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周艳 《英语辅导》2001,(11):28-28
I have been in England three months now. I hope you don‘t think I‘ve forgotten you. There are so many places to see and so many things to do that I don‘t have much time to write you.  相似文献   

钱梅 《中学生英语》2002,(16):23-23
“Now boys and girls, silence. This period, I‘ll give you back the examination papers. I‘m glad to tell you many students did very well in the exam but a few failed...“ when I heard this, my heart beat very fast. “How about me?“ I began to ask myself.  相似文献   

1. How do you memorize new words? New words should be mastered in several ways. First, pronunciation, if you want to pronounce the word correctly, you‘d better listen to it first and practice it again and again by imitation. Second, spelling if you want to metmorize the word,you‘d better learn some knowledge for word building and pronmctation rules,Third,meaning and use,  相似文献   

胡仁昌 《英语辅导》2002,(11):12-12
One day Jack broke his mother‘s glaa. When she saw the broken glass, she cried,“Jack, you fater is going to punish(惩罚)you.”  相似文献   

张保 《英语辅导》2002,(3):27-27
People worry about the fact they often lose their keys. Now if you forget where your key is, you can find it quickly. Let‘s read the following. Yesterday Mr Smith lost his key in the room.“Where is my key?” he said to himself. He didn‘t know what to do. He thought hard and then had an idea. “Hello!” he said m a loud voice.  相似文献   

When someone says,“Well,i guess i‘ll have to go face the music”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert .it is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that,and why you did not do to this or that sour music indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

I‘ve learned that you cannot make someone love you。All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.  相似文献   

Ane‘加忱,喃ieh bel。哪加you. 月edgel,喃i(h are己round功ee‘加忱. }ti‘d扫n加lti〔dredm. 00 not己U比}011山e 10川! TO be dll己ngel,to be your‘elf! TO bring thee‘加搜加11介,加be you“elf! 川己ybe you伯11 upolld己rk dayl, do not玉e!}血乍OU}己ta}011. 0  相似文献   

一‘情景对话1.—Hello,Jaek.Haven’t涨吧们you forages!Youlookwell.A丑eally?But 1 don’t thinksoB .N6) don’t.But you look wellC,YesJ do indeed.D‘T飞助ks .You look well t00.2.—This 15 John speaking. , —This 15 Mike,A‘从飞。a代youB.认飞at’5 your na们neC人re you MikeD .Who‘5 that3,—Come’to the stadiumwith创口e?The邝’5 a footballm滋ch.A‘I’m sorry.I willonly tryB,SOn李J’m瓦行aid 1 can’tC .TbanksJ have done itD月Thanks力以Idon’t want to4.—You ean’t finish thebook in les…  相似文献   

A Special Reward     
1. One evening, Huck happened to meet Tom in the street. “What‘s wrong with your head? Did you fight with others?” he asked Tom.  相似文献   

《高一适用)Dear Peter,We,re 50 glad that you,re eo而ng to joinSund叮.Here 15 if you ean 6nd us.Wewill have our Pienie in the PeoPle,5 Park.l夕In US fleXtYou know whe比it 15,do you?从eryou即into the Park by the main gate,walkingstraight on until youCross the bridge andtUfl】to the bridge.right.联粗洲滩摧骊像将姗黔蝎一坎蝶伽勺叮︸﹃仇隧︸洋味奈羲!吃‘二咚峪矛J‘履;‘‘峭.韶‘,‘口.一一一一一一一一一一l,︸,,︶4气︺了0 tl只n,0 j..二After walking inawhile you will eome toa red wall.Walk arou…  相似文献   

