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我浑身长满灰毛。我有一双长长的耳朵和一条大尾巴。我不会走路只会跳。最重要的是。我是在妈妈的口袋里长大的。嘿,亲爱的朋友,你一定知道我是谁了吧?是的,我就是袋鼠。  相似文献   

1985年,是我写作的重要转折。在文学艺术的各种流派新潮的涌动里,接纳并试验了我以为可以信赖的学说,打开了自己;在见识各种新论的时候,吸收了不少自以为有用的东西,丰富了自己;也在纷繁的见识中进行了选择,开始重新确立自己,争取实现对生活的独自发现和独立表述。正是在趋于理性的思想认识和不断成熟的艺术自觉中开始了我的长篇小说《白鹿原》的构思。  相似文献   

I'm a graduate from a professional high school and started to work just last year. Introspective by nature, I like to spend my time listening to music and reading books, and have had little contact with boys. I hadn't met any I liked even after I reached twenty-two. I didn't feel there was anything wrong in that, but my parents got worried and found a boyfriend for me. He's a college graduate, works as a dispatcher, and is of medium stature. At first I was happy to go to the movies with him and walk in the streets. But after a month or so, I felt as though I were with a colleague. He is quite knowledgeable in his own profession, but he doesn't know much about life. I often found his company uninteresting and unexciting. So I wanted to part with him. When I talked to my parents, they strongly disagreed and kept saying how much better his conditions were as compared to mine. I realized how much concern they felt for me, so I didn't insist. But all my subsequent efforts only brought me pain, and I simply couldn't feel the least bit of love for him. During this impasse, his father fell ill and had to have an operation. Before the operation, he had a discussion with my father and requested that our relationship be confirmed. I had a quarrel with my father, but finally gave in and, with a heavy heart, accepted money and a pair of earrings.  相似文献   

I heard that in Americateenagers often worked after schoolor on weekends to make theirown pocket money. I didn’twant to keep on asking myparents for money any longer,so  相似文献   

In pursuit of my rights, I joined the revolution that imposed the veil upon me and then joined a political party, where I found that I was making decisions against myself. Following this, I researched the only women's magazine published in Iran at that time and found that it was against women. The questions that came to mind were about whether women writers voice their own experiences. Were my experiences unique? Could I learn from others, particularly through what they wrote? Since literature cannot exist without education, this may be the main reason why Iranian women started so late. In the l960s, mass education created a mass readership and with it the first novel by a woman. The issues of women's rights, education and writing are intertwined.  相似文献   

迄今为止,我已经在北京住了快两年了。我可以讲我称之为日常用语的中文并且能听懂更多。有能力与当地人沟通使我在这里的经历变得更令人愉悦;我无法想象住在中国却不会讲中文的情景。如果一个人那样生活的话,那就失去太多了。我已经有五年说普通话的经历了。我在乔治亚大学呆了三年,取得了哲学学士学位。但在我开始学习中文以前,我早就对中国以及这个国家的语言颇感兴趣了。  相似文献   

Martina是一位西班牙模特、作家和电视主持人。她在15岁就成为一名时装模特,拥有超过10年的品牌走秀和广告拍摄经验。她同时在《Marie Claire》杂志上拥有自己的专栏。“我经常旅行,而且同时也要工作——为《Marie Claire》和报纸撰写专栏,参与电视谈话节目撰稿,我也需要和我的家人及经纪人保持联络,因此我的笔记本电脑是我旅行必备的东西。”  相似文献   

<正>Everyone has a hobby. Some people like swimming, and some people like playing video games. Fishing is my father's favorite hobby. He goes fishing every Sunday morning, and goes home in the afternoon. My hobby is playing the piano. I started playing the piano from five years old. I like to play it after school. I have a plan, I want to play a birthday song for my  相似文献   

11月8日 我在寻找闪闪发亮的言外之意,寻找生活中各种事件背后的深层含义,当我感到痛苦和混乱的时候,当我一蹶不振,受到伤害的时候,  相似文献   

星期一早晨,我穿上了那双绿色的厚底坡跟靴去上学。自从到爱迪生中学上学以来,今天还是我第一次穿这双靴子。  相似文献   

我家宁静的四合院及其所蕴涵的一种中国诗词的意境和家人从小的熏陶,孕育了我的知识生命和感情生命。从吟唱背诵到习作诗词,所谓“少年不识愁滋味,为赋新词强说愁”。我上的辅大女校即当年恭王府第,院中的诗情画意、师生同学们的情谊,激发了我的诗情诗兴。后来我在自己的国家,无论是在北京还是在台北执教,听讲的同学都是同种族同文化的,讲课可以任意驰骋,而到了海外教书,实在有“失所今悲匍匐行”之感,每讲到杜甫《秋兴》八首,不由得热泪盈眶:“每依北斗望京华”,不知何年何月才能返乡。文革一结束,我迫不及待申请回国,“今日我来真自喜,还乡值此中兴时”。我在《迦陵诗词稿》中表达的乡情是“的历长明永夜时”。  相似文献   

