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查加伍 《寻根》2001,(3):64-64

<正>Nanjing-style paper cutting is an important genre of Chinese paper cutting. It is known for its diverse designs, simplistic but graceful shapes, finely cut l...  相似文献   

林青 《寻根》2011,(1):103-107
生活在新疆塔什库尔干塔吉克自治县的塔吉克族,是帕米尔高原上的主人。帕米尔高原常年被雪,冰峰万仞,自然条件极其严酷。但塔吉克人却像高原雄鹰一样,一代接一代地在这里生存繁衍,创造着生命的奇迹。实际上,  相似文献   

Minority groups are often justified in being watchful for the difficulties that negative reputations can bring on them. The necessity for discovery and discussion of serious issues within a minority community is real, but the resistance to such a candid approach is founded in their position of vulnerability and the power of old stereotypes. Two recent movies, A Serious Man and Precious, in spite of their enthusiastic reception by movie critics and audiences, are viewed with uneasiness by some commentators in the Jewish and African-American communities. This negative view is predictable and unavoidable. It reminds us that even hyper-sensitive minorities have real enemies.  相似文献   

White-skin paper enjoys a special position in the culture of Miao ethnic group. It is used as paper-cut sketches for embroideries and to pack silver adornments and festive apparels of Miao people. It is said that worms will not grow in Miao people's festive apparels if they are packed by white-skin paper. On major sacrifice festivals and occasions of Miao people, mascots and objects to ward off evil beings are also made from white-skin paper. Without white-skin paper, Miao culture would lose much of splendor.  相似文献   

Letter paper design in woodblock print is a unique art of ancient China. It evolved into a distinct and elegant art form during the Ming and Qing dynasties when many famous artists and writers ordered letter paper specially designed for themselves. Some was even decorated with special water prints and secret marks. In ancient China, letter paper was not simply used for the purpose of writing but imbued with cultural richness.  相似文献   

Folk arts, considered as living fossils of national culture, reflect ideas, religious beliefs, customs and traditions of a nation. Chinese paper cuts and woodcarved lattice windows are unique folk art expressions that have survived for more than thousands of years and embody national spirits, exquisitecraftsmanship and rich and diverse cultural implications. These two classical forms of folk arts originated from openwork ornaments made from gold and silver foils, silk fabrics and tree leaves that date back to the Shang Dynasly (1600 BC-1100 BC). Traditional wood-carved lattice windows are recognized as comprising parts of Chinese historic buildings, with fine designs, sophisticated patterns and cultural richness.  相似文献   

乔学杰 《寻根》2020,(2):116-118
编辑出版学术论文集是学术生产和传播的重要途径之一,也是我在主持《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)办刊过程中一直强调和坚持的一条基本原则。2012年,在《郑州大学学报》(哲学社会科学版)申报教育部第二批"名栏建设"期刊的汇报材料中,我曾将学术期刊在学术生产与传播中的作用概括为七个有机联系的方面,即论文发表、学科建设、出论文集、主办会议、二次文献、人才培养、社会服务。  相似文献   

李岩云 《寻根》2006,(6):36-42
提到纸,人们首先想到纸是东汉宦官蔡伦发明的。其记载见于《后汉书·宦官传·蔡伦》:“(蔡伦)永元九年,监作秘剑及诸器械,莫不精工坚密,为后世法。”“自古书契多编以竹简,其用缣帛者谓之为纸,缣贵而简重,并不便于人,伦乃造意,用树肤、麻头及敝布、鱼网以为纸。元兴元年奏上之。帝善其能,自是莫不从用焉,故天下咸称‘蔡侯纸’。”自此以后,纸方为天下人共同用之,得以推广。那么,纸到底是不是蔡伦发明的?在蔡伦之前,究竟有没有纸?自上个世纪以来,人们先后在敦煌及周边地区的汉代遗址中出土了大量的纸张。这些新出土的纸的实物为我们研究古纸…  相似文献   

Modern dance "Hunting for Nora",adapted form the great drama "A Doll's House"by Henrik lbsen at Bejing International Dance Season last December,fascinated the udience with its novel stage setting featuring Chinese paper cut.This bold innovation to integrate Chinese folk art with Western avant-garde dance drama has proved to be a big success,with strong visual appeals and fresh cultural significance.The 27 huge paper cuttings for the stage setting,designed by Qiao Xiaogung,professor with the Ceneral Art Academy of China,has been collected by Theatre Ibsen,nd the paper-cut portrait of Ibsen he created has been permanently displayed in the theatre.  相似文献   

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