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谭红玲  李非 《科研管理》2014,35(12):94-102
科学技术创新政策研究是国际上一个新兴的、前沿性的交叉学科研究领域,一个新的研究范式。美国、日本、澳大利亚等国相继开展"为政策的科学"研究,我国相关研究却刚刚起步。基于政策与科学互动的科学技术创新政策,运用政府-创新者"反馈环"构建政府、高校、科研机构和企业"四位一体"螺旋式科学技术创新政策机制,耦合"为政策的科学"和"为科学的政策",增加科学、技术和创新预期效用,为经济增长或社会效益作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104729
We document incentive effects of the evaluation deadlines in the UK’s performance-based research funding system. Studying 3,597,272 publications by UK researchers, we find that publications just before assessment deadlines obtain substantially fewer citations and are published in venues with lower impact factors. These trends reverse abruptly after the deadlines. We discuss different factors that contribute to this observation and provide evidence that evaluation deadlines are likely to set incentives against investment in research quality and long-term topics. We conclude that where such shifts in research incentives are not intended, they might require balancing by additional incentives for exploratory, long-term oriented research.  相似文献   

周华东  王海燕  郝君超 《科学学研究》2012,30(11):1601-1606
长期以来,科学政策研究缺乏系统化的理论框架和研究方法体系,导致科学政策的决策过程缺乏有效支撑。美国白宫科技政策办公室自2005年开始,大力倡导并积极推进科学政策研究的学科发展与建设。在美国及国际学界积极响应和参与下,目前已经取得了阶段性成果,2011年5月《科学政策学手册》正式发布。该文基于对美国科学政策学的建设工作的解读,介绍了科学政策学的建设过程和科学政策学的主要内容,探讨了美国积极推进科学政策学发展的启示,并提出了提升我国决策科学化的建议。  相似文献   

There is limited knowledge on the extent to which scientists may strategically respond to metrics by adopting questionable practices, namely practices that challenge the scientific ethos, and the individual and contextual factors that affect their likelihood. This article aims to fill these gaps by studying the opportunistic use of self-citations, i.e. citations of one’s own work to boost metric scores. Based on sociological and economic literature exploring the factors driving scientists’ behaviour, we develop hypotheses on the predictors of strategic increase in self-citations. We test the hypotheses in the Italian Higher Education system, where promotion to professorial positions is regulated by a national habilitation procedure that considers the number of publications and citations received. The sample includes 886 scientists from four of science’s main disciplinary sectors, employs different metrics approaches, and covers an observation period beginning in 2002 and ending in 2014. We find that the introduction of a regulation that links the possibility of career advancement to the number of citations received is related to a strong and significant increase in self-citations among scientists who can benefit the most from increasing citations, namely assistant professors, associate professors and relatively less cited scientists, and in particular among social scientists. Our findings suggest that while metrics are introduced to spur virtuous behaviours, when not properly designed they favour the usage of questionable practices.  相似文献   

传统的科学传播研究主要依托科学社会学、科学技术与社会等学术背景,侧重于考察和反思科学传播过程中的权力关系。在科学传播研究经历了30年发展后,原来忽略这一领域的传播学研究者,正在以社会科学(如心理学)的理论、方法和成果为基础,推动科学传播的科学化。这些学者考察了人类接受科学信息的心理机制、科学政治化对人们掌握科学的影响、价值和信任在公众接受科学知识方面所发挥的作用及其测度、以及基于实证研究的科学传播解决方案。科学传播的科学对于走向快速发展轨道的中国科学传播领域具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique data set of Mexican researchers to explore the determinants of research output and impact. Our findings confirm a quadratic relationship between age and the number of published papers. However, publishing peaks when researchers are approximately 53 years old, 5 or 10 years later than what prior studies have shown. Overall, the results suggest that age does not have a substantial influence on research output and impact. We also find that reputation matters for the number of citations but not publications. Results also show important heterogeneity across areas of knowledge. Interpretations of other aspects, such as gender, country of PhD, and cohort effect, among others, are also discussed.  相似文献   

基于政策工具的公共科技政策分析框架研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
从政策工具的视角,并结合科技活动特点和科技政策作用领域等因素,构建公共科技政策分析的三维立体框架,着重阐述该框架的构成机理及政策含义,并利用此框架具体分析了《鼓励软件产业和集成电路产业发展若干政策》。  相似文献   

