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This small‐scale piece of research stemmed from a larger study on oral storytelling and the responses of children to stories told and read to them. In the larger study several children expressed preferences for stories from picture books, as told stories were not real stories. This concept of real stories and what constitutes a real story in the eyes of an infant child, aged between five and seven years, is what led to the basis of the research. One hundred and thirty‐five children between the ages of five and seven years old were involved in the research. The investigation was conducted in three different schools in South Wales, UK. It was hoped that the research would give some insights into the literacy habits of children today. The children were asked some basic questions about home practices relating to storytelling and story‐reading and about preferences in relation to oral stories and picture books. Finally they were asked if they thought oral tales were real stories. This essay gives an overview of some of the literacy practices of the children and deliberates on their comments as they wrestle with the concept of a real story.  相似文献   

目前,在以英语为第二语言(ESL)的教学中,语法教学的趋势是既重视语法的形式,也重视语法在具体语境中的使用。这种趋势可以在任务型教学法的新发展中和三维语法教学法中体现出来。这种趋势对我国的基础英语教学也有积极的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This study examined whether or not question answering aided the construction of coherent narratives in pre-readers. Sixty Chilean preschoolers completed two tasks using a wordless picture-book: 30 children answered questions about the story and then produced a narrative using the book; 30 children completed the tasks in reverse order. Elements of coherence were assessed in both tasks, namely problem, resolution, and mental-states. The findings indicate that questions can scaffold the production of more coherent narratives. Narratives elicited after questions were judged to be more coherent than those produced before the question–answering task. In contrast, there were no differences between scores for the question answers in the different order conditions. The results are discussed regarding the interactional role of questions and the facilitative effect they have on focusing attention to the narrative task.  相似文献   

如何有效组织语法教学是英语教学的一个重要课题。本文通过介绍交际型语法教学的几种典型模式,分析在教学中如何有效实施语法教学,从而实现学生交际能力和语法知识的并重。  相似文献   

民间童谣是传统文化的重要组成部分,曾给予一代又一代儿童独特的教育.然而当代儿童对民间童谣的理解和接受程度不容乐观,这与当代儿童对地方方言、家乡文化的疏远以及来自教育和社会各方面的职责缺失有着密切的关系.建议家庭、学校和社区教育必须相互配合,相互促进,为当代儿童民间童谣的学习、传承创造良好的环境和氛围.  相似文献   

英语语法教学一直是外语教师关注的话题,外语教学总是在赞成语法教学和反对语法教学这两种不同的观点中发展。通过十余年高校英语语法教学实践,我认为英语语法还是应该教,但教法应该改革创新。  相似文献   

生成语法是20世纪50年代末乔姆斯基创立的现代语言学流派。乔姆斯基创造性地提出了语言习得天赋假说,并运用该理论去描写和解释语言。生成语法认为语言是独立于其它认知能力之外的一种任意的、自治的形式系统。认知语法则认为语言就是认知的表现,所有的语言表达方式都可以从认知层面上找到解释。本文介绍了转换生成语法和认知语言学产生的背景和哲学基础,重点分析和对比了转换生成语法和认知语法视角下的英语存现句生成理论,并对他们作出了客观的评价。  相似文献   

通过调查分析的方法,在分析和阐述探索高职高专应用英语专业语法教学内容的重要意义基础上,对高职高专应用英语的常用语法内容进行系统的归纳和整理,并指出教育者在语法教学过程中需要注意的事项,为高职高专应用英语专业的语法教学提供可参考的依据。  相似文献   

中古汉语语法研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中古汉语语法研究,起始于20世纪初,发展至今已取得了丰硕的成果。特别是80年代以来,研究领域不断拓展,几乎涉及了句法与词法的各个方面。研究材料日益丰富,学们已不再局限于传世中士献,而是将视线转向出土献、汉译佛典、甚至同一语系的亲属语言。研究方法不断更新,在传统语言学注重实证的优良传统的基础上,进一步借鉴现代语言学的理论和方法。本对这一时期的研究论及动态择要作一概述,目的是对中古汉语语法研究作简要的回顾,总结成绩,发现不足,拟为新时期的研究提供必要的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

近年来的外语教学中,语法教学的作用受到不同程度的削弱,而做为一门英语基础课,语法在外语教学中有其应有的地位。文章结合教学实践提出了提高英语语法教学效率的几点见解。  相似文献   

