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为了研究移动荷载下路面结构内部细观结构的响应,采用离散元方法进行了多尺度路面结构移动荷载响应的分析.建立了柔性基层沥青路面典型结构的离散元模型,并计算了移动荷载作用下沥青层底的应力和应变,通过与已有经典计算程序荷栽响应计算结果的比较,验证了所建立的离散元模型.以该离散元模型为基础,在沥青混凝土结构层的底部,采用尺度较小的离散单元描述粗集料的体积含量、分布特征以及空隙大小等细观结构,以此建立路面结构的多尺度模型.对路面结构宏观响应与细观结构的荷载响应进行了比较分析,并分析了沥青砂浆劲度对细观结构处荷载响应的影响.结果表明:粗集料与沥青砂浆界面位置的拉应力均值和离散系数均大于沥青砂浆内部;荷载引起的应力和应变在沥青砂浆内部和界面内部均存在不均匀分布;沥青砂浆的劲度越大,沥青混凝土内部的荷载响应分布越趋于均匀.  相似文献   

金属拱型波纹屋盖动力特性及动力响应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本论文以W666型金属拱型波纹屋盖为研究对象,利用有限元计算程序SAP93对其进行动力模态及时程响应分析,研究波纹拱在18m、30m跨时该结构动力特性及其抗震性能。它可为波纹拱屋盖的抗风、抗震设计研究提供一定的理论基础,从而也为波纹拱的广泛应用提供合理的理论依据。  相似文献   

给出了含有完全耦合的互感耦合元件电路和含有次级短路的互感耦合元件电路动态过程的处理方法,并对处理结果及含有互感耦合元件电路动态过程的一般特征作了说明,指出互感耦合元件不同于电感元件.一般情况下,由互感耦合元件和电阻组成的电路是二阶电路,而由互感耦合元件及电阻、电容组成的电路是三阶电路.  相似文献   

利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对某高层建筑结构进行模态分析,建立高层建筑结构的三维模型,研究该结构的动力特性,并将计算得到结构的自振周期同经验公式比较,探讨计算高层建筑结构自振周期的影响因素,结果表明两种计算方法结果十分接近,验证了有限元分析的正确性。  相似文献   

在冲击荷载作用下,钢框架结构的动态响应是一个复杂的非线性过程。运用ANSYS/LS-DYNA建立了钢框架的三维模型,对冲击荷载作用下钢框架的动态响应和破坏形态进行研究。采取多点积分算法,有效避免沙漏问题,保证计算结果精确。以冲击块与钢框架的碰撞冲击为例,研究了冲击速度、冲击块质量、冲击位置等参数对钢框架在横向冲击作用下动力响应的影响,并分析冲击荷载下钢框架的破坏形态。结果表明:冲击块的质量、速度、冲击位置的增加都会不同程度地加剧钢框架的动态响应;在冲击作用下,高应变主要出现在被冲击柱子的冲击区域、柱脚处和梁柱节点处;冲击荷载下钢框架的破坏形态为整个框架发生侧移,受冲击柱在冲击处翼缘出现局部屈曲,受冲击区域的截面发生弯扭,未受冲击柱出现倾斜。  相似文献   

In this paper,the intrinsic behavior of rotating Euler-Benoulli flexible shafts was studied due to coupled bending and torsional vibratuions,the equations of motion of the shaft with unbalanced eccentricity and visous material damping were derived by the Hamilton principle.The numerical solution was obtained using the perturbation approach and mode-assuming method.The influences of the coupled vibrations between the benging and torsion.the rotaing speed,material damping and the slenderness ratio of the shaft were analyzed.It is clearly shown that the beating phenomena can occur when the interaction of torsion and flexure is considered.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Some structures fail geometrically before thestrength failure because of lack of stability and such afailure is known as instability failure or bucklingfailure. Determination of buckling load is importantin order to ensure the stability of a structure. If thestructure under consideration is subjected to a dy-namic load then this problem comes under the pur-view of dynamic stability problems. Examples areslender offshore structures subjected to periodic ex-citations and colum…  相似文献   

