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教学内容:EEC小学英语教材第4册第8课《In the Bathroom》教学目标:1.学习房间名称:bedroom,kitchen,bathroom,dining room,living room.2.学习现在进行时第三人称的表达He’s working in his room.3.学习动词:work4.通过学习熟悉房间的构造,描述在不同的地点正在做的事情。  相似文献   

一、单元教学目标:1.能力目标:(1)能简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言简单描述各个房间及其设施的名称、特征等,如:This is our house.It’s big.We have a living room,a kitchen,a…。  相似文献   

1.Public lavatory 意为“公厕”。“男厕”的表达方法有:Gent’s. Gentleman’s,Men’s,Men’s room等。“女厕”的表达方法有:Ladies’,Women’s,Women’s room等。  相似文献   

认知目标:能熟练掌握第一课时所教授的房间类单词:dining.room,bedroom,study,kitchen,bathroom,sitting.room;能运用I can‘t find…Where’s…?He’s/She’s/It’s in the…Sorry,I don’t know.等句型进行会话。  相似文献   

正教学目标(teaching aims)1.全体学生能熟练掌握本课单词。2.能熟练运用本单元所给语言材料进行听说读。3.能用书中所给的文章框架介绍自己的卧室等房间。4.积累一首拍手歌谣。教学重点(main points)1.单词复习:room,closet,telephone,computer,TV,bed picture,table,lamp,armchair,behind,next to。2.会正确使用方位介词:Behind,Next to等。教学难点:方位介词的正确使用。教具准备:多媒体设备,PPT等。教学过程一、热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.课前两分钟内容:1.chant look,look,in my room(电子  相似文献   

Unit 9 1.他是一个经常说谎的人。房间里根本没有人。误:He is a people who tells lies.There is no person in the room at all.正:He is a person who tells lies.There is nobody in the room at all.  相似文献   

classroom教室reading room阅览室showroom展览厅dining room餐厅m eeting room会议室playroom(儿童的)游戏室tea-room喝茶室living room(sitting room)起居室、客厅bedroom卧室bathroom浴室waiting room候车室“Room”家族大聚会$浙江省绍兴县实验小学@詹洪法~~  相似文献   

My House     
There is a dining room, three bedrooms, a living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a balcony in our house. Dining room is the biggest room in our house. There is a fridge, a big table and six chairs in the dining room. We have breakfast, lunch and supper in it.  相似文献   

被动语态是初中阶段必须掌握的语法之一。要正确地将语态由主动转化为被动,应当做到以下几点。一、找对主语1.被动语态的主语在主动语态中作的是宾语,所以转化时要由原宾语变为新句子的主语,例如:主动语态:I clean my room宾语every day.被动语态:My room主语is cleaned every  相似文献   

在下面对话的空白处填入适当的单词,使对话意思完整、语法正确。每空限填一词。(Ⅰ)A:Good evening,sir.Can Ihelp you?B:M y nam e is M acDonald.Ive booked(预订)two double room s for aweek.A:Im afraid there has been1m istake,sir.Look!You booked themfornextweek.B:Oh,dear!H ave you any room s free now?A:2August,sir?Im terribly sorry,3the whole town s hotelsroom s have been booked out.Im afraid you won t find a room any-where.B:Noteven a bed4breakfastplace?A:You m ightpossibly find a farm,ifyou we…  相似文献   

Son:Mother,what would you do if someone broke the vase (花瓶) in the dining room? Mother:I would whip (鞭打) him. Son :Then you'd better get ready. Father's broken it. Son:Mother,what would you do if someone broke the vase (花瓶) in the dining room? Mother:I would whip (鞭打) him. Son :Then you'd better get ready. Father's broken it.  相似文献   

<正>一、教学目标:⑴能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间及室内家具陈设的名称、特征等,如:This is my house.It's big.I have a living room.This is my bed.⑵能够询问,猜测物品的位置,并做出相应的回答.如:Whereare…?Are they in/on/under……Yes,they are./No,they aren't.  相似文献   

问:The room is nice and cool.是不是表示“这房间既漂亮又凉爽”?(湖北省黄梅县蔡山镇中初二(1)班梅茜)答:nice and 形容词或副词原级意为“很,非常”,相当于very,quite。常用于口语中表示强调。故The room is nice and cool,应译为“这房间非常凉爽”。又如:He gets up nice andearly every day.他每天都起得很早。  相似文献   

Warm-up or lead in设计一:Is this our classroom?T:I have a friend.She is from America.Her name is Ann She sent me some pictures about her school.Let’s have a look师出示图片(如上图所示)。T:This is Ann’s art room.Is this your art room?Ss:No.师再出示自己学校的音乐教室图片对比提  相似文献   

A Rich Father     
John D. Rockefeller, the well-known millionaire, gave away millions, but he himself was very mean about small sums of money. One day he went to stay at a hotel in New York and asked for the cheapest room in it. He said, "I am staying here alone and only need a small room."The manager showed him into a room and said, "This is our smallest and cheapest room," and added, "but why do you choose a poor room like this? When your son stays here, he always has our most expensive room; yours is our …  相似文献   

一、名词作定语的基本原则名词作定语原则上用单数,不用复数。如:a stone bridge石桥(不能说a stonesbridge)a meeting room会议室(不能说ameetings room)morning exercise早操(不能说morn-ings exercise)a story book故事书(不能说a stories book)a coffee cup咖啡杯(不能说a  相似文献   

向明 《中学生百科》2012,(35):43-45
A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. Two men,both seriously ill,were in the same hospital room.One man was allowed to 1 in his bed for an hour each afternoon.His bed was 2 the room’s only window.The other man on the other side of the room had to spend all his time 3 on his back in bed.  相似文献   

Unit2 4 Whatdo you have to do?1 .I have to tidy my room.( L.93)上句中“have to”为情态动词 ,表示主语客观上被迫做某事 ,意为“必须”,“不得不”,可用于多种时态 ,一般不分开用。其第三人称单数形式为 has to,一般过去时为 had to,一般将来时用 will have to。其否定形式一般在 have to前分别加 don't,doesn't,won't等构成 ,意为“不必”“没有必要”。如 :1 I don'thave to tidy my room now.2 I won't have to tidy my room tomorrow.have to的疑问句一般要与助动词一起构成。如 :Do you have to do the washing?注 :must多表…  相似文献   

1 .What room ean you bounee around in夕2 .What helPs you keeP your teeth together夕狡洲户礁蘸3 .What has a fork and mou卞h,but eannot eat? / 4 .What kind of eoa卞15 made withou卞bu卞- tons and 15 wet when you first Put it on夕AnSWerS: 1.Abal!room解释:Bou  相似文献   

Mother makes Mary, Minnie and Molly march many times around the room to martial music in the morning. 注:martial music 军乐  相似文献   

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