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应对当前大规模考试,计算机辅助管理势在必行。通过几年的实践,《高等教育自学考试答题卡综合管理系统》契合了自学考试科目多管理复杂的特点,提高了工作效率,是一个适合于大规模、多学科、同时进行信息采集与识别的处理软件。今后自学考试的阅卷管理也要与时俱进,跟上时代的发展,可以进行网上阅卷的尝试。  相似文献   

网络试题库与自动阅卷系统的设计与操作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考试是教学过程中的一个重要环节,试题管理和试卷评判是考试过程中两项非常重要的工作.本文介绍了C++网络考试系统的试题编辑和自动阅卷的设计方案,详细地论述了客观题和主观题的自动阅卷原理和实现过程.  相似文献   

我们曾经参与2001年湖 北省高等教育自学考试英语(二)阅卷,阅完卷后我们有如下一些想法: 这份试卷虽然依考试大纲出题,但总体偏难。设计题目是否妥当的标准一般要看它的效度(Va-lidity),信度(reliability)、区分度(discrimination)、实用性(Practicali-ty)和产生的影响(back-wash ef-fect)。 根据测试理论,这份试卷总体来说是依自学考试大纲出题。如客观题与主观题分别占卷面总分的70%和30%,试卷所测试的基本知识和基本技能也在大纲规定的范围之内,这一些是应充分肯定的。  相似文献   

为适应《生物信息学》课程特点,笔者构建了生物信息学网络考试系统。该考试系统具有试题库容量较大、随机自动组题、自动阅卷和人工阅卷相结合、考试时间倒计时等特点,能克服传统考试的弊端,达到客观公正评价学生考试成绩的目的。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是国家学历考试 ,是我国高等教育的重要组成部分 ,担负着为社会主义现代化建设选拔合格人才的重任。阅卷是自学考试诸多工作环节的重要一环 ,如何做到客观、公正的评阅试卷 ,高质量的完成阅卷任务 ,是每个评阅工作者都需要认真研究、不断探讨的问题。本文就如何搞好自学考试阅卷工作谈一点粗浅的看法 ,不妥之处 ,请同行指正。一、建立健全自学考试阅卷机构搞好自学考试阅卷工作 ,必须有健全的领导机构 ,坚强的领导班子 ,这是搞好自学考试阅卷工作的关键 ,必须认真抓好。(一 )成立由主管自学考试工作的校长为组长 ,行政主管…  相似文献   

所谓网上阅卷,顾名思义,就是以计算机网络技术和电子扫描技术为依托,通过评卷人对计算机网络上电子化了的考生答卷进行评分。阅卷时,客观题部分直接采用计算机自动对考生的填涂点进行识别并对比答案给分;主观题部分按题目切割成一个个图片(图像文件),由阅卷人员直接对这些图像进行评分。网上阅卷是把人工评卷积累起来的丰富经验和现代高新技术相结合,以控制主观题评分误差为目的,最终实现招生考试的公平、公正性原则。  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试以其灵活、方便、客观等特点倍受社会乃至世界许多国家的关注,成为我国高等教育事业的重要组成部分。显而易见,高等教育自学考试是以考试为中心展开的学历教育,这种特殊性使自学考试的考风考纪在自学、辅导、考试、阅卷等教学环节中的重要性较之其他教育形式更胜一筹。因此,严肃考风考纪是增强高等教育自学考试生命力的关键。 严肃考风考纪可以调动考生学习的主动性和自觉性。高等教育自学考试是以考生自学为主的开放式学历教育形式,它没有全日制高等教育教学过程中的课堂提问、课下作业、期中测验等环节,考试是检验…  相似文献   

高等教育自学考试是国家学历考试,是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,担负着为社会主义现代化建设选拔合格人才的重任。阅卷是自学考试诸多工作环节的重要一环,如何做到客观、公正的评阅试卷,高质量的完成阅卷任务,是每个评阅工作者都需要认真研究、不断探讨的问题。本文就如何搞好自学考试阅卷工作谈一点粗浅的看法,不妥之处,请同行指正。  相似文献   

通常教师只是以阅卷者的身份参与阅卷工作。一些教师片面地认为网络阅卷只是阅卷方式的变化,其作用只是使得考试阅卷更加客观高效。笔者在应用网络阅卷系统后发现,网络阅卷给教师带来的有效率的提高,也有评价观念的改变,还有教学价值的挖掘和提升。  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,网络阅卷已经被各级教育考试机构在中高等院校招生考试中普遍采用。这种现代阅卷技术与传统手工阅卷技术相比,在提升阅卷质量方面表现出了无可比拟的优势。例如,在计算机控制之下,这样的阅卷不可能存在客观题错批、漏批、结错分等低级错误,而且能对主观题的给分过程进行科学、有效的动态管理。网络阅卷不仅能成倍提升阅卷工作的效率,在考试数据统计与分析方面更是表现出强大的优势。近年来,网络阅卷这一现代技术应用也逐渐普及到一般学校,应用于学校的普通考试与测试。  相似文献   

从词汇构建的初始阶段——词汇认知出发,通过对107名低水平英语学习者英文单词的对应中文词进行测试分析,发现学生词汇认知错误可表征为词形、词义及形义错误,造成学生词汇认知错误的原因受到教、学过程,心理词汇存储和提取以及母语干扰等诸多因素的制约。  相似文献   