采用有限元法分析铝金属空心球型闭孔泡沫材料的动态力学性能,研究了冲击速度、相对密度、基体材料的应变强化以及功能梯度对泡沫材料的平台应力和密实化应变能的影响。结果表明:泡沫材料的平台应力和密实化应变能均随着冲击速度、相对密度和应变强化的增加而增强;功能梯度模型在能量吸收方面表现出明显的优越性,即密度最大的一层作为冲击端、密度最小的一层作为固定端的梯度配置泡沫模型的能量吸收最大。  相似文献   

The dynamic response of an infinite beam placed on a Pasternak foundation when the system was subjected to a moving load was investigated. We used the double Fourier transform and its inversion to solve the formulations of the problem. A closed form analytic solution of the beam was obtained by the theorem of residues. We selected a numerical example to illustrate the dynamic response of the beam on Pasternak and Winkler foundations, respectively. We discuss the effect of the moving load velocity on the dynamic displacement response of the beam. The maximum deflection of the beam increases slightly with increased load velocity but increases significantly with reduced shear modulus of subgrade at a given velocity. The maximum deflection of a beam resting on a Pasternak foundation is much smaller than that of a beam on a Winkler foundation.  相似文献   

The effect of axial shallow groove on the nonlinear dynamic response and buckling of laminated cylindrical shells subjected to radial compression loading was investigated. Based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT), the nonlinear dynamic equations involving the transverse shear deformation and initial geometric imperfections were derived with the Hamilton philosophy. The axial shallow groove of the laminated composite cylindrical shell was treated as the initial geometric imperfections in the dynamic equations. A semi-analytical method of expanding displacements and loads along the circumferential direction and employing the finite difference method along the axial direction and in the time domain is used to solve the governing equations and obtain the dynamic response of the laminated shell. The B-R criterion was employed to determine the critical loads of dynamic buckling of the shell. The effects of the parameters of the shallow groove on the dynamic response and buckling were discussed in this paper and the results show that the axial shallow grooves greatly affect the dynamic response and buckling.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Due to market pressures for improvements in productivity, reliability, ductility, wear resistance and profitability of mechanical systems, manufacturers are placing increasing demands on available materials.Economic constraints require that these materials are inexpensive and easily available. In order to enhance the surface properties of today’s materials, producers of components are turning to different surface finish and treatments. There are several techniques available …  相似文献   

由于近30年来系统论、控制论、信息论等现代学科的诞生,为数学教育本身的认识提供了一个全新的视角,并提供了新思维和近方法。研究证明,数学教育过程是一个闭环控制系统。为此,可以建立起数学教育系统的动态模型。  相似文献   

The dynamic response of a flexible spinning vehicle with the varying thrust was investigated. The varying thrustwas modeled as a series of simple harmonic components superimposed on a constant thrust. The analytical solutions forlongitudinal motion were obtained by combining the motion equations and boundary conditions, and then, the transversebending of rocket was examined solved by considering a coupled forcing vibration with varying parameters. Numericalsolutions for a rocket with end-varying thrust were studied. It is shown that the lateral vibrations and motion attitudes ofrocket depend on the frequencies of varying thrust to great extent, and an important phenomenon, beating, maybe take place.The proposed approach is more accurate and efficient in comparison to those standard numerical techniques.  相似文献   

在输电导线覆冰后,不管是覆冰自然脱落还是人工除冰,都会对输电线路造成冲击.覆冰脱落会引起导线大幅跳跃,导致导地线间或导线档中空气间隙减小,严重时引起闪络,影响线路运行安全.本文以某110KV单管输电塔线路为背景,建立单管塔线体系有限元模型,采用生死单元法模拟脱冰,分析单管塔线体系在导线脱冰时的动力响应.计算结果表明,导线覆冰后体系的自振频率略低于覆冰前的频率,导线脱冰使得脱冰跨导线大幅跳跃,同时脱冰会使单管塔产生较大的顶部位移和底部弯矩,这两者都是由输电线路脱冰产生的纵向不平衡张力引起的.  相似文献   

