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A standardized procedure was developed for eliciting those details of a library's service policies that are important to its users and for recording the data by checking appropriate categories on a form. This inventory procedure covers the entire spectrum of user services and accommodates a wide range of policies. The inventory was originally designed for use by trained interviewers in largescale surveys of academic medical libraries. However, it is also suitable for other kinds of libraries, and the Interview Guide and Checklist can be used for a self-survey by library staff. In addition to survey use, the inventory has a variety of educational, administrative, managerial, and research applications. A method for weighting the categorical inventory data to reflect the relative desirability of different policies makes it possible to calculate scores indicating how a library's policies compare with those of an "optimal" library. An analogous inventory of the services a library provides to other libraries was developed for surveying major backup resources in the medical library system.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an online survey that examined the development of information architecture of Australian library Web sites with reference to documented methods and guidelines. A broad sample of library Web managers responded from across the academic, public, and special sectors. A majority of libraries used either in-house or external documents or both, but the nature of these documents varied greatly. Most external documents were guidelines handed down by libraries’ parent bodies, though some documents produced by independent organizations were used. More general guides on best IA practice were also consulted. The extent of libraries’ control over their own Web sites also varied widely, from minimal control to complete autonomy. Although guiding documentation was considered useful in some ways, respondents were more interested in developing the necessary IA skills and competencies than in cross-site standardization. The lack of these skills and resource and management issues were a greater concern than a lack of documentation. The influence of parent bodies and the diverse purpose and context of library Web sites suggest that a generic set of guidelines for libraries would not be particularly helpful. Instead, librarians with greater IA skills would be in a better position to apply the most appropriate standards and guidelines according to their local contexts.  相似文献   

“公共知识中心”说诘难-与龚蛟腾等同志商榷   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
分析图书馆是“公共知识中心”一说值得商榷:“公共知识”有很多含义,此处“公共知识”定位不明确;知识必须通过信息化处理后才能存储与流通,而文献是知识信息化的方式,图书馆资源是文献信息,说图书馆是“公共知识中心”并不恰当; 图书馆是“公共知识中心”没有凸现图书馆的人文精神。指出图书馆是读者与文献信息资源双向互动的中心,这一定位说明了图书馆存在和发展的根据即本质,也充分体现了图书馆事业的人文传统。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 鉴于台湾地区高校图书馆面向社会开放由来已久,在取得全社会共识的前提下图书馆面向社会开放取得了一系列成效,调查总结其实施经验,希望为大陆高校图书馆面向社会开放提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 采用网络调查、分层抽样与系统抽样方法选择25个样本高校图书馆展开调查分析,在对样本高校图书馆规章制度内容进行分析和电话访谈部分高校图书馆员的基础上,分析台湾地区高校图书馆面向社会开放的依据、服务对象、服务内容、收费情况等。[结果/结论] 在对比分析的基础上,得出台湾地区高校图书馆在对社会开放方面对大陆地区高校图书馆的启示:建立多层次的高校图书馆面向社会开放的制度体系,面向多类型的社会用户提供服务,适度开放图书馆服务内容,推行"用户付费"原则。  相似文献   

依据Web 页面和W eb 站点可以被搜集和分类, 文章探讨的主题是:WWW 构成图书馆。结论是:Web 不是数字化图书馆, 但是图书馆可以从Web 中选择搜集材料。Web 文献有两种变化形式。第一种变化形式是本文所谈论的“持续性”; 第二种变化形式是W eb 页面或Web 站点信息的变化。本文力求更进一步认识Web 页面和Web 站点的生存期, 生存期的变化会影响具有Web 信息的图书馆的完整性和有效性, 然而如果能够认识这些变化就可以进行控制和管理。  相似文献   

基于用户的图书馆服务质量评价方法的创始及其启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
指出传统的基于馆藏的“服务社会,用户第一”服务质量评价方式已经过时 ,介绍国外图书馆创始基于用户的服务质量评价方法经历的两个阶段——理论准备和 LIBQUAL+评价方法的创立推广阶段。阐述这种新服务质量评价方法让用户来评价图书馆 质量的,可以科学地衡量图书馆效益,培养图书馆质量文化,达到用户及图书馆的双赢 。  相似文献   

