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国内外关于“学徒制”教育的研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学徒制作为一种拥有历史根基、可以传承文明和技艺的教育模式自古以来就为各个国家所用。随着班级授课制的产生,学徒制也日渐淡出现代教育领域,但是对于这种传统的教育模式来说,其本身还具有一定的不可替代性。因此领域内专家和学者对其研究也并未减少,反而从不同角度、不同侧面寻求切入点,深刻探究了学徒制的各个维度。梳理国内外对学徒制研究的主要脉络,归纳其主要特点,是进行学徒制模式创新和进一步研究的基础.  相似文献   

在近代,手工业生产是社会生产的主要形式,其学徒制保障了维持生产的人才供给。学徒的出路直接影响到近代手工业学徒制吸引力和学习质量。文章对近代三种学徒制出徒后的社会流动进行研究,探索近代学徒制办学状况,反思学徒制的构建。  相似文献   

我国职业教育现代学徒制构建中的关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代学徒制是当前我国职业教育改革与发展的热点,其成功构建需要深入研究五个关键问题:什么是现代学徒制?为什么要发展现代学徒制?要发展什么样的现代学徒制?发展现代学徒制面临的关键性制度障碍是什么?现代学徒制需要哪些支撑条件?现代学徒制构建需要沿着这五个方面,捕捉实质性问题及其解决策略。现代学徒制是个极为复杂的体系,对它的研究不仅需要经济社会学、劳动力市场理论等视角,而且必须确立现代学徒制形成的社会建构观,探索可能促使其形成的社会机制。  相似文献   

现代学徒制是一个完整而复杂的职业教育系统,只有全面了解这个系统的内涵与外延,才能构建中国化的现代学徒制。采用内容分析法对2002~2014年国内期刊有关现代学徒制的学术论文进行研究,对现代学徒制的研究现状、存在的问题及发展趋势等内容进行梳理,可以从宏观上把握现代学徒制的研究方向,也可以从微观上探寻现代学徒制的模式结构,还可以对今后现代学徒制的研究提出新思路和新方法,以此促进我国现代学徒制理论与实践研究的发展。  相似文献   

现代学徒制在年轻人从学校到工作的过渡准备中发挥着积极作用,这已成为国际教育界的共识。文章旨在对2009-2018年国际上发表的关于现代学徒制的论文进行分析,归纳总结出国际学术界近10年对现代学徒制的研究趋势。研究结果表明,在过去的10年中,国际上对现代学徒制的研究呈上升趋势,现代学徒制已受到全球范围的学者的关注,欧洲是学徒制的中心,其中英国的研究实力最强。现代学徒制主要受到教育领域,尤其是职业教育领域的关注,但很多学科采用了学徒制的模式对学生进行职业教育培训。近年来,国际上以质的研究方法研究学徒制的增长趋势显著。研究学徒制的学者们对于探索学徒制的影响因素以及学徒制培训效果评价最感兴趣。"学徒制""教育""职业教育培训""工作本位学习""学校到工作的过渡"为近10年关于学徒制研究的主要关键词。  相似文献   

以中国知网为检索平台,筛选了321篇与企业新型学徒制相关的研究文献作为研究对象,借助Bicomb 2.0、Ucinet 6.0及SPSS 25.0软件,利用社会网络分析、聚类分析等方法,对我国企业新型学徒制的研究热点进行了总结和分析。研究发现,当前我国企业新型学徒制研究主要聚焦于人才培养目标、培养模式、培养主体和比较研究等4个方面。企业新型学徒制研究应创建学术共同体,扩展对企业新型学徒制校企合作模式的研究深度、探索企业新型学徒制为企业增值赋能的有效路径、加大对企业学徒制学徒评价体系的研究力度。  相似文献   

