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现代意义上的科技革命为什么没有在近代中国发生?其态.科技革命的发生,必须有与之和谐的意识形态的土壤.  相似文献   

今天,公共生活已经成为我们生命中不可或缺的一部分,甚至可以说对于公共生活的自觉程度直接决定着人们的生存状况,基于公共生活的意识及其状况总和的公共性意识形态就是对当下人的生存富有建树的关照和归纳,积极养成和理性发育公共性意识形态,自觉建构当代人的合理生活样式,挖掘和实现公共性意识形态的积极行动价值,无疑紧迫而重要。  相似文献   

任何国家都有意识形态教育,而一些发达国家试图把自己的意识形态渗透到其他国家,其途径之一就是利用词典编纂。因此,在词典编纂中如何通过语言进行意识形态的调适是一个重要议题。GeorgeOrwell的"新语"可以用来分析思想控制如何通过语言限制加以实现,从而更好地用来探讨语言在词典编纂中体现意识形态的途径。如果借鉴"新语",对语言进行一个明智而清醒的分析,那就可以较好地利用词典编纂实现意识形态的调适。  相似文献   

世人多认为生活于明朝中期的唐伯虎行为风流不羁,整天只知玩赏游乐,不治正事.其实不然,从唐伯虎的一生真实经历及其传世作品来看,他深受儒家"三不朽"思想影响,建功立业、名垂后世的思想意识,终其一生,都没有改变与消逝.  相似文献   

高职院校与大学精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学精神缺损形成了高职院校文化精神建设的盲区和误区,而高职院校的“文化虚弱”状态,又严重制约了我国高职教育的科学发展,并直接影响到高素质、技能型人才的培养质量,影响到社会经济的科学发展。文章从分析我国高职院校文化缺陷入手,论述了高职院校与大学精神的关系,在此基础上提出了“高职精神”建设的思考与建议。  相似文献   

编辑的产品只有通过传播并为受众接受后,才能体现其社会价值。编辑必须改变传统的出版观念,吸收传播学的营养,注重期刊的信息传播功能,树立人文传播、文化传播、社会传播和接近传播理念,并将之内化为自身的素质。  相似文献   

Taiwanese textbooks play a central role in Taiwanese education. In the wake of the political reform and social protest movements of the 1970s and 1980s that prompted Taiwanese educational reform, critics have charged that traditional curricula tend to reinforce the dominant national Chinese cultural identity. The purpose of this article is to review recent research on the complex ideological processes in Taiwan’s school curriculum. The article begins with an overview of the political and social impact on social studies curricula in Taiwan from 1949 to the present, followed by a theoretical discussion of the interrelationship between school curriculum and political ideology using an analysis of Taiwanese textbooks as evidence. The article then suggests a number of classroom practices and methodologies for elementary and secondary school teachers in social studies classes.  相似文献   

社会经济的发展对高等教育提出了新的要求和挑战,这需要我们认真思考现代大学的定位、大学理念、大学精神、人才培养目标等。本文回顾了近现代大学理念的发展过程,对大学的本质、办学定位、理念及大学精神进行了探讨和论述。  相似文献   

关于审美意识形态的几点思考   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
意识形态是带有阶级自觉的思想体系,文艺在本质上与关于意识形态的上述规定并不符合。因此,文艺不是意识形态,也不是审美的意识形态。文艺本质上是一种审美情感。  相似文献   

舆论是公众对社会公共事务大致相同的意见,是人类社会活动的产物,归根结底是由生产活动决定的,意识形态是在一定经济基础上形成的人对于世界和社会较系统的看法和见解,由此可见,舆论是意识形态的具体体现,意识形态对会舆论具有支配作用。  相似文献   

意识形态是对人们的社会存在的自觉反映,其内容由人们的社会存在所决定。马克思主义的意识形态理论是无产阶级解放条件的理论表现,是社会主义国家意识形态的主要内容,是中国党和国家的指导思想。加强马克思主义意识形态建设是中国特色社会主义建设成功的重要保证。  相似文献   

