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笔者参加了一九八三中专招生语文评卷工作.评港过程中发现试卷第五题中第2题考生答案与标准答案出入很大,尤其是初中考生,四个句子完全符合标准答案的没有发现一个.试题题目是“分辨下列各句句式”,第一句是“时人莫之许也”,标准答案是“宾语前置”,考生答案有“陈述句”、“倒  相似文献   

一位资深高考评卷人讲:“我评作文基本上是一看字体,二看标题,三抓主题,四品语言,五看结构,六别文体……”的确,考场作文不同于一般文章,它是由专家命题、考生写作、教师评阅的一种写作。作为考生,要想获得考场作文高分,就应上摸准命题人命题意图,下揣摩评卷教师心理,然后遵循考场作文规律,展现个人写作才情,赢得评卷者好评。  相似文献   

1阅卷概况笔者作为中学教师参加了2009年浙江省高考数学网上阅卷的评卷工作.高考评卷分为试评和正式评卷两个步骤.首先是试评,先由每道题的组长(浙江大学数学系教授)讲解该题可能出现的解法及每一种解法的评分细则,然后由每道题的阅卷者进行网上试评.每一份试卷的每一道题最少要经过两个人背对背批改.在此过程中阅卷者需达到两个统一:  相似文献   

所谓网上阅卷,顾名思义,就是以计算机网络技术和电子扫描技术为依托,通过评卷人对计算机网络上电子化了的考生答卷进行评分。阅卷时,客观题部分直接采用计算机自动对考生的填涂点进行识别并对比答案给分;主观题部分按题目切割成一个个图片(图像文件),由阅卷人员直接对这些图像进行评分。网上阅卷是把人工评卷积累起来的丰富经验和现代高新技术相结合,以控制主观题评分误差为目的,最终实现招生考试的公平、公正性原则。  相似文献   

计算机网上评卷是对传统考试评卷方式的一场革命。评卷时,通过高速扫描仪快速扫描考生的答题卡,选择题部分由计算机对比标准答案自动给分;非选择题部分按照事先划定的范围切割成一个个的图片,存入计算机中,然后由评卷老师在计算机上评阅。  相似文献   

容理诚 《广东教育》2002,(11):26-27
今年在互联网上评阅高考作文,是一场评卷的革命。一套先进的电子商务模式系统,可供700人同时评卷。先将考生作文扫描,再随机派发给评卷者,评卷者用自己的工作软盘进入系统对作文评分,再分别按顺序点击给分档次、发展等级、缺题目扣分、错别字扣分、提交评卷结果等项目即告OK。网上评卷,实现了真正意义上的“二评”,使评卷结果更加公正。以往的手工评卷,由于一评分数能被二评者看到,二评者不可避免地受到影响。现在则随机派卷,无分数参考。网上评卷,使评卷结果更加客观。以往的手工评卷,评卷者拿到的是以考场试室为单位装订…  相似文献   

公开考试的设计是一项专门的学问。公开考试一般包括三个重要元素:设计考试大纲、编制试题及评分、报告成绩。在考生人数众多的科目,评卷环节面临的重要问题之一就是须聘用大量评卷员参与评卷。但是,评卷是一项以专业判断为主的工作,为保证对所有考生公平,考评机构便须采取适当步骤,划一评卷尺度。本文旨在探讨香港考试及评核局为保持评卷信度,确保考生的答卷得到公平及客观的处理,在评卷环节所采取的程序,包括评卷参考的设计、评卷的配套程序、评卷教师的培训等,并分析这些程序的重要意义。  相似文献   

近来我对测验考试卷采取了三次评阅的方法。 第一次是同学互评。即考试后先由教师公布标准答案、交待详细的评分标准,再让考生按班或组交叉评阅其他同学试卷,要求标明各题得分、统好总分并签上阅卷人的密码(密码,只有任课老师和本人知道,目的是加强阅卷人的责任感和避免因评分松紧而产生的不必要的纠纷)。 第二次是考生自评。即考生本人在充分热悉标准答案和评分标准的基础上审查自己的试卷,对阅卷人  相似文献   

一、网上阅卷的意义和优势网上阅卷,是近年来兴起的以计算机网络技术和电子扫描技术为依托,通过评卷人对计算机网络上电子化的考生答卷进行评分的一种新型阅卷方式。这种阅卷方式能够采用计算机技术手段来控制阅卷中主观题的评卷误差,实现阅卷公正性目的,并且减少了人工阅卷的答卷管理和答卷流通环节,可以说既快捷又减少了评卷误差。网上阅卷的过程是:扫描纸质试卷—制作成图像数据库—阅卷程序载入图像—评阅,即先将考生的答题纸通过专用的高速扫描系统扫描成  相似文献   

我有幸参与2010年广东高考评卷工作,评卷结束后,我结合考生答题情况对理科17题进行简要分析.期望抛砖引玉,为高中数学常规教学和高三备考提供一些参考.  相似文献   


