信息的检索效果,美国卡内基·梅隆大学视频数字图书馆对录像制品进行自动编码处理,并从中提取有关信息生成地点附注。在该检索界面中,可以将特定事件与其发生地建立关联,实现从事件、时间到地点的论题检索,或从地点入手检索视频信息的空间查询方法。本文揭示了录像片段在地图中的表现,展望了视频信息检索的未来。 相似文献
利用主题图建立概念知识库 总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25
概念知识库是知识概念及其相互关联的集合,是知识组织与知识检索系统的基础。主题图作为描述信息资源中知识结构和知识关系的规范标准,为概念知识库的建立提供了高效灵活的可行性建立方案。本文介绍了主题图的基本架构及其相关概念,并着重探讨了利用主题图建立概念知识库的一般方法。 相似文献