Conclusion The number of errors in the recognition of unfamiliar phonemic contrasts increases with high or low frequency limitation. This increase in errors is not the same for all phonemic contrasts, but the contrasts are affected in the same manner by either limitation. Consonants are affected more, and German shows a much clearer picture than does French. Rank ordering contrasts according to numbers of errors give support to a concept of“order of difficulty” of recognition of foreign phonemic contrasts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study sought to determine if high-risk, compared to low-risk, mothers make more emotion recognition errors when they attempt to recognize emotions in children and adults. METHOD: Thirty-two demographically matched high-risk (n = 16) and low-risk (n = 16) mothers were asked to identify different emotions expressed by children and adults. Sets of high- and low-intensity, visual and auditory emotions were presented. Mothers also completed measures of stress, depression, and ego-strength. RESULTS: High-risk, compared to low-risk, mothers showed a tendency to make more errors on the visual and auditory emotion recognition tasks, with a trend toward more errors on the low-intensity, visual stimuli. However, the observed trends were not significant. Only a post-hoc test of error rates across all stimuli indicated that high-risk, compared to low-risk, mothers made significantly more emotion recognition errors. Although situational stress differences were not found, high-risk mothers reported significantly higher levels of general parenting stress and depression and lower levels of ego-strength. CONCLUSIONS: Since only trends and a significant post hoc finding of more overall emotion recognition errors in high-risk mothers were observed, additional research is needed to determine if high-risk mothers have emotion recognition deficits that may impact parent-child interactions. As in prior research, the study found that high-risk mothers reported more parenting stress and depression and less ego-strength.  相似文献   

"设错教学法"在会计电算化实验中能够有效培养学生对会计软件的应用能力,在设错、识错、纠错和防错四个环节中"设错"是关键环节。提出了科学"设错"的三个原则,详细阐述了在会计电算化实验中"设错"的方法。  相似文献   

Data are presented which show striking differences between the characteristics of oral reading errors made to content and function words. Content word errors tend to be graphically similar but contextually unacceptable, whereas the reverse is true for errors made to function words — which are contextually acceptable but graphically dissimilar. This was true for two samples: for one child reading a total of 2,588 words, and for 12 children reading about 450 words each. There were however differences between the samples, and reasons for these are discussed. It is argued that some errors are better viewed not as errors in word recognition, but as post-recognition errors — that is, errors which occur even when the word has been correctly identified. The errors in this study are also compared with those made by an adult with acquired deep dyslexia reading words in isolation, and similarities between the two sets of errors were observed. Finally it is concluded that teachers and researchers should (1) categorize errors into visual, semantic, derivational and function word errors, (2) should calculate the proportion of function word errors, and (3) bear in mind that oral reading errors may occur even when words are correctly recognised.  相似文献   


Spelling errors are typically thought of as an effect of a word’s weak orthographic representation in an individual mind. What if existence of spelling errors is a partial cause of effortful orthographic learning and word recognition? We selected words that had homophonic substandard spelling variants of varying frequency (e.g., innocent and inocent occur in 69% and 31% of occurrences of the word, respectively). Conventional spellings were presented for recognition either in context (Experiment 1, eye-tracking sentence reading) or in isolation (Experiment 2, lexical decision). Words elicited longer fixation durations and lexical decision latencies if there was more uncertainty (higher entropy) regarding which spelling is a preferred one. The inhibitory effect of frequency was not modulated by spelling or other reading skill. This finding is in line with theories of learning that predict spelling errors to weaken associations between conventional spellings and the word’s meaning.  相似文献   

Speaker variability is an important source of speech variations which makes continuous speech recognition a difficult task. Adapting automatic speech recognition (ASR) models to the speaker variations is a well-known strategy to cope with the challenge, Almost all such techniques focus on developing adaptation solutions within the acoustic models of the ASR systems. Although variations of the acoustic features constitute an important portion of the inter-speaker variations, they do not cover variations at the phonetic level. Phonetic variations are known to form an important part of variations which are influenced by both micro-segmental and suprasegmental factors. Inter-speaker phonetic variations are influenced by the structure and anatomy of a speaker's articulatory system and also his/her speaking style which is driven by many speaker background characteristics such as accent, gender, age, socioeconomic and educational class. The effect of inter-speaker variations in the feature space may cause explicit phone recognition errors. These errors can be compensated later by having appropriate pronunciation variants for the lexicon entries which consider likely phone misclassifications besides pronunciation. In this paper, we introduce speaker adaptive dynamic pronunciation models, which generate different lexicons for various speaker clusters and different ranges of speech rate. The models are hybrids of speaker adapted contextual rules and dynamic generalized decision trees, which take into account word phonological structures, rate of speech, unigram probabilities and stress to generate pronunciation variants of words. Employing the set of speaker adapted dynamic lexicons in a Farsi (Persian) continuous speech recognition task results in word error rate reductions of as much as 10.1% in a speaker-dependent scenario and 7.4% in a speaker-independent scenario.  相似文献   

运用BP神经网络的原理,在MATLAB的平台上,对含噪与不含噪的印刷体英语字符进行识别和误差统计,经大量样本测试,结果达到设计目标,辨认出错率较低。  相似文献   

书证作为《汉语大词典》的重要组成部分,是近二十年学界的关注重点,但有关现代书证研究成果却不多.《汉语大词典》中《围城》书证有182例,数量较多;失误类型较多,有出处、文字、标点符号、排序、孤证、书证滞后、版本不一共计七种失误.《汉语大词典》中《围城》书证失误比例较高,失误类型可以较为全面地反映《汉语大词典》现代书证存在的问题.《汉语大词典》现代书证失误会影响辞书的规范性,甚至模糊对部分词语源流演变的认识.《汉语大词典》现代书证问题的普遍存在与关注缺失,凸显了对其进行修正的重要性与迫切性.  相似文献   

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