The effect of introducing third graders to the use of separate answer sheets on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) was investigated. Classes of third graders were administered 11 ITBS subscales under one of the following formats: (a) using separate answer sheets without prior practice; (b) using separate answer sheets with practice sessions; or (c) marking answers directly in the test booklet. Students using separate answer sheets without practice were found to score significantly lower than students answering in the test booklet. When the two separate answer sheet conditions were compared, the group with prior practice scored significantly higher than the group without practice. The largest differences occurred with the lower-ability students in this sample, suggesting that these students were both the most adversely affected by the use of separate answer sheets without practice, and the most helped by the practice sessions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of using separate, machine scorable answer sheets on the number of marking errors made by third-, fourth-, and sixth-grade students. Half of the Ss at each grade level answered in the test booklet (AIB), and half answered on separate answer sheets (SAS). The number of marking errors for the SAS group was approximately three times as great as for the AIB group at each grade level. This indicates that test standardization information must specify the answer sheet mode used to collect normative data.  相似文献   

This article reports the move from paper-based marking (PBM) to onscreen marking (OSM) in Hong Kong for the subject Liberal Studies – whose objectives involve broadening students' horizons through critical examination of current issues. While currently a small candidature subject of approximately 3300, from 2009, the subject will become compulsory for all students in Hong Kong's senior secondary school curriculum with a candidature of 80,000. As marking of all public examinations in Hong Kong is migrating to OSM, the current study reports on a project with the entire 2009 Year 13 Liberal Studies marking panel (49 markers), as part of the OSM validation process. The study involved giving all markers both a pre-marking and a post-marking questionnaire to gauge markers' technological competence in and attitudes towards OSM. Results were positive in that markers generally rated themselves as technologically capable. With regard to attitudes towards the implementation of OSM, the outcomes of the post-marking questionnaire showed markers to be more positive than their pre-marking comments suggested. Nonetheless, they are still not happy about having to travel to special marking centres and the preference for PBM remains strong. The results of the study indicate that OSM is being accepted into marker psyche of what marking involves, an important step as OSM is adopted as the sole marking method for all subjects in Hong Kong from 2012 onwards.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of formal practice sessions on the ability of first and second graders to use separate answer sheets on the California Test of Mental Maturity. The Ss were all 79 pupils enrolled in these grades at one elementary school. Academically, these Ss were above average. Through the use of a counterbalanced design, the CTMM was administered twice to all Ss; once employing the usual answer marking format contained in the test booklet and once employing a separate answer sheet preceded by a formal practice session. Significant mean raw score differences between formats of 10.30 and 7.19 were obtained for Ss in grades one and two respectively in favor of the booklet format. Accuracy scores, which removed the effect of speed from raw score performances, were also analyzed and the results confirmed the superiority of the booklet format. It was concluded that even with prior practice sessions, above average pupils in grades one and two are unable to utilize separate answer sheets in an effective manner.  相似文献   

随着计算机科学和网络技术的发展,我国的各类考试方式也发生了很大改变,大部分考试已从过去的常规卷改成了分卷形式。阅卷也逐步从纸质改为机器阅卷和网上评卷。网上评卷为多评制创造了条件,对考试管理和考生答题提出了新要求。本文以全国大学英语四六级考试为例,对实施网上评卷,扫描答题卡过程中发现的一些问题,提出自已的看法和建议,以促进分卷考试更适应机器阅卷和网上评卷工作的要求。  相似文献   

Previous research has found conflicting evidence regarding how early children can effectively use separate answer sheets with achievement tests. This study looked at the effects of separate answer sheets on the California Achievement Test (CAT) scores of third, fourth, and fifth graders. The Mathematics Computation and the Reading Comprehension subtests of the CAT were used. Seventy-one classrooms were randomly assigned to have students record their answers on either: (a) their test booklets, (b) separate answer sheets, or (c) separate answer sheets after being given training in the use of separate answer sheets. The results were consistent across both subtests and grades; no response mode treatment effect was found. Further, no evidence of a treatment by ability interaction was found, which was contrary to previously reported research. The results of this study suggest that students can, as early as grade three, effectively use separate answer sheets without prior training.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects on test scores of employing a separate answer sheet using the California Test of Mental Maturity with 117 pupils in the primary grades of one through three. The CTMM was administered twice to all students; once employing the usual answer marking format contained in the test booklet and once employing a separate answer sheet. A counterbalanced design was used to control for order effects. The mean raw differences between marking format conditions decreased from 23.67 to 10.79 to 3.32 for students in grades one through three respectively, indicating that the need for the test booklet marking format decreases sharply as the grade level of the Ss increases.  相似文献   


The authors compared the performance of third-grade students testing on answer sheets with those testing on machine-scored test booklets. The 1,832 students in the nationally representative sample were assigned at the campus level to complete the Stanford Achievement Test Series, Tenth Edition in 1 of 4 conditions: (a) Form A answer sheet, (b) Form A booklet, (c) Form B answer sheet, and (d) Form B booklet. After controlling for scholastic ability, no significant differences in performance on total reading, total mathematics, and total language strands were found between students using booklets and those using answer sheets. The results of this study provide no evidence to support the need to use separate test booklets with general education third-grade students. States may consider using separate answer sheets with these students to realize potential cost and schedule efficiencies.  相似文献   

研究人工智能网上评卷技术的应用,内容包括:英语、数学填空题智能评分,辅助人工评卷一致性质检;语文、英语作文题型进行相似卷检测,辅助人工评分合适性质检;语文、英语作文题、政治、历史简答题等题型智能评分,辅助人工评卷大分差评分质检。经实验验证并在2018-2020年某省大规模考试网上评卷中应用,结果表明:人工智能评卷结果与人工评卷结果具有高度一致性,质量检测成效明显,可通过海量信息检索进行相似卷检测。  相似文献   

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