Forty 6- to 7-year-old children were tested with single-step, addition/subtraction story problems with and without superfluous numerical information. Half of the children were allowed to find out the solution using objects and half were given pen and paper. Fewer problems with superfluous information than those without such information were solved accurately. Less than half of the problems were attempted with spontaneous modelling with objects and rarely were pen and paper used. In many cases, the use of objects could not facilitate solution of problems with superfluous information thus suggesting that in these cases children's failure to solve the problems could not be explained just by an increase in the cognitive demand for selective attention to, and memory of, the relevant information.  相似文献   

本文通过半结构访谈考察英语专业学生的语法学习观,并基于质性研究方法构建其语法学习观模型。研究发现,学习者的语法学习观是一个环环相扣完整的系统,由语法特征、语法功能、学习方法和学习目标构成。该观点的形成与中学英语学习经历关系紧密;其完整性受到大学阶段学习目标变化的影响。因此,要构建完整的语法学习观,应依据学习目标选择恰当的理论语法来揭示语法特征、展现语法功能;同时,写作很有可能成为改革的突破口。  相似文献   

再论语法在外语教学中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人们对语法在外语教学中所起的作用历来争论不休,在一段时间内,语法教学是整个外语教学的核心;而在另一段时间内,语法教学却受到了排斥。因此,本结合目前语法教学在我国大学英语教学中所处的地位,回顾了各教学法派对待语法教学的观点,探讨了语法能力与交际能力之间的关系,并讨论了语法教学自90年代以来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

英语语法是英语语言活动中最基本也是必不可少的条件,是与人交际的根本。在我国,大学英语语法教学比较不收重视,认为语法教学没有必要性,似乎语法教学已经落后、过时。语法教学可以帮助学生更清楚的了解句子结构,规范语言的使用。在进行英语学习时,要时刻受到语法规则的支配,只有扎实的理解语法知识,才可以更准确的进行各类语言实践活动。笔者通过分析,重新认识语法教学在大学英语教学中的作用,提出几点可以有效提高大学语法教学的方案,报告如下。  相似文献   

图型是表述、拓展、概括、深化教学内容的重要形式之一,在教学中注重对图型符号的使用,能更好地培养学生获取、归纳信息并进行理解的能力,符合《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》对学生能力提出的要求。通过实证分析,即选取笔者所教的两个班级,分别作为实验组与对照组(实验组接受图型方法来教授语法,对照组则不采用该方法),论证了图型方法在高职英语语法教学中确实发挥着关键性作用。  相似文献   

语法教学在英语语言教学中占很大的比重。但由于受传统语法教学模式的影响,教师在进行语法教学时,往往只注重对语法结构及语法规则的讲解,结果导致语法教学难以收到预期的效果。分析其存在的问题之一就是语法和词汇的教学脱节。基于Halliday等人的观点,我们应该改变过去把语法和词汇孤立开来的做法,要注重词块的作用,注重语法和语境的结合,把词汇法应用于开放英语语法教学中,改变开放英语语法教学和词汇教学相分离的状况,以使教学效果达到最佳。  相似文献   

语块与语法习得有密切的关系,而英语语法教学应兼顾语块和语法能力的培养。以语块为基本单位、融合词汇法与语言意识教学法的语法教学模式可以帮助学习者建立或增强语块意识,提高语法敏感度,加强语言输出的流利性、准确性和地道性。此模式强调语块教学对语法能力的影响,并为英语语法教学提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

本说明南宋人对“语法”术语的引用及其语法观的产生,并再谈梵语法对中国古代语法学发展的影响。  相似文献   

This paper examines the interplay of daily storytelling and societal narratives of teaching in one student teacher’s experience. Drawing on narrative and post-structural theories, I conducted a case study using narrative inquiry and ethnographic methods to examine the moment-to-moment storytelling of one student teacher across a range of teaching and learning contexts. Using student teacher blogs about pivotal events as a main source of data, findings demonstrate that initial story themes cohered around narratives of experimentation and adaptation as central to effective teaching, but were also complicated by pervasive societal storylines about traditional teacher authority. Implications for teacher educators are discussed.  相似文献   

传统的大学英语语法教学多是填鸭式教学,注重语法知识和规则的传授,却忽略了学生的运用能力,导致学生忽略了语法这门课的重要性,并直接影响学生运用英语语言的精准度。所以应该改变这种死板的教学方式,来提高学生对语法的掌握能力。本文主要研究如何对大学英语语法教学策略进行改革。  相似文献   

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