徐慧 《小学生》2013,(9):58-58
【教学过程】片断一Warming up(歌谣激趣,营造氛围)T:Let’s say a rhyme‘For you andme’,OK?Ss:OK!(师生随音乐拍手齐说)T:Children,I’m your new English teacher.Introduce yourself,And you’ll get some gifts.S:Hello,I’m…T:Nice to meet you.S:Nice to meet you,too.T:This is for you.(将礼物盒里精美的礼物送给他,引导他说‘Thank you’.)T:Oh,1 want to know her name.Who’s he she?Ss:He’s/She’s/This is…(与学生交流时送出礼品盒里漂亮的鲜花,引导学生反馈‘How nice!/It’s nice./Great!’)  相似文献   

小莉 《今日中学生》2005,(29):21-23
请先看下列练习:(请在ABCD选项中选出最佳答案) 1.一HaPPy New Year! A .oh,not good Thanks,the same to you 一Happy birthd叮! B .50叮 D .How niee of you C2 A .Thanks,the same to you B .How niee of you to remelnber my birthday.Thanks C .You,re kind D.50卿,it,5 boring 第(l)题最佳答案是C。因为对别人的问候关心要感谢,而 且也同时祝愿对方节日愉快。这里“Thanks,the same to you.” means“Thank you and Happy New Year to you,too.” 第(2)题最佳答案是B。因为过生日的是一个人,而不是大 家。对方在祝愿生日…  相似文献   

1.我不是开玩笑!I mean it!/It‘s(This is)no joke!情景扫描:Don‘t laugh!I mean it(=I‘m serious.)别笑!我是认真的。2.你到底想要说什么?Get(come)tothe point./Don‘t beat around the brush./What are you trying to say?情景扫描:Now,to come to the point,will you go yourself,or send a representa-tive?好的,直说吧,  相似文献   

靡徽‘,r"户It,5 time to 90 home.G00d一bye!G00d一匕ye!It,5 time to 90 home.Good一匕ye!G00d一匕ye!See you,my friend.See you,my friend!It,5 time to 90 home.Good一bye!Good一bye!厂~~‘气、端蕊彩The Good-bye Song  相似文献   

【考点1】Mario,you used to bc short, didn‘t you?(p.10)【直击中考】1.Mr Smith___a super surfer.But now he is too old to go surfing.(2005太原) A.has given up B.is good at C.used to be 2.梅医生过去是个护士。Doctor Mei____to be a______.(2004湘潭)【解析】1.选C 2.填used;nurse。used to意为“过去常常”,后面接动词原形。  相似文献   

曾秀 《英语辅导》2000,(10):4-5
One of the qualities that most people admire in others is the willingness to admil one‘s mistakes. It is extremely hard sometimes to say a simple thing like“I was wrong about that” ,and it is even harder to say, “I was wrong, and you were right about that. ”Perhaps the reason we admire this.  相似文献   

Money Idioms     
Money talks A saying which means that moneygives you influence and power and al-lows you to do whatever you want.Anexample:‘that oil tycoon should be inprison by now,but in this world,moneytalks.’This saying can be confused with.  相似文献   

肖朵 《中学生英语》2002,(11):30-31
Everybody loves good dreams. Think about what a nice dream is like: you fly to wherever you want; you float over some soft clouds, watching red leaves failing from the heaven. Being in one‘s own world, no one needs to be practical.As we are awake, there is still a world full of dreams, a fantasy world for us to escape from the real depressing, serious, dark life.  相似文献   

如果你认为你输了,你就输了; 因为我们发现人世问 成功从一个人的意志开始; 成功是一种心态。 在生话之战中, 胜利并非总是属于更强和更快的人 胜利终究属于 自己认为匀己能行的人。 1 f you thjnkyou are匕eate 1 fyou thinkyoudare not,youdon‘t;一 1 f you want to win but think you ean’t: It,5 almost a eineh you won 1 f you tnink you’11 Iose,you’re{ost; For OUt of tne World W6 find Sueeess begins with a fel!ow’5 will; It,Sa】!1 n a State of mind. L 1 fe‘5 battles don’t always 90 To t n e st「0 n 9 e …  相似文献   

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