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学习不良儿童的孤独感及其相关因素研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨学习不良儿童孤独感状况及其影响因素。方法:采用儿童孤独感量表、社会支持问卷、应对方式问卷和EPQ量表分别对96名学习不良儿童和102名一般儿童进行调查。结果:学习不良儿童孤独感得分高于一般儿童孤独感得分(t=3.02 P<0.01);学习不良儿童社会支持量表总分及各因子分均低于一般儿童(P<0.01);应对方式问卷的消极应对因子分及EPQ的精神质、神经质显著多于一般儿童(P<0.01)。相关分析表明:消极应对、社会支持及神经质个性是影响学习不良儿童孤独感的主要因素。结论:重视提高学习不良儿童的心理健康水平,减轻其孤独感。  相似文献   

学习困难儿童的心理特点与教育策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
儿童学习困难的问题是学校、教师、家长、学生共同关心的话题。在系统地分析学习困难儿童的神经心理、认知心理、社会性发展和心理健康等特点的基础上,提出训练学习困难儿童的学习策略。归因策略和认知监控策略的教育对策。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of participation in group counselling sessions on the classroom behaviour and self‐concept of learning disabled (LD) children in elementary school. Sixty LD children were randomly assigned to experimental (n = 30) and control (n= 30) conditions. Participants in the treatment group were divided into three groups and participated in group counselling sessions which met for approximately one hour per week for 10 weeks. Dependent measures included Acting Out and Distractibility from the Walker Problem Behavior Identification Checklistand Personal Self, Social Self, and Intellectual Self from the Primary Self‐Concept Inventory.Results indicated that participation in group counselling sessions improved behaviour in the classroom and enhanced some positive self‐evaluations (Social Self). The intervention appears to be beneficial in improving acting out and distractibility behaviours and one area of self‐concept.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Reality Therapy‐based classroom meetings on the self‐concept and perception of locus of control orientation of learning disabled children. Sixty (60) learning disabled (LD) children from four classrooms were randomly assigned to experimental and control conditions. Experimental group teachers were trained by a certified Reality Therapist in the concepts of Reality Therapy and how to conduct the classroom meetings. Meetings were held twice weekly for 11 consecutive weeks, each session lasting approximately 30‐45 minutes. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) yielded no significant differences on the pre‐test self‐concept and locus of control measures. MANOVA on post‐test measures revealed significant differences between the experimental and control groups. Post Hoc univariate F and discriminant analysis indicated several measures of self‐concept to be valid discriminators. The locus of control measure, on the other hand, did not prove to be a valid discriminator. The intervention studied appears to be beneficial in improving some areas of self‐concept among the LD population.  相似文献   

学习困难儿童心理特点、影响因素及教育策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导致儿童学习困难的因素有很多,除了神经心理、认知心理、社会性发展和心理健康特点等因素外,还有其自身身体素质和学校及家族影响。教育者应在提高其健康水平基础上,促进其认知发展,矫正其社会性发展。  相似文献   

Three tests of receptive language were administered to thirty children enrolled in regular, gifted, and learning disabled‐gifted programs. Analyses of variance indicated that the Token Test for Children differentiated the learning disabled‐gifted children and the Verbal Absurdities Subtest of the Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude differentiated the gifted children from the other two groups.  相似文献   

YE Yi 《海外英语》2014,(9):23-28
This paper is based on three observations and independent thinking of the classroom teaching of the author’s colleagues.It attempts to examine how macro and micro contexts affect teaching and learning in the classroom.The author focuses the discussion on three aspects:(i)the present EFL contextual setting in China;(ii)the influence of the evaluation system on both teachers and students;(iii)his own beliefs as a teacher.Finally,he comes to the implications that teachers should often reflect on their teaching by means of observing other teachers’teachings;In order to bring more effective teaching and learning to the class,Teachers should change their class from a teacher-centered one to a students-centered one.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the structure of social competence among learning disabled children, as reported by themselves and their teachers, and the cognitive and emotional aspects that mediate its level. The sample consisted of 40 learning disabled children and 37 matched nondisabled children. Within Harter's competence model and Schaefer's spherical model, the learning disabled group demonstrated lower levels of competence and adjustment and a less mature concept of competence than did their peers. The social competence of the learning disabled children was accounted for by emotional and physical aspects of competence, similar to that found in younger and in children with an intellectual disability, whereas the social competence of the nondisabled peers was accounted for by a combination of academic, cognitive and self‐esteem aspects. Teachers rated the social competence of both groups of children as mediated by introversion and general competence. However, teachers added physical competence to the explanation of the learning disabled group's social competence, whereas they added task orientation to the explanation for the nondisabled group. Intervention planning should be geared toward increasing the social competence of LD children, through alerting teachers to their less mature self‐competence concept, with its special emphasis on nonacademic aspects.  相似文献   

我国学习困难儿童工作记忆研究的文献计量分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对我国关于学习困难儿童工作记忆研究的23篇论文进行了文献计量分析.研究论文总体数量较少,研究的关注群体主要集中于学习困难的中小学生,研究方法以实验为多,研究思路以学习困难儿童与非学习困难儿童比较为主,中央执行功能、空间工作记忆和言语工作记忆成为考察差异的三个维度.存在的主要问题是:对于学习困难儿童诊断模糊;工作记忆测量工具不统一,缺乏有效的测量工具;研究全部为描述性研究,缺乏干预研究;神经心理学取向研究缺乏.  相似文献   

