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现代汉语词典对家教的解释是,“家长对子弟进行的关于道德、礼节的教育”。显然,这一解释与当今社会上人们所讲的家教不是一个意思。现代意义上的家教虽然还没有一个统一的概念界定,但其主要含义还是相近的。本文所指的家教是指:家长为提高子女的考试成绩,在学校教育时间之外,  相似文献   

有偿家教的成因、危害及对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在职教师从事有偿家教,一直是一个颇有争议的话题。本文欲通过对有偿家教的成因、危害进行分析,提出一些对策性管理思路,为公共决策的制定提供一个思考的视角。  相似文献   

本文从家教属不属于教育范畴和家教教师是不是严格意义上的教师这两个大的方面对家教属性进行了初步的探讨,最后提出要制定一部专门的家教法律法规。  相似文献   

本文从家教属不属于教育范畴和家教教师是不是严格意义上的教师这两个大的方面对家教属性进行了初步的探讨,最后提出要制定一部专门的家教法律法规.  相似文献   

家风、家教属于我国传统文化与传统教育的重要组成部分。良好的家风、家教对家庭建设有着一定的影响,同时也影响着社会风气的形成,将家风、家教渗透到初中德育工作中有着极大的现实意义。下面,笔者结合工作实践谈几点自己的看法。  相似文献   

如今给孩子请家教已成为众多家庭的大事。然而,很多家长对此把握不准,表现出盲目从众心理。有没有必要给孩子请家教,其利弊如何?如何兴利除弊?  相似文献   

邓玉文 《考试周刊》2010,(21):210-210
家教成为有偿服务行为.引起了广泛的社会的关注,特别是在职教师进行有偿家教引起了很大的社会反响。本文旨在分析“有偿家教”产生的原因,倡导理性对待“有偿家教”问题,建议从立法层面规范“有偿家教”。  相似文献   

罗文筠 《绵阳师范学院学报》2009,28(10):104-106,119
家教服务是大学生常见的社会实践活动,是大学生走进社会的实习与预演。要搞好家教服务,就要注意相应的礼仪修养与素质,如社会人际交往礼仪修养、思想品德修养、专业知识修养、言语沟通能力素质等。这些能力和修养可以帮助大学生顺利完成家教工作,也能充分展示大学生的素质、修养,塑造大学生形象。  相似文献   

教师有偿家教一直是为社会所诟病的教育界的不正之风气。虽然各级教育主管部门对于有偿家教问题也出台了相关的政策,采取了相关的举措,然而有偿家教问题却没有得到根本的解决。有偿家教对于教育会产生怎样的负面影响?有偿家教又反映了当前存在的  相似文献   

通过对陕西师范大学学生兼职家教现象及家教服务中心工作现状的调查,发现大学生兼职家教过程中存在诸多问题,例如大学生家教的安全、有限的授课经验和水平、家教管理制度不完善、管理环境恶劣等,这些问题是影响大学生家教收到良好效果的直接因素。本文针对大学生家教中存在的问题提出相应的建议及对策,以建立绿色家教管理机构作为家教行业管理的主要平台,并呼吁社会各界为大学生家教职业提供良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

Outcomes for methods to accelerate thinking skills involving some peer interaction have been more consistently positive than those for purely teacher‐directed or materials‐led methods. However, methods involving mainly or only peer interaction are rare. This paper describes and evaluates such a method for peer tutoring in thinking skills, which scaffolds interactive discourse based on a differentiated real book the tutorial pair has chosen to read together. This pilot study aimed to partial the impact on quality of thinking of a peer‐tutored thinking intervention from that of a peer‐tutored reading intervention, controlling for time on task and amount of peer interactivity. Experimental peer tutees were a whole class (n=28) of seven‐year‐olds; experimental tutors a whole class (n=31) of 11‐year‐olds. Comparison tutees were a whole class (n=27) of seven‐year‐olds; comparison tutors a whole class (n=30) of 11‐year‐olds. Classes/teachers within the same school were randomly assigned to conditions. In Phase 1, a paired reading intervention was implemented for six weeks for all groups. In Phase 2, the experimental classes of tutors and tutees engaged in the “paired thinking” (PT) method for 10 weeks, while the comparison group continued with paired reading. Both treatments involved one 20‐minute session weekly. Pre‐ and post‐test assessment of thinking skills and attitude to reading for all participants was conducted and post hoc subjective feedback gathered from participants. The experimental (PT) tutees showed significantly better performance in thinking skills than comparison (PR only) tutees, and some evidence of improved attitudes to reading. However, this was not true for the experimental (PT) tutors. Subjective feedback was very positive from the PT tutees and class teachers, but less positive from the PT tutors. Given the brevity and low cost in time and resources of the treatment, the finding of significant differences in measured thinking skills for the PT tutees is considered encouraging. Recommendations for refining organizational aspects of the implementation of PT and for future research are made.  相似文献   