通过在中国知网上对目前我国现代学徒制的相关文献进行查阅,对德国、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚等国际上成功的现代学徒制的特点进行分析,得出国外现代学徒制对我国高职院校的人才培养启示,并总结了目前我国的现代学徒制的研究现状,叙述了现代学徒制在我国高等职业教育中的应用研究,能够为我国高等职业教育学校开展现代学徒制提供参考。  相似文献   

现代学徒制是一种新型技术技能人才培养模式,不同国家的现代学徒制既具有共性又具有个性。研究以现代学徒制作为研究对象,通过对一些著名现代学徒制的比较研究,揭示了现代学徒制的特有属性,通过逻辑扫描对全球主要的现代学徒制进行了类别区分。在推行现代学徒制的道路上,我们国家还面临着诸多的疑难需要解决。  相似文献   

以1993年的现代学徒制改革为起点,英国开始了自中世纪行会学徒制没落后的新一轮学徒制改革.文章首先对英国这一轮的学徒制改革进行了历史回顾,然后介绍英国现行学徒制的体系、框架、具体实施及组织管理,最后对其最新的改革进行说明和点评.  相似文献   

学徒制是一种古老的职业教育形式,在正式的职业学校产生之前,传统学徒制曾经是人们学习的普遍方式。本文通过分析西方学徒制的发展演化过程,分别对传统学徒制和以英国和澳大利亚为代表的现代学徒制发展历程进行回顾,分析其内容和特点,并对现代学徒制的前景进行展望。  相似文献   

现代学徒制是对传统学徒制的继承和发展,是一种有效的教育形式,有利于更好地培养高素质人才。近来对现代学徒制的相关研究主要集中在关于学徒制的内涵、类型、国际比较、西方学徒制及对中国学徒制的启示方面、实践研究以及其他方面的研究。通过对这些文献的梳理,以便让更多的研究者对于现代学徒制有一个更为深入的了解,以便参与到其中,共同探讨这一热点问题。  相似文献   

我国传统学徒制研究起步于20世纪30年代。近30年来我国学者的研究成果聚焦于中外传统学徒制的发展历程及其教育特征与作用,并深入开展了以手工业、商业为代表的传统学徒制个案研究,以及对中外传统学徒制、中国传统学徒制与现代学徒制的比较研究。总体而言,该领域的研究数量较少,研究还有较大的提升空间。建议从职业教育视野出发,在清晰界定传统学徒制概念的基础上,积极汲取国外传统学徒制研究成果的营养,综合运用教育学、心理学、历史学、民族学的研究方法,一方面充分研究中国传统学徒制的发展历程,深入考察中国传统学徒制的教育规律,另一方面多开展以小见大的微观实证研究。  相似文献   

近年来,现代学徒制成为职业教育领域研究的热点。教育部设立了职业教育现代学徒制试点,现代学徒制在实践探索方面也取得了一定成效。从正反两方面分析中国职业院校实施现代学徒制的影响因素,提出改善职业教育实施现代学徒制条件的相关建议。  相似文献   

Apprenticeships are required for many trades and can take different forms. In Sweden, one form can be viewed as a pathway where students complete a three-year-long vocational education in upper secondary school followed by a post-secondary apprenticeship in a particular trade. Another takes the form of vocational training within the framework of upper secondary school through an apprenticeship. This study analyses how a more clearly defined apprenticeship curriculum can provide sufficient knowledge to identify and understand learning outcomes in apprenticeships. A theoretical framework of an apprenticeship curriculum is used in the analytical work. The findings show that educational goals are often overlooked during apprenticeships, and thus a deliberative education is overridden by deliberative learning that stems from and is closely connected to the individual’s own perception of what to learn. By constituting an apprenticeship curriculum, this article contributes to an enhanced understanding of how to analyse vocational learning, and thus adds important elements to the research field.  相似文献   

