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形态素描与混沌造型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形态素描强调一种素描意识,要求在素描过程中既要考虑“形“的因素,更重要的是对“态“的表现,以追求形象意态特征的整体把握为宗旨。主张在素描阶段培养出一种整体取势、动态把握的观察方法和造型意识,这种造型意识正是混沌造型的精髓所在。在原始艺术和民间艺术中有大量的混沌造型,包括原始岩画、汉画像石刻、画像砖刻、民间剪纸和皮影等剪影式造型,还有原始雕塑、汉代陶俑、石雕以及民间面塑、布塑、石雕等立体造型。混沌造型为形态素描提供了有益的范例。  相似文献   

本文主要从肃南岩画图像中强调特征、夸张的表现、平面造型三方面来论述岩画在塑形方面的表现,以此来以探究肃南岩画写实主义风格的艺术特征。  相似文献   

四川宜宾珙县都掌蛮悬棺岩画以简洁洗练的造型、流动柔和的整体外形、随意率真的形象描绘、朴实生动的绘画语言、感性与理性兼具的图象形式,形成了独树一帜的岩画艺术风格,既在外形与观念上明显地区别于北方岩画,又在细节与内涵上拉开了与南方其他岩画的距离,有着自己鲜明的族属特征和地域特色.  相似文献   

在当代艺术领域中,左江花山岩画始终创造着重要的文化价值、旅游价值与艺术价值,运用在各种领域的文化景观设计与展示方面都独具特色。基于左江花山岩画的起源和图像符号分类认识,着重论述左江花山岩画图像景观造型元素被广泛运用于各个现代化领域中的艺术化应用。  相似文献   

板书造型是一堂优质课的重要组成部分,也是一个微型教案。议题式教学中设计合理的板书造型能提高课堂效率,激发学生学习兴趣,有助于学生系统地掌握所学知识,有利于教学围绕总议题层层深入,突破教学重难点,更好地引导学生理解和掌握学习重点。好的板书造型是对课堂内容的浓缩和升华,能够使课堂教学内容层次清楚、主次分明,增强逻辑性。线式板书造型、辐射式板书造型和鱼骨式板书造型,能够在最大限度上提高教学的针对性、有效性。科学的板书造型,有利于议题式教学的深入推进,更好地培育学生学科核心素养,更好地服务于高中思政课教学。  相似文献   

中国阴山岩画与西方岩画的不同特征,即为西方岩画具写实性、主观时空性与理性,阴山岩画则是写意性的、主观时空性的和心性的.东西方艺术不同的传统,始于原始艺术时期的芽蘖与分野.  相似文献   

现代工笔人物画的写生教学主要借鉴西方学院式写生观念,这样的教学理念存在一个严重的弊端就是会忽视学生造型意识的培养.但是现代工笔人物画写生教学的目主要还是培养学生的造型能力,而培养学生的造型能力的基本前提是帮助学生树立造型意识,学生如果不能树立造型意识就不能发挥学习的主动性,也掌握不了回话思维的特有规律.目前的现代工笔人...  相似文献   

影偶的造型与影戏的演变历史是一个同步发展的过程。历代艺人通过不断的经验积累,受寺庙雕塑、壁画和戏剧的影响,吸收小说中人物的描写,逐步形成了一整套适用于影戏的造型规律和特征。在历经百余年的传承与腾挪变化后,蚌埠余家皮影戏除沿袭戏曲文化中对忠奸、正邪角色寓褒贬、别善恶于其上的造型传统外,糅合艺人的审美理念和民间美术等诸多元素,形成了一整套程式化的造型谱式和图案纹样,这种谱式并非某个人的独创,而是历经了三代艺人的学习、积累和创造逐渐完善定型的艺术程式。它质朴生动地折射出民间艺人集具象的生活经验和意象的审美理念于一体的造型艺术特征,生动地折射出蚌埠余家皮影戏百余年来的发展历程。  相似文献   

近几年中国元素的造型几乎成为了世界时尚圈的新宠,中式元素的运用也各有特色.中国风造型即建立在东方文化的基础上,以中国元素为表现手段或者灵感来源的一种艺术形式的造型方式,它有着自身独特魅力和性格,文章就中国式造型做了简要概述.  相似文献   

试图通过具体的例子,从随意性造型、抽象笥造型、时空综合造型和适形造型四个方面着手,探讨“意象造型”这一特殊的造型方式在民间美术中的应用及其本质与特征,从而揭示中国民间诰垢方式与一般的造型方式有所不同。  相似文献   