Mar]ka13岁入行当模特.很快就声名鹊起。她2001年被选为莫斯科小姐的第二名.2005年还被评为莫斯科最美丽的100人之一。2001年她开始从事电视工作.主持MTV在俄罗斯的一个音乐节目。目前,她不但主持着MTV俄罗斯的数个节目.担当演出和音乐会司仪,还继续从事模特工作。“我是MTV的音乐节目主持人.  相似文献   

简评:文章时态用得很准确,利用一般过去时描述假期的生活,并且结尾用将来时的句子I will never forgetthe days in Sanya.来抒发自己的感受,说明作者对时态掌握得很好。文章结构较完整,但在写文章时应避免仅用一两种句型,而要根据实际情况灵活运用所学的各种句式,使文章有声有色。  相似文献   

孙琰 《海外英语》2010,(8):30-30
Since the day I raise the first cry of life surrounded by the miraculous world, as a newborn baby, an amazing creature of nature, I have begun my divertive trip in my varied short life. The journey is a colorful dream full of curiosity, adventures, struggle as well as intoxication. Although my footprints are zigzagged, there is still so much fun!  相似文献   

张玺 《海外英语》2010,(1):47-47
当我见到天边的一条彩虹,我的心顿时会欢腾跳跃:在过去我生之初是这样:如今我成长壮盛也这样:将来活到老,我还得这样,  相似文献   

《Chinese Education & Society》2013,46(2-3):116-138
… My mother was, in fact, the teacher that started my education, and even before I first went to school, she had already taught me to recite poems of the T'ang and the Sung. I received my first schooling when I was four-and-a-half years old. There was a family school in my home that accepted mostly people from our own family, with the exception of one or two children of some relatives. The number of pupils was 10 or 12, and though it was a very small school, it included a variety of grades comprising college, middle school, primary school, and even kindergarten students….  相似文献   


This article addresses the dilemma faced by religious and theological educators committed to a feminist, liberative pedagogy when teaching learners in the church whose Confucian upbringing has socialized them into different means of instruction. After a brief sketch of the Confucian ethos that permeates the life of such persons and communities in present‐day North America, the article examines the pedagogical practices of Confucius/Kongzi, traces the historical development of Confucianism, and suggests how we might live and teach in the tension of what appears to be two extremes of pedagogical practice.

At fifteen 1 set my heart on learning; at thirty I firmly took my stand; ... At seventy 1 followed my heart's desire without overstepping the boundaries of right.

Analects 2:4

Learning something and practicing it oftenis this not a delight?

Analects 1:1

Whenever three persons walk together, there is sure to be a teacher for me.

Analects 7:22

I learn without flagging and teach without growing weary.

—Analects 7:34  相似文献   

I am reflecting here my struggle to understand the issue of language in the science classroom and in our lives from three different perspectives: before and after Mozambican independence and after completion of my doctoral research. The main method used is auto|ethnographic inquiry in which I use the events in my life to question what is happening in my society. I have used Maria Rivera Maulucci’s paper, Language experience narratives and the role of autobiographical reasoning in becoming an urban science teacher as a reference. This paper helps me to show how isolated and generalized is the Mozambican situation and the value of our struggle in giving value to local languages.  相似文献   

简评:本文能够按照题目要求,展开叙述,内容完整、切题。详细介绍了作为一名初中生在学校、在家里应该怎样去做,而且对未来和谐社会寄予希望。作文中运用了studyhard,askfor,help…do,talkwith等动词短语,将身边事情的处理方式描述得非常详细。且结构严谨,语法准确,体现了作者快乐、健康、向上的积极心态。  相似文献   

阿黑是我家的宠物狗。我们全家都非常喜欢它。今天早上我们突然发现阿黑不见了,全家人都出去找它。这时。邻居阿牛告诉我:“昨天夜里我在村口的小木桥上被绊倒了。我掉进河里全身湿透了。我爬起来,从口袋里掏出火柴划亮一看。原来是阿黑把我绊倒了。”  相似文献   

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