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With the implementation of the innovation-driven development strategy, increasing technical innovations are patented by the individuals or the companies. As a form of intellectual properties, the patent has attracted attention from individuals and companies. Although there are some researches on the economic function of patent, few quantitative researches discuss on whether patents can work on the company stock market. To discover the relations between the company patents and the stock market, we explore a method to analyze the influence of patent activity on the company stock market. We collect the patent data and the stock data of listed companies, from which patent and market activities are extracted. By the recursive discrete wavelet transform, the patent and market activities are decomposed into multi-scale wavelets. These wavelets are fed into a patent and market activity based stock market trend prediction model, in which the influences of patent activity are analyzed. We compare our model with the state-of-the-art model on 4 measurements for 3 manufacturing datasets. The experimental results show that the patent activities have positive effect on market trend prediction in about 30% manufacturing listed companies and that the measurements of Shanghai/Shenzhen Stock Exchange often outperform that of USA in years 2016–2019 for the manufacturing listed companies.  相似文献   

This paper sets out two frameworks, one for measuring static and dynamic technological capability in developing countries, one for predicting the effects on this of finance and corporate governance characteristics, and applies them together to Chinese mobile telecommunications manufacturing. Hypotheses on the effect of access to finance, ownership type and other corporate governance factors on capability are generated and tested on survey data for this industry. It is found that ownership type matters, but government's influence over management selection, matters more. Semi-privatised firms with arms-length relationships to government are most dynamic.  相似文献   

The research question is: How can intellectual property rights (IPRs) influence trust, attitudes, commitment, knowledge sharing, and innovation in inter-organisational project teams?The four strategically selected team cases include eight global knowledge-intensive industrial oil service companies in Norway. The methodology included 24 in-depth interviews done in 2016.The study finds that formal intellectual property rights are key to building up and keeping trust in the team and also for building up the right attitudes within the team. The IPRs increased the innovativeness in the team and incremental innovations. The IPRs fostered a unique knowledge sharing in these four teams enabling them to work towards innovative solutions and delivering in time. Formal IPŔs foster informal trust and expertise sharing and by that also the inter- organizational cooperation. The confidence and knowledge sharing strengthen the possibility for future collaboration and innovations both on an individual level and on a corporate level. The theoretical implication of our findings is that IPRs increase the trust, commitment, and attitudes within the team providing knowledge sharing and innovativeness for improved solutions and results. IPRs are positive for collaboration, and they are complementary governance mechanisms.The practical implication is that IPRs must be defined and accepted before the corporations start up the inter-organizational teamwork. The contract typology should in the start up be sensitizing giving directions and security and in the end definitive.  相似文献   

We inductively develop a model of the commercialization process for new products or services user entrepreneurs undertake when entering an industry while drawing on proprietary technology developed in another industry. Extending the growing field of user entrepreneurship, we identify a two-phase approach to industry entry by user entrepreneurs who start “under the radar” of incumbent firms, gain experience, attract a first potential customer base, and then, in a second phase, engage in commercialization. During this process, a community of fellow users is of major importance for the entrepreneur, serving as a knowledge pool for skills development and experimentation with different commercialization paths. We study a nascent group of firms founded by users of video games who became entrepreneurs on entering the animation industry by producing Machinima, a new film genre characterized by shooting film in video games. We explain how user entrepreneurs gain access to complementary assets (video games) for their new use (shooting film), how they deal with intellectual property issues when using other firms’ assets, and how user entrepreneurs combine domain knowledge about film production with their experience in video games and the art of Machinima. Our propositions hold implications for management and policy.  相似文献   

Royalties, evolving patent rights, and the value of innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The value of an innovation to the innovator can change over time, especially in response to changes in the legal protection (such as patent rights) afforded the innovator. A proven-valid-and-infringed patent is a more valuable economic commodity than is an untested patent. The increase in value can be estimated using the success rate of patent lawsuits. Using a database of the outcomes of U.S. patent litigation, we find that plaintiffs win patent litigation some 45% of the time at the trial court level. This has implications both for patent damages awards and for the incentives to innovate.  相似文献   

Deli Yang   《Research Policy》2008,37(6-7):1035-1046
This paper compares and contrasts the invention patents of the US and China focusing on the application and granting practices. The findings show that both countries appear to make efforts to provide equal treatment to domestic and foreign applicants for patents in terms of pendency, but domestic applicants seem to enjoy more certainty of the patent being granted within the pendency period than foreign applicants in both countries. As regards grants, the US is equal in granting patents to domestic and foreign applications; China appears to give preferential treatment to domestic applications. Such practices have implications for both patenting policy and activities.  相似文献   

