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新时期的社会发展对教育提出了更高的要求,幼儿教育改革和新纲要实施的深入,都对幼儿教师的教育提出了新的挑战,而幼儿教师的职前培养对教师的专业化发展和教育水平的提高发挥着重要的影响作用。因此,通过对在职教师教育现状进行调查和分析,总结在职幼儿教师在职业态度、专业能力、专业观念、专业知识、专业技能和研究能力等方面的情况,可以明确不同类型幼儿教师培养机构在对幼儿园所需人才教师培养方面的优势和不足,为各层次幼儿教师的培养提供一定的参考依据,在制定新的培养方案时更加有的放矢,更加具有针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

教育分权内涵再探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育分权的内涵可以从其客体、授权主体和受权主体三个方面做出新的阐释。教育分权的客体是隶属于第三部门教育领域的一种公共权力,它包括国家教育权、社会教育权和学校自主权。教育分权的授权主体与权力来源主体一样,都是政府。消解政府在公共教育权力配置中的垄断地位,重新定义政府在教育领域的行为范式,是在新的现实条件下的迫切需求。教育分权的受权主体是社会与学校。从社会角度来讲,主要考虑建立市场参与教育事务的运行机制;从学校层面上讲,主要考虑赋予学校自主权的问题。  相似文献   

学习型社会中高校成教发展机遇与增长点探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
构建学习型社会是全面建设小康社会的教育战略目标。学习型社会的内在要求与成人教育的独特优势的结合与互动为高校成教提供了教育理念支撑有力、社会学习需求旺盛、教育结构优势明显、教育资源更为充足等发展机遇。把握高校成教发展机遇,寻求高校成教发展新的增长点,必须适时更新教育观念,做到与社区、企业、农村、E-leaming全面整合。  相似文献   

高校社会体育专业建设与学生社会实践能力的培养研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文采用文献资料、访谈调查和材料统计分析等方法,着重对我院和安徽省现有6所高校社会体育专业建设与学生社会实践能力培养的现状及有关计划措施,进行专题调研和分析。结果表明:当前我院和安徽省高校社会体育专业建设还处于探索阶段,培养目标尚不明晰,学生社会实践能力和人才培养的质量与规格要求,尚不能满足社会需求。研究认为:为了不断培养与当代社会发展相适应的体育专业人才,进一步增强社会体育专业的办学活力,必须根据社会需求,加强专业课程与学科建设,加快调整专业结构,强化学生能力的培养。只有不断深化改革,面向社会、依托市场、协调发展,才能取得良好的办学效益。  相似文献   

With respect to the guiding German-language concept of ?Bildung“ (education) within the context of PISA a fundamental process has taken place in Germany of restructuring and redefining educational goals. Current educational science is determined by this process and by the initiation of empirical educational research leading to serious development projects. In this contribution examples of all of them are presented and analyzed with regard to their fundamental strengths and limitations directed towards an elaborate imagination of universal education within our knowledge society. Based on the analysis of the thus remeasured educational scientific landscape, the question of the relationship between empirical educational research and educational theory does not indicate the expected polarity between educational theory and educational research results. On the contrary there can rather be found a plurality of sometimes competing and partly complementary forms of science of the old and of the new type. Scientists who wish to remain sovereign in the field of post-PISA educational science are required to show a broad competence covering the different form of science in order to open new perspectives of cooperation.  相似文献   


A recurring theme in many places concerns the nurturing and maintenance of a civil society that is committed to justice, to human fulfilment and a community that actively pursues the good of all its members. The creation of a civil society where there is respect for persons and a concern for the good of others is an important social aim and though it is not the sole responsibility of educational institutions, they have a crucial role to play in its development. It also evident that the creation of a civil society includes the family and the wider community and so in order to understand how a civil society is to be fostered, we need to understand relationality, a central concept in both the Western and Eastern understandings of human nature. If we reflect on contemporary education in both the East and the West, an important question to consider is the extent to which education measures up to developing in young people a sense of their responsibilities to one another, their families and to the wider community. In short the question of how well we are developing humane persons who are able to relate to one another and build a civil society. This article argues that there needs to be a rebalancing of the aims of education to include the development of those values and dispositions that will foster a civil society.  相似文献   