We elaborate a model of the incentives of scientists to perform activities of control and criticism when these activities, just like the production of novel findings, are costly, and we study the strategic interaction between these incentives. We then use the model to assess policies meant to enhance the reliability of scientific knowledge. We show that a certain fraction of low-quality science characterizes all the equilibria in the basic model. In fact, the absence of detected low-quality research can be interpreted as the lack of verification activities and thus as a potential limitation to the reliability of a field. Incentivizing incremental research and verification activities improves the expected quality of research; this effect, however, is contrasted by the incentives to free ride on performing verification if many scientists are involved, and may discourage scientists to undertake new research in the first place. Finally, softening incentives to publish does not enhance quality, although it increases the fraction of detected low-quality papers. We also advance empirical predictions and discuss the insights for firms and investors as they “scout” the scientific landscape.  相似文献   

吴中如 《科学学研究》2007,25(1):188-190
对《中外科技与社会大事总览》这部学术巨著的体例结构及其主要特征和编者的选材方法进行评述,并在此基础上论述《中外科技与社会大事总览》对于科学技术学研究的重大意义。  相似文献   

当代国际科学学研究热点演进趋势知识图谱   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41       下载免费PDF全文
借助科学知识图谱的可视化技术手段,把科学计量学与应用数学、图形学、信息科学及计算机科学诸学科交叉结合起来,对六个科学学国际权威学术期刊于1995年至2004年间发表的4800篇论文的126244条引文做了分析,绘制出了全新的国际科学学研究热点演进趋势知识图谱,形象地展示近10年来国际科学学研究的热点领域及其发展态势。  相似文献   

Science and security policy are increasingly overlapping because of concerns that legitimate research might be misapplied to develop biological weapons. This has led to an expansion of security policy to cover broad areas of research and scientific practice, including funding, publishing, peer-review, employment, materials transfer, post-graduate teaching and academics’ ability to design and perform experiments and disseminate research. Such changes raise policy concerns because many of the technologies used to produce biological weapons are ‘dual use’ and have legitimate peaceful applications. As a result, attempts to control their generation, diffusion or application can have unintended impacts on socially beneficial applications. This paper explores recent changes in the governance of science and technology and contributes to future policy making by assessing the relative merits of understanding the development of dual use policy in terms of either technology transfer or technology convergence.  相似文献   

基础科学教育研究与建构主义:中国与西方的差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘兵 《科学学研究》2002,20(6):571-576
本文讨论了国内外教育界在理解建构主义与教育研究之关系问题上的差异 ,分析了“社会建构论”对于基础科学教育改革的意义与存在的有关问题  相似文献   

对中国管理科学11种高影响因子期刊所记录的论文作者年龄数据进行了科学计量学研究。揭示了管理科学研究队伍年龄表现的数量特征:管理科学研究队伍年龄结构为青年峰的偏单峰分布,35岁以下的第一作者已占据半壁河山且保持稳定发展;学生作者(特别是博士生)是发表管理科学论文的重要群体,构成了中国管理科学队伍的年轻化趋势;二人和三人合作是我国管理科学领域主要的科学合作形式;青年-中老、青年-老年是居于主导的二人合作年龄结构,中年-青年-老年、青年-中年-青年是常见的三人合作年龄结构;师生之间的合作研究是最主要的合作形式。  相似文献   

运用统一标准的测量工具(问卷)了解我国高校理工科博士生的激励现状,即激励的时间维(激励过程)、激励的空间维(激励层次)和激励的逻辑维(激励因素),通过现状找出原因,并提出针对不同特性的高校理工科博士生要有不同的激励重点的建议。  相似文献   

Knowledge management (KM) is an emerging field of specialization in a number of professions, including Information Science (IS). The different professions are contributing to and influencing the developments in KM in their own ways. However, it is argued here that IS is not contributing to the advancement of KM as much as it should for a number of apparent reasons. The main purpose of the paper is to call on the members of the IS profession to take a more proactive and visible role in advancing KM by showing that KM is a natural and long-awaited development in IS and that a number of circumstances have made KM to be an area of emphasis in IS whose time has come. The paper also aims at contributing towards achieving a consensus among IS professionals on conceptualization, goals, and scope of KM in IS. The recommendations of the paper focus on how the profession could proactively be involved in advancing KM.  相似文献   