Teece's complementary asset framework explains how firms use assets to appropriate the benefits of innovation. This paper extends Teece's framework to show how firms also use complementary assets to disappropriate the risks of technical change. Based on case studies of the commercialisation of genetic testing in the UK the paper shows how firms can strategically alter the social distribution of risk to their advantage by managing distinct types of risk using different institutions with diverse risk management capabilities. We highlight the specific risk management capabilities of the state that are not available to either firms or markets, and their role in supporting technical change. Implications for policy and the academic understanding of technical change are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper applies a novel methodology to US and EPO patent data to assess how often the “general grace period” exception is used in the USA and the likely impact of international patent regulations that almost invariably deny such use on the pace of new disclosures in academia. Comparisons of average publication delays of European academic inventors show that the grace period accelerates knowledge communication and that variations are likely to depend on a lack of harmonisation of international legal systems, transaction costs and the presence of a firm among patent assignees.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104416
Do informal social ties connecting inventors across distant places promote knowledge flows between them? To measure informal ties, we use a new and direct index of social connectedness of regions based on aggregate Facebook friendships. We use a well-established identification strategy that relies on matching inventor citations with citations from examiners. Moreover, we isolate the specific effect of informal connections, above and beyond formal professional ties (co-inventor networks) and geographic proximity. We identify a significant and robust effect of informal ties on patent citations. Further, we find that the effect of geographic proximity on knowledge flows is entirely explained by informal social ties and professional networks. We also show that the effect of informal social ties on knowledge flows is greater for new entrepreneurs or ‘garage inventors’, for older or ‘forgotten’ patents, and for flows across distant technology fields. It has also become increasingly important over the last two decades.  相似文献   

在解读《2012年全国专利实力状况报告》的基础上,分析研究了广西知识产权事业所取得的成就和问题,进而提出了建设"东盟知识产权特区"、"专利质押+专利保险"等对策建议。  相似文献   

梁立  何济克  陈宇 《大众科技》2012,(12):181-182
文章主要对城市快速消费品行业利用移动电子商务对于应对自然灾害的意义和办法进行探讨,分析自然灾害对城市快速消费品行业传统商务模式的影响,阐述移动电子商务应对自然灾害的优势和存在问题,提出城市快速消费品行业利用移动电子商务应对自然灾害的办法。  相似文献   

Ryan Whalen 《Research Policy》2018,47(7):1334-1343
This article discusses the importance of boundary spanning innovation, demonstrates the drawbacks of popular metadata based boundary spanning measures, and proposes a new full text semantic similarity measure of boundary spanning. It subsequently uses the semantic distance boundary spanning measure to demonstrate that boundary spanning innovation has become more common in recent decades, and show that these boundary spanning inventions pose challenges for the traditional specialized-examiner patent examination model. Examining the applications for inventions that span technical boundaries takes longer and requires more back-and-forth with the patent office than their comparatively simple peers. Finally, this article discusses potential reforms to the patent examination system to help address these challenges.  相似文献   

Jackie Krafft   《Research Policy》2004,33(10):1687-1706
The process by which knowledge is created, accumulated and eventually destroyed appears crucial to many industrial dynamics patterns, since it shapes the profile of evolution of industries by favouring the entry of new companies, the co-existence of incumbents and new entrants and, eventually, their selective or joint exit over time. Though problematic, and all too often neglected, the connection between two nodes of interest, Industrial Dynamics on the one hand, and Knowledge Dynamics on the other hand, thus appears as a promising field of research. On the basis of a case study in the info-communications industry, we start by emphasizing that this field of research has direct importance at the empirical level. Knowledge dynamics can create specific models of evolution among firms at the local level, such as non-shakeout patterns within the cluster, which significantly differ from more global patterns of evolution in the info-communications industry, now generally oriented towards trends of decline and bust. We further argue in favour of the development of Knowledge-Based Industrial Dynamics, an approach that lies at the interface of industry and knowledge dynamics, and which can explain how a cluster may decrease the barriers to knowledge of clustered companies and, further, create a specific knowledge dynamics that is able to shape the industrial dynamics. Finally, we document how this process of knowledge dynamics was collectively implemented in our case study on the info-communications cluster and decompose the mechanisms that led to a local non-shakeout pattern of industrial dynamics. We conclude with some remarks on the policy implications.  相似文献   

在当前我国新旧动能转换背景下,对于作为承接“双循环”重要载体的自由贸易区(以下简称“自贸区”),研究如何充分发挥其在普惠制度完善和推广中的压力测试场和试验田功能。站在特惠与普惠的视角,运用马克思主义观点阐述特惠与普惠关系的内在逻辑,在此基础上进行知识产权制度创新的理论分析,认为当前自贸区知识产权制度实施的困境突破不仅要考虑自贸区的特惠性需求,更要着力于制度创新的普惠性;知识产权立法完善应在积极融入全球知识产权新秩序的基础上进行本土化建构,在统筹推进知识产权执法水平以及提升知识产权海外维权和扩展能力的同时,应以自贸区为契机,在全国范围内逐步形成知识产权保护的文化。  相似文献   