目的:探讨研究学习困难儿童智力和行为的关系。方法:观察组208例(选IQ〉70以上),平均成绩连续2年在班级第10百分位以下的儿童,对照组200例,与观察组同年龄段,平均成绩中上水平的正常儿童。两组儿童均给予Achenback儿童行为量表、儿童韦克斯勒智力测试和自编调查表进行问卷评定。结果:208例总智商、言语智商、操作智商与对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P〈0.001),在各项分测验中积木(P〈0.002)、填图(P〈0.005)测验差异也有统计学意义,其它分测验差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.001)。结论:学习困难儿童存在智力结构发育不平衡,多伴有心理行为问题。社会、教师和父母应从心理上接纳他们,给予更多关怀和理解,让他(她)们健康成长。  相似文献   

Educational Psychology Review - Rapid advances in technology during the last few decades have provided a multitude of new options for teaching and learning. Although technology is being widely...  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of the study was to improve the information processing and concentration skills of learning disabled (LD) children by using computer games in a procedure that enhances self‐verbalisation and mediated learning. Of the 21 LD children who participated in the study, 14 were trained in the specific procedure, while at the same time the seven children in the control group participated in regular tutorial activities in small groups. Subsequently, in the second training period, the control group was instructed to play commercial strategic games, with no stress on self‐verbalisation procedures and the experimental group participated in regular classroom tutorial activities, without computers. The following measures were used to assess the effect of the training: MFFT, Progressive Matrices and three subtests of the WISC‐R. The results demonstrated that the computer games presented within the framework of self‐verbalisation procedures and peer‐interaction facilitate the information processing of LD children. The interactions of passive and impulsive LD children with computer‐related activities should be examined in future research within the context of their ecological environment.  相似文献   

试论残疾儿童随班就读教育支持的组织系统   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
本文在分析我国残疾儿童随班就读发展状况的基础上,提出需要建立稳定的教育支持系统.该系统应包括领导组织、指导、实施三个结构层次,并应做好规划、筛查、培训等工作.同时,还应从经费投入、办好特教学校、加强宣传和注重科研四个方面积极推动该系统的运行.  相似文献   


Statistical learning has been proposed to underlie the developmental transition during infancy from allophonic to phonemic speech sound perception. Based on this, it can be hypothesized that in dyslexic individuals, core phonemic representation deficits arise from reduced sensitivity to the statistical distribution of sounds. This study aims to investigate (a) whether statistical learning contributes to the construction of phonemic representations in typical readers, and (b) whether deficits in statistical learning underlie dyslexia. Fifty-eight children performed an identification task of a non-native phonetic contrast, before and after exposure to the sounds of the continuum. Our results suggest that the statistical distribution of the presented sounds implicitly enhanced the formation of phonemic representations and that dyslexic readers make less use of the statistical cues embedded in oral language, resulting in less distinct phonemic categories and thus a higher risk for failing to establish robust connections between these and written language.  相似文献   

Primary studentsa' perceptions of teacher practices and learning were investigated in two different classroom contexts: learner-centered (LC) and non-learner-centered (NLC). Sixty-six children in kindergarten, first, and second grades evaluated and explained teacher practices, reported self-perceptions, and expressed views on good teachers and learning in school. Results indicate that primary students value similar characteristics in teachers regardless of differences in classroom contexts or grade levels. In general, students reported that good teachers are caring, helpful (responsive), and stimulating. Furthermore, results showed that young children's interest in schoolwork and learning was lower in NLC classrooms than in LC classrooms, particularly for students who perceived their teachers as not being supportive and stimulating. Children's views of how learning occurs tended to be consistent with the practices in their classrooms (i.e. self-directed and process-oriented versus teacher-directed and basic skills-oriented). However, children who held contemporary views of learning that were inconsistent with practices in their NLC classrooms showed signs of becoming alienated from school. These results are interpreted in terms of self-determination theory, learner-centered psychological principles, and developmentally-appropriate practice. The importance of considering young children's perspectives for continuing motivation to learn is highlighted.  相似文献   

Relations between perceived classroom control, self-regulation strategies and academic achievement were investigated in a sample of 302 sixth grade students. Four distinct perceived classroom control styles were determined, based on the balance between teacher and student control over learning. It was hypothesised that student mathematics achievement would be contingent on the combined effects of teacher and student control: it would be highest when both teacher and student control is high, and would be lowest when both of them are low. Student adoption of self-regulated learning strategies would be linked to the net effect of student control: they would be highest when student control is high and teacher control is low, and would be lowest when teacher control is high and student control is low. The data tended to support these hypotheses, indicating that both achievement and self-regulation strategies were contingent on classroom processes.  相似文献   

采用Achenbach儿童行为量表对儿童行为进行问卷测评。对学习障碍与学习优秀儿童的行为问题进行了对比分析,寻求儿童学习障碍的行为制约因素。结果显示(1)学习障碍男童在多动和违纪两个因子上评分显著高于学习优秀男童;在社交退缩和攻击两个因子上,两组儿童得分的差异接近显著水平;学习障碍女童在多动、违纪和攻击因子上的得分显著高于学习优秀女童;在抑郁和社交退缩两项因子上得分的差异接近显著水平。(2)多动与攻击、违纪等多个问题行为存在显著的相关。由此得出结论:学习障碍儿童存在较多的行为问题,这些问题行为都是影响他们学习成绩的因素。其中,多动是导致儿童学习障碍的重要原因之一。对此,可采用无条件积极关注,改变认知等措施来帮助学习障碍儿童矫正不良行为。  相似文献   

This article presents an argument for and offers illustrations of service learning in technical communication courses and curricula. Alongside traditional internships that prepare students as future employees, service learning provides students with an education in engaged citizenship. This article reviews service-learning literature, discussing specifically the advantages of projects to students, faculty, and the community. The authors also describe three projects in which instructors and students integrated service learning and technical communication in innovative ways.  相似文献   

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