关于OPAC数据的研究多基于一所或几所高校的少量数据,从单个用户角度展开,忽视了用户群体的阅读偏好。文章采集我国103所高校图书馆"热门图书"数据,从用户群体阅读偏好角度进行聚类分析:提取部分"热门图书"作为反映高校用户群体阅读偏好的特征,为每所高校生成用户群体阅读偏好向量,对这些高校进行AP (Affinity Propagation)聚类。对聚类结果进行分析发现:部分类簇高校的图书类别分布、图书题名高频词、高频学科主题词存在明显差异。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]从高校图书馆用户出发,引入图书馆焦虑的前因变量学业压力和后果变量到馆行为,构建理论模型并进行检验。[方法/过程]通过问卷调研获得226位高校图书馆用户数据,并采用标记变量法控制潜在的共同方法偏差,利用偏最小二乘结构方程(PLS-SEM)验证新的图书馆焦虑量表的结构,并检验图书馆焦虑与其前因变量和后果变量的关系。[结果/结论]验证5个维度18项的图书馆焦虑量表并发现共同方法偏差对图书馆焦虑测量的影响,说明利用标记变量法控制共同方法偏差适用于图情领域的实证研究。在控制共同方法偏差的影响后,发现学业压力对高校图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑产生显著负向影响,并间接影响用户到馆频次。同时,图书馆焦虑直接影响高校图书馆用户到馆频次并间接影响其到馆停留时间。这说明了高校图书馆用户图书馆焦虑的前因变量和后果变量,揭示了图书馆焦虑产生的内在机制,为理解我国图书馆用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的实证依据,也为图书馆缓解用户的图书馆焦虑提供新的思路。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(82):183-197

While most college campuses have strong support for the libraries, as competition on university campuses for limited financial resources gets tougher, support for libraries can be more theoretical than actual. Library users are unaware of the complexity of and expense required for library services. Not only must libraries compete for limited financial resources, they must also compete in a complex information marketplace. Today, libraries must market themselves to their constituents to ensure that services are utilized and appropriate resources are allocated for all formats of library materials. By committing to a strong marketing program, the University Library at Sonoma State University developed strategic plans to gain broader support from faculty, students, administrators and greater use of services. Libraries wishing to explore the possibility of integrating marketing efforts or libraries in the process of a move can adopt and/or adapt some of these techniques.  相似文献   

三浦宽二 《图书馆杂志》2020,(3):133-137,156
本文就日本公共图书馆对历史照片、历史文献等人文资源的收集、保存、公开和信息公开化的情况与课题,研讨公共图书馆馆藏资料的电子化和信息公开化的必要性以及未来。迄今为止,日本公共图书馆的主要资料是纸质书籍。大部分公共图书馆尚未对图书馆资料进行电子化,而且也没有采购电子化资料。但是在公共图书馆收集的资料当中,尤其是对地方文献信息进行系统性收集、保存、公开和传承,是日本图书馆法对公共图书馆规定的主要任务之一。在这一点上,中国公共图书馆法也是一样的。保存、公开地方文献最合适的办法是电子化。所以地方文献信息必须要考虑电子化和在网络上公开。另外,在对照片资料进行电子化时除了照片本身,还应该对照片信息(照片年代、拍摄地点、照片内容等)进行登记。但是目前日本公共图书馆在公开历史照片时,对这些内容尚无统一规定。在此,我将介绍日本公共图书馆在历史照片、历史文献的电子化和信息公开化方面的现状,并探讨相关课题,以及对公共图书馆关于数字人文学进行展望。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 持续改进用户服务是大学图书馆可持续发展的根基,但当前的用户服务研究对图书馆现实服务的提升作用不明显。尝试在图书馆引入定标比超法,为图书馆服务提供一种实用、有效的优化方法和改进思路。[方法/过程] 梳理当前图书馆服务优化的常用方法和定标比超在图书馆界的应用,提出多目标定标比超在图书馆服务优化中的实施流程。选择一家高校图书馆与两家目标图书馆开展实证研究,建立新信息环境下包括三大层次、11项二级指标和46个评价项目的服务评价指标体系,分析本馆用户服务劣势和目标馆优秀实践,拟定服务优化的赶超方案。[结果/结论] 定标比超法之于图书馆服务领域,是一种务实、有效且易于操作的方法,为图书馆管理与创新提供了新的思路;加入新媒体服务、新技术采纳等评价内容的指标体系为今后图书馆评估指标的制订发挥参考作用。  相似文献   

The mission of public libraries is to serve the unique needs of their local communities. Public library User's play a very vital role in the development of these libraries by suggesting or recommending additions to the collection. This study aims to evaluate the satisfaction of users with the quality and quantity of library collection. A self structured questionnaire based on open and close ended question was constructed. A purposive sample of one hundred users was selected. The data were qualitatively analyzed using a thematic approach. Positive opinion observed related to the library response towards the suggested titles. Almost half the population of respondents was satisfied with the availability of their suggested titles in library. Most of them were dissatisfied regarding the maintenance of equal collection of books and they are not encouraged by the library staff during the books suggestion process. It concludes that there is a need to evaluate the existing library collections.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]面对海量专利文献,如何使用户快速、精准地掌握知识,是优化专利服务的关键课题.中文专利文献中大量存在的零形回指现象,严重影响了知识的自动识别与提取,但由于专利文献零形回指识别与消解涉及到众多文本分析技术及特定资源建设,因此,目前尚未发现针对性研究.[方法/过程]在物性结构理论、语义角色及修辞结构关系理论的指导下,展开相关规则的研究,开发句法及语义角色标注工具和篇章标注工具两种工具,并构建了4个资源库:①"专利动词物性角色库",将专利的动词归纳为4类;②"专利知识论元结构库",用于自动标注专利动词物性角色及其论元结构;③"专利动词论元结构规则库",用于分析零形回指的先行语;④"零形回指修辞结构类型库",用于分析当零形回指搭配"功能角色"和"部件角色"的情况.[结果/结论]通过资源库的建设,得出5条消解规则.初步成果已成功应用于机械领域专利文献的自动处理工作.  相似文献   