阐述了现代学徒制的起源,分析其与德国双元制的相似点及区别。提出我国现代学徒制产生的三个原因以及产生的历程。通过文献统计分析现代学徒制的研究规律,采用不同案例来描述目前现代学徒制试点工作的发展现状,由三个试点方案文件分析得出现代学徒制教育的核心思想及工作导向。从灵活的办学模式、搭建校企合作育人平台、深化产教融合、现代学徒制管理制度建设等四个方面探讨了实施现代学徒制的核心内容。提出实施现代学徒制中存在的四个主要困境,并给与相关的解决措施。  相似文献   

The apprenticeship system in Germany is carried out both by companies and vocational schools (the Dual System). The question of whether the German Dual System is transferable is currently being asked in vocational education and training research. The analysis of current transfer discourses alludes to a research desideratum: the actual approaches consider either the input or the output of an educational transfer, but the transfer process in relation to its input and output has not been investigated to date. We focus on this desideratum. In the present case study, the processes emergence and implementation of dual apprenticeship structures is analysed in relation to its input and output in a German automotive transplant in the United States. Transplant organisations provide an ideal case to explore the transfer phenomenon because they have been transferred from a familiar context to a foreign context. The research questions are: firstly, why and how did the need emerge to implement dual apprenticeship structures in the German transplant in the United States (input); secondly, how and in which way have these structures been implemented (process); and thirdly, how can the implemented structures be characterised: as an imitation, adaptation or transformation of the original model (output)? The central findings of the case study are: firstly, that growing contradictions in the production system triggered the implementation process; secondly, that the original Dual System was transformed within the implementation process; and thirdly, that this transformation led to innovative solutions. These findings may not be valid for every transfer at any time, but they reflect that educational transfer of dual apprenticeship structures can be more than just a more or less successful imitation or adaptation.  相似文献   

Completion rates are one measure of the success of apprenticeship training. But little is known about outcomes for youth who begin an apprenticeship in high school. This paper draws primarily on interviews with youth who did not continue training or work in their high school apprenticeship trade in two Canadian provinces. Our analysis focuses on why these youth decided to enrol in high school apprenticeship, why they did not continue and what they did afterwards. Findings suggest that a narrow focus on apprenticeship training completion diverts attention from the complex learning and work transitions experienced by most youth. Instead of assuming a linear pathway from school-to-trades work, we argue that partners involved in high school apprenticeship and policy-makers could do more to raise student awareness of multiple trajectories and skills transfer, make apprenticeship training more expansive, and increase the flexibility of pathways by providing greater articulation between different post-secondary education pathways and opportunities to change direction.  相似文献   

Science education models for secondary and college students as well as K‐12 teachers have been dominated by classroom‐based approaches. Recently, research apprenticeships wherein learners worked with practicing scientists on authentic scientific research have become increasingly popular. The purpose of this critical review of the literature was to review and synthesize empirical studies that have explored learning outcomes associated with research apprenticeships for science learners. We reviewed 53 studies of scientific research apprenticeship experiences for secondary students, undergraduates and teachers, both pre‐service and in‐service. The review explored various learning outcomes associated with participation in research apprenticeships. These outcomes included effects of apprenticeship experiences on participant career aspirations, ideas about the nature of science (NOS), understandings of scientific content, confidence for doing science and intellectual development. The extant literature supported many of the presumed positive associations between apprenticeship experiences and desired learning outcomes, but findings related to some themes (e.g., NOS understandings) supported conflicting conclusions. Implications included importance of the length of the apprenticeship, need to explicitly place attention on desired outcomes, and engagement of participants. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47:235–256, 2010  相似文献   

民国时期,传统学徒制无法应对新兴工商业人才供给需求,被练习生制逐渐替代。练习生制有三种起源说--英国说、日本说和中国说,经历了清末明初产生期、民国繁荣期、建国之初嬗变期三个演变历程,主要采取企业自主培养、校企合作培养、间接训练培养三种人才培养模式,实现了对传统学徒制的革新,实现了人才观念、培养模式、人事管理、职业精神培育等方面的现代化转型,探索出较为科学、系统的现代学徒制实践范式,这为新时代构建中国特色现代学徒制提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

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