The latest developments of information and communication technologies (ICT) and its large penetration in different sectors of our society pose new challenges and demands in the field of education. This special issue entitled “Designing Nordic technology-enhanced learning (TEL)”, presents and discusses how researchers in the Nordic countries are currently framing and thinking about issues that are related to pedagogical design of learning spaces, digital literacies, educational professional development, design of tools engaging students in collaborative inquiry learning as well as design-oriented multimodal understandings of learning.The objective pursued with the special issue has been to reflect upon current problems that educational institutions, practitioners and TEL researchers are facing in the Nordic countries as regards the acknowledgment of young people's ICT practices within formal education. Such analytical work has led us to identify and elaborate on what we believe constitute forthcoming research challenges for learning and education in the Nordic countries.  相似文献   

对体育专业毕业生能力结构的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章通过献资料、访问专家和问卷调查等方法,结合学科的特点及培育目标,总结提出体育专业人才应具备的包括教师基本能力在内的八个方面共二十六项职业能力结构体系并对我院现今毕业生的职业能力进行计量分析.调查与分析结果表明,现今半业生的综合能力与结构体系的要求存在看不同程度的差距,进而提出高等教育必须面向社会,面向未来,他也教学计划,深入开展素质教育,推进教育改革,全面培养学生能力。  相似文献   

本文重点分析了当前中国高等教育发展中存在的分类、定位、特点、质量问题。指出:要使高等学校定位明确,应当做好分类指导工作;每所高校,在制定发展战略时,都必须实事求是地根据学校所处的客观环境、社会需要状况和自己的特点、优势,在各自的层次和类型中争创一流;高等教育质量下降既有真实下降,也有虚假下降,应当具体分析,分别对待。  相似文献   

In this review focus is on how digital competence in educational contexts has been addressed in international research over the last 10 years in terms of policy, organizational infrastructures, strategic leadership as well as teachers and their teaching practices. The analysis shows that although research on digital competence in educational contexts has increased, knowledge on digital competence related to organizational infrastructures and strategic leadership are sparse. The analysis indicated that most research focuses on the specific competence needed by teachers and therefore tends to neglect the influence of broader contextual conditions in the wider school setting. Based on the review, three suggestions for further research can be provided. Firstly, to address research on organizational infrastructures and digital competent leadership. Secondly, to elaborate on theoretical frameworks that can close the gap between research on policy, organizational infrastructures, strategic leadership as well as teachers and their teaching practices. A third suggestion is for researchers to become involved in the development of new approaches that can enhance digital competence in educational contexts. It can be concluded that digital competence might not benefit from being regarded as an isolated phenomena on the level of single actors. Rather, it can be regarded as an organizational task, influenced and driven by several contextual factors embedded within and across a wider school organization.  相似文献   

The Changing University: Meeting a Need and Needing to Change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper returns to the logic of industrialisation thesis of the 1960s and asks whether higher education can respond to the new infrastructures of global society. Its thesis is that capitalism has generated new global infrastructures (the control of capital empowered by information technology) and that these driving forces have generated changes in knowledge, higher education, research and learning. Higher education is a typical superstructural institution, functional to the infrastructure – but it is finding problems in responding rapidly to the greater demands of the knowledge-based society of advanced capitalism. It has to change but perhaps it is unable to change sufficiently rapidly, and so the infrastructure is beginning to generate its own educational institutions. More significantly, it would have to be non-functional to the infrastructure if it were to meet some of the human needs.  相似文献   

高校开展信息素养培育的思考   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
信息素养是人的信息意识、信息道德、信息能力、信息心理及信息潜能等多种基本素质有机融合而逐渐形成的信息品质与内在涵养。当代大学生在信息素养方面存在着诸多缺憾,亟须加强培育。高校要肩负起为国家培育全面发展的、具有较高信息素养的优秀人才的历史重任,需要按照信息素养培育的内在逻辑,制定信息素养培育的目标,明确信息素养培育的内容,构建信息素养培育的模式,加快高校文献检索课的改革,充分发挥高校图书馆的作用。  相似文献   