The frequency of browsing as a method of choosing material in public libraries, and the failure of most libraries to organize material in a way likely to appeal to browsers is discussed. The concern with the browser emerged from a needs survey of the users of one suburban Sydney library. The users were classified according to the specificity of their requirements. Almost 50 percent of those interviewed stated that they had come to the library to browse. In light of this finding, the investigators suggest possible changes in public libraries that would make library collections more "browser friendly. "  相似文献   

关于《信息网络传播权保护条例(草案)》的修改建议   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
条例草案所称之“公共图书馆”,应改为“公益性图书馆”,以便包括公共、教育和科研系统的图书馆在合理使用制度下,保证读者对馆藏文献的网上借阅需求。信息网络传播权不应偏离其立法目标,去取消图书馆馆藏作品数字化的权利。公益性图书馆信息网络传播豁免条款是有其理论依据和合理性的。  相似文献   

This study is an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of electronic resources and services in Pakistani university libraries on the basis of users' satisfaction. A survey method was employed to conduct the research. Using convenience sampling, eight university libraries; four each from Islamabad and Lahore including two from the public sector and two from the private sector having IT applications, were included in the users survey. The total population (i.e., 40,236) of library users was very large; therefore, a reasonable, manageable and convenient sample of 800 library users, including 100 users each from the eight libraries was selected. A semi structured questionnaire was designed to collect data, while a five-point Likert Scale from 1 (Dissatisfied) to 5 (Extremely satisfied) was used to measure the satisfaction level of the respondent. The study concluded that Pakistani university libraries are offering effective electronic resources and services to their users.  相似文献   


Paul Kantor’s methodology for availability analysis was applied to measure the degree of success or failure of the users of the General Collection of Punjab University Main Library in getting their needed documents. The availability success rate in this library was found to be 41·3%. Measurement of different performance factors indicated that segmentation of the library collection, absence of appropriate records for tracking down searches, inadequate user skills and insufficient and incompatible acquisitions were among the most significant factors impeding the availability of wanted items. These results were then compared with similar studies conducted in the academic libraries of the United States based on the same measurement methodology. Significant differences were noted in the overall measure of availability as well as for the factors related to library, users and acquisition. Implications of the study were reviewed to propose corrective measures.  相似文献   

Diversity is commonly invoked as a goal for libraries in a variety of domains, including collections. This study explores how diversity language is used to characterize collection development efforts at a sample of large North American academic libraries, through content analysis of strategic planning documents as well as library webpages providing information about diversity efforts. The topic of collection diversity was found to be not consistently addressed in these documents. While 90 % of the institutions whose strategic plans were examined mentioned diversity in some way, less than half of these did so in relation to collections; about one-third of the libraries with diversity information pages omitted reference to collections in these documents. Strategic plans and webpages that mentioned collection diversity often did so cursorily, and in vague terms that lacked specific details about the nature and purpose of diversification. This indicates that the academic libraries still have far to go in developing a shared conceptualization of what collection diversity involves. Analysis of updated documents, retrieved two years after the initial sample, suggests that there may be increasing attention to social justice concerns in these contexts, which would potentially enable greater precision in discussions of collection diversification.  相似文献   

CALIS三期e得门户为高校图书馆进行文献传递与用户文献获取提供了一条便捷途径。基于CALIS三期e得门户构建区域文献传递“共享域”,在整合区域高校图书馆文献传递系统的基础上,来实现用户对文献的便捷获取。作为一个应用范例,通过对文献传递服务的几种模式进行分析,指出在e得门户上对区域各高校馆的文献传递系统进行无缝集成是可行的。最后,对区域文献传递共享域建构所面临的主要问题进行分析并提出相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

The ‘traditional’ academic library system model – i.e. a central system constructed around a common catalogue record that also dictated the end‐users' view – is breaking down. Systems that were constructed to handle the processing and lending of printed items are no longer capable, on their own, of dealing with the variety of different information resources handled by modern academic libraries. A great deal has been written about how end‐users expect more ‘Web 2.0’ features than library catalogues currently provide. New front‐end services have been designed by libraries and library system providers to cater for this need. However, not much has been written about the needs of internal library staff who struggle with processing, handling, and supporting the huge volume of electronic resources subscribed to by libraries. Electronic resource management systems have been developed to cater for these needs, and new standards for data interchange with such systems have been developed. Just as standards were important in encouraging electronic data interchange (orders, invoices, claims, etc.) between libraries, publishers, and agents in the last century, so new standards are evolving for such transactions in the electronic era.  相似文献   

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