阎锡山是中国近现代史上一个重要历史人物,他统治山西军政达38年之久,对山西现代工业、农业、教育、交通等各个方面,都产生了很大影响。针对其教育思想及其在山西实践的研究,对了解山西的教育历史,分析山西的教育现状,改善山西的教育条件很有现实意义。  相似文献   

江泽民同志为实现"科教兴国"作出了重大贡献.1、江泽民同志真正把科技和教育提高到了应有的地位.2、江泽民同志深刻阐述了科教兴国规律.3、江泽民同志提出科教兴国是重大的理论创新,必将载入世界社会主义运动史册.  相似文献   

This paper responds to the burgeoning literature on mathematics teacher noticing, arguing that its cognitive orientation misses the cultural and ideological dimensions of what and how teachers notice. The author highlights Goodwin’s concept of professional vision as a way of bringing analyses of culture and power into studies of teacher noticing. The case of a high school algebra teacher who learned to notice the mathematical strengths of students from marginalized groups is used to illustrate how this might be done. The teacher’s noticing involved not only cognitive processes like attending to, interpreting, and deciding how to respond to students’ thinking, but also managing dominant ideologies that position students—especially students from non-dominant communities—as mathematically deficient rather than as sense-makers whose ideas should form the basis for further learning. The paper advances the field’s capacity for understanding the challenges that teachers face as they attempt to notice in ways that are ambitious as well as equitable.  相似文献   


Devolution and Choice in Education: the school, the state and the market, GEOFF WHITTY, SALLY POWER & DAVID HALPIN, 1998, Buckingham: Open University Press. £15.99, 170 pp., ISBN 0 335 19711 6  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯规划与思想政治教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生职业生涯规划教育蕴涵着丰富而生动的思想政治教育资源,思想政治教育在大学生职业生涯规划教育中具有不可或缺的地位和作用。思想政治教育有利于坚持和保证职业生涯规划教育正确的价值导向,而职业生涯规划教育则有利于增强思想政治教育的针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

Norman Graves 《Prospects》1998,28(2):263-270
Conclusion If ideology is a nexus of ideas which represent the values of a society and the way that society operates, then clearly such ideas, in so far as they are held by those who have power in society, are bound to affect what is taught within the system of education. This may not be openly avowed, though in totalitarian regimes the education system is determinedly used to enforce the only ideology—that of those in power. The saving grace in a democratic system is that those being educated have access ideologies other than the dominant one. In England and Wales and to some extent elsewhere in the United Kingdom, there is little doubt that the geography curriculum has tended to serve the dominant ideology during the heyday of the British Empire and even during its period of decline in the 1930s and 1940s. In the 1960s and 1970s, an alternative ideology stressing the rights of the underprivileged became manifest in a geography curriculum that was not controlled centrally. The 1980s saw a reversal of this trend by those who had political power, though the reason advanced for the greater control of the curriculum was couched in terms of the economic needs of the nation and the desire to raise standards. But clearly those in power considered that theraison d'être of education was to promote an enterprise culture. However, in practice no ideology is ever pure. When the enterprise culture came into contact with long-cherished ideas of national sovereignty, marrying the two proved difficult. This was reflected in the neutral (not to say negative) position of the national curriculum in geography with respect to the European Union. Original language: English Norman Graves (United Kingdom) Professor Emeritus of Geography Education at the University of London Institute of Education. He is consultant to UNESCO in association with the International Geographical Union. Author of numerous works on geography education, he is involved in curriculum and textbook planning and is an acknowledged expert in his field of research.  相似文献   

20世纪的西方马克思主义几乎都对意识形态持批判立场。人道主义的马克思主义视科学技术为意识形态。唯科学的马克思主义代表阿尔都塞主张科学与意识形态的对立论。阿尔都塞的观点既有澄清概念、克服泛意识形态论、一定意义上肯定社会科学的科学性、一定程度上符合马克思主义对科学本质的理解的合理性,又有割裂科学与意识形态的联系、否认两者都具有真理与价值的统一性的片面性。  相似文献   

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