全球科技治理的权力结构、困境及政策含义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
邢怀滨  苏竣 《科学学研究》2006,24(3):368-373
全球科技治理是在国际层面上干预、规制科学技术发展的制度和规则体系,反映了全球化时代科技创新的新特点和新环境。全球科技治理的内容可分为两方面:科技全球化的国际规则和基于全球问题的科技治理。国家政府、市场(跨国公司)和公民社会是全球科技治理中最重要的行动者,它们的行为中渗透着全球主义与国家主义、工具理性和价值理性之间的冲突。三类主体在两对冲突中的行为组合,导致当代全球治理中的工具理性和国家主义,并进而导致了全球科技治理中的诸多困境。最后就如何提高中国参与全球科技治理的能力,提出了四点政策建议。  相似文献   

立足于统一的技术科学范畴、系统的技术科学周期性发展特征,以移植生理学、控制论中"功能耦合网、稳态和组织生长理论"作为方法论指导,以社会产业/事业系统、基础科学系统、相关的科学社会建制系统三者作为"硬件"维度,包含相关的社会主流价值观念、法律法规、方针政策在内的"目标参数"体系作为社会价值整合"软件"维度,构建了技术科学的发展模式。认为宏观技术科学社会系统是在系统A上周期性地生长出来的新的功能耦合网,并通过技术科学发展高潮形式,专门为孕育、构建主导产业群提供知识和人力资源服务。在此基础上,又展望了21世纪上半叶技术科学和产业结构的发展趋势;对第4次经济长波期间"连续嵌套波型"技术科学发展模式的合理性提出了质疑;对改善未来科技政策管理体制提出了一系列合理建议。  相似文献   

对科技与社会研究中的顶尖国际期刊Social Study of Science(SSS)2010-2013年间最新发表文章的选题、方法以及新颖观点进行追踪和关注,并展开反思性的思考,有利于借鉴国际思路和方法推进我国STS(Science,Technology,and Society)领域的学科建设。本文分别就SSS近年来的三个主要关注点和新颖议题进行梳理,包括生命技术科学的社会研究,司法鉴定科学的社会研究,以及社会科学的社会研究。同时发现在研究方法上更加偏重实证研究并强调实证方法的多样化,混合而非单一的实证方法(mixed-methods)逐步成为科学的社会研究中的主流。  相似文献   

Assessments of quality and productivity of academic research programs become more and more important in gaining financial support, in hiring and promoting research staff, and in building academic reputation. Most assessments are based on peer review or on bibliometric information. In this paper we analyze both bibliometric data and peer review assessments of 169 research groups in economics, econometrics and business administration. The evaluations are achieved in two independent rounds in 1995 and in 2001, permitting replication of our study.The purpose of this study is twofold. In the first part we want to see to what degree bibliometric information relates to peer review judgments. The results convey how evaluators weight different output categories in their final overall judgment of academic quality. The results also have practical meaning, since they indicate what the predictive ability of bibliometric data is for future peer review outcomes. In the second part of this study we aim at explaining differences in research output quality and productivity by organizational factors, like size of the research group, composition of staff, sources of research funding and academic discipline. In this part, a composite indicator is used to represent the review committees’ overall assessment. The bibliometric data most strongly related to the peer reviews’ overall assessment are used to construct data envelopment analyses’ efficiency scores as measure of research productivity.The main conclusions from our study are that the number of publications in international top journals is the best predictor of peer review assessment results. Changes in the classification of bibliometric information, as introduced in the second evaluation round, do not alter this conclusion. Size of the research group appears to be the only permanent characteristic associated with research quality and productivity. Size is positively related to research quality but negatively related to research productivity. Larger groups appear to have the potential to improve quality, but as groups become larger, they also experience problems in maintaining the research productivity of the research team's members. The remaining organizational characteristics appear to be temporarily related to research quality and productivity. In the first evaluation round, research productivity and quality are associated with the discipline variable: research programs in more quantitative areas and characterized by a higher level of paradigm development like econometrics and operations research achieved higher levels of research quality and productivity than programs in more diverse and less quantitative areas like business administration. This relation however is not permanent, since it becomes insignificant in the second evaluation round. Instead, funding relations become more apparent in the second review round. The relative amount of national funding in the research group's funding becomes positively related to academic quality, whereas the portion of income from committed research is negatively related to academic quality of the programs’ research output. This may have been caused by the increased importance of alternative sources of research funding in the period of the second review.  相似文献   

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