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Getting Impatient Roger sat in the waiting room of doctor's office waiting his turn. He has been there nearly 45 minutes, and he was begining to get impatient, Besides, his leg hurt. He tried to think about something else, so the pain was very seriously, and it was hard to bear. He looked at another patients for a while. There was two old men, a small girl and her mother, and three young mothers held babies. 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____ 6____ 7____ 8____ 9____  相似文献   

Banana Maze     
The monkey is hungry. He wants to eat some bananas. Now he needs to go through the banana maze to get the bananas. Can you help him?  相似文献   

1.need need的意思是“需要;必要”,用作情态动词时,后面要接动词原形,一起构成谓语。改为否定句时,直接在need后面加上not;need用作实义动词时,后面可接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,改为否定句时,要借助助动词do来完成。例如:You needn’t say anything.你什么也不必说。He doesn’t need any help.他不需要帮忙。She needs to eat something.她需要吃点东西。【中考链接】You to the meeting this after-noon if you have something important todo.(2004重庆市)A.needn’t to comeB.don’t need comeC.don’t need comingD.needn’…  相似文献   

众所周知,some及其合成词something,somebody等通常用于肯定句,而any及其合成词anything,anybody等则常用于疑问句和否定句。例如:  相似文献   

一、否定句 【点拨】把肯定句改为否定句时,有两种情况:若句中的谓语动词是be动词或含情态动词。则直接在be动词、情态动词后加not;若句中的谓语动词是实义动词,则要在动词原形前加don’t(doesn’t)。当句中含有some时,通常要把some改为any。  相似文献   

A mouse and a lionOne day a mouse went out to find something to eat.He ran carelessly through some tall grass.He ran into a big lion.The lion caught him,held him tightly(紧紧地)and would not let him go."Please let me go,Mr Lion,"said the mouse."One day I will help you." The lion laughed and thought,how a little mouse could help a big lion!Then he said,"Very well,I will let you go.But you must walk more carefully." "Thank you,"the mouse said."You are very kind." The next week the mouse was again looking for something to eat.He saw the lion had fallen into a net of strong ropes.He could not move.The mouse cut one of the ropes with his teeth and then the other.Soon the  相似文献   

would like相当于would love,为固定搭配,意为"想要",各种人称都可使用would like,并且它通常缩写为"'d like"。它在肯定句中常与第一人称(I,we)连用,表示意愿或委婉地表达要求等。例如:—Would you like something to eat?你想吃点什么吗?  相似文献   

一、need作实义动词用时,意为“需要”,它有人称、时态和数的变化。后面可接名词、代词、动名词及带to的动词不定式作宾语。常出现在肯定句、疑问句和否定句中。谓语动词为need的肯定句,改为否定句和疑问句时.要加助动词d0的某种形式。例如:  相似文献   

肯定句变为否定句时,通常必须在句中加上副词not。可是对有些特殊的情况我们还必须加以注意,现根据初中英语教材对这些特殊情况说明如下:1.如果肯定句中有连词and,变为否定句时,通常要将and变为or。例如:Thegirlcansinganddance.Thegirlcannotsingordance.Theboyhasfatherandmother.Theboyhasnofatherormother.(或Theboyhasnotanyfatherormother.)2.如果肯定句中有some,变为否定句时,some一般要改为any。例如:Therearesomeboysintheroom.Therearenotanyboysintheroom.3.如果肯定句中有too(也),变为否定句时,应将too改为either。例…  相似文献   

A friend's grandfather came to America from Britain. He went into a cafeteria in Manhattan to get something to eat. He sat down at an empty table and waited for someone to take his order. Of course nobody did. At last, a woman with a plate full of food sat down in front of him and told him how a cafeteria worked. "Start out at the end," she said. "Just go along the line and pick out what you want. At the other end they'll tell you how much you have to pay."  相似文献   