Starting from a general framework for web-based e-learning systems that is based on an abstraction layer model, this paper presents a conceptual modelling approach, which captures the modelling of learners, the modelling of courses, the personalisation of courses, and the management of data in e-learning systems. Courses are modelled by outline graphs, which are further refined by some form of process algebra. The linguistic analysis of word fields referring to an application domain helps to set up these course outlines. Learners are modelled by classifying value combinations for their characteristic properties. Each learner type gives rise to intentions as well as rights and obligations in using a learning system. Intentions can be formalised as postconditions, while rights and obligations lead to deontic constraints. The intentions can be used for the personalisation of the learning system to a learner type. Finally, the management of data in an e-learning system is approached on two different levels dealing with the content of individual learning units and the integrated content of the whole system, respectively. This leads to supporting databases and views defined on them.  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》明确提出,在数学教学中应当引导学生感悟建模过程,发展"模型思想"。在小学,进行数学建模教学具有鲜明的阶段性、初始性特征,即要从学生熟悉的生活和已有的经验出发,引导他们经历将实际问题初步抽象成数学模型并进行解释与运用的过程,进而对数学和数学学习获得更加深刻的理解。就其教学实施的一般程序而言,教师先行琢磨、通过教学不断建模、学生在体验和感悟中为之着魔是小学数学建模教学的关键所在。  相似文献   

Conlon  Tom 《Instructional Science》1999,27(6):403-430
The technology of knowledge-based systems undoubtedly offers potential for educational modelling, yet its practical impact on today's school classrooms is very limited. To an extent this is because the tools presently used in schools are mostly rule-based expert system shells, which lack usability. We developed three alternative tools, using ideas from knowledge acquisition research, and compared their effectiveness to that of an established rule-based shell. Children working with the new tools produced higher quality models and developed more positive attitudes. We relate these findings to the forms of representation provided by the new tools and present evidence that modelling increases children's representational skill. We conclude that knowledge acquisition systems and alternative forms of representation can contribute to improved forms of knowledge-based modelling.  相似文献   

“皮影”是对皮影戏和皮影戏人物(包括场面、道具、号物)制品的通用称谓,是民间艺人用手工、刀雕彩绘而成的皮制品。陇东皮影属秦晋影戏,造型方法和陕西皮影一脉相承。经世代长期的艺术实践和几代人的改革与创新,广泛吸收了陇东民间剪纸、绘画等多种艺术形式的长处,日渐形成了陇东皮影完美的色彩艺术和造型风格。  相似文献   

数学建模是联系数学与实际问题的桥梁,是数学在各个领域广泛应用的具体体现。本文首先简要介绍了数学建模的概念、数学建模竞赛的发展概况和数学建模竞赛中使用的重要数学软件一Matlab,然后重点介绍了笔者在这几年参加全国大学生数学建模竞赛集训中关于Matlab软件教学的一些点滴体会。  相似文献   

插画属于绘画艺术,诉之于视觉.插画作品除了表现其独特的面和线的瞬息造型外,往往还要表现创作者的某种审美取向.创作者要想使读者能够很好地解读自己的作品,并且使读者与自己产生感情共鸣,不仅要求创作者自身有丰富的视觉经验,同时还必须能够正确把握读者所具有的视觉心理图式,创作者的作品才会进发出生命力。  相似文献   

图案造型在图案教学中占有比较重要的地位。图案造型是一种艺术形象创造,它能培养学生的造型能力和创造能力。通过对图案造型的认识、理解来培养学生的认知能力、表现能力和创造才能。创造才能的培养贯穿于图案造型、以后的整个专业课程和专业能力的培养之中。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION This paper presents different views on electrode modelling in electrical impedance tomography (EIT), which include electric field electrode models—the conventional approach for modelling electrode ge- ometry, electrochemistry electrode models for mod- elling the effects of electrode-electrolyte interface, and the electrode measurement models for modelling the sensing system in the terms of the electronic measurements. Taking the full electrode models into consideration of el…  相似文献   

Models and Modelling: Routes to More Authentic Science Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is argued that a central role for models and modelling would greatly increase the authenticity of the science curriculum. The range of ontological states available for the notion of model is outlined, together with the modes available for their representation. Issues in the selection of models for and the development of modelling skills within the model-based curriculum are presented. It is suggested that learning within such a curriculum entails: acquiring an acceptable understanding of what a model is and how modelling takes place; having a developed capacity to mentally visualise models; understanding the natures of analogy and of metaphor, processes which are central to models and modelling. The emphases required in teaching for this learning to be supported are discussed. Finally, implications of the model-based curriculum for teacher education are evaluated. It is concluded that a great deal of detailed research and development will be needed if the potential of this change in emphasis within the science curriculum is to be realised.An earlier version of this paper was given at the International Conference on Science and Mathematics Learning held in Taipei, Taiwan, 16 December 2003.  相似文献   

The rotor of a Roots blower is the key component relating to its capability, so the profile design of the rotor in a Roots blower is extremely important. We focused on the modelling and verification for a novel Roots blower tooth profile based on the performance analysis. By comparing the area utilization coefficient and the ratio of several traditional rotor profiles, we proposed a new rotor profile. Then, we further accomplished the mathematical modelling of the proposed rotor profile and the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation, and obtained the Roots blower outlet flow monitoring curves. Finally, we verified the characteristics by a physical experiment.  相似文献   

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