远程教育、网络教育与虚拟游戏世界的教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远程教育的研究已经有了相当长的历史, 并且对于远程教育机构教师的职能也非常熟悉.博客、维基以及播客的应用弥补了电子邮件、虚拟学习环境、计算机会议等的不足.到目前为止, 在三维多用户虚拟环境下的远程教育的研究已经问世.远程教育专家可能会问远程教育和网络教育的经验能否应用到与这种虚拟学习环境不一样的环境中去.为论证哪些在三维多用户虚拟环境下可行或不可行, 通过由莱斯特大学跨距离联盟创设的虚拟游戏世界岛屿来解释虚拟游戏世界的教育.此外, 还分析虚拟游戏世界的教育怎样才能满足学生的需求, 并且探讨老师和学生适应该环境存在的机遇和挑战.  相似文献   

Teaching thinking skills has been characterised by the teacher-directed ‘embed ded’, ‘infusion’ and ‘bolt-on’ approaches, for which outcomes have been mixed. Peer tutoring in thinking skills offers a fourth way of wide applicability. This study evaluated such a method (Paired Thinking) in a high school setting. A substantial gain in reading comprehension was found for tutees. Triangulated subjective feedback indicated development in thinking skills, self-esteem and social skills for tutees and tutors. Paired Thinking appeared to yield considerable potential impact for minimal time input. Recommendations for refining organisation and for future research and practice were made.  相似文献   

As a philosophy professor, one of my central goals is to teach students to think critically. However, one difficulty with determining whether critical thinking can be taught, or even measured, is that there is widespread disagreement over what critical thinking actually is. Here, I reflect on several conceptions of critical thinking, subjecting them to critical scrutiny. I also distinguish critical thinking from other forms of mental processes with which it is often conflated. Next, I present my own conception of critical thinking, wherein it fundamentally consists in acquiring, developing, and exercising the ability to grasp inferential connections holding between statements. Finally, given this account of critical thinking, and given recent studies in cognitive science, I suggest the most effective means for teaching students to think critically.  相似文献   

This article is a review of experiments comparing the effectiveness of human tutoring, computer tutoring, and no tutoring. “No tutoring” refers to instruction that teaches the same content without tutoring. The computer tutoring systems were divided by their granularity of the user interface interaction into answer-based, step-based, and substep-based tutoring systems. Most intelligent tutoring systems have step-based or substep-based granularities of interaction, whereas most other tutoring systems (often called CAI, CBT, or CAL systems) have answer-based user interfaces. It is widely believed as the granularity of tutoring decreases, the effectiveness increases. In particular, when compared to No tutoring, the effect sizes of answer-based tutoring systems, intelligent tutoring systems, and adult human tutors are believed to be d = 0.3, 1.0, and 2.0 respectively. This review did not confirm these beliefs. Instead, it found that the effect size of human tutoring was much lower: d = 0.79. Moreover, the effect size of intelligent tutoring systems was 0.76, so they are nearly as effective as human tutoring.  相似文献   

为简化智能教学系统设计,增强可维护性,提出了一种信息元结构。通过分析教学过程中的认识论信息内涵,得出授课单元的三元信息结构:内容、条件和效用。建立了基于该结构的智能教学系统创作工具的工作模型,证实了它能够支持高效清晰的智能教学系统创作。  相似文献   

This paper defends certain of Andrew Davis's arguments on assessment from critique by John Gingell and Christopher Winch. It emphasises the role of personal acquaintance in assessing 'rich' understanding, criticises Antony Flew's claim that assessment is a necessary part of teaching, and rejects the argument that public assessment is necessary for purposes of accountability. It also suggests that parents' monitoring of their young children's progress could act as a yardstick, suitably modified, for what might be done in formal education. The conclusion raises problems about the assessment of moral development and about the justifiability of leaving assessment under political rather than professional control.  相似文献   

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