研究目的:求斛双圆盘转了-密封系统的非线性振动特性和运动响应 创新要点:采用有限元法(FEM)和拉格朗目方程求解双圆盘转子-密封系统,进而为研究多级转了系统的非线性振动问题提供有效方法。研究方法:基于有限元法(FEM)和拉格朗目方程。同时利用四阶龙格-库塔法求解系统动特性运动响应情况,利用风岔图、时间历程图、轴心轨迹图、庞加莱映射和幅值谱等分析图研究双圆盘转子-密封系统的非线性振动特性。重要结论:随着转速的增大,双圆盘转子-密封系统呈现丰富的非线性运动形式,包括周期性运动、多周期运动,准周期运动以及混沌运动。在右端圆盘不平衡质量小于34kg、密封间隙范围为0.376mm-0.54mm、密封长度大于0.13m或者密封压差高于0.104MPa的情况下均有利于提高双圆盘转子-密封系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

A dynamic finite element method combined with finite element mixed formula for contact problem is used to analyze the dynamic characteristics of gear system. Considering the stiffness excitation, error excitation and meshing shock excitation, the dynamic finite element model is established for the entire gear system which includes gears, shafts, bearings and gearbox housing. By the software of I-DEAS, the natural frequency, normal mode, dynamic time-domain response, frequency-domain response and one-third octave velocity grade structure borne noise of gear system are studied by the method of theoretical modal analysis and dynamic response analysis. The maximum values of vibration and structure borne noise are occurred at the mesh frequency of output grade gearing.  相似文献   

This paper developed 3D product models of motorcycle and engine by UGNX as well as virtual prototyping by ADAMS program with road roughness generated by MATLAB. Under the straight-line running condition, the dynamic responses of motorcycle multibody system to both road and engine excitations were compared with those to only road excitation in terms of vertical acceleration response, amplitude frequency response and power spectral density. The comparisons of simulation data showed that the response due to flat road excitation was around 20 Hz, while that to the combined excitations was in a wide frequency band, of which the major components focused on 10 Hz, 15 Hz, 35 Hz ,70 Hz, 100 Hz and even higher frequencies, reflecting the characteristics of engine excitation based on its unbalanced inertia force and torque. It is concluded that the high fidelity virtual prototyping can simulate the dynamics of motorcycle product well in investigating the vibration and ride comfort performance.  相似文献   

A new style of hydraulic steel gate based on the principle of bionics is proposed in this paper. It has a fish-like shape and consists of right arches, invert arches, connection components and a face plate. It would be first applied in the project of Caoe River Sluice, used as both tidal barrage and flood gate. Compared with conventional hydraulic steel gate of beam grids, this new style of hydraulic steel gate can save up to 30%-50% of steel consumption. The dynamic behavior of the new gate under the impact load of tidal bore is investigated. The impact load of tidal bore is considered by a load spectrum obtained by field observation over a long period of time. Then a numerical analysis of the gate under the load spectrum is carried out by finite element method. The fluid-structure interaction is considered in the analysis. And a comparison between the response of the gate under the impact load and the response of the gate under the corresponding static load is conducted and indicates that the gate has a dynamic magnification factor of 1.2.  相似文献   

ShapeOptimalDesignofHydrodynamicBearingBasedonDynamicCharacteristicsChenYunfei(陈云飞)QianRuiming(钱瑞明)(DepartmentofMechanicalEng...  相似文献   

Recently, the finite element method (FEM) has been commonly applied in the engineering analysis of rotor dynamics. Gyroscopic moments, rotary inertia, transverse shear deformation and gravity can be included in computational models of rotor-bearing systems. In this paper, a finite element model and its solution method are presented for the calculation of the dynamics of dual rotor systems. A typical structure with two rotor shafts is discussed and the procedure for obtaining the coupling motion equations of the subsystems is illustrated. A computer program is developed to solve critical speeds and to simulate the transient motion. The influence of gyroscopic moments on co-rotation and counter-rotation is analyzed, and the effect of the speed ratio on critical speed is studied. The dynamic characteristics under different conditions of increasing speed during start-up are demonstrated by comparison with transient nodal displacements. The presented model provides a complete foundation for further investigation of the dynamics of dual rotor systems.  相似文献   

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