Dear Mr Tower, Thank you very much for your e-mail. Of course, I would be delighted to help you with this complex, but very useful verb. OK, let' s get started. Here are some of the main uses. Acquire/Buy——"get" can mean "acquire" or "buy" a) They got a new house. b) He got a bonus last month. Receive——To be given something: a) I got sixteen presents for my birthday b) The film got very good reviews. Arrive——To reach a destination a) She got home early. b) He got into Paris at 9pm. Bring/Fetch——To bring something to a place, or to take something back: a) Could you get me a newspaper from the shops? b) Could you get me that pen that's on the table? Winning/Scoring (goals)——To achieve something a) He got first place in the competition. b) They got ten goals.  相似文献   

我们知道:some常用于肯定句,any多用于否定句或疑问句中,在句中可作主语、宾语或定语。因此,含some的肯定句变否定句或疑问句时,some一般改为any。如:  相似文献   

英语中的否定句大多是借助not来构成的,但是有些否定句很特殊。下面谈谈初中学习中的几种特殊的否定句,以帮助同学们学习并掌握这一内容。一、当all,everybody,somebody,everyone,someone,everything,something等不定代词作主语的肯定句改为否定句时,一般不在句子中加not,而是将all改为none;everybody  相似文献   

Mansur was a magician.He lived in Africa. He read in one of his magic books about a wonderful lamp hidden in a hole in the ground in China.Aladdin and his mother lived in China.They were very poor:They lived in a hut and often had not enough food to eat.One day Aladdin's mother said,"Go out into the field and get some flowers;we will sell the flowers and get money to buy food."So Aladdin went into a field to get flowers.Now the place where the lamp was hidden was in a hole in that field.  相似文献   

1. My father watches TV every night.(改为一般疑问句) ____ your father ____ TV every night? 2. He had to finish the work.(改为否定句) He ____ ____ to finish the work. 3. She wanted to see the doctor because her back hurt badly.(对划线部 分提问) ____ ____ she want to see the doctor? 4. David was so careless that he didnAt find the mistakes in his test paper.(改为同义句) David was ____ ____ to find the mistakes in his test paper. 5. Yesterday our teacher asked us to clean the classroom.( 改为…  相似文献   

英语中的否定句大多是借助not来构成的,但是有些否定句很特殊.下面谈谈初中学习中的几种特殊的否定句,以帮助同学们学习并掌握这一内容. 一、当all,everybody,somebody,everyone,someone,everything,something等不定代词作主语的肯定句改为否定句时,一般不在句子中加not,而是将all改为none;everybody,everyone改为no one;someone,somebody改为nobody;everything,something改为nothing.例如:  相似文献   

英语中的肯定句变否定句是一种常见的练习和考试题型。在把肯定句变为否定句时,通常在助动词、情态动词或连系动词be的后面加上not即可。如:1.Weareteachers.→Wearen’tteachers.2.Heworksonafarm.→Hedoesn’tworkonafarm.3.Hehascome.→Hehasn’tcome.但有些情况下,按上述例句去变未必对,应注意以下几种特殊情况:一、当everyone,everybody,someone,some-body,everything,something等不定代词作肯定句的主语时,肯定句变否定句一般不加not,而要把everyone和someone变为noone,把everybody和somebody变为nobody,把everything和some-thing…  相似文献   

Paar Maza     
Johnny feels hot and thirst/now. He wants to eat a pear. But to get the pear, he must go through the pear maze. Can you help him?  相似文献   

Wife Swap
Two cannibals- a father and his son - are elected by their tribe to go out and get something to eat. The pair walk deep into the jungle and wait by a path. Before long, a little old man walks by.  相似文献   

(A)The Policeman and the ThiefOne day the policeman, John, wasasked to take the thief, Jack, to the citypolice station. On their way, they came toa shop where bread was sold. Jack said,“We have no food to eat on the train. It isfar away and it will take us much time toget there. IAll go into this shop and buy some bread, so we can eat it onthe train.”John was very happy. He thought that he would have something toeat on the train, so he said to Jack, “We donAt have much time. Be quick!…  相似文献   

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