刘丽军  宋敏 《资源科学》2011,33(9):1750-1756
在现有知识产权制度安排下,曾经作为全球性公共物品的生物遗传资源正不断被发达国家利用植物新品种权、基因专利等工具竞相圈占为其私有物品,生物多样性丰富的发展中国家对此非常不满,要求在国际间建立公正的遗传资源惠益分享制度。本文主要从揭示遗传资源圈占与利益矛盾的问题根源出发,通过总结近20年来生物遗传资源权属国际规则的制定和演进过程,剖析《生物多样性公约》、《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》、《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》和《植物新品种保护国际公约》等相关国际制度在遗传资源获取、惠益分享与知识产权等问题的矛盾与冲突之处,最后提出现有国际体制的协调措施,以及我国为满足国际遵约要求的应对策略。更多还原  相似文献   

In this paper we extend work previously undertaken in industries such as semiconductor and flat panel displays to investigate knowledge flows from advanced countries (US, Japan and Europe) to catch-up follower countries (Taiwan, Korea and China), this time in the emergent solar photovoltaic industry. The solar photovoltaic industry is of particular interest in that it is poised between exploitation of first generation (crystalline silicon technologies) and new thin film and organic compound technologies, thus providing distinct sources of knowledge flow as measured by patent citations and linkage. For this study, we deploy a new database of 19,105 solar photovoltaic patents taken out by Taiwan, Korea and China at the USPTO over the 24 years 1984-2008, and analyse the knowledge flows revealed in these patents using a set of 12 International Patent Classification technology categories that we constructed. We demonstrate commonalities in patterns of knowledge flow between solar photovoltaic and earlier industries, but also suggestive differences, such as rising dependence of the catch-up countries on their own intra-national knowledge generation and flow, indicating their shift from imitation to innovation.  相似文献   

Mobile banking (m-banking) has emerged dynamically over the years due to consumers' increased use of mobile technologies, their ever-growing lifestyle choices and also the several different economic factors. This paper proposes a new research model by extending the DeLone & McLean information systems (D&M IS) success model to understand users’ actual usage of m-banking. The research model was tested and validated using data collected by survey from 227 Omani residents. This study employed a two-staged analytical approach by combining structural equation modeling and neural network analysis. The results divulge that satisfaction and intention to use stand as two important precedents of actual usage, and the satisfaction also mediates the relationship between service quality, information quality and trust with intention to use m-banking and negates with that of system quality. We have provided the theoretical as well as practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Qing Mu 《Research Policy》2005,34(6):759-783
This paper examines the growth of technological capability in the telecommunication industry in China. We apply a modified version of Lee and Lim's [Lee, K., Lim, C., 2001. The technological regimes, catch-up and leapfrogging: findings from the Korean industries. Research Policy, vol. 30.] model of technological learning and catching-up. Using the three cases of the Shanghai Bell, the CIT-led R&D consortium, and indigenous companies such as Huawei, we analyze how the catching-up in the telecommunication industry occurred. We find that the important factors in the catch-up are the strategy of “trading market for technology,” the knowledge diffusion from Shanghai Bell both to the R&D consortium and to Huawei, and industrial promotion by the government. As a condition for successful catch-up, the paper points out that the technological regime of the telephone switches is featured by a more predictable technological trajectory and a lower cumulativeness. These conditions and strategies helped the Chinese firms to achieve a stage-skipping catch-up, namely, by skipping the stage of analogue electronic switches to jump to digital electronic switches.  相似文献   

There are studies showing that utilitarian (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) and hedonic (entertainment and aesthetics) attributes of products are two fundamental resources that ensure brand equity in the mobile domain. However, few studies examine the attributes of products and how and why such resources influence mobile brand equity. In this study, a survey was carried out on 262 mobile users in Taiwan to examine the mediating effects of customer experience on the relationship between product attributes on mobile brand equity. Our findings suggest that utilitarian and hedonic attributes of products affect mobile brand equity through customer experience. In other words, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, entertainment, and aesthetics may not be intrinsic value; their value on mobile brand equity is realized through customer experience. However, whereas the effect of perceived ease of use on mobile brand equity is partially mediated, perceived usefulness, entertainment, and aesthetics are fully mediated by customer experience. By showing the differential effects of product attributes on mobile brand equity, this study provides a more refined understanding of the interplay among product attributes, customer experience, and mobile brand equity. The results suggest that by overlooking the mediating role of customer experience, previous research may have provided an overly optimistic view of the value of product attributes in mobile brand equity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the fragmentation of the EU innovation system in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) by estimating the intensity and direction of knowledge spillovers over the years 1985–2010. We modify the original double exponential knowledge diffusion model proposed by Caballero and Jaffe (1993) to provide information on the degree of integration of EU countries’ RES knowledge bases and to assess how citation patterns changed over time. We show that EU RES inventors have increasingly built “on the shoulders of the other EU giants”, intensifying their citations to other member countries and decreasing those to domestic inventors. Furthermore, the EU strengthened its position as source of RES knowledge for the US. Finally, we show that this pattern is peculiar to RES, with other traditional (i.e. fossil-based) energy technologies and other radically new technologies behaving differently. Our results provide suggestive, but convincing evidence that the reduction in fragmentation emerged as a result of the EU support for RES taking mainly the form of demand-pull policies.  相似文献   

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