The article presents ten theoretically substantiated ‘theses’ on future education and learning, highlighting emerging trends that will shape educational systems. The focus is on the impact of innovation economy and knowledge society on learning. Specifically, the article elaborates the changing dynamics of production models since the first industrial revolution, arguing that in the last few years we have been in the midst of a globalisation process that is qualitatively different from the earlier ones. This new model has consequences, for example, for skill demands and their regional distribution. More fundamentally, this ‘third globalisation’ makes innovation the key source of economic value, pushing educational systems from adaptive towards creative learning models. In implementing such creative pedagogies, traditional models of innovation become inadequate. The article therefore describes recent developments in innovation research and outlines a new theoretical view on innovation which connects innovation with social change and learning. This ‘downstream’ innovation model highlights the active and creative role of user communities in making innovations real. As the economic and social importance of ‘downstream’ innovation is becoming increasingly visible, educational institutions and learning activity will change. Policymakers will have to answer the question: Why will we need education in the future?  相似文献   

This article focuses on the changes that the election of Donald Trump enables in education policy domestically and in education discourse internationally. I argue that Trump’s own charismatic leadership style is a distraction from the privatisation that it is facilitating through Betsy DeVos, Trump’s appointment as US Education Secretary. I draw on two contemporary examples of technology-enabled privatisation in education – cyber charters and predictive analytics using big data – to argue that in the Trumpian era, educational leadership may be shifting from corporatised forms, where professionals understood as ‘school leaders’ fulfil corporate objectives through corporatised means. Instead, Trumpian-era privatised educational leadership retreats fully behind the technology boardroom door, where it renders superfluous lead professionals in education institutions, and where its objectives are to generate profit through re-conceptualising learners as data providers. This analysis highlights the need for new tools and methods to describe and explain what is happening, and to help develop understandings of what educational leadership in this new landscape might be, do or achieve.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,时代的进步,传统大学生思想政治素质评价体系面临着新的挑战。基于当代维度的思想政治教育工作科学化的要求,高校要建构大学生政治思想素质的新内涵;审视传统评价中静态、单向、局部的思维方式,形成当代维度中动态、多向、整体的思维方式;构建兼顾大学生内外修养与外向实践的评价体系。  相似文献   

Our modern society is characterized by continuous change which is radically altering occupational structures, social behaviour, government priorities and individual lifestyles. Senior administrators in all types of educational institutions must be able to cope with the high levels of uncertainty and continuous adversity which this phenomenon generates. This article emphasizes the need for a new style of administrative behaviour in the education sector. During earlier eras, a reactive, conservative, leadership style was successful but in our contemporary society this is often inappropriate. Educational administrators in the future will have to be proactive, anticipatory, and flexible if they are to provide the institutions they serve with effective leadership. International intervisitation schemes are perceived as possessing potential for offering administrators new professional development experiences which will give them an opportunity to examine important managerial and administrative issues from a different perspective.  相似文献   

19世纪后期至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是教育研究领域一次具有深远意义的运动它的出现与这个时期欧美社会新的发展和教育的深刻变革,以及人们对科学、科学与教育关系的认识有密切的联系。根据欧美教育科学研究运动中一些突出的事件加以划分,其发展可以分为四个阶段,且每个阶段都有其显著的特点。19世纪末至20世纪初期,欧美出现的教育科学研究运动是现代科学研究思想和方法在教育研究领域里的初次运用和实践,其所关注的领域和所争论的问题值得今天反思与借鉴。  相似文献   

This article presents experiences from vision research implemented in education and argues for the need for teachers with visual competence and insight into suitable methods for stimulation and learning. A new type of continuing professional development (CPD) focuses on the role of vision in children's learning and development, the consequences of frequently occurring vision disturbances and related new educational possibilities. Participating teachers undertake a period of practical teaching training in their home community. Two students' cases visualise the need to break out of the narrow definition of visual impairment and become capable of evaluating the visual challenges affecting many pupils and their learning. The two cases presented represent various issues of visual challenges; both reached a better functional level, including better reading, following improved vision after the educational interventions. These results illustrate that vision competence in schools is most useful and ought to be widely accessible.  相似文献   

As a growing number of educational institutions are offering online programs, teachers need to be competent in this new way of teaching. This is especially the case for synchronous online learning through videoconferencing technology, an emergent and so far understudied form of online education. Based on a systematic literature review of 30 studies, this study identifies 24 competence clusters, which can be grouped into 5 teacher roles associated with synchronous online teaching through videoconferencing: the instructional, managerial, technical, communicational, and social role. This framework can act as a starting point for future research on this understudied topic and can also provide directions to support teachers’ professionalization and practice.  相似文献   

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